God Help Us!



What is going on......New York, my home state and now Afagahanistan.....?????Disney closed....people stranded....Hold hands and pray. I love Disney and DVC and want to go home! I want all my family with me. We are praying and morning those who are not accounted for. My God, what is this?
I agree we must all pray for those that are lost and those whose lives will be forever changed by this terrible act. I am a guidance counselor here on Long Island and had to talk to many crying students today whose parents work in the World Trade Center. This is a disaster and we need to pray and stay strong as a unified, democratic country. We will get those responsible to pay for their actions and for taking the innocence away from our children. No one causes us to close Disney without a fight! God watch over us and assist us in doing what is good and just. Let's all pray for JayPd who I am sure is in the city working as a police officer. Take Care, Tammy:(
Everything will go back to normal schedule tomorrow accourding to the U.S. Government and the state of New York.

Several things have been cancelled including all Baseball games today and possibly tomorrow if neccessary.

The President will make a speech to the nation at 8:00pm just to let you all know.
This is truly an unforgettable moment in our nations history. It is also a chance for the world to see why we are the greatest nation on earth. This tragedy shows the love we all have for our great country. These cowards messed with the wrong people.:) :wave:
These subhuman garbage have attacked all humanity with this cowardly act. As we wake up and carry on, we defeat them with every bit of normalcy we can maintain. They cannot win and will not win anything-- but the wrath of all decent people in the world. Vengeance will be forthcoming, have no fear. The only true difference between today and yesterday is now we all know how threatened we are---in being aware we are stronger than before not weaker.

One of the greatest things about our country and our countrymen is that in a time of crisis our true strength is revealed. No matter our party lines or differences, we all come together to protect our own. I'm looking forward to the day that these vermin are shown that they crossed a line today.

I can only add to the chorus: "God Bless America."
Tomorrow won't bring us back to normal, things will never be the same, our lives have changed until we rid this earth of fanatics that can't live with the rest of us human beings in peace, hopefully tomorrow will start the beginning when we begin to seek out these groups and eliminate them from the face of the earth.

My prayers go out to everyone who has been affected by this.
Thanks, Mickeymoose, for putting a ray of sunlight into this. We have just heard the security is being redone at our airports, so everything is being evacuated again.
....then it's good enough for us. In case anyone struggles with the words like I do:

While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer:

God Bless America.
Land that I love
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies ,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America
My home sweet home. God Bless America,
Land that I love
Stand beside her,
And guide her,
Through the night
With the light from above,
From the mountains,
To the prairies,
To the ocean,
White with foam,
God bless America,
My home sweet home.
God bless America,
My home sweet home.
I work in newark, nj and unfortunately had the vantage point of watching the destruction of the World Trade Center yesterday morning. To know that there were potentially thousands of innocent civilans killed is devastating. It puts into perspective whether points increase or not. My office building had a bomb threat today as there have been several others in the Newark area.

May God Bless America, and yes we shall prevail. This was an act of war and I wish that the USA utilizes its strength to assure that my children and their children's children will not see the mass destruction to any part of this great country.

I just got on the boards curious as to what I would find. Well what I found is just another of the events that I've seen and heard in the last 30+ hours that make me as proud as ever to be an American.

So many thoughts and emotions. Memories of a brother who was severely wounded in Vietnam, a friend who didn't make it back. Our history is filled with those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to give us the freedom that we enjoy today. Memories of my father who emigrated to this country and toiled in factories his whole short life to give his family hope for the future. We must cherish that freedom and do our part, whatever that may be, however large or small.

Most importantly, we must be united, and so far, I have seen complete unity everywhere I look, including this board, which seems so insignificant at this time. One of the good things that is already resulting from this cowardly act of barbarians is a conscious awareness of the pride and strength of the people of the UNITED States of America, the greatest, proudest and strongest country in the history of this planet.

The amount of dead reported at the Pentagon has been cut severely. They originally estimated 800 but now they say about 100 are presumed dead.

You expressed yourself beautifully in your post above. I share your sentiments exactly.

Many others have also done a great job of expressing support, fellowship and pride in our country.

While DVC is our common bond on this board, it is obvious that we have so much more in common.....values, patriotism and determination. Walt Disney himself was patriotic to the point that many people made fun of his blatant patriotism. The Hall of Presidents is said to be one of his favorite attractions. I always found it to be a stirring and inspirational exhibit.

I think Walt would be proud of the citizens of this country today.



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