Has anyone ever mispronounced your name?

Nah, it's pretty basic. My first name is spelled a little weird, and people tend to use the more common spelling. I usually don't bother to correct them unless it matters for paperwork or something.
All the time. When I was a kid it was my first and last name. My married name is very easy to figure out, so now it’s just my first name.
I have a very common girl's name. One of my classes in college had graded attendance and the prof always called roll. Apparently my name was smeared on the roster and he called me a very common boy's name EVERY. STINKING. TIME., twice a week for an entire semester. The whole class took to correcting him with me in a chorus. There were only about 15 of us in class. He assigned seats and could have easily taken role without calling names. Even if he had to call names, it was ridiculous that he did this every time. After two or three times I honestly think he was bullying me and wish I would have called him out that it was not acceptable. Back in the day we just dealt with it, especially since a lot of the grading for that course was participatory and subjective.

My married last name sounds dirty if you mispronounce it. It get's mispronounced OFTEN. I'm actually fine with it unless, like the above instance, they do it repeatedly. Jokes about your name get old fast.
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Just the last name. Happens all the time.
My boyfriend/husband search criteria now includes "easy to pronounce last name". :rotfl:
I can totally relate to that! I grew up with a name that always drew teasing and questions even from total strangers so I really wanted "Smith," "Brown," etc. especially since, as a teacher, I went by title and last name professionally. It didn't work for me and I got the aforementioned sounds dirty if mispronounced name. My son's long term girlfriend has a wonderful last name. (Not super common, but an actual common word with no easy nicknames to torture with) I'm all for her keeping her last name, him taking her last name, or for them combining their names to make something new. My weirdo son actually LIKES the fact that our name sounds dirty when mispronounced.
I’m Wendy and get called Windy. My own mother spells my name “Windy” when she knows damn well that’s never how it’s been spelled. She does it to my sister and all our kids too. Some weird passive aggressive thing in her case.

My oldest is Tiana long before Princess and the Frog came put. We pronounce it Tee-Ann-uh. People tend to say it like in the movie, Tee-Ahh-nuh. When it comes to misspelling most people add an extra n. Of course it you’re my mom you throw in e twice and add an extra n.
Yep. All of the time. Never had issues with my maiden name nor my married last name, but my first name can trip people up. Which is weird given that it is straightforward.
Both my first and last name are mispronounced occasionally. I did not change my name when I got married and my husbands name gets mispronounced all the time. Mostly because it has a British pronunciation instead of an American pronunciation. I think if we lived in the UK people would say correctly more often. I do not know why, but in the UK St. John is pronounced Sinjin. Like Lee, this is one of the ways that I identify whether people on the phone actually know us or not.
My last name gets mispronounced all the time.
So everyone just refers to us as “The Os” and kids call us Mr. & Mrs. O and the girls on my DDs softball team, past & present, call me Momma O.
Yep, my first name gets mispronounced all the time. In fact, if we go out to restaurants or some place where I have to give my name, I either give my husband’s name or my middle name.
...My married last name sounds dirty if you mispronounce it. It get's mispronounced OFTEN. I'm actually fine with it unless, like the above instance, they do it repeatedly. Jokes about your name get old fast.
Right? I had a job once where the type of work made for a very easy pun based on my last name. I must have heard those jokes 10 times a day, even from people who had made them before. It didn’t hurt my feelings or anything but I mostly only laughed at people who obviously thought they were being super-clever and original, not their joke itself. :sad2:
More often than they don't. Unless you know someone in the family or are Polish it is pretty much never pronounced right even though it is spelled exactly like it is said.
First name no spelling is the issue there so often I joke on non-legal stuff "spell it any way you want the pronunciation is virtually the same"

Married last name 50/50 some people pronounce the K like an H as in Michael but it's pronounced like Mick (or alternatively like a nickel but with a M instead of N). Spelling sometimes becomes an issue there.
My last name is constantly mispronounced. It's long and Polish.

My first name doesn't get mispronounced, but it is very frequently misheard. It rhymes with a bunch of other names.
My previous boss never, never pronounced my name correctly. Really wasn’t that hard. 4 letters, following Nike pronunciation rules, I.e. 2 long vowels.

I just started a new job, and my new boss, has it down perfect. Really, not that hard.
Last name rarely pronounced correctly. It’s very phonetic but the look of it scares people.

my name is pronounced quite different in UK than US (UK rhymes with female anatomy) but my favorite mispronunciation...


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