Getting to WDW in a blackout...long, sorry


<font color=purple>Very interesting...<br><font co
Sep 9, 1999
I live in North York. Power out almost 23 hours.
Thursday Aug. 14, gave the car to DD to do last minute errands and packing for trip to WDW (prepaid Fairytale pkg). She picked me up at work at 4 pm and about half way home the traffic signals weren't working. No mention of power outage on car radio, we thought it was just the traffic signals until we reached home. DH found a battery operated radio and we found out what was going on. Had a cold supper, luckily I had some leftovers, and finished packing in the dark. Kept listening for Airport news.
Friday Aug. 15, woke up at 4:30 am and kept phoning Air Canada departure line. Every time I called they said the flight was leaving on time. Radio reporting that there are flights leaving from Pearson. We arrive at the airport a little after 6. What a mess. Bodies and luggage everywhere. Finally get to the check in counter and we are the last people they check in. All Air Canada flights scheduled to leave before 10 am are now cancelled. They let us through U.S. Customs and Immigration because we have a 10:15 flight. We get to the gate at 9 am, boarding is at 9:40. At 9:20 they announce all flights from 10am to 12pm are now cancelled, follow the AC clerk to collect your luggage and go home. Phone AC from home to get information. After 2 hours of dialing the AC number I am put on hold in queue. After 1 3/4 hours on hold I finally speak to a booking agent who offers me a flight the next day, if I don't like it I can't fly out until Tuesday! Power finally comes on at 3 pm. Go to bed at 10 pm and try to sleep.
Saturday Aug. 16, woke up at 3:30 am and called to check flight. Flight is leaving on time. Arrive at airport at 5 am. Ask 2 different AC employees which line I should be in as I need to get a ticket as arrangements were done over phone and I need to show why I wasn't on flight the day before. They direct me to a line that is about a city block long. The line doesn't move for 40 minutes. I see an airport rep helping people in the line and decide to ask if I am in the right line. She tells me no and wants to know who told me to stand there. She takes me to the United Airlines counter and literally moves me to the front of the line where a lovely agent looks after me. She is surprised I was told to go to the line that I was sent to. After checking in the computer she sees that I was booked out of TO to Chicago but not on the Chicago to Orlando leg of the flight! Luckily we were early enough for her to make the necessary changes and get us assigned seats and boarding passes for both. Others were not so lucky and stayed in that first line for 2 hours only to find out that they were in the wrong line and ended up flying stand-by as the flights were overbooked. We are through U.S. customs and security by 7 am. Flight is delayed by 1 hour due to thunderstorm. We have a layover in Chicago for 2 hours and then on to Fla. We arrive at MCO at 5 pm. Andy from FLTours picks us up, does grocery stop and we arrive at ASMovies at 6pm. We are finally checked in and in our room (Love Bug building 7) by 7 pm. We decide to grab a quick bite in the food court and then catch Fantasmic. Get to MGM at 8:30 (Fantasmic is at 9) to find out that it is completely full. Go to DTD and check out Once Upon a Toy.
Monday Aug. 18, At the Contemporary for Chef Mickey's for dinner and a storm blows in. There is a power surge. The monorail cannot move and is sitting inside the Contemporary. They shut down the air conditioning in the concourse area. There are tornado warnings. The lightening is spectacular. The lights keep flickering. It's like a recurring nightmare with power outage as the theme.
Oh no, Maryann! :( What a time you had! I hope it gets better after the storm on Monday! Did you finally get to see Fantasmic?

We were lucky and flew out early Thursday morning and missed the power outage here. I was shocked to learn about it when I phoned home later that day as I hadn't heard the news. Ours was a short trip so we also missed the Monday storm.

Hope your next trip has a much better theme! ;)
OMG you poor thing. I think I would have been tempted to just get into my car and drive down! What a mess. Hope the rest of the trip was better.
At least we got there. We met a lot of people in line at the airport on Friday morning who were counting on getting to Orlando in order to get on the Disney Cruise. I'm sure most of them didn't make it in time. A cast member at AS Movies told me that people who couldn't fly home because of the blackout on Thursday and Friday didn't have to pay for their rooms for those nights. I, on the other hand, will not be getting any compensation for my one night or for the UPH as it was all part of the FTP. Getting gas for the car was also a problem as there weren't any stations open in my area. Driving to and from the airport both times was a challenge as the traffic signals weren't working either. My husband told me on the Saturday that if I didn't get a flight out he wouldn't come to pick us up as he didn't want to use up what little gas was left in the car. He told me to use a limo service in the event that the planes were grounded again.
I phoned WDW dining on Sunday morning before leaving for Epcot and arranged priority seating at the Brown Derby for that night so that we would be sure to get in to Fantasmic as we got rained out last year. It was the first time DD had seen it and she thought it was wonderful and worth the extra effort to get in. We went to MK on Tues. and left when it started to rain around 11:30 am. Went to DTD, the rain stopped, and we had lunch. During lunch we realize that a huge storm is coming in. Wind, heavy rain, thunder and lightening. There was so much water on the ground that dodging puddles was no longer an option, the sidewalks were under 6 inches of water. Every step we took put our shoes completely under water. We go back to the resort to have a nap and wait out the storm and prepare for E-night. It took me over an hour to dry our shoes with a hair dryer, and I don't really get them dry but at least water didn't spurt out of them when we walked. We get to MK around 7:30 and it is still raining. I figure that we will be doing the entire evening in the rain. DD goes on Splash Mountain first and while she is on the ride the rain slows to a drizzle, by the time she gets off BTMR the rain has stopped and we sail through a very quiet e-night going on everything at least twice. We had a great vacation and got to do everything that we wanted. I had to do some changing of plans after all the months of preparation but I think that we managed quite well. My only regret is that Carousel of Progress was again closed as it is only open seasonally. I cannot get a Disney employee to tell me what seasonally is exactly because it was open the second last week of August last year but closed the last week of August when we were there.
OMG Maryann - I was wondering if folks from DIS were stuck trying to get in or out of Pearson. What a mess Air Canada was and still is! Sounds like nature was going full force in all parts of NA last week. Hope you had at least some magical Disney and family memories....cause you sure have some vivid weather-related memories! Take Care, Jo
I heard about the mess at Pearson, due to the blackout, and I wondered if any of our DISers might have gotten stuck in it (same thought as Jo-Anne :)). Wow Maryann, that must of been SO frustrating!!!! :(

I wonder what happened to the people that didn't make it down in time for the cruise ships?

I'm sure you'll never forget this trip!!!

Maryann - Sorry to hear that your vacation got off to such a bad start, but it sounds like you had a good time once you got there. That power failure was really something! For some reason I was thinking about people at Pearson trying to get to WDW (like there's no other destination:rolleyes: ). Brides were also on my mind. I wonder how many couples had to cancel their wedding plans over that weekend?

I'm glad your DD was finally able to see Fantasmic - what a great show!
So sorry to hear about all you went through. Glad you finally made it to the happiest place on earth. You sure needed it after all the departure hell.

I also thought of all our Dis-ers & especially people with cruises deaparting when I heard about the mess at Pearson. What a nightmare.

You could have a really neat scrapbook/photo album of those hours in history we all endured. I'm sure some day soon you'll be looking back and laughing at all this.
We were in Vancouer airport a week ago, We flew Westjet, and the air canada computors were down and the luggage wasnt moving because of a bag jam. And I thought ,thank heavens that we didn't fly AC,I have made a pact with myself to never Fly AC again.
Wow! What an ordeal! Yikes. I have a similar "Going to WDW via Air Canada and they can't get us there" story from a few years back. I know how frustrating and stressful it is!

So glad you finally got there and fit everything in that you wanted to though! That's tiring having to go through all that extra stress on the way there though.
We were in the Love Bug building too and I looked for you Maryann. I wore my green ribbon all week but never saw another-lots of rain eh!!!
I finished my packing in the dark on the 14th. DH came home from work about 2:15AM, we called Windsor police to confirm that the Ambassador bridge was open, and left London about 4AM. We were without power for 26 hours, so luckily my sister came and emptied my fridge for me. The customs agent in Detroit asked if this trip was pre-planned, or if we had just decided to flee the country when the lights went out (LOL)!

You know when you decide to fly in the winter, that you could be detained due to bad weather, but never would I have imagined that you could be so detained in August! Glad you finally made it to WDW ... we had a great time, despite all of those thunderstorms. The only nighttime fireworks we saw were Spectro/MK fireworks on the Saturday night right after we arrived. We did however quite enjoy E-night on the Tuesday :)

Mary Liz
I'm glad to hear that you made it and enjoyed the rest of your stay.

Isn't it amazing just by being at WDW that all the problems just seem to go away!?!

Mother Nature sure has been playing havoc this year!LOL

We were caught in one of those storms while at Walmart! When the lights went out there I just could not stop laughing! I thought, here we go again!

Then when driving back to the Radisson could barely see outside my windshield let alone beyond the car hood! It was really scary!

Those storms are really wicked!



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