Glass Slippers and wizards and DisBrides, oh my! A PHM trip report **Complete**

Enchanted 10k recap

It was up bright and early for the Enchanted 10k this morning! I woke up around 3 am and felt pretty good and ready to go. I had laid out my costume - I was doing Snow White - and I got it on and then went to the lobby to meet my runner friends.

We got to the area around 4am and had to wait around. It was only about 45 degrees at this point and as people dressed in clothes to run, it was cold! I did add sleeves and leggings to my outfit, and I had a throwaway jacket (Disney lets you wear a jacket or sweatshirt before hand and then you can throw it to the side at any point during the course - they collect all the jackets and donate them to charity). I was still freezing. I was in corral C and very grateful when we finally started running and I got to move around 5:55.

I did this race last year and it was the same course, which I really enjoy. However, it felt like there were more characters last year. I was taking it easy since I was running the half marathon the next day, but there weren't too many characters I was interested in stopping for. The first 5k of the race is basically through the parking lot and the streets. The only characters in that first half that I saw were Tink and her fairy friends (apparently the White Rabbit may have been out too but I guess I missed him). Once we got to the entrance of the World Showcase it got a lot more exciting. I found these random stilt guys and since there was no wait I stopped for a picture. I'm still not sure who they are though.

The World Showcase was gorgeous when we got there, and I stopped to take a lot of pictures. The sun was rising and everything just looked so pretty.





I also stopped for a picture with Jiminy Cricket:


After you go through the World Showcase it's out and around the Boardwalk, which also has nice views. Characters I passed included Marie, Donald as a baseball player, Goofy as an Astronaut, and Princess Minnie.


For the last bit you head back into Epcot and then back out toward the parking lot again. I had to stop for a pic at mile marker 6 since it had Snow White, my costume!


I crossed the finish line with a time of about 1:17, which is okay for me but good since I didn't want to push too hard and tire myself out before the half! I got my medal:


But I didn't hang around for long because it was too chilly, and now that I had stopped running I didn't want to just wait around! DH had decided to sleep in since it was chilly and none of the other guys were going to the 10k, but he would be there the next day. I grabbed my little box of food, got on the bus, and went back to Pop! Once back I took a great 1 1/2 nap.



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Becky, I am late to the party but joining in! Wonderful review so far! You do nice job of adding little details about your experiences that make it interesting to read. Great job of finishing the 10K and then running half the next day! WoW, impressive! And you have only been running a few years! Love the Snow White costume you wore for your run.

I love the shirt you bought for your DH that says his favorite Disney princess is you, his wife!

I need to find one like it for my husband's birthday present!
I also wanted to say I got a kick out of the cool character interactions you had at Hollywood Studios. It sounds like the two of you really had some fun with Mike and Sully! I know what you mean their character spot is kind of hidden away. I thought it was hilarious that they pretended to be just statues until you two were beside them taking photos! Love the photos of you in the big dip!
I had heard that this collection of Marathons were pretty chilly. How neat about the jacket donations. I really like that.

Haha, that first "Chararacter" photo looks like escapees from Universal's Mardi Gras parade.
Great job!! I love your costume!! It must be so much fun to see all the runners decked out like that! Good thing you got to go back for a nap after!!! It does look cold out there though!! I'm sure those Disney races are different than any others. I'd love to do one even if I had to walk the whole thing.
Looks like you had a great 10K run! I love your costume! It was way too cold that morning. People thought it was crazy when I got rid of my warmth shirt after Mile 2 and just ran in the tank top.

I was so mad during the 10K as my phone's camera would not work for whatever reason & when that happens i have to restart it but there was no way I was going to stop m my MapMyRun app during the run.
Becky, I am late to the party but joining in! Wonderful review so far! You do nice job of adding little details about your experiences that make it interesting to read. Great job of finishing the 10K and then running half the next day! WoW, impressive! And you have only been running a few years! Love the Snow White costume you wore for your run.

I love the shirt you bought for your DH that says his favorite Disney princess is you, his wife!

I need to find one like it for my husband's birthday present!

Thank you! That shirt is so great, I'm glad DH was willing to wear it haha. At Disney they only sell it at the race expo, but I know that there are Etsy shops that have made similar ones!

I also wanted to say I got a kick out of the cool character interactions you had at Hollywood Studios. It sounds like the two of you really had some fun with Mike and Sully! I know what you mean their character spot is kind of hidden away. I thought it was hilarious that they pretended to be just statues until you two were beside them taking photos! Love the photos of you in the big dip!

They were a ton of fun! When they were so still I was like, "Oh man, I hope this isn't a lame character interaction!" But it wasn't ;)

I had heard that this collection of Marathons were pretty chilly. How neat about the jacket donations. I really like that.

Haha, that first "Chararacter" photo looks like escapees from Universal's Mardi Gras parade.

Yeah, I think the jacket thing is awesome - we can stay warm and charity benefits. It's win-win!

Haha, that's a great point! I have no idea who those guys were or where they came from lol!

Great job!! I love your costume!! It must be so much fun to see all the runners decked out like that! Good thing you got to go back for a nap after!!! It does look cold out there though!! I'm sure those Disney races are different than any others. I'd love to do one even if I had to walk the whole thing.

Thank you! The costumes are so much fun. I like to do a pretty detailed costume but some people REALLY go all out, it's amazing to see. You should definitely try a Disney race! Lots of people walk them. As long as you keep a 16 min/mile pace you'll be fine. And for the 5k's that's not too bad :)

Looks like you had a great 10K run! I love your costume! It was way too cold that morning. People thought it was crazy when I got rid of my warmth shirt after Mile 2 and just ran in the tank top.

I was so mad during the 10K as my phone's camera would not work for whatever reason & when that happens i have to restart it but there was no way I was going to stop m my MapMyRun app during the run.

Once we were about two miles in I could finally get rid of my jacket and it wasn't too bad running, but the moment I stopped I froze again!

Oh no, I'm sorry the camera on your phone wouldn't work! That's such a bummer. I actually carry my digital camera in my flipbelt as well as my phone because I love taking pictures haha.
Just checking in to see if you have a new update. I will be hear when you do! I know how it goes! Life gets in the way at times! If only our regular lives could revolve around Disney too.
Glad you are feeling better! Disney isn't what I would call a relaxing vacation, but lots of exercise and so much fun!
Just checking in to see if you have a new update. I will be hear when you do! I know how it goes! Life gets in the way at times! If only our regular lives could revolve around Disney too.

Aww, thanks for checking! I just came on to post an update right now!

Great Read! Thanks for posting!

Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Glad you are feeling better! Disney isn't what I would call a relaxing vacation, but lots of exercise and so much fun!

Thank you! I get so much exercise in Disney, it makes up for all the food I eat ;) I have a fitbit that counts my steps and it's amazing how many more I get while I'm there!
An Afternoon in Epcot

Refreshed from a nap, DH and I headed into Epcot. I had to stop for a photo:

But then the next priority was lunch! We had no place in particular in mind, so we decided to try something new and headed into the World Showcase. We went to France, to dine at Les Halles, the quick service option there. It was really good overall! Definitely a place I'd go back to. And to top it all off I had to stop at the ice cream place, since it's my favorite. I got the ice cream macaron for dessert and it was so good. I was one happy camper.

I had made some FP+ for the afternoon and Soarin was our first one, but it wasn't quite time for that yet. So we headed to that area anyway and rode Living with the Land. I always enjoy that, more so ever since I've done the Behind the Seeds tour. And then we did Soarin', which was great as always!

We had some time and since we had done Soarin we of course didn't have a FP for Test Track, so we decided to just wait stand-by. I think it was about 50 minutes, which is more than we usually wait for anything, but that wait goes faster than others since you spend some of it designing your car. We decided to design a super powerful car that we nicknamed the submarine! There were two kids behind us that had gone separately from their parents but the parents had their magic bands, so they hadn't been able to design a car. We "shared" our car with them and they asked if we could tell them we were a group of 4 so they could ride with us. It was super sweet!

We made a quick stop at Club Cool to try all of the sodas (except Beverly, we know better!)

And then went to try something else new to us:

It was fun, though more or less the same thing as Cyber Space Mountain at Disney Quest that we had visited last year. We then rode Nemo before going to Turtle Talk with Crush. We always love this show and like how different it is based on the participation. He usually talks to the kids, but generally chooses one parent to "pick on." This time it was a mom, who said she had 4 kids - and Crush made a joke about not needing to worry about the human species becoming endangered with her around ;)

We were still a little early for our dinner reservations at Trattoria al Forno, so we headed to the Boardwalk Bakery and had "dessert first" - I wanted a Disney cupcake, and they had the most incredible strawberry and chocolate cupcake. It was seriously so good. Boardwalk Bakery always seems to have the best cupcakes.

Then we headed over to Trattoria, where we met up with a group of about 20 of my friends and fellow DisBrides plus many of their husbands. We were separated into two tables. Our server Hollie was great - knowledgeable, friendly, and very on top of things with such a large group. And the food was quite good too!

After that tasty dinner DH and I decided to go back to the room. Some of the others were staying out a little later, despite the half marathon the next morning, but I wanted to get to bed early - it would be my very first half marathon after all, and I wanted to be in the best condition possible for it!

We must have been at Trattoria around the same time! It was a great choice for a pre-half marathon meal!

(We also went back to the room right afterwards and were asleep by 7:30)
Great update! I love how the two kids that had been separated from their parents wanted to ride with you on Test Track! They must have enjoyed spending time with you creating your cool car. I love your close up photos of your food. Makes me hungry!
I had my very first stop at Les Halles in January. Of course I only had pastry, but I was satisfied.

Haha, I think sometimes Living with the Land is like the standby for Soarin FP. Do it while you wait for your time. I do enjoy it though.

Awww, looks like you went to Disney and had two kids there Becky. That is cute.

I do love that Crush throws in some good "adult" humour.

YES!!!!! The Bakery Strawberry Cupcake!!!!!!! OMG so good!!!
Great update - that dinner looked good but what was it? Looking forward to hearing more about the half! What a fun night getting to spend dinner with so many friends!
We must have been at Trattoria around the same time! It was a great choice for a pre-half marathon meal!

(We also went back to the room right afterwards and were asleep by 7:30)

Oh wow that's too funny! I think our reservation was around 5:15? It was definitely a good pre-race meal!

Great update! I love how the two kids that had been separated from their parents wanted to ride with you on Test Track! They must have enjoyed spending time with you creating your cool car. I love your close up photos of your food. Makes me hungry!

Yeah, it was really sweet to have some company on the ride! And looking back at my photos makes me hungry too...

I had my very first stop at Les Halles in January. Of course I only had pastry, but I was satisfied.

Haha, I think sometimes Living with the Land is like the standby for Soarin FP. Do it while you wait for your time. I do enjoy it though.

Awww, looks like you went to Disney and had two kids there Becky. That is cute.

I do love that Crush throws in some good "adult" humour.

YES!!!!! The Bakery Strawberry Cupcake!!!!!!! OMG so good!!!

All of the pastries at Les Halles look amazing! Seriously, Epcot has such great food I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to try it all.

Lol it totally is! Disney is doing so many interactive queues right now they should just make the boat ride the queue for Soarin ;)

I wish I had that cupcake right now! lol

Great update - that dinner looked good but what was it? Looking forward to hearing more about the half! What a fun night getting to spend dinner with so many friends!

My meal at Trattoria was the Campanelle - with Green Beans, Roasted Potatoes, and Genovese Pesto - and I had chicken added. It was quite good, and I'll eventually be sharing more details over on my dining review!
Great update! I love all your food photos! In fact, I would like to "borrow" two of your photos for my own TR. We ate at the quick service restaurant in France and I didn't get any good pictures of the outside or the ham and cheese croissant. So, I want to borrow yours and put the link to them in my TR. Is that okay with you?
My meal at Trattoria was the Campanelle - with Green Beans, Roasted Potatoes, and Genovese Pesto - and I had chicken added. It was quite good, and I'll eventually be sharing more details over on my dining review!

I couldn't tell if that was chicken or salmon or something on top...but either way it looked yummy!
Great update! I love all your food photos! In fact, I would like to "borrow" two of your photos for my own TR. We ate at the quick service restaurant in France and I didn't get any good pictures of the outside or the ham and cheese croissant. So, I want to borrow yours and put the link to them in my TR. Is that okay with you?

Of course you may!

I couldn't tell if that was chicken or salmon or something on top...but either way it looked yummy!

Yup, grilled chicken! It was very good!


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