Get Off The Ship - we are running out of towel animals! Update 10/25 Day 31

Thanks for inviting me! You know I love to virtual vacation with you and Tom! :goodvibes Going back to read-
Well! I had forgotten that this was the trip where you were going to the Caribbean on the Fantasy BTB- I AM SO EXCITED TO READ!!!! :banana: We are on her for a NYE Eastern- I am really excited about it, can't WAIT to hear what you thought- of the itinerary, of the longer cruises, of...everything!! :goodvibes

Also- scary, but very good to know that getting hit by lightening turns out to be OK on a plane. :thumbsup2 VERY good to know. :hug:
What an adventurous start! I would be freaked out by the taxi being late and then the lightning strike! Yikes!

Jill in CO
Oh Karin hit by lightening !!!I must never tell Carol or I'll never get her on another plane !!! I would have been freaking over the taxi being late !!! Did they have n explanation???
I finally made it & am all caught up!popcorn:: OMG...I am sitting on the edge of my seat already!!! Thankfully, you made it okay!:yay:
Yay - another Karin and Tom TR ! :)

You are already on page 4 but I am happy to say I am here and signing on!

I would have been a total stress head if our taxi had turned up so late so it must have been nice to the airport and have a nice lounge to relax in before your flight :)
Well thats just crazy. I bet you pulled to the terminal so they could check the plane out after it's run in with lightening.
At least you made it there safely. I think I would go nuts with a 7 hour wait.
Holy cannoli Karin :hug: Thank goodness you and Tom are okay...doubtful I would ever get my family back on a plane after that :eek:

Thank you for the TR invite my dear! Missed you!!:flower3:
Holy crap - you got hit by lighting? :faint" YIKES! I bet you were so happy to land!

7 hour layover - that's long, but I am sure you made good use of your time!

More please!

How funny, that everyone seems to be more scared than we were. :lmao: Guess, living through the lightning strike is less exciting, then talking about it.

I know, 7 hours sounds long, but when we changed to business class this was the only possible flight for that unbelievable price. And 7 hours in a business lounge with lots of yummy food, comfy chairs and free internet was not bad at all. ;)

not off to the best of starts with the taxi fiasco and then lightening! I'm amazed you get food on a 55 minute flight and it looks lovely, as did your lounge snack! Far better than anything I've eaten yet today that's for sure.

7 hour layover??????:sad1:

love the Planes napkins!

:welcome: Cynthia!
I had been hoping for a different start to our vacation, but it all worked out in the end.
Yes, they still cater on short flights, coach only gets a candy bar or cookie and free drinks, but flying business rocked. The food was awesome. :thumbsup2

Reading along! I've been a lurker on some of your other trip reports and enjoyed them!
Seriously?! Hit by lightning?! WOW! Glad you're safe!


:welcome: Barb!
Great that you came out of lurkdome. I hope you will chime in with comments. :goodvibes
We didn't even realize at first that we had been struck by lightning. And the explanation from the pilot came pretty soon. It might have been different if the plane would not have been stable all the time. ;)

Thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness! (i say in my southern accent.) I would have flipped if my plane had been struck by lightning. I am impressed that you did not. I am a flying wimp though...

Glad to have you come along for the ride!
As I said in a previous reply - the lightning sounds worse than it was at the moment. ;) And I have learned keeping my cool by travelling with large groups of pupils. :lmao:
Hit by lightening!!! How cow!! :faint:

So happy to read you made to Frankfurt safe and sound!! What a beginning! :eek:

Christine, being hit by lightning sounds worse than it actually was. ;) We had food to distract us. :rotfl2:

It WAS quite a beginning, but the day was not over yet! ;)

l would have been having heart failure if my taxi (or limo) had not shown up when it was supposed to.

Breakfast looks good.

You got hit by lightening? We had that happen once on our way to Vegas and hence my fear of flying. Let's pray that doesn't happen to me again or I may have to drive to Florida every year. Thankfully, you were okay and the plane was okay.

I was "not amused" when the taxi didn't show up. Thankfully we have another company about 3 minutes from where we live and they were there in no time.

And while you have the alternative of driving to Florida, I guess we will have to live with the thought of being hit by lightning. And as I said before, talking about it makes it worse than it was. ;)

Thanks for inviting me! You know I love to virtual vacation with you and Tom! :goodvibes Going back to read-

:welcome: Ellen!

Well! I had forgotten that this was the trip where you were going to the Caribbean on the Fantasy BTB- I AM SO EXCITED TO READ!!!! :banana: We are on her for a NYE Eastern- I am really excited about it, can't WAIT to hear what you thought- of the itinerary, of the longer cruises, of...everything!! :goodvibes

Also- scary, but very good to know that getting hit by lightening turns out to be OK on a plane. :thumbsup2 VERY good to know. :hug:

YES, that was our Fantasy b2b trip. It was AWESOME, but it was over FAR too soon. :lmao:

Getting hit by lightning on a plane is the same as getting hit in a car. The plane is a Faraday cage. You can feel the "bump" and hear the "boom", but that's it. ;)
I am so excited to be reading along!!!! Thanks for writing another EPIC report for us to enjoy!!!!

:welcome: Michelle!
I am hoping you are feeling MUCH better by now.
And I am SO happy you are along for the trip ...... you ARE part of it. :hug:

I am joining along!

It's awesome to know that you will be coming along as well. :goodvibes

What an adventurous start! I would be freaked out by the taxi being late and then the lightning strike! Yikes!

Jill in CO

To be honest I was more upset by the taxi not showing up on time, than the lightning. :lmao: But we were both glad to make it to the airport in time and to Frankfurt. :thumbsup2

Oh Karin hit by lightening !!!I must never tell Carol or I'll never get her on another plane !!! I would have been freaking over the taxi being late !!! Did they have n explanation???

I won't tell Carol either, Rosie! :rotfl2:
The taxi not showing up really ticked me off!
You know, one of Tom's friends works for a taxi company. So far we have always called him about two weeks prior to a trip and he sets it up for us. We then call him again a day or two before the date and he makes sure everything will work out. Since we only communicate with Tom's friend, we didn't even have the number of the company.
This year, when the taxi finally pulled up and I told the driver that we had called another company he just said that he had been informed too late. Well, our guess was that he took on another fare before ours and didn't make it back in time. His loss, he drove back empty.
I finally made it & am all caught up!popcorn:: OMG...I am sitting on the edge of my seat already!!! Thankfully, you made it okay!:yay:

:welcome: Mary Ellen!
I am glad you came here to join us in our travels. Just not the same as spending a vacation with you and Joe. :hug:

Yay - another Karin and Tom TR ! :)

You are already on page 4 but I am happy to say I am here and signing on!

I would have been a total stress head if our taxi had turned up so late so it must have been nice to the airport and have a nice lounge to relax in before your flight :)

:welcome: Linda!
Great to have you here. You haven't missed much yet. There are still 32 and 3/4s days to go. :rotfl2:
I have to admit that the missing taxi stressed me out, but the lounge and nice breakfast on the plane made more than up for it. :thumbsup2

Well thats just crazy. I bet you pulled to the terminal so they could check the plane out after it's run in with lightening.
At least you made it there safely. I think I would go nuts with a 7 hour wait.

Jen, waiting for the taxi made me really angry. I just didn't want to miss that flight!
I don't think that they pulled up to the terminal to check out the plane. They usually take them to one of the HUGE buildings at the outskirts of the airport. There were already people waiting at the gate, so I guess they were just turning the plane around.
I know 7 hours sounds like forever, but to be honest, we sat in the lounge, had comfy chairs, free internet and a never ending, always changing buffet, so we had lots of distraction. ;) :lmao:

Holy cannoli Karin :hug: Thank goodness you and Tom are okay...doubtful I would ever get my family back on a plane after that :eek:

Thank you for the TR invite my dear! Missed you!!:flower3:

:welcome: Jeanette!
It would not be the same without you here! :hug:

I guess "being hit by lightning on a plane" is something that is now OFF my bucket list. :lmao: But it was not as bad as it sounds. ;)

Oh my gosh! I'd have gone completely nuts when the plane was hit by lightening. That's scary! :eek:

Nothing I need to repeat, but it was not as bad as it sounds. And remember, we had all that food distracting us. :rotfl2:
Can't wait for the rest!

I'm hoping there will be many gratuitous pictures of krispy kreme donuts (I can't eat them without getting a stomach ache but your pictures always make them look so good!). :rotfl:
Oh my gosh, hit by lightening!!!

I find it kind of cool...since it didn't cause any real problems. What a story to tell!

What an exciting start to your trip of firsts! I love that even veterans can still have lots of firsts.
Finally Yeah I am here to read this magical trip report that i had the pleasure with the family to enjoy a bit with you and Tom , except the goodbyes are getting REALLY harder !!!!
i will say to both of you
it was such a magical time sharing all our firsts with you and Tom :love:from me and the Family:goodvibes


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