Goal Getting....my journey....lmhall2000


How did the showing go?!

Remember the Mantra.. It's going to sell... It's going to sell....... :cool1:
I say we wage a war against scales!!! How can it be that I "feel" smaller than the day before but the scales are up a pound and a half!? It must be that Dale's Steak seasoning I put on my hamburger pattie...it's loaded with soy...note to self...no soy at supper..
The great news is that I completed week one of BOOT CAMP!!! I did all my workouts and stuck pretty well to my diet...I had a few chocolate chips here and there (no more than 10 a day) and I did have 7 pretzel sticks yesterday (the ones the size of match sticks)...I didn't count that as going against my white bread boycott. Today is my rest day....I think my body needs it! I'm going to get my hair cut today...last Friday the stylist was sick so I had to reschedule...maybe the hair cut will move the scales?

No news on the house....out of all the showings last week one couple has us on their "short list" but they have to sell their house first. It WILL happen and I'll be writing to all of you from Alabama instead of Tennessee....I've learned to trust in God and let go of my anxieties...(did I just write that?) it's sooo hard to let go of anxieties....but they don't help my heart and in 10 years this won't be an issue....so why worry?

I may have to slimfast today...this low carbing does a number on your regularity if you know what I mean! :) I'm eating a salad a day with lots of greens but no movement....:)

Congrats on 1 week of boot camp!!! :cool1: That is awesome!!!! :cheer2: AS for the other.. Good luck! hope things get movig around soon! ;)
I lost 1.5 pounds!!! It's soo good to see 191 on the scale!! It'll be even better to see 189!!! I'm hoping I can see that next Thursday!!! Tomorrow is court date...I'm getting anxious about it...never been to court and I'll probably start crying like a baby....I'm going loaded with all my evidence and receipts and hopefully they won't ask for a continuance...

I'm drinking more water and it's working!!! I could tell that my 2 glasses a day weren't helping me at all!!! Yesterday I drank 6 and I lost 1 pound in a day! :) I think I'm still 2 pounds behind where I'd like to be right now but I think I can catch up...I only had me down for losing 6 pounds weeks 5-8...I bet I can lose 8 with this Oprah's boot camp.


Way to go girl!! 1 week of boot camp down and 1.5 pounds lighter! Woohoo! Congratulations Tara! :cheer2:

Sending some prayers your way for court today. Please let us know how it turns out. Take care! :grouphug:
lmhall2000 said:
It must be that Dale's Steak seasoning I put on my hamburger pattie...it's loaded with soy...note to self...no soy at supper..


Dale's would be hard to give up...wonder how it would be with breakfast? LOL. "Dale's Toast"..."Oatmeal a'la Dale's"...hmmm....
Well...we went to court...apparently today's date was just a hearing to set a trial date? So we have a trial date of 3/11...which I'm sure they'll ask for a continuance at...ugh! The judge was a bit miffed that I wasn't using counsel...he read me the rights about how attorneys can use legal rules of evidence against me and throw out all my evidence....blah blah blah...so now I'm off to find a Dummies book about Rules of Evidence...

Good news...eating is GREAT

Dale's...now I can't give it up I just can't have it within 5 days of my weigh day! :) So the day I weigh I make me a great big grilled steak with Dale's! :) That stuff is soooo tasty! :)

Ds left his precious "Grizzly" stuffed bear at a restaurant I treated him to after our "court" date together...so we're off to reclaim him....oh the duties of a MOM! :)

Sorry to hear court was only to set your trial date! Good luck on 3/11!

Glad eating is going well...and I just read that you're doing the boot camp! That is awesome!

Have a great weekend! Don't you love being such a good MOM!

On my daily weigh in I saw 190.5!!! That's sooo close to 189!!! I really think I can break that barrier on my next official weigh in in March....I'm shooting for getting 5% off each month...So I'll post an official last day of February weigh in on Monday and figure out how much I need to lose by March 31st!!! Just 4 months away from GOAL!!!! I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!!!

Found a great book at the library "How to Represent yourself in court" I'm going to become the next Tara Mason! :) Even if I lose the case...I'll throw those attorneys for a loop who think they're going to dismiss all of my evidence on a legal loophole...I'll have all those holes sewed up tight! I'm going to be practicing my case out loud to anyone who'll hear...so when I go in there it'll look like something out of Law & Order! :)

I always said I wanted to be a judge and help protect our constitution...this could be the first step! :) I'll be the only 50 year old student in law school (that's how old I'll be when all my kids are out of the house! :)

Still no news on the house...but it WILL SELL!!!
to take this whole things into your own hands. So is the book any good? I hope it helps!

Keep up the great work, 189 is so close! :flower:

Have a great day! :)

P.S. I homeschool too...
Jen...your words of encouragment are always like homemade chocolate chip cookies to me! :) I get all the good feeling without the calories! :) Thanks sweetie!!!

Jay-nee...WOW...You've only got 7 pounds to go!!! You can knock those out in a month or two and this summer you will be RARING to hit the summer activities!!! And I'm sure you'll need new shorts! :) Have a great time!!! I think there are several homeschoolers on here..we ought to start a homeschooling thread and share creative ideas!!! Thanks for the support!

Well, I've NOT CHEATED at all on my boycott of french fries and white bread...I chose those so as not to eat any value meals! :) But last night I dreamed I had a quarter pounder with cheese and after eating half the sandwich and some fries I remembered...OH NO I'm not supposed to eat these!!! Now isn't that just terrible, my dreams are trying to make me cheat! So, when I woke up and realized I hadn't eaten them I was more deteremined to make it to April 14th....(100 day up) I have to admit though...I'm going to have a meal from Guthrie's..they make chicken fingers with this awesome dipping sauce and crinkle cut fries and a piece of texas toast...and I WILL enjoy it! :)

Off to weigh!

You are funny. Good for you that you are only dreaming of eating and not really doing it. Have a great Sunday. Hope your weigh in was good. :goodvibes
Tara! You are most welcome!!!! :teeth: It makes me feel good too! I think that is the best part of the boards and journals! The support is phenominal! :cool1:

I am so proud of you not cheating on your boycott! I wish I could do it with chocolate, but I haven't been able to yet... At least I can eat one piece and be done, but trying to not have any will kill me! :teeth: OK.. So it won't really kill me!

Dreaming of food huh??!!!! ;) Make it a good dream! For me it wuld be in a room surrounded by desserts and chocolate! Like at the Spa in Hershey Park!!!
I did my 2 hour long workouts!!! I walked 4 miles on Saturday at 1 hour and 15 minutes and yesterday it rained (drizzled) on me the WHOLE walk which made me pick up the pace and I did it in an hour and 3 minutes!!! I missed my weight training...but hoped folding 9 loads of laundry and some yard work will make up for it...I did splurge last night...thought we were meeting another family for pizza but they had to cancel...so we all went to Outback Steakhouse...I gave up french fries but I just had to have a baked potato! It was yummy!!! I slimfasted the two other meals so the steak, salad potato didn't hurt too much...I was at 190.5 again today!!! :)

KICKING it to the 180's!!!

I'm in the 80's!!! I'm in the 80's!!!
It's time to kick it up and see the weight down!!!

(Sung to "I'm in the money")

Today on my weigh in (March 1st) I saw 189.5...for a split second I saw 189.0 but I take the average of the 3 weigh ins...and 189.5 popped up twice and 189.0 only once...am I not OCD about this scale thing? Nevertheless..it has given me a DRIVE to make sure I NEVER see the 190's AGAIN!!! Since this is March 1st...I have a GOAL to be at 179 by April First...I'm no FOOL!!!! I can kick these 10 pounds off with hard work and DRIVE!!! Oprah's boot camp is really helping me along...the workouts are making my muscles burn that FAT!!! :)

Off to drink my WATER!!!!!

Have a GREAT LOSING DAY everyone!


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