
MomOf2DisneyKids said:
"Why is he suturing his own face?"
Christina--"To turn me on"

I absolutely love this one too! The whole McSexxy episode was great, but my favorite episode was the one with the train wreck when Mer was drunk. I bawled throughout that episode, the how do you decide who lives and who dies one.
I LOVED the episode last night- especially the very end!

As far as favorite quotes go, I liked "I'm just curious, George. Haha, Curious George! Get it?"
Random quote:

"Tomorrow I'm going to where a shirt that says 'stop asking me about Meredith'"
"At least they won't be asking you about your hair"
Lovin' this thread. Will be watching next week for new "favorite lines". My fave is the "va jay jay" line, I rolled forever after that. Cracked me up.
Pretty banner, disnygrl30! Although now I feel the need to post this one, that I use at the incision. ;)

So ABC messed up the podcast and next week's is actually attached to this week's. They talk a lot about the episode tomorrow- more than Shonda would ever want!
spacemountain said:
So ABC messed up the podcast and next week's is actually attached to this week's. They talk a lot about the episode tomorrow- more than Shonda would ever want!

ooh, I saw about that on the abc boards.....oops! I'd guess that someone's in trouble!!!
Did everyone see last night. I believe my dreams of Meredith and Derek have been dashed!!! What's a girl to do?? I just hated seeing him angry at her. But I've always loved Chris O'Donnell, so she could have done worse.
Ok, what did everyone think about last night?
I about fell off the couch when he told her it was over.. and she cried.. poor thing.. I sure hope they find some way to build the tension back..

Did everyone catch the season finale is 2 nights? or did I hear it wrong?
I loved it when Izzy and Denny were cuddling and he asked about "feeling her up"! I about fell off the couch laughing. heard right. The season finale is 2 nights. I can't wait to see how they leave us hanging.
disnygrl30 said:
Did everyone see last night. I believe my dreams of Meredith and Derek have been dashed!!! What's a girl to do?? I just hated seeing him angry at her. But I've always loved Chris O'Donnell, so she could have done worse.

Oh, me too!! I so wanted to see those two (Mer/Der) get together! I have loved their chemistry from the beginning.

...and I was a blubbering mess the last 20 min. of the show--anyone else?
DsnyDrmr said:
Oh, me too!! I so wanted to see those two (Mer/Der) get together! I have loved their chemistry from the beginning.

...and I was a blubbering mess the last 20 min. of the show--anyone else?

You are not kidding.. the leaning on the edge of the couch hoping ALEX would step up and do what he should do..and to hear that baby cry... the best sound in the world!!

I sure hope next weeks 2 episodes are great!!! (like they wouldn't be).. haven't been disappointed yet!!!
Ok, was it just my TV or was the lighting weird at the end when Finn was giving his little speech to Meredith? Because his eye was glowing all weird and I was really trying to concentrate on what he was saying but I kept being distracted by his creepy glowing eye.

Bailey had some good lines:
"It's a hillbilly picnic"
"You burn the She-Sheperd, she burns back"
OMG, last night's episode was crazy!! McDreamy was so McJerky to Mer...I know he's just so jealous that he can't even stand it, but man, that was hard to watch!!! It was a really intense episode. Can't wait til next week!!
(ok, and that scene w/Callie in the bathroom was just so weird!!!)
MomOf2DisneyKids said:
(ok, and that scene w/Callie in the bathroom was just so weird!!!)

I know. And I didn't sympathize with her when she was explaining it to George because if that were me I would've walked out when I saw them in there.


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