GAD reaching max? Register by *tomorrow* per volunteer member


DIS Veteran
Apr 24, 2009

I received a voicemail from a person who works at one of our local Children's Museum's and we were originally going to volunteer for our GAD there a couple weeks ago. I've been in touch with the employee and I had to cancel because something came up for work on that day AND we found something that spoke to our heart more on a different day. We've already completed our volunteering and printed our vouchers so we're all set. She was calling me as a courtesy to let me know she just received some type of "message" from Disney that stated they are reaching their maximum limit (1 million I'm assuming) and if you're not already registered by tomorrow, they are "turning it off". She stressed you didn't have to complete your activity by tomorrow, but just had to be registered in the website by tomorrow.

I'm not sure how factual this is or if anyone else has heard this? I don't want to cause any "panic" :scared1: but if it helps someone in the log run, it's worth it.

I hope this helps someone!
If someone is still looking for a project and cannot find one locally, the Binky Patrol here in GA will allow you to ship your blankets. So search under 30078 for the zip. They are very quick. They responded to me within a couple of hours and I was signed up on the Disney site. You pick the date you expect the blankets to be delivered as your volunteer date.

Just a thought for those still looking for something. We are making three blankets for myself, hubby and our 8 year old. You can do two smaller blankets (36x36) or one large one (48x72) for each GAD person. They have to be double layered.
What is considered registering? we registered to help w/ a local opportunity and then they came back w/ 9-4 M-F restrictions and we couldnt participate b/c school for DD and work for us. So we have been searching for other opportunities, and I just did the blanket thing listed above (thanks Andrea73, thats exactly what we have been looking for!), will that consider me registered in time for the deadline? We probably can complete our blankets this weekend and mail next week.
I think that once you have put your info in the Disney system with a date and time, you are considered registered.

With Binky Patrol, they (Binky Patrol) sent me an e-mail with info such as where to send the blankets in a PDF doc after my initial inquiry and then I had to go back to the main site and click on the line where it said to "click here to complete sign up process". Then I was taken to the Hands on Network site and signed up for myself and my family and got a confirmation e-mail from Hands on Network with the title "Thanks for Signing up to be a Volunteer" I do not think I was officially registered until that point. The the e-mail from Hands on listed all the family members doing it as well as info about what I had signed up for. I think that this is the point that I was "official".
I just heard from my charity, too, that tomorrow the program is closed. You must be registered with a date and time to still be included in the promotion.

She told me that even though our volunteer date is March 20th, we are still good since we have a commited date and she has our information prior to the March 5th deadline.

Wow, that certainly went fast!
I was just coming here to see if anyone had posted about his already. I'm a volunteer at our zoo and we just got an email from them that says pretty much the same thing as the OP:


I just received word that Disney is getting close to their one million ticket mark. They will close the opportunity on March 5. If anyone is planning on going to Disney or to take advantage of this offer, go to the website TODAY and sign up for an opportunity and put tomorrows date in it, or Saturdays at the latest. I cannot guarantee the tickets, but this is the best I can do. This program was a HUGE success. I am happy to say we had 12 volunteers so far that were able to participate.

My family has already done our volunteer work so we have our vouchers and we're set. But anyone who hasn't registered yet needs to do it NOW.
I got an email about Disney shutting the program down, too ... This is from an organization that I had expressed an interest in earlier, we then went with an opportunity with a different organization (already did our work and received our vouchers). This is the email I got :

*********If you have already received your Disney ticket vouchers, this email is NOT for YOU!********

Dear Friends:


Today we learned that almost all of the 1 million Free tickets to Disney have been given away.

What does this mean for you and JRA?

If you are already scheduled for the March 14 or April 11 JRA distribution:

If you have received your “VOP Thanks for Signing Up to Volunteer” email from HandsOn Network/Disney (NOT from JRA), then you are SAFE.

If you have NOT received your “VOP Thanks for Signing Up to Volunteer” email from Handson Network/Disney (NOT from JRA), this means that you still need to complete your registration by using this link – link. Disney plans to shut down the registration system in the next day or two, so you need to complete your registration immediately. If the system shuts down before you complete your registration, THERE IS NOTHING JRA CAN DO. We are very sorry to share such unpleasant news, but we want to be sure that everyone who is scheduled to come to JRA on either March 14 or April 11 has the opportunity to receive their Disney tickets.

If you were planning to volunteer at JRA between May-November:

It is unlikely that you will be able to get a free Disney ticket. Disney has told us that they will be shutting down their system in the next day or two. As you may remember, the quantities of tickets were limited and were available on a first come, first served basis. We are very sorry to share such disappointing news. HOWEVER…

…THERE IS SOME HOPE…there may be limited volunteer opportunities available with some of the nation’s larger organizations. For more information, please go to

Many thanks,


So I guess they really have reached the limit???

That seems awfully fast, doesn't it?

I hope that everyone who wanted to volunteer has had a chance to do so :)
If someone is still looking for a project and cannot find one locally, the Binky Patrol here in GA will allow you to ship your blankets. So search under 30078 for the zip. They are very quick. They responded to me within a couple of hours and I was signed up on the Disney site. You pick the date you expect the blankets to be delivered as your volunteer date.

Just a thought for those still looking for something. We are making three blankets for myself, hubby and our 8 year old. You can do two smaller blankets (36x36) or one large one (48x72) for each GAD person. They have to be double layered.

I helped sign my son up for this today since there are no current opportunities for kids in our area. They replied very quickly and stated that they still need help so if anyone still needs a project, they would be grateful for the volunteers.

Since they need baby blankets we are making the two small (36x36) no sew fleeces - they must be double thickness.

We are looking forward to making the blankets.
Wow. I read last week that they were only at 600,000, so that news must have motivated a ton of people. Thankfully, I was one of them! My husband and I completed our volunteer stuff yesterday, so we're good to go!
I think that once you have put your info in the Disney system with a date and time, you are considered registered.

With Binky Patrol, they (Binky Patrol) sent me an e-mail with info such as where to send the blankets in a PDF doc after my initial inquiry and then I had to go back to the main site and click on the line where it said to "click here to complete sign up process". Then I was taken to the Hands on Network site and signed up for myself and my family and got a confirmation e-mail from Hands on Network with the title "Thanks for Signing up to be a Volunteer" I do not think I was officially registered until that point. The the e-mail from Hands on listed all the family members doing it as well as info about what I had signed up for. I think that this is the point that I was "official".

I'm thinking the same thing, although I really don't know! :confused3 I would just ensure you're signed up for something and hopefully it will work out for you!! :thumbsup2

Good luck!! I'm glad others received the same type of messages today. I'm surprised there is only one day's notice, however and I hope everyone is able to do their volunteering!! :cool1:

Whenever I typed in that zip code 30078, I actually got results for two different organizations that you are able to make blankets for & ship them in. Both have opportunities available because I am doing the one & my parents are doing the other. Just thought I would let everyone know! I think this is a really nice volunteering opportunity also because its helping children & IMO I think that is an awesome cause to support!!!

further confirmation: I was trying to set up our volunteer date last week & disney contacted me that we needed to set our date right away b/c the program was nearing it's million mark & would be ending.

thankfully, we reached our desired organization on thurs of last week & set up for work on saturday. We worked Saturday, two days ago, we already rec'd our vouchers. Wooohooo!

AND, we LOVED volunteering for the Wildlife Park 2 hrs from our home sooooo much that we want to go back next Spring & help again!
I feel bad for the organizations who are looking for volunteers in the second half of this year. It's too soon to sign up for those projects and Disney is about to reach their maximum.

I have a feeling those organizations aren't going to draw in the volunteers like the earlier groups have done.
Wow! That did go fast. I am really surprised that Disney would shut this down just based on what they have invested in PR for this program. It seems like I am seeing more comercials than ever and most of them are based on the "Give a Day, Get a Disney Day" promotion. But then again, if you multiply 1,000,000 x $79.00 that is alot of revenue. Yeah, it is getting us in the parks and they are hoping we spend money while we are there, but still....that is $79,000,000.00 they could have potentially collected at the gate.

With all of that being said, we really enjoyed our volunterring as a family and we have been inspired to do so on a regular basis.. With or without Disney admission it really does feel good to give back and be part of something bigger than yourself. Thank you Disney!! :wizard:
Yikes, good thing I checked this before I went to bed. I just signed up me, my husband, my mom and my grandpa. Two of us are doing blankets and two of us are doing storytime from the front lines. I did get the thanks for signing up to volunteer email but when I checked my status on the hands on site it said pending and that it would take 24 hours before it would show that I registered for something. I hope Disney honors that we signed up and we don't get locked out in some sort of weird mad dash.

Seems a shame to cancel the program so soon. Maybe they could convert them all to fastpasses. No money loss and people can still volunteer through the GAD program.
Wow! That did go fast. I am really surprised that Disney would shut this down just based on what they have invested in PR for this program. It seems like I am seeing more comercials than ever and most of them are based on the "Give a Day, Get a Disney Day" promotion. But then again, if you multiply 1,000,000 x $79.00 that is alot of revenue. Yeah, it is getting us in the parks and they are hoping we spend money while we are there, but still....that is $79,000,000.00 they could have potentially collected at the gate.

With all of that being said, we really enjoyed our volunterring as a family and we have been inspired to do so on a regular basis.. With or without Disney admission it really does feel good to give back and be part of something bigger than yourself. Thank you Disney!! :wizard:

I too am surprised that they would shut it down. My family of 4 just completed our Project Linus blankets (thankfully) and we will be using our vouchers for the Fast Pass option since our park tickets are included in our package. And from the numberous people on here using their vouchers for the FP option especially AP holders, it is actually not costing Disney that much but anything that cuts into the bottom line in this economy will hurt.
I think that once you have put your info in the Disney system with a date and time, you are considered registered.

With Binky Patrol, they (Binky Patrol) sent me an e-mail with info such as where to send the blankets in a PDF doc after my initial inquiry and then I had to go back to the main site and click on the line where it said to "click here to complete sign up process". Then I was taken to the Hands on Network site and signed up for myself and my family and got a confirmation e-mail from Hands on Network with the title "Thanks for Signing up to be a Volunteer" I do not think I was officially registered until that point. The the e-mail from Hands on listed all the family members doing it as well as info about what I had signed up for. I think that this is the point that I was "official".

Thanks again! I got the email and registered this morning for 3 in our family, I sent it to my cousin who registered for 6 in her party so we will ahve 18 blankets for Binky Patrol in the mail in the next few weeks.
I think that once you have put your info in the Disney system with a date and time, you are considered registered.

I really hope so because I committed to a volunteer opportunity in January for a May date but wasn't able to sign up until this week. Good luck to others.
I got my daughter and I registered last week but other in our traveling party attempted to register this morning and it won't work. It says that URL is missing. Oh well, we are doing blankets and will turn there names into the agency also. Hopefully, it will open back for them at some point, otherwise we'll enjoy the 2 vouchers.
I signed up my fiancé and I this morning to make blankets for project Linus. When I signed up it said my blankets have to be done by may 3. I already got an email from them explaining what to do and thanking me for volunteering so I should be good right? I'm registered and everything? I've been meaning to sign up I just kept putting it off.

I'm wondering is someone can answer a question for me about this...I'm going to wdw in may and have a package booked. I want to go again in November and was thinking I'd use my voucher for that trip to get a free ticket. Is that allowed even though I already have a trip booked in may ?


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