Ginger & Tim 10-30-12 CC/SCP; Update--1/2:TR Day 1: Checking into the CS

Our wedding rings finally arrived the other day!! I think that's really when it hit Timmy and I that we're getting married in less than a month! :woohoo:

My rings in the box:


Our wedding rings in the box:

Ginger's Band (custom knife edge band in platinum): Brilliant Earth
Timmy's Band (SK cobalt band): Ben Bridge
Vendor: DK Designs Hawaii

Diane, from DK Design Hawaii on Etsy, finished my accessory floral the other day! I'm beyond thrilled how it turned out, and cannot wait till it arrives and I can actually touch it :goodvibes Diane is so nice and ridiculously talented! If you're looking for an alternative to DCL floral options, I highly recommend checking out her Etsy site. Since we can't take our DCL wedding flowers off the ship, I am toying with the idea of having her recreate my bridal bouquet once the wedding is over :)

House Party Member's Wrist Corsages: 2 white anemones with navy centers and greenery on a pearl wristlet

Usher's Boutonnieres: white anemone with navy center, greenery, and navy ribbon

Mother's Pin-On Corsages: 2 white roses with light/medium blue hydrangea, dark blue hyacinth, greenery, and white ribbon

Father's Boutonniere (left; pictured with mother's corsage on right): white rose with light/medium blue hydrangea, dark blue hyacinth, greenery, and white ribbon

Groomsmen' Boutonnieres: light/medium blue hydrangea, dark blue hyacinth, greenery, and light blue ribbon

Bridesmaids' Wrist Corsages: 2 white gardenias, light/medium blue hydrangea, dark blue hyacinth, greenery, and light blue ribbon

I also had a gardenia hair flower made, but I don't have a photo of that. Will post one once the package arrives :)

Oh, and I almost forgot my bouquet charm!
As a little throwback to Timmy's home and where we met, I found this bouquet charm on Etsy:
Vendor: Bridal Blings
Ginger -

Everything you posted looks fabulous! You and Timmy will look so great in your wedding clothes. Love his gray suit; your dress and your sister's dress are awesome and I can just imagine how they will all look on the beach. The ringbearer outfit.. just made me smile! How cute! Your custom rings look like they fit together perfectly; can't see the v-notch at all. Is the floral really clay? It all looks so REAL! Amazing! You are definently on track with your choices. Oh and as to your comment about losing weight.. girl you are skinny! Don't need to lose any! You're going to be beautiful on your wedding day.
AHH! Ginger! So excited for you (and you make me jealous in several aspects!)! Your dress looks great! So nice to see it ON you! My dress fitting went similar to yours, just a couple stitches on the top, sewed in cups, and hemming hemming hemming! The cathedral length veil is pretty, but I COMPLETELY agree with you, a long veil would've driven me crazy, too! I already had people stepping all over (and tearing!) my dress, as if I needed another thing to worry about! BESIDES, you have no idea how evil veils are when it comes to wind! Make sure your hair stylist gets yours secured TIGHTLY!!!! Luckily mine was, because I thought I was going to lose it a few times up on deck 12 taking pictures! I even had to tuck it into my dress to get some photos accomplished because the wind had other plans! Mine was a finger length veil too! Good choice ;)

Your rings look gorgeous! Very classic! I bet you're SO glad to have them in hand! (My rings were a set, so when we got home from the proposal he says... "So, do you want to see your wedding ring???" :rotfl: and we bought his ring pretty early, too) Timmy's tux is so handsome! I don't know if you know this, but I ADORE grey!!! That's one of the reasons we bought Michael a tailed tux AND a silver-grey suit! First, because we couldn't decide, and second because he looked so darn good in them both! AND OMG, The ring bearer's outfit is PRECIOUS!!! I almost died when I saw it! I hate to say it, but it reminds me of Magic Kingdom on Main Street with the knickers and the "Gatsby" hat and also of Hollywood Studios, since the guys in my department wear suspenders and Gatsby hats! I love the flag idea too- so precious! You must have spent a LOT of time on Pinterest and Etsy for all of these wonderful ideas!!! I love the way you and I approached the DCL weddings- they are very limited in their options, so we're just adding as many personal touches as we can!!! I don't think any DCL bride will have the same wedding I had, and I don't think anybody will have a DCL wedding the same as yours either! Totally unique in our ways of personalization :cheer2: Go us!

I'm waiting on the edge of my seat for more photos and updates from you! Sending you pixie dust to keep you calm in this very hectic "last month"! I know it's stressful, but try to enjoy it! Take time for yourself to de-stress, too! That's very important!! ::yes::
Ginger -

Everything you posted looks fabulous! You and Timmy will look so great in your wedding clothes. Love his gray suit; your dress and your sister's dress are awesome and I can just imagine how they will all look on the beach. The ringbearer outfit.. just made me smile! How cute! Your custom rings look like they fit together perfectly; can't see the v-notch at all. Is the floral really clay? It all looks so REAL! Amazing! You are definently on track with your choices. Oh and as to your comment about losing weight.. girl you are skinny! Don't need to lose any! You're going to be beautiful on your wedding day.

Thanks Valerie!! :goodvibes It was so kind of you to say so many nice things! I'm glad you think all the attire choices will work well. Due to the fact that none of the wedding party members live near Timmy and I, I've had to make some compromises in terms of attire. Rather than trying to make everyone get identical dresses or suits, I've just given them photos of what I'm going for, and I am just crossing my fingers they select attire that looks good and not a hot mess, haha.

I'm so excited to see the ring bearer outfit in person! :bitelip: I think it'll be super cute. We're going to get him baby Havaianas flip flops also to wear, which are too precious for words. I'll post photos of those once we decide on them.

AHH! Ginger! So excited for you (and you make me jealous in several aspects!)! Your dress looks great! So nice to see it ON you! My dress fitting went similar to yours, just a couple stitches on the top, sewed in cups, and hemming hemming hemming! The cathedral length veil is pretty, but I COMPLETELY agree with you, a long veil would've driven me crazy, too! I already had people stepping all over (and tearing!) my dress, as if I needed another thing to worry about! BESIDES, you have no idea how evil veils are when it comes to wind! Make sure your hair stylist gets yours secured TIGHTLY!!!! Luckily mine was, because I thought I was going to lose it a few times up on deck 12 taking pictures! I even had to tuck it into my dress to get some photos accomplished because the wind had other plans! Mine was a finger length veil too! Good choice ;)

Your rings look gorgeous! Very classic! I bet you're SO glad to have them in hand! (My rings were a set, so when we got home from the proposal he says... "So, do you want to see your wedding ring???" :rotfl: and we bought his ring pretty early, too) Timmy's tux is so handsome! I don't know if you know this, but I ADORE grey!!! That's one of the reasons we bought Michael a tailed tux AND a silver-grey suit! First, because we couldn't decide, and second because he looked so darn good in them both! AND OMG, The ring bearer's outfit is PRECIOUS!!! I almost died when I saw it! I hate to say it, but it reminds me of Magic Kingdom on Main Street with the knickers and the "Gatsby" hat and also of Hollywood Studios, since the guys in my department wear suspenders and Gatsby hats! I love the flag idea too- so precious! You must have spent a LOT of time on Pinterest and Etsy for all of these wonderful ideas!!! I love the way you and I approached the DCL weddings- they are very limited in their options, so we're just adding as many personal touches as we can!!! I don't think any DCL bride will have the same wedding I had, and I don't think anybody will have a DCL wedding the same as yours either! Totally unique in our ways of personalization :cheer2: Go us!

I'm waiting on the edge of my seat for more photos and updates from you! Sending you pixie dust to keep you calm in this very hectic "last month"! I know it's stressful, but try to enjoy it! Take time for yourself to de-stress, too! That's very important!! ::yes::

Hi Jillian!! :) I sent you a PM reply. Hopefully you got that!

Thanks so much for the compliments on my dress! I was really happy that there's not a lot that has to be changed with it. It was nerve wracking enough to watch her chop of the extra length with the tulle underskirt, let alone if they had to do other major changes. I have my next fitting this Friday, and I'll get to see my proper length veil. I appreciate the veil advice. I can completely imagine how evil they can be in the wind, especially as windy it is on the top of the ship. Your veil looked gorgeous in all your photos, so hopefully mine looks as nice :goodvibes Question for you and the other brides, did you wear a body shaper under your dress?? Just wondering if I should look into one to give me a bit more smoother of a silhouette.

I'm very happy with how the rings turned out. At first I was a bit disappointed with how simple mine needed to be, but I think it suits the engagement ring well. With Timmy's, we were trying to go for something classic, but with a bit of a twist, and I think we found something that achieved that. It was a very neat moment when they both arrived, cause it really started to dawn on us that we're getting married this month! How neat that your wedding ring came in a set! I wish mine had been like that!

Haha, I hadn't thought about the Main Street vibe evoked by the ring bearer attire, but you're totally right!! :scratchin I guess if you were to describe our attire choices for the guys, it's going to be "Main Street" with a hint of "Point Break" :laughing: Hopefully it'll look nice! Both Michael's suits were gorgeous!!! They complimented your dresses so beautifully!

You made a fantastic point about customization of DCL weddings. I think it's easy to get bogged down by how limited we are in comparison to the WDW brides, but there really is a lot you can do to make a DCL wedding your own. And you're definitely spot on about how each wedding turns out to be it's own unique event :goodvibes

Thank you for the advice about trying to enjoy the last month of planning! It's easy to get caught up in all the craziness, but I know it will be over soon, and you only really get to experience it once, so I do want to enjoy it :) I've got my to-do list, so as long as I keep chipping away at that, I think things will be fine.

Thanks so much, Ladies for continuing to follow my plans and post!! I cannot tell you how much it means to have your support!! :wave2:
Jess sent us a gallery of the photos from the engagement shoot. There were over 1,100 of them (wow!), and included some of our favorite proofs below:

















Shout outs:
Photography: Jessica Cumbie Photography; Jacksonville, FL
Styling: Amber Veatch Designs; Jacksonville, FL
Location: Southern Breeze Ranch; Midway, AL

Your photos are amazing!! I love the sunset pictures!

How's everything coming along?? You are so close, Yay!

Love your engagement photos!!

Love everything you have done. You look great in your dress. I don't think you need to lose any weight at all. I'm hoping to drop another 10 lbs, but don't think it's going to happen. I have lost 10 so far. I go for my fitting on the 15th. I am wearing a slimming slip under the dress. It worked wonders on the belly. After 3 kids via c-section, I needed it.

I can't believe how close you are now. I know after yours, I will begin my stressing out!

Can't wait to hear about your experience onboard.
Your photos are fabulous. I love your props and wardrobe choices.

Thank you!! :goodvibes
Our stylist, Amber, set up the picnic scene and brought along the other travel related props. Most of the big stuff (cars, tractors, etc. and the animals too, I guess) was just around the farm. Jess and Amber kept being like, "I can believe you have all this stuff lying around. It's perfect!" Guess you just accumulate stuff on a farm ;)

I love your photos, you guys are adorable together. ::yes::

Thank you so much! :goodvibes Once we got over our initial nerves, we had a lot of fun. Hopefully it'll make us more comfortable for our wedding photos!


Your photos are amazing!! I love the sunset pictures!

How's everything coming along?? You are so close, Yay!

Thanks Jodi! :goodvibes
The sunset photos are my favorites too! I wish we could have taken them like 15 min later cause the sky got uber pink and orange then, but it had been a long day of shooting and everyone was worn out. I'm still really happy with them though :thumbsup2

It's crazy busy at the moment! I'm heading back to Alabama this weekend, and will stay there until the wedding. Trying to finalize all the last minute details--vows, groomsmen gifts, finish the welcome bags, edit our music selections, etc. :eek: I just keep telling myself--don't worry, it'll get done!


Love your engagement photos!!

Love everything you have done. You look great in your dress. I don't think you need to lose any weight at all. I'm hoping to drop another 10 lbs, but don't think it's going to happen. I have lost 10 so far. I go for my fitting on the 15th. I am wearing a slimming slip under the dress. It worked wonders on the belly. After 3 kids via c-section, I needed it.

I can't believe how close you are now. I know after yours, I will begin my stressing out!

Can't wait to hear about your experience onboard.

Hi Judy,
Thanks so much for all your compliments! Very kind of you! :goodvibes
I think women always have a tendency to worry about losing weight for weddings... Guess it's societal pressure. I've lost about 10 and was hoping to get down another 5, but I don't think that's going to happen. I've discovered a new found love for Almond Snickers, and that's really not going to help my cause :rotfl:

I was thinking about getting a light slimming thingy (like the short Spanx) for my hip area just to smooth me out a bit in that area. I'll see how my next dress fitting goes, and then make that decision I think.

Yay for your fitting on the 15th!! That's so exciting! You'll have to let us know how it goes :)

Haha, yes, it's amazing how fast that date creeps up on you! You're getting close too!!
W-O-W, Ginger! Wow! Those photos are phenomenal! Jess did a wonderful job! I loved the picnic, I love Timmy's bow tie, I love the sunset pictures with the horse, I LOVE your amped up sexy curly hair in the treeline! Yowza! You two are one HOT couple! I'm really excited to see Jess's work for your wedding pictures!!! Remember to take time for yourself this month, even if it's just an hour a day- try to stay as calm as possible! I had a massage a few days before we left, and it was a REALLY good way to shut down and forget about the stress for an hour! (And she worked out A LOT of knots from my neck & shoulders area! Can you tell where I held my stress?) Everything is going to turn out BEAUTIFULLY and you're going to be a drop-dead-GORGEOUS Bride! Just a few short weeks! :hyper:
Your engagement photos look like they're straight out a magazine. You two look like models or something, haha! :goodvibes The photos are totally breathtakingly gorgeous!

Your wedding attire looks fabulous! Your dress is going to looks so gorgeous with a fingertip veil--I can't wait to see your wedding photos, they're going to be spectacular! And your ringbearer outfit is quite possibly the cutest I've ever seen. I know I am sucker for a newsboy cap, but still, it's so adorable!

Your rings and floral accessories (I know I mentioned how cool those were earlier, but they are just so cool!) turned out beautifully. You are so close to your wedding, you must be so excited!!
Everything looks great Ginger. Your ring is gorgeous, absolutely stunning. Jess did an amazing job on your pictures, love each of them that you posted. What a great story they tell. Your flowers are gorgeous. I'll definitely be looking into those!

You must be getting excited! Your big day is right around the corner! Many wishes to you and Timmy. I cannot wait to hear about the DP and your TR.
Your engagement photos look absolutely amazing! I love the farm props(and animals)! You two look so natural together :love:.

The wedding bands are beautiful! An wants a cobalt band so I was especially interested in that! It looks fantastic!

Only two weeks to go! I am so excited for you!!!!
Your photos are so beautiful. Great choice on the photographer. It helps to be a smart looking couple. I think your wedding gown is gorgeous and the flowers from Diane so so pretty. I can't wait to see everything come together its going to be perfect.
Wow! Awesome pics and love the clay floral. I'm planning on doing my own floral to save money, but I'd love to buy some hydrangeas from her!
Wow, has it seriously been two weeks since I was last on the DIS?! Sorry ladies!! The craziness/pandemonium portion of the wedding planning has hit! I'm hoping to do a massive update tonight before I leave home (head to FL on Wed!!)

W-O-W, Ginger! Wow! Those photos are phenomenal! Jess did a wonderful job! I loved the picnic, I love Timmy's bow tie, I love the sunset pictures with the horse, I LOVE your amped up sexy curly hair in the treeline! Yowza! You two are one HOT couple! I'm really excited to see Jess's work for your wedding pictures!!! Remember to take time for yourself this month, even if it's just an hour a day- try to stay as calm as possible! I had a massage a few days before we left, and it was a REALLY good way to shut down and forget about the stress for an hour! (And she worked out A LOT of knots from my neck & shoulders area! Can you tell where I held my stress?) Everything is going to turn out BEAUTIFULLY and you're going to be a drop-dead-GORGEOUS Bride! Just a few short weeks! :hyper:

Jillian!! Hi!!! Thank you so much for making the soaps for the welcome bags!! I'm very excited about being able to include them, and I think they'll add some extra pixie dust for the guests. It's also very exciting that I'll get to meet you later this week to pick them up! Looking forward to that!! :goodvibes

You are just the sweetest person ever with all your compliments! :blush: It's great to hear such positive feedback about the engagement photos. We were very happy with them, but it's great to hear that other people like them also :) Jess and Amber really deserve all the credit for how they turned out. I just drove them around the farm, and they selected the locations they wanted to use/set up the picnic scene. Timmy and I just tried our best to look natural and not as awkward as we felt. :laughing: I honestly don't know how models who are strangers are able to get half naked and make out in front of a camera for magazine ads. I would feel so awkward!!!!

Can you believe it's 5 days until all the wedding stuff starts?! It's unbelievable... I felt like things were moving slowly for so long, and now, I don't have enough time to do anything. I suppose I should have paced myself a bit better, but I guess hindsight is always 50:50, right? ;) Ah well, I'm trying to take your advice and not stress too much. I'm focusing on the things that are most important and have to get done (vows :rolleyes1), and not worrying about the little things I wish I had more time for. I'm in WDW starting Wed, so I am sure that's when things will get more fun and less about prep.

Looking forward to catching up with your PJ when I get back! I've completely lost track of everyone's updates :(

Thanks again, Jillian!! See you soon!!! :goodvibes

Your engagement photos look like they're straight out a magazine. You two look like models or something, haha! :goodvibes The photos are totally breathtakingly gorgeous!

Your wedding attire looks fabulous! Your dress is going to looks so gorgeous with a fingertip veil--I can't wait to see your wedding photos, they're going to be spectacular! And your ringbearer outfit is quite possibly the cutest I've ever seen. I know I am sucker for a newsboy cap, but still, it's so adorable!

Your rings and floral accessories (I know I mentioned how cool those were earlier, but they are just so cool!) turned out beautifully. You are so close to your wedding, you must be so excited!!

Thanks so much, Nicole!! :goodvibes We're definitely not models (you should see all the outtakes, haha), but that's very kind of you to say. Timmy and I are very happy with the photos, and it's nice to be able to incorporate a few of them into the wedding (on programs, the guestbook poster, etc.).

I really appreciate all the compliments regarding our attire. I keep thinking, "hmm is all of this going to work together?" Different colors for the bridesmaids, a pink wedding dress, suits with flip flops, vintage styled ring bearer... We shall see ;) I didn't have a clear vision like you did for your wedding (yours is going to be a-m-a-z-i-n-g!)--just added things I like--so lets hope it works out well!

I'm very excited!! Down to the wire now!! :yay:

Everything looks great Ginger. Your ring is gorgeous, absolutely stunning. Jess did an amazing job on your pictures, love each of them that you posted. What a great story they tell. Your flowers are gorgeous. I'll definitely be looking into those!

You must be getting excited! Your big day is right around the corner! Many wishes to you and Timmy. I cannot wait to hear about the DP and your TR.

Thanks so much, Lesley! I appreciate all the compliments :goodvibes
Highly recommend the clay floral! Diane's craftsmanship is impeccable. The few people I've shown them to cannot get over how life-like they are... and they're very light as well. I got the idea a couple years ago from another DCL bride who had a bouquet fashioned from DKDesignHawaii because she didn't like the limited options that Disney had available. I just couldn't get over how beautifully they photographed, and decided Diane would definitely be one of my vendors ;)

Thank you for all the well-wishes, and I promise to post lots of details about everything when I get back! :)

Fantastic engagement photos!

Thanks so much, Valerie! :goodvibes

Your engagement photos look absolutely amazing! I love the farm props(and animals)! You two look so natural together :love:.

The wedding bands are beautiful! An wants a cobalt band so I was especially interested in that! It looks fantastic!

Only two weeks to go! I am so excited for you!!!!

Thanks so much, Courtney!! :goodvibes That's very kind of you to say. Amazingly, with the exception of the picnic scene, all the props used were just lying (or in some cases grazing) around the farm. Jess and Amber couldn't believe it, haha. The animals were very curious about what we were doing. The horses came up to us while we were in the paddock doing sunset photos, and poor Jess actually had a couple of them sniffing at her hair and back, while she was knelt on the ground shooting. Gotta give her props for that type of commitment!

Cobalt is a pretty neat alternative for wedding bands! We discovered it as we were looking at options in the jewelry store. Much more cost-effective than gold or platinum, has the light color/luster similar to platinum, and is super strong (but less brittle than tungsten). I think the major disadvantage is that you can't really re-size it. Definitely worth checking out though!!

It's so hard to believe that I'm less than a week away until the DP! Most of our Australian guests have already arrived and are touring the country. It'll be so great to see everyone on Sat!! :)

Your photos are so beautiful. Great choice on the photographer. It helps to be a smart looking couple. I think your wedding gown is gorgeous and the flowers from Diane so so pretty. I can't wait to see everything come together its going to be perfect.

Thanks so much, Evi!! :goodvibes That's so nice of you. I'm also very excited to see how all the elements come together. I was packing up all my wedding things into two suitcases tonight, and thought "wow, I sure spent a lot of money on Etsy this year" :laughing: It's nice to support individuals/small businesses though, and I certainly could not have planned my wedding without them.

Wow! Awesome pics and love the clay floral. I'm planning on doing my own floral to save money, but I'd love to buy some hydrangeas from her!

Thanks so much, Amber!! :goodvibes
That's awesome you're doing your own floral! You'll be more likely to achieve your vision for floral, and save money! I think that's a good idea. I'm sure Diane will be happy to work with you on hydrangea. She does lovely little hydrangea flowers in a variety of colors.

Good luck with your planning!! :)

Thanks again for all your comments, Ladies! It truly makes my day to read them!!
Wow, so I have a ton of updates... Where to start... Hmm, guess I'll start with the miscellaneous ones! :)

1) Dress Fittings:
Over the last two weeks, I had my second, third, and final dress fittings. So I have my dress and veil hanging in my closet as we speak! Very exciting!! woohoo: The lady that did my alterations was fantastic, and very patients with all my minor concerns. She extended the boning in the top to make it stand better, added cups (highly recommend that--strapless bras can be infuriating at times), and had to add a waist band (the top kept wanting to slide a bit; apparently a common problem in strapless gowns). I'm very happy with it now, and am just trying to decide whether to wear Spanx or not. I bought one of the Slim Cognito tummy and thigh shapers just to give me a smoother silhouette, but I haven't tried it on with the dress before. Hmm... :scratchin

2) Hair:
After much pinterest perusing, I decided I wanted to go with a soft romantic style to fit the venue. I also have an affinity toward braids, so this style really caught my eye:

This style also gave me an excuse to go for something I've been wanting to try for forever... Extensions! :yay: I know, I know... It's kinda crazy, but I've always wanted long hair and it just won't grow well when it gets past my shoulders. After casually talking to my long-time hair stylist, who has extensions, about the idea, I got all fired up. She passed me along to the extension specialist in the salon, who asked about what I wanted to achieve and recommended the seamless tape human hair extensions. For those interested, apparently, they're easier on your hair as they affix to sections rather than a few strands, lay flatter under your hair, and don't require heat to apply. He then ordered the extensions, had them colored to match my hair (reds aren't a popular extension color evidently), and then attached them near my scalp at random places to give me longer and thicker hair.

I really love the result. The photo above doesn't really do it justice, but it's quite a bit longer. It was a bit of an indulgence (my wedding gift to myself), and annoying to feel the tape in my hair at first, but I'm excited about having a new look for my wedding. I can still wear my hair up, but I'm having more fun styling it down now.

3) Wedding Party Gifts
I really struggled with this for weeks... I wanted to do something original, but never really could come up with something I was excited about. So I ended up going uber traditional--bath robes for the girls and flasks for the guys. Haha, ironic, huh?

I'm actually pretty happy with that decision. After seeing Jillian's cute getting ready attire, I thought it'd be neat to have something similar for myself. While browsing Etsy, I came across a vendor that does really gorgeous monogrammed robes, and was instantly sold on them as bridesmaid/house party member gifts.
Vendor: ShopMomento
Photo from the Vendor's site of a bridal party in Monogrammed Robes

The robes I ordered all wrapped up (sorry for the bad lighting). I also did the navy robes, but I went with the layered initial and name embroidery.

I'm really happy with how they turned out! :) The robes themselves are really soft, a good length, and I think the embroidery is really cute. Hopefully the ladies like them!

For the guys, I found another Etsy vendor (KillorglinCreations) that does leather wrapped flasks. John makes custom flasks as well as flasks with different (usually drinking related) quotations. Timmy really liked the idea of getting a different quotation for each groomsman/usher.


We're going to attach a miniature of whiskey to each flask also. Can't very well give it empty ;)

4) Groomsmen Attire Continued.
We finally purchased the final pieces of the guy's attire... Bowties and shoes.

Vendor: The Tie Bar (massive selection of ties and good customer service. Highly recommend them!)

Vendor: Havaianas Australia
Timmy is a huge Havaianas fan, so I knew if we did a beach wedding, that the men would be wearing these. I was excited to find out that you can get ones from Australia with a little Aussie flag on it--worked into our theme very nicely :)


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