Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

I don't know if anything like this has been posted yet because I did not read all the post yet, but on our last trip I went to the ladies room in Epcot. There was a woman at a sink when I can in, but I did not pay her much attention till I can outnto wash my hands. It was then that I realized that she has one of her ****s out and was expressing milk into the sink. It may not have been to bad if she was doing it correctly, nut she had milk on the floor, the counter and the wall in front of the sink. I have nursed three kids so I understand what it is like when you get full, but come on, no one wants to wash in a milk covered sink!
Using the restroom and seeing people come out of the stalls not washing their hands. Then seeing them later in line at Haunted Mansion touching the interactive stuff. Just NASTY!!!:scared::scared:
Ok after reading this I am going to carry a big ziploc bag with me just in case someone gets sick. This hasn't happened to us but I think it is a good idea in case. I am going to share some of these "railing" stories with my youngest daughter who is seven. I will share some of the milder ones. She is always running her hand along the railings and I am always telling her to stop. I bet I say it 20 times a day in the parks. "don't touch the railing, don't touch the railing." :lmao: Now I know that I am RIGHT to tell her this.:sick: :sad2: :scared1: It is seriously scary to read these and realize how some people are incredibly stupid, selfish, low class etc. Yikes !!! Although I have also been cracking up at many of them !!!!:lmao:

This reminds me of our gross story from June. Nothing too terrible but it is a railing/wall story. My eldest DD is a hand-runner and lean/sitter. On everything. I tell her 10x an hour not to run her hands on stuff/lean on stuff. This last trip, early in the morning on our 4th day, she said "Ew mom! What is this?!" about the white/green goo all over her hand and hip. That, my dear, is bird poop. She was running her hands along the little planters at TTC and had leaned in it as well as run her hands through it. Luckily I had sanitizer wipes, but ew ew ew.

She was excellent about not touching/leaning for the rest of the trip.
Prissyms said:
Using the restroom and seeing people come out of the stalls not washing their hands. Then seeing them later in line at Haunted Mansion touching the interactive stuff. Just NASTY!!!:scared::scared:

Just saying some people are allergic to the soap so they have hypo allergenic hand wash in their bag or something. I know it isn't everyone but some people have a reason and do sanitize.
I think that some people genuinely believe that because breast feeding is accepted, that nappy changing at any place is also accepted- gross people!

Breastfeeding is not comparable to diaper changing. Breastfeeding is comparable to bottle feeding- or eating a sandwich in public. Elimination is elimination. Eating is eating. The two should not be mixed- especially in public.

I have changed my child's diaper in my lap rather than find a bathroom. Never a #2 and I try to do it right by a trash can/out of the way area. Never in an eating area. Love my hand sanitizer wipes.
Oh no I was talking about breastfeeding, but it definitely goes the same to diaper changers. Like seriously, can't people go somewhere a little more private. I have no problem with any body parts but I don't want my kids learning about the anatomy of a female upper body so young. It's just a common sense and decency issue for me. I'm a chick and when I eventually have a kid, I'll be courteous enough to go somewhere private... and I don't mean go all the way back to a hotel room, I just ask that you find a corner, or cover yourself. I swear the next time I see someone do that at the dinner table or in a store I'm going to take my shirt off and walk around topless, same thing.

Whew! Glad this is old. At least state laws don't agree with you. I wonder if you've had a kid since then and if you've changed your mind.... Heh.

I was just at Disney last weekend in 97 degree weather (feels like 103). There is no way I was going to cover my child while she ate. Even with lots of rides/rests in the shade and misting fans she got heat rash. I can't imagine having to put a blanket over her head, too!
Although I did not see this, one of my managers described this incident so beautifully to me.

I worked at Splash Mountain as a CP. I was out at either End of Line (fancy term for the greeter) or FastPass Return. Anyway, I see 2 managers go rushing up towards Thunder, one of them laughing hysterically and the other trying to get him to stop laughing.

One manager comes back, the one who was laughing, and tells me this lovely little story:

A man was over at the designated smoking area by Thunder with his hands down you-know-where and he was, well, let's just say he didn't need the clubs at PI to accomplish what he was trying to accomplish. I was MORTIFIED. A grown man doing THAT with children around?! :eek:

He was escorted out of the park. Rightfully so.

The SCARIEST moment while working at Splash was when I was in the station. 2 people got into a log and started screaming. I mean screaming at the top of their lungs! Another CM who was closer to them asked what was wrong. Turns out it was a giant cockroach. :scared1: I was counting my lucky stars I didn't have to see them as I have a bug and spider phobia that's second to none. A few hours later, I was back in station at dispatch and I took a tiny step back. And FELT a crunch. I knew before I even had to look. I stepped on a roach! :eek::scared1: It took all my will power to not start screaming and freaking out. I took my foot and flung it as far back as I could (while nobody in logs were going past, mind you).

To this day, I can still feel that crunch. EW EW EW EW.

Ugh, that guy and the other two further back should be arrested for that, not just kicked out.

The roach thing made me remember something that happened on our trip in June. We were in line for the Winnie the Pooh ride at dusk and a HUGE palmetto flew in and landed on the bee-bead toy that the kids play with. It was running all around. Some other woman ended up swatting it off and squished it, which was cool. We got around the corner and watched another one fly in- fluttering around like a flippin' bat- and landed on one of the bee hives. I suspect the slight buzzing that the toy makes "calls" them. Eeeew. :scared:
I don't know if anything like this has been posted yet because I did not read all the post yet, but on our last trip I went to the ladies room in Epcot. There was a woman at a sink when I can in, but I did not pay her much attention till I can outnto wash my hands. It was then that I realized that she has one of her ****s out and was expressing milk into the sink. It may not have been to bad if she was doing it correctly, nut she had milk on the floor, the counter and the wall in front of the sink. I have nursed three kids so I understand what it is like when you get full, but come on, no one wants to wash in a milk covered sink!

She was probably drunk- or close to it. Out without the kids for grown-up evening and relieving some engorgement. Being tipsy causes bad aim. I've done that- but since I wasn't feeding a baby I did it in the bathroom stall, and used TP to block it so it wouldn't spray everywhere. :sad2:
I have one to share from our last trip! I don't know whether or not to be excited or...anyhow.

We had breakfast ADRs at Chef Mickey's. Little dd is the biggest Mickey fan so we were stoked. We were seated on the booths with our back to the buffet. At the large table directly in front of us a little boy (5? 6?) threw up ALL over the table, himself and his mom. It was gross and staff hurried out to clean the table and Mom hustled the kid off to the bathroom....where she flipped his puke soaked shirt inside out and let him carry on with the meet and greet.

He hugged every. single. character.

Thank God they came to our table first.

I know that some kids throw up for reasons beyond tummy bugs, but I was so grossed out that they just carried on.
We were in line a few years ago to have pictures taken with Donald at Tusker House one morning. There was an older teenager picking his zits, popping them, and then eating the pus. I lost my appetite...couldn't eat after seeing that. My husband and I tried to laugh it off but it was gross. We went there again this year and could not get the memory out of our heads. Didn't eat much again at Tusker House. Damn kid, the food looks great there!
Last year, DH and I were eating tapas in the Tequila bar in the Mexico pavilion. I was sitting alone against the wall and waiting for DH to finish with our order. A very large and HAIRY (keeps this in mind for later) man walks in wearing a tank top and what appeared to be swim trunks. He sits down in an opened-back chair with his back to me and I'm not kidding, his pants were so low that from my viewpoint it looked like he was naked from the waist down. It's pretty dark in there so I wasn't sure at first if my eyes were playing tricks on me. Right away, DH walks my way and then quickly turned his head and said "Well hello!" under his breath and I knew that unfortunately my eyes saw exactly what I thought I'd seen. It was freezing in there with lots of air circulation in the small room. How in the world you don't feel that a normally covered area of your body is now out in the open is beyond me!
Yesterday at the bathroom by the main pool at Caribbean Beach, I saw the most disgusting thing I ever saw at Disney. Someone had a massive case of diarrhea and left it there for all to see. I'm not saying they forgot to flush, it was all over the floor and the side of the toilet. I am pretty sure they didn't actually get any in the toilet. My 8 year old almost threw up, totally disgusting.

On a side note, two of my three kids got pink eye here on the night before we check out. Now it looks like we won't be able to fly tomorrow and will have to rent a car and drive home (to PA). Ugh, I love Disney but this place is filled with germs! Blah!
This isn't the grossest, but I thought it was nasty. Today, a woman at CP picked up a piece of cornbread with her bare hand. I guess she decided she didn't want it, because she put it back. Seriously?

I just couldn't figure out what to do. Do you call out the offender? Do you point it out to a CM? Or just ignore it? I was wrangling my toddler, so I didn't say anything, but I really wish I had brought it to a CM's attention so that they could remove the item.
I was walking from Maelstrom out of Norway & right in front of the Akershus line, there was a man w/what appeared to be his 2 teenage sons scratching his back & holding his shirt up. One of them popped a zit on his back & I really almost lost my lunch right there!
Not the grossest thing on this thread by any stretch, but still gross none the less.
A few years back we had just checked into a VERY MUCH anticipated stay at the Poly concierge level. We were sitting in the upper level of the lounge looking down onto the (empty) main concierge area, just taking it all in and relaxing. Soon a CM brought a family into the main area to show them around the lounge, Mom, Dad and a boy about 5 or 6 years old. As the CM and parents were chatting and gazing out the HUGE windows the boy wandered away. The next thing we knew he was elbow deep in the big beach buckets of goldfish and gummy bears. Just in them with both hands up to the elbows churning them up!!! This went on until he tired of it and no one ever caught on. I nicknamed him Edward Buckethands and we still laugh about it sometimes BUT at the time it was pretty gross and disturbing! Needless to say we passed on the goldfish & gummies for the entire trip!!:rotfl:
Pinkzeppe said:
Yesterday at the bathroom by the main pool at Caribbean Beach, I saw the most disgusting thing I ever saw at Disney. Someone had a massive case of diarrhea and left it there for all to see. I'm not saying they forgot to flush, it was all over the floor and the side of the toilet. I am pretty sure they didn't actually get any in the toilet. My 8 year old almost threw up, totally disgusting.

On a side note, two of my three kids got pink eye here on the night before we check out. Now it looks like we won't be able to fly tomorrow and will have to rent a car and drive home (to PA). Ugh, I love Disney but this place is filled with germs! Blah!

You can't fly with pink eye?
Just returned from WDW last Wednesday night, and we experienced two pretty gross things while at AK on Feb. 21st.

1) While we were walking past the entrance to EE, we saw an older gentleman in a wheelchair who had on shorts and long white knee socks, and he was visibly bleeding through the sock on the front of his left leg! I had to do a double-take to make sure what I saw was real (and not just iodine, or something spilled on him). No, it was blood, and a lot of it. I get that families spend a lot of money to come to Disney, but that man had to have been in pain or experiencing the side effects of such blood loss.

2) While approaching the entrance to DINOSAUR, we were about 4-5 paces behind a family of three. The father (a younger guy, maybe 25-28 yrs old), farted LOUDLY right in front of me. I was more shocked than grossed out (but still, that's nasty), because I didn't have enough reaction time to dodge it. He just kept going along as if nothing happened, while I was left gasping for air.


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