HalloweenTime at DLR Superthread #4

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I thought I had seen a DL calendar, showing it closing at 7pm on October 14th, which lead me to believe there was a Halloween party that night.
You might have been looking at wdwinfo.com. They have estimated hours posted for October 2014 which are based on information from previous years. I saw that they have a 7:00 pm closure time on 10/14, but at this point, it's all an estimate/guess and no one knows for sure.
Thanks for posting the most excellent, stunning photos, Bret! (They are vastly superior to the ones I posted, clearly)! Wait until everyone sees your awesome Halloween Screams fireworks pictures -- they will really be blown away!pixiedust:

We are going to be in DL in OCT., but not for the halloween party. i have twin girls who will turn 1 while we are there. so excited about them turning 1, but bittersweet as well.

Welcome, mmlover74!:cool1:

It sounds like it will be a great birthday trip (with a dash of Halloween thrown in)!

You are correct, and you have an excellent memory. :thumbsup2

Yes, between the crowds and the expense, we're going to skip it. If there's one thing we won't need, that's more candy. pooh: Since we are spending extra on staying on-property at the Disneyland Hotel, we'll just take those days when the parks close earlier to enjoy the hotel.

I'm a lurker on these things because, often, what others are already saying is enough and does not need repeating by me. However, thanking someone is always needed. ;) -- especially with the great amount of work you seem to be doing.

We will be there 9/28 - 10/4. If we get some good, unique pictures, I will add them. I was mulling doing a trip report later. My husband and I are also considering doing a book of essays and photos about Disneyland in the near future. And, I will certainly post questions, if I have any.

One question I posted in a thread at some point that did not get answered (that I saw) was to ask if the Animation Academy is ever posted anywhere besides outside the building? I would love to plan around those sessions on some of our days. The Animation Academy was a highlight of our last trip for me.

If you find any of the information you need help collating or posting, just let me know. I will volunteer to help where I can.

SusanMatt --

Thank you for the kind words!:goodvibes It's good to know my efforts and work are appreciated -- but more importantly, helpful to everyone who is heading out to DLR for Halloween Time!

To be honest, I know very little about the Animation Academy, so I cannot answer that question. That may be something that Bret/mvf-m11c, figment_jii or Cheshirecatty knows.

I will look forward to the photos you take on your upcoming trip and to the possible photo/essay book about Disneyland -- I love those kinds of books!

Thank you so much for the offer to help collate or assemble info for me!:goodvibes That's very sweet of you to offer. Unfortunately, I think I am the only one who can do it, as I have to literally copy and paste info into the blocked/reserved posts on page 1 -- and no one can access those posts -- and then format it in a certain way. I also have some typed-up text that needs to be added to or revised to include other tidbits I forgot.

I'm in :thumbsup2 Will be at DLR from the 9th to the 16th of September.

I'm a bit sad that I will just catch the very beginning of Halloween time and will miss out on the party and the Happy Haunts tour. Looking forward to HM and SM overlays though and meeting Jack and Sally :goodvibes

Welcome, zanzibar138!


You will probably miss the Halloween Party but you may not miss the Happiest Haunts Tour. I thought that the HH tour begins on or very close to the start date of Halloween Time in September, just as the holiday tour begins at the start of the holiday season in November -- but I could be wrong.:confused3

Great pictures Bret. I'm wishing we could sneak in a Halloween trip too. I'm going to depend on this thread to get my Halloween fix.

TK --

That's why I wanted you to join in here! We can't have a fun Halloween Time thread without you (nor can we have a fun holiday season thread without you either!). You missed the first bit of activity in the previous Halloween thread because you didn't realize it had been started. I didn't want you to miss a second of the Halloween fun in this thread! You need to stay up to date on the Halloween happenings!:dancer:

I was hoping to plan a quick trip over to DL on my Fall Break for the Halloween party, but it looks like that might not be possible. I was looking at the schedule from last year, and they didn't start doing Monday nights till the end of the month, and they also didn't have any on weekends. My break is a Saturday-Tuesday, but I couldn't go Tuesday night because I would need to fly back to Phoenix. :(

Welcome, theworldneedscolor!

Hmmm... That is definitely something to think about if the MHP was important to you. You never know, though -- there could be a party on the Monday night during your trip. There are occasionally Monday night parties. If not, you will still get to enjoy all of the Halloween Time stuff that I outlined on the previous page of this thread (I broke down the things that are exclusive the MHP, and the Halloween things that you can see every day during the season, outside of the MHP)!

My little brother does love Halloween, but he loves Disneyland more. I took him for his birthday just the two of us a few years ago (during the Celebrate! period) and he thought the entire time that everything was in honor of his birthday--the parades, light shows, everything. It was great. DH has never been to Disneyland before, and is very excited. We thought we'd just go for Halloween for fun. Little Bro is very scared of bats, so am unsure how he'll like the Haunted Mansion, but my DH is great with him and will tell him to "man up" and I'm sure he'll get over it. And, knowing Disney, nothing will be TOO scary.

I'm only really in this forum for the limited purpose of getting info on Halloween time at DLR-- so I wanted to pop in and say thanks for all the hard work! I did want to request at some point any info on what's going on at CA during this time period too. I think we'll be getting park hopper passes.

As for the 10/30 closing time, I was just assuming that, since it's a Thursday, DLR would have MHP on 10/30 AND 10/31, as I noted they did that last year (and I also saw that they charge more for those dates, boo). Oh well. I was wondering though-- we are flying in on 10/30, and I think our plane lands at LAX at around 9 am or so. While usually I'm all about Super Shuttle, I kind of want to get to DLR ASAP that morning, since it's one of our 3 days and we won't be doing MHP that day. We're staying at a good neighbor hotel. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what mode of transportation would be quickest and less expensive? There is the Greyline shuttle, but it doesn't actually go to our hotel, the Candy Cane Inn. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Thanks! Am loving all the photos and info, etc.

Torchness --

Thank you for the kind words! :goodvibes

Last year Halloween was on a Thursday so there had to be a party that night. There is always a party on Halloween night, but there is not always a party on a Thursday, if that makes any sense. Also, there is not always a party on the night before Halloween.

The typical Halloween Party schedule has been Tuesdays and Fridays and Halloween night, with maybe one Tuesday swapped out for a Monday or something. Last year there were 13 parties (and I am not sure if there will be 13 again this year), so there were suddenly a couple of Wednesdays thrown into the mix too.

As for California Adventure, on the previous page -- in this post -- I outlined the things that can be enjoyed in the parks outside of the actual Halloween Party -- I mentioned that you will find very little in the way of Halloween fun in California Adventure.

And in this post on page 1 I provided some info about the few Halloween things that take place in DCA. The reason there are only a few things listed (although I probably have just a little bit more to add to that post) is because there is almost nothing in the way of Halloween Time happening in DCA!

Have you looked up Haunted Mansion Holiday on YouTube? If you view a video of it you may get a good idea of how scary (or not) it would be for your brother, in terms of bats, etc. Haunted Mansion Holiday is very different from the regular Haunted Mansion, and there is a great gingerbread centerpiece on the ballroom table that is worth seeing. The smell of gingerbread is piped into the air as well!

I'm not sure about a cheaper mode of transportation. I use a shuttle service called Sav-On Shuttle to get to and from DLR sometimes, and I like them. You might be able to get a slightly cheaper rate from them, but I'm not sure. I know those Super Shuttle prices are crazy!

Your best bet is to cross your fingers, and hope a Party date will be among the days when you are at the Resort(hard to do, I know), but there's always a possibility that it might happen---until those dates are released, you never know---from year to year, there are a few days/dates which change!:)

Very true, Cheshirecatty --

A random Monday party could be thrown into the mix here and there. I think it all boils down to how many party nights there are going to be. If DLR reverts to its old 11-night or 10-night schedule, the schedule will be more limited. If they decide to have 13 parties again, they can open up the schedule a bit more and allow for days of the week other than mostly Tuesdays and Fridays.

I suppose that this year would technically be considered the official 13th anniversary of Haunted Mansion Holiday (whereas last year was simply "the 13th year" that the ride/overlay had been in existence).:confused: So, Disney may once again decide to go with 13 MHP nights to celebrate the real anniversary! Last year I think they played up the 13th year because they were also playing up the Friday the 13th element.

I don't think the dates for the DL party are known yet, for sure.

The WDW dates are published.

I thought I had seen a DL calendar, showing it closing at 7pm on October 14th, which lead me to believe there was a Halloween party that night.
But I can no longer find that calendar.

The WDW version is NOT having a party on the 14th, but is on the 13th instead (Columbus day).

With the need to make the hotel reservation at 7 months out (for DVC), it is frustrating to not have any confirmation on the party dates.

eileenkeeney --

The WDW event dates come out way in advance and the DLR dates do not -- which is something that is an ongoing annoyance for WDW vets who need to plan their trips to DLR!

I cannot understand why DLR can't get its act together to release dates and tickets early on, but they still assume that it is going to be mostly locals who visit, I suppose. In my opinion, even if it were mainly locals visiting and very few out-of-towners, what is the harm in releasing dates early in the year?

In any case, the earliest we have ever found out the MHP dates is in May, so it won't be too much longer. Even if we don't find out until June, that's still fairly soon. But the tickets most likely will not go on sale when the dates are announced.

You might have been looking at wdwinfo.com. They have estimated hours posted for October 2014 which are based on information from previous years. I saw that they have a 7:00 pm closure time on 10/14, but at this point, it's all an estimate/guess and no one knows for sure.

Very true, figment_jii!

Sometimes wdwinfo.com (which is in the same family of sites as DISboards and is not an official source of Disneyland Resort information!) leaves the old dates up from the previous year, not even as an estimate. Sometimes the dates are left there and not removed until the info for the following season's info comes out. I guess it's always good to kind of look at the previous months/seasons/years to see what the current year's schedule might be.
One question I posted in a thread at some point that did not get answered (that I saw) was to ask if the Animation Academy is ever posted anywhere besides outside the building? I would love to plan around those sessions on some of our days. The Animation Academy was a highlight of our last trip for me.

Hi SusanMatt - I'm glad to see you sticking with us and not going back to Lukerville! :rotfl:

Regarding Animation Academy, I've only ever seen the schedule posted outside of the Animation Academy building. If anywhere else was likely to know (or be able to find out) it would be the main Guest Services locations. I haven't seen it posted on any of the apps or Disneyland.com.

If you're on Facebook, you might post to the DCA Facebook page and ask if they can/do post the Animation Academy schedule on there. Although, the last post on that Facebook page was Valentine's Day...you might try the Disneyland page (it at least seems to be posted to more frequently).
Welcome, zanzibar138!


You will probably miss the Halloween Party but you may not miss the Happiest Haunts Tour. I thought that the HH tour begins on or very close to the start date of Halloween Time in September, just as the holiday tour begins at the start of the holiday season in November -- but I could be wrong.

Oh I hope, I hope pixiedust:

I also meant to say thanks so much for putting this thread together! Seems like a lot of work and I know there are many many people who appreciate all the info :goodvibes
I'm in :thumbsup2 Will be at DLR from the 9th to the 16th of September.

I'm a bit sad that I will just catch the very beginning of Halloween time and will miss out on the party and the Happy Haunts tour. Looking forward to HM and SM overlays though and meeting Jack and Sally :goodvibes

We are in the same boat. I hadn't considered that the happy haunts tour wouldn't be open...
I'm living in a dream world where maybe just maybe since wdw parties start on the 1st then DL's could start on the 12th....
Mostly I am just waiting on official confirmation that Halloween time will start on the 12th-I really want to be able to book PL for my girls :)

With the need to make the hotel reservation at 7 months out (for DVC), it is frustrating to not have any confirmation on the party dates.

Yes this is one thing I find really really frustrating about DL! I wish hours etc (not just parties but in general as well) were released earlier. It is impossible to plan when the details are not released into long after we have to book our leave and airfares...
We are in the same boat. I hadn't considered that the happy haunts tour wouldn't be open...
I'm living in a dream world where maybe just maybe since wdw parties start on the 1st then DL's could start on the 12th....
Mostly I am just waiting on official confirmation that Halloween time will start on the 12th-I really want to be able to book PL for my girls :)

Me too, I'll be totally bummed if I miss out on HM altogether :sad2:
Hi SusanMatt!

I really like Figment's advice about asking at the main DCA Guest Relations, or asking for help on DCA's Facebook page!

We've never seen the Animation Academy line up posted anywhere except right outside the building(if someone else has, maybe they'll chime in?)---I know they don't post it in the Entertainment Times Guide(though I really wish they would---it just seems so logical---to me, anyway)!!!

Sorry I couldn't help out more!:)
Oh I hope, I hope pixiedust:

I also meant to say thanks so much for putting this thread together! Seems like a lot of work and I know there are many many people who appreciate all the info :goodvibes

You're very welcome, zanzibar138! I'm happy that it is appreciated.

It's fun work -- and I have a Christmas/Holiday Season Superthread as well (which is maybe about 80% complete), so between the two threads I am bouncing back and forth, adding little bits and pieces of info and photos into random posts on page 1 of each thread!:rotfl2: One of these days I will surely end up putting something about Ghost Galaxy in the Christmas thread, and something about Santa Claus in this thread!:rotfl2: It is bound to happen sooner or later.

I just updated the Ghoulish Grub, etc. post on page 1 again last night, so there are more photos and links there now!

I can't recall if the Happiest Haunts tour began on September 13th last year (it was the first day of Halloween Time but it was also the Unleash the Villains madness in Disneyland), but if it didn't begin on that date then it began within a day or two after that. So I think that there is a good chance you will get to do the tour.

We are in the same boat. I hadn't considered that the happy haunts tour wouldn't be open...
I'm living in a dream world where maybe just maybe since wdw parties start on the 1st then DL's could start on the 12th....
Mostly I am just waiting on official confirmation that Halloween time will start on the 12th-I really want to be able to book PL for my girls :)

Yes this is one thing I find really really frustrating about DL! I wish hours etc (not just parties but in general as well) were released earlier. It is impossible to plan when the details are not released into long after we have to book our leave and airfares...

mummabear --

Happiest Haunts will begin when the season begins. I don't think you will miss it. The only reason why I thought it may have been delayed by a day or two last year was because there was an Unleash the Villains event on the opening day of Halloween Time -- but I don't know that the tour was delayed. It may have begun on schedule, as it does every year.

Disneyland is pretty good about starting holiday-specific tours on the days that the seasons officially begin, and not a day sooner. So, whichever day is the first day of Halloween Time this year, that is likely going to be the first day of the Happiest Haunts tour as well.

The reason why some of us think that 9/12 is going to be the start date of the season is because it seems to make sense with the pattern of the last few years. Also, Halloween Time is extremely popular now and it doesn't make much business sense to start it later.

The only reason why we think Halloween Time could possibly start a few days later than 9/12, or as late as 9/19 (which I highly doubt will happen), is that Disney has surprised us before.

For example, in the past, the holiday/Christmas season always began on a certain day of the week in November -- always a Friday. So that is what we were all expecting and predicting would be the regular pattern. Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere Disney changed the official holiday season start date/day to a Monday, and it was Monday for a couple of years. Last year, the holiday season started on a Tuesday!:confused3 This year we don't know if the holiday season will start on Wednesday, 11/12 or will skip ahead to Friday, November 14.:confused3

The Halloween Time season would have to begin somewhere between 9/12 and 9/19. I think that 9/19 is way too late at this point, so 9/12 is more likely.

One other thing to consider is that -- in all likelihood, and based on what happened back in 2008 and 2009 -- Halloween Time could possibly last an extra couple of days this year, through Sunday, November 2nd (since Halloween night is on a Friday and they don't seem to end seasons on Fridays). And if Halloween Time (not the MHP, but just the Halloween season) is extended by a couple of days, the season may begin a couple of days later than usual to kind of balance it out, like perhaps in the 9/15 or 9/16 range.

So my educated opinion/guess is that we are looking at 9/12, 9/15 or 9/16 as the Halloween Time season start date choices for 2014!

(For the record, I have a strong feeling that, in 2015, Halloween Time will not begin on Friday, September 11th. September 11th is a day for remembrance of a terrible event in recent history, and I just have a feeling that Disneyland is not going to say, "Let's start Halloween Time on that day!" [They also do not begin the holiday season on Veterans Day anymore, either.] So I am thinking that the 2015 Halloween Time start date will be something like Monday, September 14th or Tuesday, September 15th.)
Wow wow wow wow wow, I'm mikey!

Those Halloween Screams photos are spectacular! :worship: It's hard to pick a favorite from such a masterfully shot group of photos, but I think I like the last image best -- mainly because of the colors.
Man I wish my fireworks photos turned out like that I'm Mikey.
My favourite is also the last one-so many colours!

What is the moon like thing on the top left side of the castle? (If you say the moon I may feel like a bit of an idiot :) )


mummabear --

Happiest Haunts will begin when the season begins. I don't think you will miss it. The only reason why I thought it may have been delayed by a day or two last year was because there was an Unleash the Villains event on the opening day of Halloween Time -- but I don't know that the tour was delayed. It may have begun on schedule, as it does every year.

Disneyland is pretty good about starting holiday-specific tours on the days that the seasons officially begin, and not a day sooner. So, whichever day is the first day of Halloween Time this year, that is likely going to be the first day of the Happiest Haunts tour as well.

The reason why some of us think that 9/12 is going to be the start date of the season is because it seems to make sense with the pattern of the last few years. Also, Halloween Time is extremely popular now and it doesn't make much business sense to start it later.

The only reason why we think Halloween Time could possibly start a few days later than 9/12, or as late as 9/19 (which I highly doubt will happen), is that Disney has surprised us before.

For example, in the past, the holiday/Christmas season always began on a certain day of the week in November -- always a Friday. So that is what we were all expecting and predicting would be the regular pattern. Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere Disney changed the official holiday season start date/day to a Monday, and it was Monday for a couple of years. Last year, the holiday season started on a Tuesday!:confused3 This year we don't know if the holiday season will start on Wednesday, 11/12 or will skip ahead to Friday, November 14.:confused3

The Halloween Time season would have to begin somewhere between 9/12 and 9/19. I think that 9/19 is way too late at this point, so 9/12 is more likely.

One other thing to consider is that -- in all likelihood, and based on what happened back in 2008 and 2009 -- Halloween Time could possibly last an extra couple of days this year, through Sunday, November 2nd (since Halloween night is on a Friday and they don't seem to end seasons on Fridays). And if Halloween Time (not the MHP, but just the Halloween season) is extended by a couple of days, the season may begin a couple of days later than usual to kind of balance it out, like perhaps in the 9/15 or 9/16 range.

So my educated opinion/guess is that we are looking at 9/12, 9/15 or 9/16 as the Halloween Time season start date choices for 2014!

Thanks :)
I have looked more into the HH tour and don't think it will work for us anyway. DD4 will be 42" so can ride most but not CS and we will also have DD2 and DD6 months (at time of travel) so something for another year!
We will be there until the 18th so fingers crossed it is before that. HHM is my favourite Disney ride and as I mentioned I really want to book Pirates League-I did not realise this was not year round at DL like it is at WDW.
I would love a party-people don't trick or treat here and I would love the girls to be able to but I know my chances are slim to nil...sadly the way school terms work here we would have to pull them out of school to make it later in the month (or in Oct) so maybe we will have to aim for a WDW one since they start a little earlier.
What is the moon like thing on the top left side of the castle? (If you say the moon I may feel like a bit of an idiot :) )
Don't worry...it's not the moon! :rotfl: It's a sphere that images are projected onto during the show. For example, during some of the show, it's where Jack Skellington "appears" (see below). Images of Oogie Boogie's eyes, Kaa's eye, pirate crest, etc. are also projected at various times during the show. It's a cool feature/element. That's one of the reasons it's important to be able to see the left side of the Castle (when facing it) during Halloween Screams. If you can't see the globe, you miss out on part of the show!

I've not watched the show for where I'm Mikey was, so it's cool to get a different perspective of the show. I've never been able to really figure out where the globe is located, but from the photos it appears to be behind the castle.
Don't worry...it's not the moon! :rotfl: It's a sphere that images are projected onto during the show. For example, during some of the show, it's where Jack Skellington "appears" (see below). Images of Oogie Boogie's eyes, Kaa's eye, pirate crest, etc. are also projected at various times during the show. It's a cool feature/element. That's one of the reasons it's important to be able to see the left side of the Castle (when facing it) during Halloween Screams. If you can't see the globe, you miss out on part of the show!

I've not watched the show for where I'm Mikey was, so it's cool to get a different perspective of the show. I've never been able to really figure out where the globe is located, but from the photos it appears to be behind the castle.

THanks so much for this photo! We are trying (fairly unsuccessfully so far) to convince my best friends husband to join us in DL because he hates (ok really loathes) crowds and people. But he LOVES NBC! I am confident that if we keep sending him awesome photos he will change his mind ;)

Anyone have any photos of meet and greets with Jack and Sally???
Wow! I love the fireworks photos. I will be starting my Cheetara costume this weekend. I will also post pictures from 10/30 from MHP today. I will post progress pictures of my costumes.
I was planning on waiting until 4th of July to show my Halloween Screams firework pictures from MHP in 2010 but I'll show some off for now. Mine are not as good as I'm mikey since I was still a noob photographer back in 2010 but I have learned a lot over the time and one day I will go back during MHP and get some nice firework trail shots.

Here are some from shots from HS back in 2010.

THanks so much for this photo! We are trying (fairly unsuccessfully so far) to convince my best friends husband to join us in DL because he hates (ok really loathes) crowds and people. But he LOVES NBC! I am confident that if we keep sending him awesome photos he will change his mind ;)

Anyone have any photos of meet and greets with Jack and Sally???

Have you shown him photo of Haunted Mansion Holiday? That's got even more NBC!
Bret --

Your pictures are fantastic! If you're thinking that your photos are somehow "not as good," you're going to make the rest of us feel completely inadequate!:rotfl2:


I mean, let me just put this out there now, for everyone in this thread:

Chances are, most of the rest of us here will not be taking photos on the level of I'm mikey's photos at this point in time!:rotfl2: His talent with an SLR is otherworldly.

If we're all going to worry about our photos not being as good as I'm mikey's -- OR not as good as Bret's photos...OR not as good as KCmike's photos...OR not as good as Elk Grove Chris' photos... etc., etc., etc., none of us will be posting anything or sharing wonderful photos.

And there is a Theme Week Countdown coming up that is going to rely on people posting photos!

I've only been posting my pictures now because I had to start the brand new thread with some sorts of images to give Halloween newcomers a few visuals (same thing with the Christmas/Holiday Superthread) as we wait for the Theme Week Countdown to arrive. It's necessary to throw some color into my Superthreads when I am setting up page 1 and getting the threads going and all of that.

I don't want anyone to worry about not having a good camera either -- any kind of camera these days can take or create good photos, interesting photos, etc. Any kind of camera. Cell phone cameras... DSLR cameras... 35 mm cameras... Point and Shoots... Disposables. Whatever it is, it can capture interesting images, and I don't want anyone to feel too intimidated to post their photos.

This is not an exhibit at the Louvre. This is a Superthread. I want everyone to feel free to share their photos when the occasion calls for it!
Sherry E- I do not know how to "quote" so I hope you see this. Yes, we did go over Christmas. We were at Disneyland from the 23rd through the 29th. It was amazing, I like to take in every little detail, it was hard because it was very busy. We are relatively new to the park aspect if Disney. We have only been three times, a 1 day trip in 2012, a 5 day trip in May 2013, and a 7 day trip in Dec 2013. I have always loved Disney though. I am excited to see it at Halloween time, I learned so many things from the Christmas thread that I instantly subscribed to this one. I am a bit of a lurker, but know that I truly do appreciate all you do to keep us up to date with true, and accurate information.
Sherry E- I do not know how to "quote" so I hope you see this. Yes, we did go over Christmas. We were at Disneyland from the 23rd through the 29th. It was amazing, I like to take in every little detail, it was hard because it was very busy. We are relatively new to the park aspect if Disney. We have only been three times, a 1 day trip in 2012, a 5 day trip in May 2013, and a 7 day trip in Dec 2013. I have always loved Disney though. I am excited to see it at Halloween time, I learned so many things from the Christmas thread that I instantly subscribed to this one. I am a bit of a lurker, but know that I truly do appreciate all you do to keep us up to date with true, and accurate information.

Camela --

I'm so glad these threads are helpful (and hopefully interesting and fun!)! That's the goal with each one.

Thank you very much for the kind words! I do appreciate it. I have continued to sneak more photos and info links into random posts on page 1 of this thread (I just sneaked more photos in today and last night), but I am jumping back and forth between those posts, and also between this thread and the Christmas/Holiday Season Superthread (which has a more involved page 1 this year too!).:rotfl2: I am a mad scientist at work in the lab!:crazy::crazy::rotfl2:

I try my best to give accurate, realistic, detailed and true info if I know it, and provide a place/thread for the other experienced, knowledgeable DIS'ers to give info as well.. If I don't know something I will be the first one to say that I don't know it and someone else might know. In fact, sometimes I try to point people in the direction of certain threads or TRs that I will think will be most relevant to them for what their plans are going to be. If I think they are going to get the info they need from a particular person or thread, I will gladly send them to that person or thread.

Your holiday trip took place during one of the busiest -- if not the busiest -- weeks of the year! Yikes! I can imagine it was quite crowded. I stopped going on the weekend immediately before Christmas 5 years ago -- simply because it was getting to be too crowded and I like to be able to leisurely stroll around, taking photos and finding hidden gems. That is hard to do, as you said, when it is so crowded. So it has been early December ever since for me!

Bret/mvf-11c was also at DLR sometime during that week that you were there as well.

Still, though, I've never been to DLR on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day before and I would like to do it at some point, despite all of the crowds. To me it seems as though the atmosphere would be extra special in the parks on those days.

Halloween Time is quite different in many ways than the holiday season -- not nearly as extensive or all-encompassing as the holiday season is, and there is not as much Resort-wide "celebration," I guess. It has its own style. There is just enough "Halloween" in Disneyland, outside of the MHP, to keep people in a Halloween mood, but not nearly enough for my liking! I am one of those people who loves elaborate, extreme decorations, and I long for my neighbors to put up intricate displays for every holiday (they don't:sad:) -- just so I can walk by their houses and admire them! I want to see more Halloween all over both parks and the hotels!

Nonetheless, Halloween Time is a lot of fun and I think everyone should try it at some point or another if they can.

Easter/Springtime is fun too -- I loved the egg hunts in both parks, and the Springtime Roundup!

Yes, I love holidays!:rotfl2:
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