Hanging up my running shoes

You all are the best. Thank you!!

As I expected he is ordering a bone scan and MRI to check. However, his "educated guess" is not bone metastasis but more likely some injury from my activity. Something related to how my glute attaches to my pelvic bone. So ohm that he's right. I trust his educated guess. Hopefully they get my scans scheduled soon.

You're in our thoughts and prayers. :hug: Please keep us updated.
I've never been to happy to hear about someone's running related pains :) Will continue to send prayers up and warms thoughts your way. :flower3:
Honestly, you guys rock! Thank you for all the good vibes and prayers. I really do appreciate them. And hears to hoping for it just to be a pain in the butt. @Ariel484 trademark.

On to something happier, I got my new denim skirt and sarape shirt from INKnBURN the other day, and I'm in love with this outfit.


I know horizontal stripes are generally considered bad form for broadening your look, but the placement and color of these are awesome. Can't wait to try it out on a run. Of course, now it's turned colder here since the rain, but hoping for a warm up this weekend to give it a try!

I also realized while I have my shirts all set for the run, I haven't decided what skirts to wear with them, so expect some flat me combos on this thread so I can get you all to chime in with your opinions. I know we all love to share those right?
Honestly, you guys rock! Thank you for all the good vibes and prayers. I really do appreciate them. And hears to hoping for it just to be a pain in the butt. @Ariel484 trademark.

On to something happier, I got my new denim skirt and sarape shirt from INKnBURN the other day, and I'm in love with this outfit.


I know horizontal stripes are generally considered bad form for broadening your look, but the placement and color of these are awesome. Can't wait to try it out on a run. Of course, now it's turned colder here since the rain, but hoping for a warm up this weekend to give it a try!

I also realized while I have my shirts all set for the run, I haven't decided what skirts to wear with them, so expect some flat me combos on this thread so I can get you all to chime in with your opinions. I know we all love to share those right?

Simply gorgeous ZellyB!
I love that outfit!! You look great! I am actually all about wearing vertical stripes these days.. there are so many cute tops with them!
Cute! I worried about that same stripe issue but once I saw it on everyone, they really did pick a flattering color pattern. I couldn't find a little racing turtle for you today with #10 and I was still too scared to look up snakes, so you get this guy :)

As noted by the awesome @roxymama count down image, it’s now single digits until the Tink Half Marathon. Woohoo!! We actually leave next Wednesday afternoon to drive up to KC and then fly out on Thursday. I’m so excited!!!


I still haven’t laid out race outfit options, but they are coming!! I promise...


Since I’ve effectively run out of any planning I can do related to our Tinkerbell trip, I returned my focus to Dopey 2018. You may remember previously that I had no luck securing Poly DVC for our trip. Wah!!!


I’d earlier considered staying at the Shades of Green resort (the military resort on Disney property) and they did not have availability for all the days of our stay. I decided to check again yesterday and voila there was availability again!!! Magic!!!


I decided to go ahead and book it for our tentative dates. It only requires a one-night deposit and we can cancel up until 30 days before our trip should a better option present itself. I’m still holding out hope for a good military discount and availability at a monorail resort, but Shades of Green is also a solid choice for us. So hooray!


I also got notice from INKnBurn for a new preorder short. ACK!!! I resisted the urge to order the May the 4th mystery item, but I’ve been dying to try the shorts and I’ve managed not to buy them before, but I’m loving this design… (sorry it's so huge!)


So, yeah, buying those today. And, I don’t even feel bad about it.


We also made a decision to add a new member to our family. This little cutie pie.


She’s only 5 weeks old, so can’t come home for a few weeks, but we are excited to add her to the family. We are getting her from the same woman we got our yorkie from. This little sweetie is actually a yorkie poodle combination and is our little Teddy's niece. The kids don’t know about it so keep it quiet. ;)


And, lastly, thanks again for all the good thoughts, vibes and prayers. I’ve got a bone scan and MRI scheduled for the 16th after we return from the trip. I’m hopeful that all will be well and plan to just set those thoughts aside for now and going to just let Disney work it’s magic on me while we are gone.

OMG WITTLE BABY YORKIE POO :hyper Congratulations!!

So...I saw the shorts this morning. And I went from "OMG NO"...to ordering them. They are pretty sweet. ::yes::
Sorry to hear about your pain, but glad your doctor is being pro-active, and that the feeling is exercise induced pain. The yorkie-poo looks adorable!! What a sweet find, and the serape outfit looks fabulous on you!! So exciting for TINK to be so close now!
This guy isn't racing but he's too cute not to post. #7....one week until the half and even less until Disney!! Your castle gif gave me chill-bumps....eeeeeeeee!


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