Garden smells!


Jul 30, 2000
Any scent you're longing to smell right about now???

I'm just dying to smell some lily of the valley. So sweet. So beautiful!

I can't wait for spring! your nose in the mood for a particular scent???
gina2000 said:
Any scent you're longing to smell right about now???

I'm just dying to smell some lily of the valley. So sweet. So beautiful!

I can't wait for spring! your nose in the mood for a particular scent???
Yes, Lily of the Valley would be nice, but I really feel spring is here when I smell Lilacs! That's at least 3 months off here though. I can hardly think of spring smells with all this snow and mud around!
Lily of the Valley
Freshly mown grass..

Right now though, my nose is in the mood for some garlic bread, and spaghetti and meatballs. :teeth: I'm hungry!! :p
I'd go for anything right now. Been stuffed up since last night :sick: I hate being sick. Thank goodness for cold & flu medicine.
Right now my kitchen smells like narcissis...I forced some bulbs..yum.

I'll take some lily of the valley next and then some lilac and then the first grass mowing of the season.
Lilacs and fresh mown grass for me too. :)
A while ago, I found a little gift store that sold garden lotion scents and along with fresh mown grass there was...get this...a dirt scented lotion...LOL
Really Vanessa, a dirt scented lotion? Was it for men wanting to be a little more earthy, or for men who want their women friends a little more earthy... :teeth: ;)

I guess it's better than eating dirt/soil/clay, which is called Geophagia, and does occur throughout the world. Just thought I'd throw that little handful of info in....:)

I recently read a book (fiction) where a farmer would taste the soil, and could tell from that when he should plant his crops, what nutrients were missing, etc. It was interesting! :)
A little off topic BIL is a hunter and very much into it - deer hunting mostly.

He has some soap that has a dirt odor!

Sharon made the mistake of using it on one of our visits - it was the first soap she saw in their shower. Took her a while to wash that smell off! :blush:
I would love to smell lavender & roses right about now. I was editing this pic for so long & thinking about summer I could smell it after awhile. It was too much so I went outside crushed some dried up old branches and put them in my pocket.
I think this is Graham Thomas with dwarf hidcote lavender. It's snowing or I'd go outside & check

Love that rose and lavender smell. Yes, I can smell it too.

Cracker Barrel has this wonderful goats milk lotion. My favorite is Shenandoah Rose.
DH gave me roses for Valentine's Day, so I have a great rose sent in the kitchen and keeping room this week!
I got mums for Valentine's day and DH said that he could smell them when he came in the kitchen. That was sweet :love:

Deb as always your pictures are wonderful!

Bobbi :flower:
snort of on topic. I just read this this morning.

:teacher:......According to researchers, most flavors are actually odors that reach the nose through the retronasal passages at the back of the throat.

You can demonstrate this with the help of a friend. Close your eyes and pinch your nose shut. Now ask the friend to put a pinch of a familiar spice on your tongue. If you're like most people , you won't be able to identify what's in your mouth. However, once you breathe normally, you'll be able to taste the flavor by smelling it.........
Got me thinking. What would rose petals taste like :confused3
:rotfl: scratch & sniff & nibble


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