Haunted Mansion Ring


Earning My Ears
Jun 24, 2002
Where *exactly* should I look for the ring in the floor?

After three trips to wdw I cannot find it.

Click on this link and it will show you EXACTLY how to find the ring with a picture. (You have to have adobe acrobat reader to see the page - and you can get that for free off the internet.)


edit: I just tried to use the link and it doesn't seem to be working today. But keep trying. It is really great. . .
The "ring" can be found at the archway/gate right before you get to the hearse outside. It is on the right side archway almost in the middle of the path.

Just walk along the wall on the right side and look down as you are about to run out of wall!

It is right there - saw it Tuesday - it looks a little worse for wear! I think someone has been attempting to remove it!

Good luck! Let us know if you find it!
On the way out. Right after you go through the arch but before you see the tombstone giant wall on the left hand side. It is very tiny. Like a size 4 if you want to compare it to a "real" ring. . .
I read somewhere on a post that it isn't a ring but where a post had once been. But............ the ring story is kind of neat. :p

Actually, there is a ring AND a round ring looking thing that looks like a place where a post had been. Many people confuse the two. :)
Yes, it is a ring that was placed there when the HM was first opened. If you go on the MK tour, and you are fortunate to get a guide that will tell you the story of the ring, it makes the ride even more fun. You can also learn about the graves at the enterance and why the CM's act the way that they do in the ride. It is worth the cost of the tour.
:earseek: :earseek: :earseek:
1houraway had the best discription of the location of the ring... It is in the archway just before you reach the hears. There are two seperate "doorways" if you will leading out if you stay to the right (the larger arch) the ring is there. If you can not find it ask a CM, the story of the ring is told in training and they are shown the location since it is a question that is asked often.

***Spoiler*** don't read any further if you don't want the truth about the ring ***

____________________________________________________There used to be an iron gate there. The "Ring" is the hole in which the post from the gate would go in order to close the gate. The "Diamond" part is the tip of a screw driver that was broken off when trying to pry the insert out when the gate was removed. The story of the "Ring" was made up by Tina who was a CM that work at the Mansion (not the imagineers). I worked there from 1998-2001 here is a link to the page that is dedicated to the stories created mostly by the maids and butlers of the Mansion... it's fun if you have not seen it.

Thanks LibertyBelle, that is the same information that the doombuggie.com site says. There are pictures and directions on the url I posted above.


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