OMG:rotfl: Heather and Maggie, I never actually thought about having to pee when I'm wearing my dress. Honestly I have tremendous bladder control, but I will be in my dress from about 08.30 until about 2.00pm, I'm gonna have to go aren't I? What will I do, my dress is really big too, I have a bustle, ahhhh!!!
I'm really loving this trip report heather and your pictures are just beautiful, your dress is gorgeous:love: Can't wait to hear about the ceremony!

You will have to pee while wearing the dress. It's one of those things you just can't help. It hit me while I was just starting at the reception. Couldn't find my mom or MOH or anyone to help and DH was right there so I made sure the ladies room was empty and had him come in and hold my dress up. Well, can't close the stall door while holding all that dress, so he kind of just blocked the stall door with his body and my dress. Wouldn't you know, my aunt walks in THEN, and with a camera too. Where was she when I needed help? LOL
Heather, you look so happy dancing at your wedding :) You would never know you were in so much pain! mmmm all your food sounds so yummy!
We got into the main ballroom and everyone was dancing and having a great time. Our band was called “no idea” and they are awesome! They got voted wedding band of the year soon after our wedding. They played a great mix of fast and slow songs, oldies and new stuff. Everyone who wasn’t dancing was sitting down eating and talking. Everyone looked like they were having a great time! I luckily forgot about my eye for a little while and broke it down with my new husband! We danced for about 15 minutes of so, and then decided to go talk to some people. I learned a lot from my sisters wedding, and one of the things I learned is you should try and talk to as many guests as possible! I wanted to find that balance between talking the whole time and not enjoying my reception, and dancing to much and ignoring my guests. My sister danced the ENTIRE time at her reception, and hardly talked to anyone while my dad mom and I walked around and did damage control and talked to everyone for her. I had 250 ppl here and I knew I wasn’t going tot alk to every single one, but I wanted to talk to a good amount of ppl. I was trying to figure out the best way to do this when suddenly people started walking up to me. Ok, this would be easy! We talked for about 15 minutes, and then sheri (our little servant person for lack of a better word haha) asked us if we needed anything, food, drink, etc. I asked for a pina colada (yes, more alcohol with the loratab!) and she brought it out almost instantly. It was yummy. We danced a little more, and then we were pulled away. It was time to cut the cake. I was so excited about our cake. I designed it myself, and it came out SO good! I was mad about them forgetting our initial as our cake topper, but it still looked really pretty without it! I know I could only see it out of one eye but I loved it!



We had had a long discussion about not cramming cake in each others faces. In my very PERSONAL opinion, no one take offense here, I think its kinda tacky. You spend all this time on your makeup, and have cake thrown all over you and it messes up your hair and face for pics for the rest of the night. He actually agreed, so I wasn’t even worried about it happening. We cut the cake and then got to taste. It was SSSOOOO good! Very moist and yummy. I just wanted the regular almond flavored wedding cake, it is my favorite! I am so tempted to yank it out of the freezer and eat some now! Haha.
We moved on to the grooms cake and it was chocolate. It had the civitan shield on it and said civitan. It came out really good. Civitan is the social club bobby was in at school. It is basically a fraternity, but since we went to a Baptist college we couldn’t call them fraternities or have greek letters, but same principle. I was impressed with it. They even put the same design on the sides that was on my cake. :cool1:


After this, it was time for the bouquet toss. I also learned form my sister to be careful with this, if a girl in the back wouldn’t have caught hers it would have plowed into her cake she flung it so hard haha. My best friend Lauren was wedding fever SO mad and threatened to fight anyone for the bouquet, and she stood right in the front and center. I threw it kinda soft and she caught it. It was pretty funny.


about to throw! lauren is the blonde bridesmaid right in the front!


as she catches it!:bride:



Next was the garter toss. I sat on bobby’s friends knee and bobby proceeded to throw the garter. At my sisters wedding,the guys let it drop to the floor. No one wanted it! So I was prepared for that to happen. But it didn’t! the guys jumped up and fought for that thing. One of bobby’s cheerleading buddies jerry caught it, and then wore it on his head the rest of the night. Lol. :sad2:


jerry and lar

Up next. Limbo, dancing old people, and the second line!:yay:
Thanks for the next installment, I know your busy with work,school and of course just be newlyweds. Sounds like you were having a great time,that the way it should be. So many people have a hard time balancing the day and it is just a big blur.Good for you!:thumbsup2
dont forget to let us know about the job tomorrow.
Just beautiful! I love your cake! You did a terrific job. My brother caught the garter at my wedding and procceded to wear it on his head as well. Maybe it's a guy thing. I was the last of my group of friends to get married so I had very few single women to toss my bouquet to. So I just handed it to my friend who was getting married that next year. It was very sweet. I hope you hear about the job today! The suspence is killing me!!
hey guys I don't know if I got the job yet. I emailed the guy and he said he wasn't sure what he was doing yet but he would let me know by the end of the day tomorrow. but i guess its good news b/c if he wasn't even considering me then he would have just told me in the email and not said wait till i will letyou know. sorry i don't have the insstallment up yet, i have been so nervous all day I haven't done much of anything! and i have class tonight, tis my last week! yay!:hyper:
After all of that, everyone started dancing again. Two of the staff brought out a limb pole, and the girl singer got us in a line behind her and she sang and led the limbo. It was pretty funny. There are a couple of professional pics of it, but I don’t have any right now.
We had some interesting moments at the wedding, too. My high school secretary whom I LOVE and her husband were there. Now they are old as dirt, but the sweetest people, and they were fast dancing! It was so cute



Also my flower girl and her dad were dancing and that was super cute



oh i forgot to mention, bobby's siter got up and sang "i love rock and roll" with the band haha

AND my dad’s secretary who is in here late 50’s was dancing with tow of bobby’s groomsmen, fast dancing!

cant rmember if i already posted some of these, so sorry!




more dancing


lady in the green was one of my high school teachers haha


two of my best friends from High school, we were the three basketball seniors

My mom danced with some of the groomsmen, too. It was so crazy! Everyone was having fun though. My eye only had one “episode” during all the dancing. My mom must have told everyone b/c ppl kept saying “how is your eye” to me all night. Bobby and I switched it up between talking to people and dancing for another hour, and I think I did a good job of it. There were some people I didn’t get to talk to and am sad about, but I did talk to a lot of people. I wanted to introduce Bobby to a lot of people he hadn’t met, some of my high school friends, family friends from new Orleans, etc. people began to leave slowly, mainly some of the old people haha. I knew it was getting close. But it seemed like we had been there for 30 minutes! This was a 3 hour reception! Then I heard it, the new Orleans music, and knew we were doing the second line. Two of the staff ran up and gave us umbrellas we had brought (we had a white one for me and a black one for bobby, and we don’t know what happened to the black one…) and we had a few handkerchiefs for people to grab, and the others just grabbed a napkin. Bobby and I started the line and began making our dancing rounds around the room. (if you look at the professional pics they are at the end and so funny!) we danced around the room a few times with everyone in line behind us dancing. A lot of ppl had no clue what they were doing but did it anyway, it was so funny! We all met back in the middle of the dance floor and finished the song.

After that, they announced the last dance, which was for everyone…but for some reasons everyone backed up and just watched us dance. Weird. Did NOT ask them to do this, but they played “let’s get it on” haha. I was very happy, but very sad at the same time knowing all the work and planning I had put into this for a year was over in one night, and how I wanted to remember everything about it, but I knew I wouldn’t, and I got kind of sad. I was every excited about going to Disneyworld the next morning, but my ONE day ever to be a bride, was over.
We stayed after for a few minutes and said bye to everyone, took a few more pictures, etc. our two little servants came up to us with a box of food they had wrapped up, and a bottle of champagne, thanking us for coming, and congratulating us. They were so sweet and got us drinks and food at least ten times that night. I am sure there are so many little details I left out but I just cant remember them all. Hopefully when I get my video back I will remember some things.


if you look at my left eye you can see it is bloodshot and weird looking:worried:

My mom came and grabbed me and said “Heather, the limo is waiting, yall have to go” then my flower girl started crying b/c she didn’t want to leave. And then, my eye started to hurt. The excitement was over, and I wasn’t thinking about much, and it started to hurt. We were walked out to the limo, and I told my parents bye. I didn’t want it to be dramatic b/c I knew my mom would cry. Everyone stood out on the porch as we got in, and the videographer filmed us waving bye as they shut the door. It was officially over. As we drove out I looked back on the beautiful plantation that was mine for one night, and would never be again. I tried to soak in the image, so I wouldn’t forget. I tried very hard not to cry, and bobby reminded me about Disneyworld. I laughed, even though my eye was killing me. I looked down at my pretty dress and knew I would probably never put it on again. It was about a 15-20 minutes limo ride to the hotel, and I was exhausted. Everything just hit me and I almost fell asleep. When we got to the hotel, we got all out “stuff” and thanked the limo driver. It was 11:30, so there was no one in the lobby, and we just went up to our room. I immediately got a wet washrag and put it on my eye. It really did help it, and that’s how I fell asleep, with a wash rag on my face lol. I knew I needed as much sleep as possible, b/c we were getting up at 7:00 and it was already midnight. We wanted to get an early start on our llloonnnggg drive to Orlando. :sad:


Aw you guys its officially over. I tried to draw it out as long as I could though! I hope everyone enjoyed reading, I enjoyed writing it! It was fun to relive everything! Hopefully when my video is done my videographer will put a clip up on his website, I will let yall know!

Oh, about the job, I still don’t know, he said by the end of the day today…so we shall see!

oh, also if you havent checked out my professional pics yet, the link is in my siggy, and please look at them, b/c I'm not sure how much longer they are going to stay up!
Heather I loved reading this report, because it has gotten me super excited for my big day! And you ended it perfectly for me! I had enough time to finish it before I left! :goodvibes

You guys are an ADORABLE couple and you look so happy in all of your wedding and honeymoon pics!

Now.....we just gotta help you plan that "second" honeymoon, where everyone is healthy! :grouphug:

Any excuse for a Disney trip is a good excuse! lol.

Congrats and best wishes! :flower3:
Aww I'm sad that it's over!! I really really enjoyed reading your TR!! Thanks for sharing all of your exciting memories with us!!! :) It was fun! I almost feel like I was there! :rotfl:
Heather, your wedding looks like it was so much fun! Congrats :goodvibes Thanks so much for sharing your wedding and disneymoon w/ us!
thanks for taking the time to share your magical day with all of us. Sounds like it was a great wedding and you all had a great time. See ya around the DIS!








So sad!

We'll I guess the TR is officially over, but you must come back to give us the update on your job search! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!!!:thumbsup2
hey everyone, I still don't know about the job...but even if he offers it to me I don't know if i will take it. he told me I would knwo for sure yeaterday...and then for sure today..and I didn't hear from him. I don't think i want to work for someone that lies and is so stupid they can't call someone back. You should make a good impression on the people you are interviewing, and it seems like he just doesn't care. so now I'm back at square one...again...and don't knwo what to do. I need a job!:sad:
Where are you looking for a job (what area, industry, etc?)

PM me if you don't want to share with the world... I may know of some people looking to hire...
hey everyone, I still don't know about the job...but even if he offers it to me I don't know if i will take it. he told me I would knwo for sure yeaterday...and then for sure today..and I didn't hear from him. I don't think i want to work for someone that lies and is so stupid they can't call someone back. You should make a good impression on the people you are interviewing, and it seems like he just doesn't care. so now I'm back at square one...again...and don't knwo what to do. I need a job!:sad:

I'm right there w/ you :hug: I recently turned down a job b/c they told me they'd let me know the next day if I was hired. They didn't call for 3 days and they offered me the job and expected me to fly to Florida the next day. I am even told them I'd have to know asap about Fl b/c I had other commitments (I'm finishing grad school). I was so mad that they waited that long to tell me :furious: Now I am still looking for a job and driving myself crazy :(

Good luck Heather, I'll be thinking about you :flower3:
:confused3 he finally e mailed me this morning and wants to wait ANOTHER week to meet again and then "maybe" make a decison. I basically said screw you and forgt about it. he was just wasting my time. so now I'm stuck. bah.
Don't worry - the right job for you won't involve this kind of frustration. Sounds like you were saved from working for a real flake! :thumbsup2


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