Go Home Teetah, You're Drunk. F&W Fantasies Fulfilled! Oct 14 TR - FINALLY COMPLETE 8/31!

Joining in! This is year is my first year at F&W so I'm really excited to read what you thought! That shrimp looks INCREDIBLE and I have to go with Tim on this one! Frozen margaritas are the way to go. That cruise sounds amazing and Captain Scott sounds like such a great CM pixiedust:
With Day 1 under our belts and an early morning, we headed home after our lovely boat ride.

The next morning, it had rained again! We were up early and off to MK for our Keys to the Kingdom Tour! We jumped in our little rental and headed out!

Here is where the flip flop madness began. This was literally me the whole way to MK:

It was hilariously terrible. By the we got to the tour, I was gripping on to Tim for dear life. Once I was inside MK, the ground was no longer slippery. Thank all that is holy because that was THE WORST.


Moving on.

I am not going to give a run down of the KTTK tour, but I will tell you two things:

1. Totally worth it.
2. Totally worth it.

After the KTTK tour, we were pretty beat, so we headed back home. Ah, home.

We decided to jump in the pool for a bit and just watch the clouds....

When we were done being lazy, it was time for our ADR at Riverside Mill!

It was basically empty in there, so service was quick, which was great! I had the Grilled NY Strip...no idea what Tim had. Neither one of us were super impressed, but it wasn't bad either. Decent and filling.

Continued in the next post...
We decided to head back to MK for the rest of the evening. The ride over was absolutely lovely...

Oh MK in the fall...I love you:

We headed for Tomorrowland. I have never spent much time there, but we did tonight. I also had committed a major sin...never made it on the Peoplemover before..but I did this time! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think we did that, Carousel of Progress and the Speedway. It was a very pleasant time. We then walked towards the Teacups and rode those. I love me some Teacups! I know it is called Mad Hatter Party. I don't care. The first time I ever saw that ride, I was 6 and my Dad refused to let me ride them because he thought they would make me sick. I remember bawling because I WANTED TO RIDE IN THE TEACUPS.

So now, I ride them at least twice every time I am at MK. Take that, Dad! Just kidding, my Dad is great. Just overprotective of his youngest of 5 daughters. Can you blame him? I can't.

We then wandered into Fantasyland FOR THE FIRST TIME. We were here when it was still under construction, but hadn't seen anything completed. Oh man, IN LOVE. We had a FP for Journey of the Little Mermaid (which is awful, btw) and Peter Pan's Flight. We also rode Winnie the Pooh. We tried for Seven Dwarfs but no luck...plus it kept getting shut down. However, that are at night is JUST AMAZING. The landscaping and lighting is just phenomenal. I was so overcome, I only took a few photos. We then got a
LeFou's Brew, and while I loved the design there, I wasn't a huge fan of the drink. It was ok...just a bit too sweet for me.

Some photos for your viewing pleasure:

We then went to Mickey's Philharmagic, which is one of my faves and started wandering towards Adventurland. Made a rookie mistake and got stuck watching the Electrical Light Parade, which is fine but it was getting REALLY crowded! Getting out of there was going to be a beast! So we watched until it was over from a distance and then made our way out and back home again...

Continued next time in: Another F&W Day!
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Joining in! This is year is my first year at F&W so I'm really excited to read what you thought! That shrimp looks INCREDIBLE and I have to go with Tim on this one! Frozen margaritas are the way to go. That cruise sounds amazing and Captain Scott sounds like such a great CM pixiedust:

Welcome! I think most people prefer frozen margaritas. For some reason, tho, I really like them on the rocks. Lots more F&W coming!!!
Looks like a really good day even if the weather wasn't great. (I think we weren't in town until the next day, so we missed out on the rain.

I would love to do KTTK, but want to wait until DD is old enough. The price seems relatively reasonable too, especially with the 20 % discount for Disney VISA. (If you want that on steriods, check out our TR for the ABD Backstage Magic. That trip was unbelievable.) If I had to list out the 10 best days of my life, I think two of them would be from that trip.

Too bad you didn't get on 7DMT - we liked it a lot.It's nothing thrilling or anything, but a neat little combination roller coaster/dark ride. Not worth a two hour wait though.
OMG, you make me want to try out the IllumiNations cruise! We have never even seen the show. Hmmmm.

Looks like such a wonderful trip, can't wait to read more!
Subbing in. Anything with drunk it the title I"m totally there ; ) Can't wait for more
Looks like a really good day even if the weather wasn't great. (I think we weren't in town until the next day, so we missed out on the rain.

I would love to do KTTK, but want to wait until DD is old enough. The price seems relatively reasonable too, especially with the 20 % discount for Disney VISA. (If you want that on steriods, check out our TR for the ABD Backstage Magic. That trip was unbelievable.) If I had to list out the 10 best days of my life, I think two of them would be from that trip.

Too bad you didn't get on 7DMT - we liked it a lot.It's nothing thrilling or anything, but a neat little combination roller coaster/dark ride. Not worth a two hour wait though.

It was a great day...weather is just something you have to get over IMHO! Yes, definitely wait until she will remember it. It is a TON of info. I was bummed about 7DMT, but it is what it is!

OMG, you make me want to try out the IllumiNations cruise! We have never even seen the show. Hmmmm.

Looks like such a wonderful trip, can't wait to read more!

It was just fantastic. I can't speak highly enough of it!

Subbing in. Anything with drunk it the title I"m totally there ; ) Can't wait for more
Baha! Glad to see those with common interests joining in! :rotfl2:
The next morning, I woke up relatively early and went down to get us breakfast while Tim caught up on work. We had omelets, I think. I didn't take any photos! I THINK maybe we went to the pool for a bit...cannot recall...too much drink/too little note-taking.

Then it was back to F&W!!!! Man, we were making up for the rainy weather, because it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!

We started in France.

We had:

Boeuf Bourguignon - Braised Short Ribs in Cabernet with Mashed Potatoes
Creme Brulee Caramel fleur de sel - Sea Salt Caramel Creme Brulee topped with Caramelize Sugar

Sparkling Pomegranate Kir
La Passion Martini Slush - Vodka, Grey Goose Le Citron, Cranberry and Passion Fruit Juice.

Honestly, everything here was great! I will say the short ribs were a TINY bit dry, but still very flavorful. Creme brulee was perfect...and those drinks...AHHHHH!!! Can't wait for France this year! I rarely have anything "French"...I am not much of a cook, but I have often thought about trying the whole Julia & Julia thing. Maybe someday.

We flitted in and out of the France stores and watched the chair show:

Seeing if this video will work....

Next up was Brazil. If it wasn't for my notes, I would have no recollection of the Crispy Pork Belly with Black Beans, Tomato and Cilantro or the Kaiser Brewer Xingu Black Beer...BECAUSE CHEESE BREAD:

Cheese and bread...they are my friends. Put them together and add Disney, and I will lose my mind. I went back for a second helping of bread. I have heard people rave about the pork belly and I put a smiley face next to it, so I must have liked it (along with the beer), but months later...all I can think is "cheeeeese breeeeead"......


Belgium...I was really excited about this Belgian Waffle with Warm Chocolate Ganache and Whipped Cream, but it was completely mediocre. I was very disappointed. The waffle was chewey and the ganache was not warm. At all. Tim had the Hoegaarden, which he as had before and likes...he has tried quite a few Belgian beers in his lifetime. It was starting to get busy...we found a table and another first time F&W couple asked if they could share our spot. We happily obliged and chit-chatted for a few while I gnawed on the waffle

We meandered over to Morocco next. I really just love the theme-ing in this area!

We had the Kefta Pocket - Ground Seasoned Beef in a Pita Pocket and a Casa Beer. Both were decent - I would get the pocket again, but would probably try that Mimosa Royal next time...just didn't seem like it would go great with the pocket.


We had the Spicy Hand Roll - Tuna and Salmon with Kazan Volcano Sauce and Sunrise Sake! We LOVED both...we must have been getting tired and hot because we forgot photos! Meh! I do have notes that both were delicious and that the Volcano sauce was HOT!

It was break time! We are Disney Visa Chase cardholders, so we ducked into the Chase lounge to cool off and get a non-alcoholic drink. We hung out in there for quite some time - it was great! We had not taken advantage of that lounge yet, and I am so glad we did!

Next up....Even MORE F&W, a tequila party and FINALLY our Dismeet!!!!
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We were cooled down so we left the Chase lounge and stopped at Block & Hans. Neither of us are wine experts, so we really only stopped here because our goal was to try something from each location. I usually like ice wines, so we tried the Still River Winery Apple Ice Wine and the Robert Mondavi, Fune Blanc. The ice wine was good...I didn't care much for the other:

I will just go ahead and say your welcome for cropping the weird feet that ended up in that photo. :ssst:

Side note...we are trying to learn more about wine and various alcohol-making methods. We actually bought our first wine kit! We have some friends that make their own, and we have tons of fruit trees on our property, so we want to learn to make some wine (and maybe some other stuff :teeth:) so we can make sure to use up all our fruit!

We stopped at Hops & Barley next because I couldn't wait that for that Artisan Cheese Plate! It contained:

  • Cabot Cloth-wrapped Cheddar
  • Puple Haze Chevre Goat Cheese
  • Cave Man Blue Cheese
We had the Julia's Vineyard Pinot Noir to go along with it. The cheeses were all good, but the blue cheese was fantastic and tasted even better with those almonds and cranberries!

It was now time for our one and only special F&W event! We decided to do the Tequila Partida Mixology.

It was a really neat class! They taught about their tequila and some tequila history. Then we made three different cocktails - they were all delicious! I have the paperwork at home and will have to include that on the next update!

After the Mixology class, it was time to meet up with skier_pete and his DW! His rendition of our meet-up is here: http://www.disboards.com/threads/it...al-update-2-9-14.3346277/page-2#post-52609855

We chatted and made introductions then headed out for the fun! We stopped at Farm Fresh and tried the Florida Cracker, a Belgian-Style White Ale from Cigar City Brewery and Florida Orange Groves, Key Lime Wine. Both were pretty good! We stopped at the South Korea booth, and I didn't make notes or take pics so either we didn't have anything here or I just forgot completely! Perhaps we were too stuffed? I only know we stopped at because of Pete's report! Terrible.

Africa - Beef Tenderloin Tips Berbere Style with Okra, Jalapenos, Tomato and Pap with MAN Vintners Chenin Blanc. Neither jumped out of us, but nothing specifically wrong here either. We didn't even photo! Probably distracted by having people to talk to!

Germany - We had the Schinkennudeln Pasta Gratin with Ham and Cheese and the Roast Bratwurst in a Pretzel Roll. They were BOTH DELICIOUS!!!!! We also did the beer flight, which were all good. Plus we tried the Schofferhofer Grapefruit, which we fell in LOVE with!

Dismeet photo time!

Through our chatter, Pete and his DW brought up Karamel Kuchen, which we had never tried. I got the Sea Salt Caramel Square and Tim is a huge fan of caramel apples, so he nabbed one of those. It was all wonderfully yummy!!!!!

We stopped by Poland to try the Hungarian wine. We have a close friend whose family is from Hungary and we weren't too interested in the food at Poland, so we tried the wine! It was pretty decent!

I will take this moment to highly recommend a Dismeet if you get the chance. Don't be shy!!! Getting to meet new people with similar interests and spend some of your time with them...just so much fun and really makes the trip special! And hey, if we are being honest, couples can run out of stuff to talk about at times and it is just a nice way to spend some time!

Pete and his DW were staying for Illuminations and we wanted to beat the crowd out. We were BEAT and STUFFED and INEBRIATED! It was time to:

Go home, Teetah. You're drunk.

We made our way back home to prepare for DAY 4: DHS, F&W Wrap Up PLUS MORE DISMEET FUN AT JELLYROLLS!
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YAY! We made it into the TR! Hah hah. It was really great hanging out with you two for a few hours, I wish it could've been a bit longer, though we did hang out again at Jellyrolls later in the trip. It wasn't our first-ever DIS-meet, but I agree with your sentiments! That's a good point about meeting up and having a break from "just the two of us". Not that you really don't enjoy eachothers company, but sometimes on a multi-day trip you do run out of things to talk about, and its nice having other people around. I'm especially glad to hear that we didn't turn you off to future DISmeets...so it must've been OK!:woohoo:

I think the reason you don't remember trying anything in South Korea is I don't think you and Tim got anything there. We ordered something there (I don't remember what now) but I do remember it wasn't anything great. The stuff in Germany was all delicous. DW even picked up a second helping on a later day.

And you can't go wrong at Karamel Kuchen, right? :thumbsup2
I THINK maybe we went to the pool for a bit...cannot recall...too much drink/too little note-taking.
Hey, what do ya know I suffer from the same syndrome

La Passion Martini Slush - Vodka, Grey Goose Le Citron, Cranberry and Passion Fruit Juice.
This looks and sounds delicious. Could totally go for one right about now

Cheese and bread...they are my friends. Put them together and add Disney, and I will lose my mind. I went back for a second helping of bread. I have heard people rave about the pork belly and I put a smiley face next to it, so I must have liked it (along with the beer), but months later...all I can think is "cheeeeese breeeeead"......
How on earth did I miss cheese bread in Brazil. The pork was good, but cheese and bread had me at ch

I will just go ahead and say your welcome for cropping the weird feet that ended up in that photo. :ssst:
Oh, no weird feet. So sad

Side note...we are trying to learn more about wine and various alcohol-making methods. We actually bought our first wine kit! We have some friends that make their own, and we have tons of fruit trees on our property, so we want to learn to make some wine (and maybe some other stuff :teeth:) so we can make sure to use up all our fruit!
Let us know how it goes. My hubby makes beer on occasion, ,but we've never tried wine. We drink plenty of it, just never been enterprising enough to attempt to make it.

Plus we tried the Schofferhofer Grapefruit, which we fell in LOVE with!
Love, love, love this stuff

I will take this moment to highly recommend a Dismeet if you get the chance. Don't be shy!!!
Looks like a fun time. And of course you can't go wrong doing it over tequila
As promised in my last post, here are the cocktails from the Tequila Demo!

Day 4: Last Official Park Day...DHS, F&W Wrap Up, PLUS DISMEET @ JELLYROLLS!

Breakfast at POR...again, no real recollection of what we ate. Again, probably omelets.

We started the day at DHS. DHS, while I understand how many aren't huge fans, has always had a special spot in my heart. I love The Great Movie Ride, One Man's Dream, Animation Courtyard and just the overall feel of the park. While it obviously needs lots of revamping (which we now know it will get), it still gets me.

We had early FP+s for Tower of Terror. I HATE rides like this. While the theme is incredible and it was awesome to walk thru, I have gotten nosebleeds on several of these kinds of rides while I was young. I hadn't been on one like this since Knott's Berry Farm when I was 18. However, The Hubs loves it. So, I sucked it up and did it. It was great and no nosebleeds! Those stomach drops are killer, tho!

I was hoping to get to Art of Animation and do a drawing! This has been on my list for ages and it just never works out. News Flash: it didn't this time, either. And now, it is gone. I was planning on making time for it one morning during our upcoming trip, but alas, it just wasn't meant to be! However, we watched the animators and Mushu and took a pic with Minnie, so it was all good. We finished our morning with One Man's Dream, WHICH I LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!!

We had lunch at Min & Bills...yummm...TURKEY LEGS!!!! And that Caramel Apple Shake was GREAT!!!

We headed straight over to F&W after this. While our food digested, we watched some entertainment and did some shopping!


I REALLY WANTED ONE OF THESE!!!! We keep talking about having a masquerade murder mystery dinner at our house. We have yet to do it, but these would be amazing, wouldn't they???

We picked up this little gem and decided we would like to focus on picking up a piece of his art each time are at Disney.

Continued in next post...
Time to start our last moments of 2014 F&W!!!!

I will be honest...my notes suck on this. Meaning, they don't exist. BUT, I do have photos!

Ravioli alla Caprese
Filletto di Pollo, con Funghi al Marsala

I do recall the Ravioli not being great. The Chicken Marsala was just ok. Sorry.

Desserts & Champagne

Dessert Trio
Passion Fruit Coconut Creamsicle
Blueberry Lime Cheesecake Roll
Chocolate Espresso Opera Cake

Nicolas Feuillatte Rose
Moet & Chamdon Nectar Imperial

ALL DELICIOUS!!!!!! Man, I wanted that Dom Perignon...it was so tempting!

And for our final trick...

WUT WUT!!! Tequila flights for all!!!

And heeeeeeere's Timmy!

I could not tell you jack crum about whether or not it tasted good...or which kind I liked better. We were so tired at this point, we were slap happy and not remembering much! But what I do remember is that it was FUN!!!

We made a cardinal sin at this point. We went back to the room and rested. Rookies. This put us in a very tired state for Jellyrolls later with skier_pete and co. While we thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment at JR, along with our great company, we were BEAT. Wimps.


We definitely need a JR redo in the future! We went back to POR and ordered pizza and watched the tube until we fell into a deeeeep sleeep....

Join me next time for Day 5: I DON'T WANNA GO!!!!

PTR for THIS year's F&W (I know, I know): http://www.disboards.com/threads/2015-food-wine-ready-starting-a-tradition.3442752/
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As promised in my last post, here are the cocktails from the Tequila Demo!

I'm all caught up and subbing in. I am loving this trip report! It is making me look forward to F&W this year even more by how amazing the food and drinks look. The Tequila Demo sounds awesome. I'm doing the Tequila lunch this year at F&W and I am so excited for it. Love tequila with a passion.

Nicolas Feuillatte Rose
Moet & Chamdon Nectar Imperial

ALL DELICIOUS!!!!!! Man, I wanted that Dom Perignon...it was so tempting!

I love both of these champagnes and they are on my Excel spreadsheet list (when it comes to F&W, I'm ridiculously organized) to have again unless I convince myself to go for the Dom. Or just get all three. :sad2:

WUT WUT!!! Tequila flights for all!!!

Those look incredible! Only 49 days left!!


I wholeheartedly agree. Definitely a rookie mistake that I have made once or twice. :rolleyes1
I'm all caught up and subbing in. I am loving this trip report! It is making me look forward to F&W this year even more by how amazing the food and drinks look. The Tequila Demo sounds awesome. I'm doing the Tequila lunch this year at F&W and I am so excited for it. Love tequila with a passion.

I love both of these champagnes and they are on my Excel spreadsheet list (when it comes to F&W, I'm ridiculously organized) to have again unless I convince myself to go for the Dom. Or just get all three. :sad2:

Those look incredible! Only 49 days left!!

I wholeheartedly agree. Definitely a rookie mistake that I have made once or twice. :rolleyes1

Big tequila fans here, as well! Obviously. :drinking:

The champagne was tough. The thing about the Dom is I would have no other occasion in my life to get to try an affordable (ha) sample. So, it is tempting. But, heck, go for all 3! :rolleyes1

I am very excited for you! You will LOVE F&W and henceforth must attend yearly. I am telling you. Addictive. :drinking::drinking::drinking:

Well, I am officially completing this TR. FINALLY. I wonder how many others take this long to complete a TR...hopefully not many! I really don't have any great excuses though. Just never got around to it, honestly!

So here we are. Final day. No F&W or park today. We wanted our last day to be nice and relaxing. So, we went to DTD.

One of my favorite photos from the trip!

We visited the Lego Store and World of Disney, got some Starbs, then walked thru the construction and some of the newer shops then walked back. Here are some construction photos from back then in case you are interested.

Since there wasn't much going on in DTD, we headed back and found ourselves a home by the pool.

This photo is funny for us. The HUBS is KINDA an old man sometimes...crotchety, grouchy guy. Chases kids of his lawn. Our friends call him Old Man Smith. You know the type. So, he loved this sign and wanted to steal it for home. We didn't do that, of course.

As previously mentioned when we tried this in Germany, this beer is FANTASTIC!!!! I was so excited to see it at the resort. We hunted it down when we got home, but sadly the closest carrier is Louisville, KY. We do occasionally go thru that area, but we usually either forget or it is at a time that store isn't open. Soooo hoping to come across it on this trip.

After spending quite a bit of time by the pool, it was time for food! We did the Make Your Own Pasta, which was pretty decent. The breadsticks were disappointing, so I rectified the situation by eating a cupcake. :teeth:

Continued in the next post...
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And here we are. The final evening, we took a long stroll around POR and took lots of photos. That resort is just gorgeous.

We departed the next morning. So sad to leave...one more photo of the lovely POR to say goodbye.

One final note...and you know it will be alcohol-related. Can't have a TR with this title and not end with a photo of the SUPER AWESOME YUMMY Bloody Mary's we had at the Memphis airport layover. For being a rather dull airport, these were a great find. Ever since, we have been obsessed with finding the perfect Bloody Mary.

UNTIL NEXT TIME....:drinking::drinking::drinking:
Glad to see you were able to wrap things up. We were just at Jellyrolls last night and I thought of you guys. They are setting up the booths for f&w right now. Good deal you get to go back. None for us this year.


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