Gluttony . . . Pure Gluttony. 14 nights food reviews from two little piggies!LAST DAY

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Subscribing! Loving your reviews and that you are a proper English girl like me who loves their tea! I can't wait to try Goofys Candy Co treats next year.

Laur's princess:

You two eat more than my hubby and I do ... and that's saying something! :lmao:

I've enjoyed your reviews so far and am looking forward to more.

BTW - the two of you are so cute! :goodvibes

Oh I'm glad you are here I love your reviews - I am catching up with Vegas at the minute as we are going there for Christmas! :thumbsup2

I cannot wait to hear about more of your adventures!!! I love Tony Roma's!!! Not only are the ribs & wings good but they have the BEST baked potato soup!!!!

And let's not forget the onion loaf!! Ohhh!!!

Great reviews! I can't wait to read more as DS and I will be eating at many of the same places on our trip! :cool1: Even though I am a bit fluffy sized, we do eat healthy at home and also look at vacation as the time to eat things we don't usually have. Lovin' your reviews & pics! :goodvibes

And I agree about Tony Romas! We don't have one near us and usually try to eat there when in Orlando. We won't have a car this trip and are on deluxe dining so we will miss it this trip.

No Tony Romas? That is tragic news!! Fear not, I have a review of House of Blues ribs coming up - is that on DDP?

Great reviews! I can't wait to read mouth is watering!

I am eating an apple at the mo, my mouth is sooooo not watering for it!!!:(

Great reviews thus far and am definitely looking forward to more.
Thank you I am half way through enticing DH into a return trip next year before our first cruise (not that we can afford it! :rotfl: ) so fingers crossed I can do more reviews next year!
Monday 12th May

Finally a whole day of Disney meals!

So we decided to do something we had never managed before this vacation – make the rope drops at the parks! So for the next three days we had the same breakfast in our room for speed– Cornflakes and grapefruit that we picked up at Walmarts (another chain, I’m sorry!!) and a coffee and BEIGNETS from the foodcourt. Believe it or not from these reviews we’re not actually big breakfast people, so this was perfect for us! :)

I won’t review Cornflakes, lets focus on the Beignets! Prior to going I had wondered what on earth the fuss was about – they certainly don’t look like much! However in my mission to try every single item of food that had even been mentioned on these boards I sent TG to get an order of 3 (instead of 6, see that restraint I spoke about?!). I had 1, TG had 2. :worship: Deep fried puffed up pastry with about an inch of icing sugar on the top – what more do you need?! TG gives them 8/10, I’m a resounding 10/10! Only problem is they are really messy –best to eat before getting dressed which is easy in your room, not quite so easy in the food court. Oh, and we liked the foodcourt coffee, I know it gets slated but for a Nescafe girl it tasted nice and smooth!

We managed to make it to lunch without snacking (shocker). Lunch was booked for 12 at Chefs De France and we were one of the first taken in – got a lovely window seat. We had never been here and I had booked this restaurant on the basis on one review that I read getting on for a year ago than sung the praises of the Quiche Lorraine– I adore quiche! I was determined to just be good and have one course. Then I spotted the French Onion Soup on the menu . . . I love me some french onion soup. Sigh. I had a rather nasty incident with it in LA last year which I feared may have put me off it forever :sick: , but there it was, calling to me – who was I to deny it?! So I ordered that and the quiche – TG ordered the soup and the croque monsieur (toasted ham and cheese sandwich).

Rolls came first – nice – soft and warm. I had half, which I’m probably means TG had 1 and a ½! Then the soup arrived. It was seriously lovely. Rich good quality soup, shed loads of onion, lots of bread and cheese on top– we both loved it and licked the bowls clean. One of the nicest I have ever had.

Entrée – Both dishes came with a small salad which had a nice dressing on it. TG’s croque monsieur was lovely – really light yet filling, just the right amounts of ham and cheese. I tasted a tiny bit and loved it. I wished I had ordered it . . . . the quiche was a bit of a let down after a years drooling for one vital reason – it was HOT! I don’t like hot quiche! I like it to be chilled so the eggy goo sets firmly!!! To be fair the pastry was light and crumbly, and there was loads of filling which tasted nice – it just wasn’t what I had been imagining. If you like hot quiche (like most normal people do) I’m sure you would love it. TG gives his meal 10/10 and says it was one of the best meals of the trip. I give mine 8.5/10 (soup 10, quiche 7). We thought the food was really good quality, the restaurant was elegant, service excellent and will definitely return.


Mid afternoon we found ourselves in need of a rest so headed to the Fountain View café, where we could sit outside and people watch. We both had waffle cones – I had one scoop of good old chocolate and TG has 2 scoops – one vanilla and one rainbow sherbet. Both excellent – sometimes you just need some icecream.

Dinner! Boma was booked for about 7.30pm . I booked this because of all the good reviews. It took a heck of a lot of arm twisting of TG – he is not very adventurous when it comes to food but eventually he agreed to give it a try – yey! We arrived a few minutes early, and had to wait what felt like ages to be seated (prob about 15 mins). Got to our table. Waited, and waited, and waited. After about 15 mins we still hadn’t seen a waiter to even give a drink order. Ordinarily we would have just gone up to the buffet and got cracking, but I had read on here from other people about the waiters explaining about all the different pods and what was on them, so we waited.

What to do while waiting . . . take loads of pictures of yourself!!!!

After about 10 mins our waiter hussled up, moaned about how busy he was, took our drinks orders and cleared off again. :mad: Not a word about the food!!! We decided to be take on the spirit of adventure and go forth to the food.

1st plate – I had the three types of hummus (chick pea, tomato and bean I think???), and African bread (which was crisp) and pitta bread to mop it up. Also had some sort of coconut salad, and a teensy tiny bit of watermelon rind salad. All lovely apart from the watermelon rind salad – what the heck possesses anyone to eat that?! TG surprised me by trying hummus (he never has any when I have it at home) the two breads and I think some salad. I made him try the watermelon rind as well. Why suffer alone?! I think he spat it into a tissue, so also not a great endorsement.

2nd plates – we both had roughly the same. I had some cornbread which I had decided I was going to try this year (never had it before!) – So moist - loved it!!! How have I never had any before!? We both tried falafel which we had never had before, sausage, chicken (tenders for me, roast for TG), potatoes with Afritude, coconut rice and corn. All very good and well flavoured, a really nice surprise! The chef did see fit to explain to me what a sausage was which made me laugh! Obviously I looked bemused, but I was more bemused that they had big pork sausages in Africa, rather than not knowing what it was!! The only thing I wasn’t so keen on was a beef and lamb mix (looked like a pie) with what resembled pastry on the top, but was actually more of an egg topping – sort of like lasagne. TG loved it and had seconds! Which was surprising to me as at home he won’t eat lamb so I have to cook 2 meals whenever I want it!!! Actually he had seconds of most of the above, I just had a little more rice (love coconut) and another falafel. I started off liking those but went off them the more I had!!!
Our first entrees

On to dessert and something I had been waiting to try for months – zebra domes. I knew I would like them so grabbed 2! I also had crunchy choc mousse, banana bread and warm vanilla sauce, pineapple cheesecake and flourless chocolate cake. Whew! Chocolate crunchy mousse was Ok – bit flavourless, the pineapple cheesecake was good – really rich. The banana bread and warm vanilla sauce was a revelation – I really loved that. Zebra Domes . .. . sorry but I don’t get them!! Can’t put my finger on why, but I didn’t love them. They were just OK; TG said the same. They were squishier than I expected. I was stuffed so just picked at all those desserts and didn’t finish much!

TG had a plate of fresh fruit, with cookies and then somefruit tarts (I think) I was too full to lift the camera by then.

All in all we really liked it! TG says “Boma surprised me how tasty it was” so pass that on if you have any picky eaters in your group who are dithering about going! He scored it 9/10. Me 8/10. The service didn’t pick up much all night so I just hope you don’t get our server! Will definitely return.

SO! There we are full up for the night. . . :rotfl2: ;)

NOPE!!!! Because we had been to Epcot today. And what do Epcot have that I have been reading about for months?! That’s right – schoolbread!!!!! :banana: We had brought one earlier and put it in our fridge for safe keeping. Got back to the room and panic overcame us – what if it went stale overnight?! We wanted to give it a fair review, and in order to be fair surely the food had to be fresh!? Yep, we cracked into it. TG was so desperate he cut it in half before I could get a piccie, so this is a cross-section for you.

Hands off girls - this romantic fool is all mine!!!!!!!

I only ate ½ of my half (someone else stuffed all of his!) but that was enough to discover the pure exquisiteness! How do they make bread and custard that light?! And who thought to put coconut on top?! The Norwegians are geniuses. Loved this, we gave it 9/10 each – I can’t remember why not 10. Possibly because it was really sickly and we had started it after a rather large buffet?!

So another days stuffing over – I estimate 20000 calories and I don’t think I even managed one portion of fruit and veg. I love vacation!!!!!

Up tomorrow – FQ foodcourt again, Flame Tree BBQ lunch and Cheesecake Factory dinner. Plus our first visit too Ghirardellis.
I have to say that we didn't 'get' the zebra domes either. Actually our whole exerience at Boma was just so-so. We did enjoy some of the foods but our server may have been the same as yours! We just felt ignored the whole time we were there. I didn't know at the time, but DH had told them that we were celebrating my birthday and even though it was on the reservation when he checked us in, the server never mentioned it. It was a bit of a letdown for DH at the time (and for me after when I realized what had happened).
wow loving your reviews. if you cant spoil yourself on holiday when can you, so pleased to see your positive reveiw for 1900 park fare as we have booked this for our upcoming trip. will have to show dh those ribs from tonys, i htink he will want to fit in a trip there!!!
LOL! I think I may need to clarify my stance on "chains". When it comes to picking up breakfast and other groceries, going to a chain like Wal-Mart isn't what burns my biscuits.

Imagine, if you will, I went to England, and I decided that I wanted to eat at McDonald's instead of trying the "local flavor" that isn't a chain restaurant. I guess that's how I feel about Domino's and KFC. ;)

However, I guess it's a matter of "We don't have anything like it where I'm from, so for us it's a treat!" So I guess I have to relax my views on that. :)

Anyway, the Chefs de France lunch looked great to me! I've done the French Menu lunch (which had been the soup, the croque monsieur, and creme brulée for dessert). I guess they don't have that lunch combo on the menu anymore.

And Boma! :banana: My favorite part....SOUP. I love their soups, but I see you didn't try any of them. ;) I agree about the watermelon rind salad. Not my cup of tea. And I think the zebra domes used to be different than they are now. Maybe that's the problem.

I've always wanted to try the Norway schoolbread...but never after eating a meal at Boma! :rotfl2:

:idea: Maybe I'll buy some to share in October with Brenda and Jay.
Thanks for the review of Boma, we loved breakfast there so much we made sure to book dinner for our Oct trip plus we are staying at the AKL so we would be fools not to go!

So glad to hear they have falafel on the buffet, I just discovered it at the Tangierine Cafe last month and LOVE IT!

We dont get Zebra Domes either, we had them at Mara CS and they were eh but I am still going to give them a second try at Boma
LOL! I think I may need to clarify my stance on "chains". When it comes to picking up breakfast and other groceries, going to a chain like Wal-Mart isn't what burns my biscuits.

Imagine, if you will, I went to England, and I decided that I wanted to eat at McDonald's instead of trying the "local flavor" that isn't a chain restaurant. I guess that's how I feel about Domino's and KFC. ;)

However, I guess it's a matter of "We don't have anything like it where I'm from, so for us it's a treat!" So I guess I have to relax my views on that. :)

Anyway, the Chefs de France lunch looked great to me! I've done the French Menu lunch (which had been the soup, the croque monsieur, and creme brulée for dessert). I guess they don't have that lunch combo on the menu anymore.

And Boma! :banana: My favorite part....SOUP. I love their soups, but I see you didn't try any of them. ;) I agree about the watermelon rind salad. Not my cup of tea. And I think the zebra domes used to be different than they are now. Maybe that's the problem.

I've always wanted to try the Norway schoolbread...but never after eating a meal at Boma! :rotfl2:

:idea: Maybe I'll buy some to share in October with Brenda and Jay.

You have to forgive me Cheesecake Fatory then, because we have NONE in England! Its disgraceful!!!

Oh I didn't see soups - I blame the waiter!!!

And rest assured - the do still have the french menu but -get this - we were being good!!!!!!:rotfl:
I must be the lone dissenter who likes the watermelon rind salad. But I think that's because I'm also the strange person who adores the pickled ginger that comes with sushi.
Ok, ok, I am onboard! Awesome reviews and photos so far!!

I have to say, that Dominoes Pizza was HUGE! We don't have Dominoes around here, so I don't know if that's normal, but that's massive!

I've put the magic cookie on my must-have list - it sort of sounds like Tiffin (which I love!) without the raisins (which I hate - so even better!)

I'm glad you liked POFQ, we're trying it for the first time in Aug/Sept :)

Looking forward to the rest!
i cant wait for more.......... i love it when i see a new title that i havent read and when it says pics included i get a really BIG SMILE!!!!!!!
Fantastic update. I loved the school bread too when I tried it last year. I'm drooling now I've seen that picture, it's reminded me how good it really was.
Ok, ok, I am onboard! Awesome reviews and photos so far!!

I have to say, that Dominoes Pizza was HUGE! We don't have Dominoes around here, so I don't know if that's normal, but that's massive!

I've put the magic cookie on my must-have list - it sort of sounds like Tiffin (which I love!) without the raisins (which I hate - so even better!)

I'm glad you liked POFQ, we're trying it for the first time in Aug/Sept :)

Looking forward to the rest!

Helloooooo :offtopic: your itinery cards worked SO well - even TG was praising them by day 2 (after mocking me for weeks while I made them!).

And its your fault we have the picture of his tongue ;) . . . it was your food report that made us want to try the schoolbread!!:love:

I suppose the cookie bar was a bit like tiffin, but slightly less chocolately, in exchange for more oats!!! What I wouldn't do for one right now. Is anything worse than the post holiday diet?! We are staying at FQ again next year I have just decided- I need to be close to it. I reckon you will love it, it was so peaceful.
:offtopic: I'm so glad the itinerary cards helped you! I'm in the middle of making a new batch right now, different to last years and I forgot how loooong they take to make :laughing: The main reason I like to make them is because it gets me in the Disney mood! And yes, I put the cookie on them :laughing: It sounds right up my street, I love oaty things... flapjacks, hobnobs... mmm!!

Schoolbread is good, huh?! I could so go for a Schoolbread right now. DBF hates coconut so I had to eat mine all on my own - it's a hard job but someone's gotta do it :teeth:

Looking forward to the rest!
Helloooooo :offtopic: your itinery cards worked SO well - even TG was praising them by day 2 (after mocking me for weeks while I made them!).

And its your fault we have the picture of his tongue ;) . . . it was your food report that made us want to try the schoolbread!!:love:

I suppose the cookie bar was a bit like tiffin, but slightly less chocolately, in exchange for more oats!!! What I wouldn't do for one right now. Is anything worse than the post holiday diet?! We are staying at FQ again next year I have just decided- I need to be close to it. I reckon you will love it, it was so peaceful.

:offtopic: I'm so glad the itinerary cards helped you! I'm in the middle of making a new batch right now, different to last years and I forgot how loooong they take to make :laughing: The main reason I like to make them is because it gets me in the Disney mood! And yes, I put the cookie on them :laughing: It sounds right up my street, I love oaty things... flapjacks, hobnobs... mmm!!

Schoolbread is good, huh?! I could so go for a Schoolbread right now. DBF hates coconut so I had to eat mine all on my own - it's a hard job but someone's gotta do it :teeth:

Looking forward to the rest!
What are these itinerary cards you speak of?? :listen:
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