Grand Cayman Island tour and Stingrays


Feb 20, 2002
Has anyone done the Island Tour and Snorkeling with the Stingrays in Grand Cayman?

My DS13 loves stingrays but my DD15 does not want to go near them. Will my DD still like this excursion? Will she have to touch the stingrays?

What was your overall impression of this tour?

Thanks in advance for the feedback.
We did the stingray city excursion, but on our own with Capt. Marvins, not with DCL.

The place they take you to is the same as the Disney excursion but cost us less.

We did a two hour snorkel and stingray city excursion. MY DH and my DD14 told me they would not go in the water and were a little apprehensive at first, but as you can see in the pics, we were just too curious to stay onboard the boat. They jumped in and had a great time. It really was the highlight of our trip. They come right up to you and brush against you. We had about 50 swimming around us at one time!!!!

I am sure if your DD wants to stay onboard the boat she can. If she does go in the water you really cannot control or keep the stingrays away from her. It is a natural environment and they swim where they please.

Here is a link to our photos from that trip. Just click the arrows to see the rest of the pics.


Thanks for your reply. Those are great pictures, you can see what a great time you had by the look on your faces. I am going to show my dd the pictures.

I will also be looking into Capt. Marvins excursions. Thanks again.
I'm with your daughter on this one, something about those stingrays scares me. I'll look at them (which we plan on doing and chose a tour that you view them instead of swim with), but I don't want them touching me. I don't have a problem swimming with dolphins. I hope if your daughter sees them from the boat that she'll change her mind and want to jump in since everyone else will be doing it. They can brush up against you. eek!!! eek!



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