Harvey Weinstein

Let's not forget about Victor Salva who was convicted of molesting a 12 year old boy. After he was released from prison guess who hired him to direct Powder. Non other then Disney studios. The movie industry is one big cesspool of corruption. Hopefully all the skeletons come out of closet. The thing that shocks me the most is that people are shocked by this. If you only read mainstream media where everything is swept under the rug I guess it's understandable.

What do you mean by "media"? Real news outlet aren't going to run stories without having sources they trust and/or something to back it up. Real news outlets have journalistic standards they follow.
While this has been somewhat of a not so secret secret among people in that industry, it would've been irresponsible for a credible news outlet to run with a story based on rumor and a joke Seth McFarland made.
What do you mean by "media"? Real news outlet aren't going to run stories without having sources they trust and/or something to back it up. Real news outlets have journalistic standards they follow.
While this has been somewhat of a not so secret secret among people in that industry, it would've been irresponsible for a credible news outlet to run with a story based on rumor and a joke Seth McFarland made.
Are there any credible news outlets anymore....I think not. Journalistic standards they follow....now that's a joke.
I also forget to add that Disney owned Miramax at the time they were hiring a convicted child molester to direct one of their movies. We're they aware of Harvey's behavior? Why are so many child stars so screwed up?
I think this is pretty normal in the Hollywood culture. Drugs, sex, pedophilia,...God only knows what goes on. Of course there's the hypocrisy of these elitist which is a whole other topic. I can't say I'm surprised nor do have one ounce of sympathy for any of them.
I think it is prevalent throughout our society.
Of course having a lot of influence and money makes it that much easier.
Elitism is more about colour than anything else and the colour is green.
What do you mean by "media"? Real news outlet aren't going to run stories without having sources they trust and/or something to back it up. Real news outlets have journalistic standards they follow.
While this has been somewhat of a not so secret secret among people in that industry, it would've been irresponsible for a credible news outlet to run with a story based on rumor and a joke Seth McFarland made.
Apparently, the NY Times had this story in 2004, but refused to run it. Go figure.
THere are a lot of outfits tat seem to be defending why they turned the story down. He is one of the most powerful person in somewhat the same industry. Does not surprise me he would find out and try to stop. THe $10K donation looks real bad for the DA.
THere are a lot of outfits tat seem to be defending why they turned the story down. He is one of the most powerful person in somewhat the same industry. Does not surprise me he would find out and try to stop. THe $10K donation looks real bad for the DA.

Yes it does, especially when you consider it's not the only time he's declined to prosecute and then received a donation.
I thought of this thread yesterday when a friend posted about an experience yesterday at the Guthrie theater (a pretty famous regional theater company in Minneapolis....professional theater, not some amateur thing) where she and her daughter watched a production of Romeo and Juliet. The woman playing Juliet was quite attractive. Throughout the ENTIRE show, there were high school boys in the audience who were catcalling every time she moved, took off an article of clothing, kissed, had a monologue etc. NOTHING happened to them. They were not admonished, nor led from the theater. (Note: it was a performance specifically for middle and high school students). Now, of course they should have been ejected. And the chaperones should have done their job and removed the miscreants the minute they started in on such inappropriate behavior. The bigger question for me, though, is where the hell do teenage boys learn that this is OK? It would NEVER occur to me, ever, that I should catcall anyone. It's rude, obnoxious behavior anywhere, but most certainly in a professional theater show. We've definitely got a problem in our culture. Harvey Weinstein is the grown up version of these teen boys.
NYPD has started a criminal investigation from an incident in 2004.
FBI has opened an investigation.
I wonder if after his "rehabilitation" in Europe we will ever see him in the US again?
I thought of this thread yesterday when a friend posted about an experience yesterday at the Guthrie theater (a pretty famous regional theater company in Minneapolis....professional theater, not some amateur thing) where she and her daughter watched a production of Romeo and Juliet. The woman playing Juliet was quite attractive. Throughout the ENTIRE show, there were high school boys in the audience who were catcalling every time she moved, took off an article of clothing, kissed, had a monologue etc. NOTHING happened to them. They were not admonished, nor led from the theater. (Note: it was a performance specifically for middle and high school students). Now, of course they should have been ejected. And the chaperones should have done their job and removed the miscreants the minute they started in on such inappropriate behavior. The bigger question for me, though, is where the hell do teenage boys learn that this is OK? It would NEVER occur to me, ever, that I should catcall anyone. It's rude, obnoxious behavior anywhere, but most certainly in a professional theater show. We've definitely got a problem in our culture. Harvey Weinstein is the grown up version of these teen boys.
Whistling and catcalling by boys is pretty normal behavior for boys and men. Not I even in the same league as sexual harassment.
I was trying to gently explain something to you Hikergirl. So now I will be way more frank. And to hell with anyone who feels uncomfortable.

Previous sexual assault and especially childhood sexual abuse can, and can is an important word because of course not everyone reacts the same, produce a myriad of issues:

*a brain that thinks differently - a brain that is changed for life
*a distrust of speaking out especially if you were not believed previously
*a distrust of the police - a distrust of the legal system if it didn't go well at any point and it can really screw up one's life no matter how many people say go to the police - take him/her to court. One can easily be re-victimized during this process even by people who have good intent. Look at the girl who agreed to the sting Hikergirl. Where did all her vulnerability/work go? Um nowhere. I'm sure she will be so willing to speak out a second time if it ever happens to her again
*not clearly seeing your perpetrator as vile as he/she is and maybe even not as a criminal
*sometimes almost feeling protective of *******s (I do realize that this is hard to hear and understand)
*a feeling that you did something inappropriate or wrong - a trying to rethink the situation
*a feeling of stupidity that you are again in such a situation, ridiculous as that sounds
*and sometimes feeling that some things are just "normal" if it happens early in life or often enough

Now I have no clue about any of the victims of Harvey Weinstein. This is not me insinuating that they have abuse or assault in their past. At all. I am only speaking out about your frustration with Ashley Judd. And the why - why - why especially with her when she is a victim.

Other people also gave valid reasons why people might not speak out.

And by the way Ashley Judd has enough balls for a thousand women.

First, this is a subject that riles me. I am not intending to upset/offend anyone. BUT if you (general) are upset or offended by my words/tone, take a step back and look into yourself and ask yourself why before you respond, please.

On behalf of survivors everywhere, Lisa (and believe me we are EVERYWHERE)....
Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU.


Not a SINGLE ONE of these survivors are responsible for Weinstein's actions. They are not serial predators/rapists. They have not been abusing their positions of power to victimize the powerless for decades. They have not forcibly (Yep, forcibly INCLUDES COERCION) claimed another persons body/mind through their actions. They are not responsible, they are not required to act a certain way, and they don't owe you (general) or society ANYTHING.


When society responds by scrutinizing the victims actions, we end up thinking of these cases almost like perfect storms. "Well yes, he acted horrendously... BUT if the victims had/hadn't done XYZ and the other then it wouldn't have happened/been as bad." I get that mindset. It protects you. it makes you feel like you would have some measure of power to stop it if you found yourself/a loved one in that situation.
But guess what? That security is FALSE. It CAN happen to you, your daughters/sons, your sisters/brothers, your mothers/fathers.

And until we as a society can all together, every single one of us, lay blame ONLY at the perpetrators feet, this will always be happening.

"But why oh why didn't these women come forward earlier??????"

Look at what's being said about them. Look at how they are being treated. There's your answer.
Whistling and catcalling by boys is pretty normal behavior for boys and men. Not I even in the same league as sexual harassment.


Women do not exist for men to look at and ogle. We are HUMAN BEINGS and if you are catcalling me YOU ARE HARASSING ME. I do not want it, I did not ask for it, and no, it DOES NOT make me feel pretty to know some random stranger is imagining violating me/my body.


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