** Getting to know you ** please post!

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diberry said:
He absolutely hates flying and won't go anywhere else so it's a great testament to WDW that he'll sit in a plane for 8 or 9 hours to get there!!! Our DS (27) also loves Disney but his funds won't stretch at the moment sadly!!

Di you don't know how lucky you are!! I would give anything for DH to be a bit more enthusiastic about Disney!! Luckily my DS and DD are Disney freaks, DS not so much but DD Lucy fanatical!

If only you could take DS when it's kids go free!! :rotfl:
I don't think I have ever contirbuted to this thread...so here goes.
I am Sarah (41...aaaaahhh!) and I live on the North Wales Coast with DH, Tony (44), and my 2 kids Taryn (14) and Daniel (11). Tony also has 2 kids who live with their Mum and they are Louise (14) and Stephen (16). Tony and I have been married for just over 3 years. I work as a midwife, and Tony works as a hospital porter and Health and Safety Rep in the same hospital. At the moment we are doing up a 1930s house, which is eating up a lot of our "should be holiday money!" at the moment, and seems to be a never ending project!
I first went to DLP before I met Tony, when Daniel was only 3 and terrified of characters! From that moment I was hooked on the Disney experience and the escapism it offers from everyday life. We have been to WDW and DLRP a few times now, and they have been our best family holidays. My next ambition is to visit the original Disneyland in California.
My other interests are movies (particularly those with Johnny Depp in them),
tap dancing and watersports when I get the chance in Florida. My favourite ride is Pirates of the Caribbean, my favourite film is Pirates of the Caribbean (I think I was a pirate in a previous life!) and I have just got into pin collecting...collecting pirates of the caribbean pins! We have just become annual pass holders for DLRP, and plan to use them a few times in 2006, making sure we get our Disney fix while saving like mad for our California trip in 2007.
I think thats about it...when I can work out how to put photos I will show you what we all look like...be very afraid!
This is a brilliant forum, and so good to find one that specialises in DLRP!
Thanks for making me so welcome!!! pirate:

Sarah xx
Thanks for all that information Sarah - I think it's really nice to get to know people a bit better especially as we all share a love of all things Disney!! I'd love to see a photo too. Not sure if you know how to do it or not but these are the instructions I use:

You need to find a web hosting service eg: http://photobucket.com. This will give your pictures their own individual URLs.
When your photos have a URL
1. get the photo to the size you want by double left-clicking on it to make it big
2. rightclick on the photo you want to use
3. properties
4. rightclick on URL address
5. select all
6. rightclick again
7. copy
8. go back to the text where you want to put the photo
9. type:
with no spaces
Thanks Diane....I will give that a try when I get a minute. I will try and add some pics to my Halloween Party Review as well!
TotallyAngelic said:
Thanks Diane....I will give that a try when I get a minute. I will try and add some pics to my Halloween Party Review as well!
It's a pleasure - and it's DianA although I can't blame you for not knowing that as I've had to take my glittery signature off as I got told off for having more than 3 piccies!!! (2 piccies and a ticker) :sunny:
Just found this Thread and think it is my Time to join in and put the Thread on Page One again.

Sorry that it got so long and my english will proberbly will make it difficult to read.


My Name is Stefan (36) and I live with my beautiful wife Simona (38) and my fabulous DS Lukas (7) in Delmenhorst (a Town near Bremen) in the North of Germany.

In my Jobs I am the IT – Responsible of a big Swedish Furniture Company and after Work a Soloist in Musical productions in Bremen. My Wife is also a professional Singer. Not to forget Lukas who is a professional Schoolboy.

As long I can think I am absolute mad about all kinds of Amusmentparks. I love everything that goes round, swings or goes up and down. All kinds of Carousels and Rollercoaster’s are an absolute pleasure for me. My Wife said to me: "Honey, it seems to me that you have got to be speeded up to calm down."

My Wife and I share nearly everything with each other. But there is this bad word nearly in the last Sentence. And to be honest she hates everything that goes round, swings or goes up and down. All kinds of Carousels and Rollercoaster’s are an absolute Horror for her or just boring.

But there is this Wonder called: Heredity transmission.

It began to happen when Lukas was 3 and we were on the funfair that happens twice a Year in our Town. Lukas stood in front of very fast Carousel called “Krake” (Octopus) and said, “Dad I want to ride that with you”. My answer came very fast: “I will never let you ride that one and by the Way I don’t think it is allowed for Kids of your Age. And now he said for the first Time the Sentence that I am hearing hundred times since then and what became his kind of unbeatable argument:

O.K. than we are just go to ask if they let me ride it and when they say no I will not complain or yip.​

(Thank you Diberry and Nik for the right words)

I thought O.K. they will never allow a three year old boy to go on such a fast Ride. Wrong the man just told me the Price, I paid and we both were on. I know like it was yesterday that I thought that this Situation is going totally wrong and that I am going to give my Son the first Trauma of his Life. Than the Ride started and I was so scared for my Son. After a few Minutes it stopped, but instead of a crying face that I was expecting I just saw him smiling all over his face. And with this special Glance in the Eye he said: Please let us do this again.


The next 3 Years I found no Attraction that made him afraid or was fast enough. But that is another Story.

In this year and the beginning of the next every funfair in all Town around us were ours. My Wife decided after one visit that her time is invested better by going shopping with her best friend (how little does she know ;) )

Then the Euro came and although 1 Euro was 2 DM worth they just changed the Currency-Symbol on the Price tags and so everything you can buy or ride on a Funfair doubled in the Price. We couldn’t afford our Father and Son Hobby anymore.

But then I got the Idea: “Amusement-Parks”. You just pay once and than you can ride everything as often as you wanted. Lukas didn’t believe me that something wonderful like this really is possible.

To our luck the biggest Amusement Park in northern Germany the “Heide-Park” is just one hour away from us. On our first visit I bought us Annual passports which we have till today.

When Lukas was four years old he stood in front of the big Rollercoaster in the park which has 2 Loopings and 2 Corkscrews and said O.K let us ride this one. My Reaction came very fast: “I will never let you ride that one and by the Way I don’t think it is allowed for Kids of your Age. His reaction followed very fast too:

O.K. than we are just go to ask if they let me ride it and when they say no I will not complain or yip.​


I remember us going up the Lift hill when I told him: “O.K. my Sweetheart and this will be the first Time in your Life that I will here you scream on a ride.” Yes and I also remember us in the Brake area of the Coaster when he replied: “My Lips haven´t even moved, let´s go do this again. And because there was no frequence in the park we did it 5 Times in a row.

Do I get to long? If yes, sorry.

Our Disney Addiction then began when he was five. Much earlier he heared of Disneyland and asked me if we are going there and I said: “Yes before you get into school we can do this”.

I said that because it was my standard sentence for big Wishes or things I don´t do like. I told him the same when he asked me to go camping with me or wanted to learn swimimg when he was three years old. But why do Kids have a Memory like Elephants?

Someday his Kindergarten teacher told us that he is bored from Kindergarten and intelligent enough to go to School one year earlier. Big Problem for me. Lukas came and said: Dad I am really happy that I will learn swimming now and go to camp with you but the best is the visit of Disneyland that we are going to make. I know we will do that all because you never broke a promise you´ve made.


Having just 10 Weeks time for everything I made the big Plan. I took Off-Time from Work for 3 Weeks in June bought a big Tent and went with him on a Camping-Ground in the near of Bottrob which also offers Swimmingtraining for Kids. And also booked several other Camping-Grounds on the Way down to Paris were DLRP was the big Finale of our first Father and Son Holiday.

My Wife took the time on a Beautyfarm with her best Friend (Did I tell you that Women can be really odd ;) ) and the worst was that she told us afterwards that she enjoyed the time; Pah.

Come on Stefan find an Ending.

Lukas and me stayed in Hotel Cheyenne for three days and with the first Step we both set on Main-Street we were hooked.

This Year in January we came back with the whole family and stayed in the Sequoia. My Wife really was impressed by the Parks, the Hotel, the Spirit and the Shopping. But at the End of our 4 Day Stay she told us that DLRP was a beautiful thing to have enjoyed but that from now on it should be a Father and Son thing again.

So next January Lukas and I will go again on our own for 5 Days and my Wife and her best Girlfriend will go to this boring beauty farm. :snooty:

So now I hope that every one who read this still is awake and that my English wasn’t that bad.


P.S. I really love my wife allthough she had this touch for beautyfarms and I really love my Son who I loves everything that goes round, swings or goes up and down.
Oh Stefan - that was just wonderful!!! I enjoyed reading it so much - very funny too!! So now we know why it's "Father and Son"!!! I'm so glad your son inherited your love of all things that swing, go round or up and down!!!! I have to agree with your wife - time is much better spent shopping than going on roller coasters - EXCEPT Disney, that is!!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us all about your family - your English is excellent!!! (I think we would say "complain" or "whine" instead of "yip").
Nice reading ,father and son !!!
;) Maybe you could find a good beautyfarm not far from DLP !!!! ;)
and did your wife try LA vallée outlet shopping village and the Val d' Europe shopping centre - just minutes from DLP ??? :rotfl2:

Your son is surely brave !!!
and you all are a lovely family !!!

:love: Laura
Well, life takes us in unexpected directions, and now that it has taken us to England, it looks like we'll be familiarizing ourselves with DLP. DH would probably say that I could plan a WDW trip in my sleep so it was time for a new challenge :rotfl: .

Twice this year we had vacations planned for WDW (ressies made and everything): first in April (trip cancelled due to IT crises at DH's work), then in November to meet the ILs (we couldn't go due to the financial situation from our move to England :sad1: but I am proud to say I did not cry too much when MIL emailed the pictures from their trip).

But I am thrilled to say that I have convinced DH that we need to go to DLP in May :teeth: ! I found a group that is going and so we are all getting a pretty good deal on the rates so now I can start a new countdown!

Our family is
:wave2: me (39) - the planner and organizer
:love2: DH (29) Equally avid Disney-phile who nearly cried when the April trip had to be cancelled, and who does cry at the thought of DD meeting the Mouse for the first time
::MinnieMo DD (13 months) Adorable, strongminded and independent (where did she get that from? ;) ) and who has no choice about the Disney thing
:dog: :dog: Two beloved Doggies who will be achieve early release from quarantine under PETS Scheme on 5th Jan 2006

We are currently in London but in the process of buying a place in West Berkshire (hopefully moving in a month - can't wait!)

I am looking forward to hanging out and gleaning all the tips and advice from the experienced DLP afficianados.
To Mickeys Dreamers

and did your wife try LA vallée outlet shopping village and the Val d' Europe shopping centre - just minutes from DLP ???

If she had tried it? According to my Creditcard-Bill she is owning it now. :rotfl2:
Hi Music Mole and welcome to DLP DIS board :wave2:
You will find everyone very welcoming and keen to talk about all things Disneyland Paris.
Please join in any thread or start new threads for specific questions or thoughts.
Let the planning begin :goodvibes
diberry said:
I think we would say "complain" or "whine" instead of "yip").

Thank you a lot for the right word I changed it by now. And also thanks a lot for your nice comment. I really love this Forum because it is the only Disney-Fourum that has a Disney-Feeling.
Sorry you had to cancel two trips to WDW ... it's better if we say you had to reschedule them ... and try DLP !!!!

You'll find DLP is somehow different :cheer2: :cheer2: but very nice !!!
...with its own charme !!!!
and ... if you take a look at our TRIP REPORTS INDEX you'll find many trippies and info about Sequoia lodge ... my favorite DLP resort so far !!!

In these boards you'll find many "regulars" who know everything about DLP ... :grouphug:


Laura :wave2:
diberry said:
Oh Stefan - that was just wonderful!!! I enjoyed reading it so much - very funny too!! So now we know why it's "Father and Son"!!! I'm so glad your son inherited your love of all things that swing, go round or up and down!!!! I have to agree with your wife - time is much better spent shopping than going on roller coasters - EXCEPT Disney, that is!!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us all about your family - your English is excellent!!! (I think we would say "complain" or "whine" instead of "yip").

Actually when I read the original post I thought 'yip' was a perfect expression for what kids do when they can't get their own way :rotfl: :teeth: . I really enjoyed reading Stefan's posting it brought a smile to my face during my last hours at work when the clock seemed to be going sooooo sloooowlly.
Actually when I read the original post I thought 'yip' was a perfect expression for what kids do when they can't get their own way

Another Edit later I hope it descripe the Sentence right.

Father_and_Son said:
O.K. than we are just go to ask if they let me ride it and when they say no I will not complain or yip.​

In German is Lukas Sentence allways:

"Papa wir gehen nur mal kurz fragen und wenn der Mann "Nein" sagt, werde ich auch nicht jaulen."​

And as a matter of fact when someone told im No, he really never yiped or complained.
That word "yip" is interesting. I've never heard it and it's not in my (English) dictionary but it does sort of desribe the sound well!! But "jaulen" is much better - absolutely spot on - one of the great things about the German language!!
Hello everyone. I'm Leanne. :wave2:

I am 28 and live in essex with my DH and two DS age 5 and 3. I am currently a stay at home mum which i love.

My DH is a tube driver and loves a bit of Texas Holdem. :rolleyes:

We had our first family visit to WDW last year and fell in love with everything Disney from then on. My DH had previously been to WDW but this was in 1992 so a lot had changed.

My boys had a ball and we are already booked to go back in Sept 06.

We will be having our first trip to DLP on Jan 31st and excited doesnt really sum up the way we feel at the moment. :cheer2: :banana: :cool1:

Not much else to say about me really. I love animals and have a dog called Ben. I enjoy shopping (what woman doesnt!! :rolleyes: ) and i really want to start my own Disney collection but not sure what to collect yet.

We are also a family of loyal West Ham supports. Not sure if thats a good thing sometimes. :sad2:

Well thats it from me, sorry to go on and bore you all. Bye for now. :wave2:
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