Guess I need to start this PTR! Only 6 months to go!

Hi Brandi! I'm another one of the May 22-29 travellers. Looks like we might run into each other at Tusker House on Sun. May 23...our ADR is for 8:05 am also. :goodvibes You're also going to be at MK on Weds. :goodvibes I see you've already met Dana, Connie, Megan and Mary! I thought I would pop by and introduce myself too so "HI" :wave2: I'm Leanne. Can't wait to see more of your plans! You've got a great start! :goodvibes
I'm here! Saw you're staying at the AKL...awesome! We stayed there in May 2008 and loved it. Then next April my dad and I are staying in the new Kidani Village! I'm sure you'll love it no matter where you stay. Can't wait for more. popcorn::
YAY! I'm glad I have so many new dis friends! I've been hooked on here for years, but never a huge poster. I also frequent tourguidemike and passporter's site. I don't post hardly ever at passporter, though. But, tourguidemike rocks!
As far as the ride back, we probably will stop somewhere, maybe gulf shores and eat at Lulu's. OK, I'll have to read everyone's updates later as DH is griping and Alex is wanting attention because he's grounded from his TV- slammed his door b/c he was mad at us for not letting him eat in his room- kids!
Forgot to say HEY Leanne! Welcome!!

Did I mention my pinkie?? I don't know what I did, but something is seriously wring with my right hand pinkie. It's been hurting for a couple of days now, just getting worse. I can bend the pinkie, but down at the joint connected to my hand, it kills me to move it or put any pressure on it at all. I am amazed at how much I use my pinkie! I have it taped to my ring finger right now. Might stop at Walgreens on the way to school in the morning and get a little splint. Typing is hard, I wonder what writing will be like for the kids tomorrow. We'll see. But, ouch it hurts! All the way to my elbow, it's tingling.
11-0 all the way!!!
Ya'll have a great evening watching the game!!

Brandi hope your finger is feeling better...did the splint help??
Hey gang! Well, I see that I will not be a big poster during the week with school and all! SORRY!! Let's see....pinkie is MUCH better. Went to the Dr Monday and she said it was a pinched Ulnar nerve- gave me steriods and it's done the trick. Of course now that they are going out of my system, it's starting to hurt again. I'l probably end up at a ortho dr or whatever to see what all I can do. I've looked up exercises online and have been doing those some. Hopefully, I can make it stay away without further Dr help.
AHHH and GEAUX SAINTS!! Hopefully, today will be 12-0!! WHO DAT???

No other plans made for disney actually yet! We did talk last night to some folks about buying into DVC. One of DH's work friends in interested, so I need to get him some info. I should be a salesperson for them, really! I could so do it out fo my house and do great!! What a wonderful job that would be:) Hint hint Disney!
It would be so great to sell DVC out of my house! Every time I help a friend with planning a trip, I make that comment. I have also thought that I could havea Disney planning seminar at the library. You could charge people to come. Just a thought.

I hope the pinkie starts to feel better soon.

12-0 BABY!
It would be so great to sell DVC out of my house! Every time I help a friend with planning a trip, I make that comment. I have also thought that I could havea Disney planning seminar at the library. You could charge people to come. Just a thought.

I hope the pinkie starts to feel better soon.

12-0 BABY!

Yeah, I've really thought that I should do the planning of trips for a living! When I hear someone is planning one, I want to help and get it all done for them! That's half the fun for me- I need to go work for tourguidemike for sure:woohoo:

Oh, and I see you didn't get snow. We got about an inch or two. At about 10, my DH came running inside to tell us. Alex would not get up- I picked him up and brought him outside, but he wanted to sleep instead. So, DH and I played in it. Turns out, Alex doesn't even remember my waking him for the snow- he was so mad that he didn't get up to play:sad2:
a very nerve racking, nail biting game...but all that counts is the W in the end:cheer2:

GEAUX SAINTS!!! 12-0 BABY!!:cheer2:
OMG! I think South LA had a collective heart attack this afternoon.

I'd say so!! That just about killed me. I had already resigned myself to losing just one- and that wouldn't be so bad as long as it was before playoffs!:confused3
Sorry it's been so long. I just can't keep up with school in! But, for the next two weeks at least, we have no school so I bet I get a lot caught up on and posted- LOL!
This week has been rough. Not only were my K's wild, my baby Nate had strep, then I felt like I was getting it all week. I took a ton of airborne and Vitamin C and didn't get it. Then I woke up Friday feeling horrible. I made it through the last day of school- whole day for us, ick- and felt even worse. Got up this morning to go to walk-in clinic. After a flu test, I was treated for strep and a sinus infection and bronchitus. Got a shot of celestone- yay! And a Z-pack- man, even with good insurance, that was expensive! oh well- if it makes me feel better, I don't care!
DH is off to New Orleans for the Saints game- GEAUX SAINTS! Watch him on TV- he'll be the loud one- lol- I swear I'll hear him b/c he really is that loud. So, I'm miserable at home with the boys. Nate didn't sleep well last night and he's had 3 naps today. I hope he sleeps tonight! Waiting on pizza b/c I refuse to cook when I'm sick. OK, so that was a boring tale of my week and day, but there is was!
Gotta go catch up on all the threads I've missed!
Sorry it's been so long. I just can't keep up with school in! But, for the next two weeks at least, we have no school so I bet I get a lot caught up on and posted- LOL!
This week has been rough. Not only were my K's wild, my baby Nate had strep, then I felt like I was getting it all week. I took a ton of airborne and Vitamin C and didn't get it. Then I woke up Friday feeling horrible. I made it through the last day of school- whole day for us, ick- and felt even worse. Got up this morning to go to walk-in clinic. After a flu test, I was treated for strep and a sinus infection and bronchitus. Got a shot of celestone- yay! And a Z-pack- man, even with good insurance, that was expensive! oh well- if it makes me feel better, I don't care!
DH is off to New Orleans for the Saints game- GEAUX SAINTS! Watch him on TV- he'll be the loud one- lol- I swear I'll hear him b/c he really is that loud. So, I'm miserable at home with the boys. Nate didn't sleep well last night and he's had 3 naps today. I hope he sleeps tonight! Waiting on pizza b/c I refuse to cook when I'm sick. OK, so that was a boring tale of my week and day, but there is was!
Gotta go catch up on all the threads I've missed!

Poor Nate-strep is the worst. And you too. I am glad you got some good meds-makes all the difference. Hope Hubby has fun at the game and everyone goes to bed early!! Yum pizza
Hello! Brandi
so sorry to hear that you and Nate are under the weather...
hope DH has a great time at the game!!!! we are waiting now for kickoff
watching Ratouille (sp--I know I killed that one)...
enjoy the pizza and have a great evening!!
:santa: Connie
Hey ladies- yep= the Saints killed me, too! But, better then than for playoffs, so I'm OK.

Had a bit of a freak just a while ago with my planning! I saw where the SWW dates were released and of course DH and DS(Alex) just have to be invloved with that! So, I needed to switch the dates of my HS and AK visits. Since I of course have all of our ADRs done already, I had to go switch them as well! Well, I went in and could not pull up all of my ADRs I made when my window first opened! Can you say FREAK OUT?? LOL- I re-did pretty much all of them, but couldn't get a couple. Then, I went back to my email to look and found the old ones!! ARRGGGHHH- now I have several overlaps and am worried they will cancel them. So, I'll have to call to straighten all that out asap to avoid issues. I was surprised that I got most of what I wanted at the times I wanted as well. The only one I had real problems with was TREX of all places. I couldn't get in there again between 4:30-8!! Thank goodness my original one was found as it's at 5! A little earlier than I'd like for that day (after BB), but better than waiting until 8 with an almost 2 year old!
Anyway, I had to share. Dh kept telling me it was OK and not the end of the world- HA- what does he know?? Of course, he's the one who originally said not to make any ADRs as we'd not eat out much at all with Nate. Then tonight he was wondering why I didn't have more and why we weren't doing the DDP! I swear, he kills me. If I trusted him, I'd just let him handle it all so he could see. But then, we'd spend all day waiting in line to eat or eating CS for everything, so I can't do that. I need at least my CM on our first day!
OK, so here are our new plans so far:

Sat 5/22- Arrival- CM @ 5 or 5:40- overlap
Sun 5/23- HS/SWW- 5:35PM- 50s PTC (maybe, maybe not)
Mon 5/24- EP- Le Cellier 11:30 or 11:35- overlap
Tues 5/25- BB or TL- Trex @ 5PM
Wed 5/26- MK- CP @ 11:40- maybe- we really don't like any TS @ MK, so we'll see
Thurs 5/27- AK - 8- Donald's; 1 RFC; 5:25- WCC- I know- we won't eat all these places, but we want the bfast, DS wants RFC- so we may just do dessert and I want WCC!! LOL- it was the only night I could fit it in!
Fri- MK- 11:35- LTT- again maybe
Sat- goodbye Mickey :(

I really really wanted to stay til Sunday, but DH doesn't have Monday, Memorial Day off, so he wanted to be back and rest! That extra day would really have helped. Oh well


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