Haunted Mansion--The Movie

and Johnny Depp, so I am hoping this one will be better!:rolleyes: Might see it today!
Saw Haunted Mansion 11/28. Did not like the movie overall.
I just did not care about the characters at all with the exception of Mr. Gracy. I really liked POTC.
I also did not like the Haunted Mansion movie. I felt it couldn't decide if it was supposed to be funny or scary. It achieved neither IMHO. I did like seeing the familiar scenes from the ride, but not enough to recommend the movie.
I guess I'm in the "new" minority (LOL), but I liked it. I thought it had a decent plot & thought the movie was much scarier than the ride. I'd like to see it again to catch some more details. I was disappointed with a few instances of mildly foul language. DW was so-so on it.

BTW, did I see correctly that the lock on the gate was a hidden Mickey? Or did I make that up?
I took my 12 yr old son & his buddy to see it Saturday. We loved it! Now I can't wait for him to see the Haunted Mansion ride. The last time I was at WDW, I was 7 and cried because I was so afraid to go into the Haunted Mansion. Of course my parents insisted that I go on it and I was glad I did!:earsgirl:
Note to Director: Louisiana doesn't issue two license plates, only one for the rear. None on the front.

Second Note to Director: Most of the area around New Orleans is either at or below sea level, so you can't have underground burial or mausoleums. All are build at ground level.
I thought that HM was "middle of the road", not great, not bad. I can't speak about the scenes at the credits. The theater we were at killed the movie as soon as the credits started to roll.

As a comparison between Johnny Depp in PoTC vs. Eddie Murphy in HM - I think Disney received more than their money's worth from Johnny, but less than their money's worth from Eddie.
I saw it a couple of days ago and thought it was alright, nothing spectacular but I wasn't disappointed that I saw it either. It was enjoyable but not one that I would want to see over again. I thought it could have been a lot better but I enjoyed the story and seeing things from the ride. :)
Originally posted by Deb & Bill
Note to Director: Louisiana doesn't issue two license plates, only one for the rear. None on the front.

Second Note to Director: Most of the area around New Orleans is either at or below sea level, so you can't have underground burial or mausoleums. All are build at ground level.

Third Note to Director: There are no clams in jambalaya.

I saw the hidden Mickey on the gate, and so did my boyfriend. He needs to start admitting he has Disney fever too.
We saw this movie yesterday and really enjoyed it. HM is one of our favorite rides and that probably helps. My kids want to go see it again! I think the movie is much scarier than the ride.
We saw the movie on Black Friday at the Loew's on 42nd Street NYC. The theatre was packed.
Kids loved it, of course. My four yr old DD didn't really get too scared. Everyone loved pointing out things from the ride, and the singing busts were by far the favorite thing about the movie.
My DH, BIL, and I thought it was so-so. Could definately have done without the cheesy one liners. But the effects were okay and the sets were good. I did think about the Louisiana water table when they were in the graveyard--pretty obvious oversight by the director.
I felt like the wife and little girl weren't really connecting? Or maybe miscast?? Anyone else feel like their acting was lifeless?
I did notice the hidden Mickey, at which my DH rolled his eyes at me.
Reaction from the audience we saw it with was pretty positive. People applauded at the end and I heard a lot of "That was a good movie" comments.
I must admit, I loved it. I thought it had a very good storyline and the effects were great. Now, on a side note, we went and saw Cat In The Hat the other day. What a waste of time. I was shocked at the numerous sexual innuendos since that ws supposed to be a family movie, and it was just totally lifeless. We left there and came home and wrote Universal Studios and told them how disappointed we were and we are suggesting everyone go see HM instead of Cat In The Hat.
I must start by saying that I am a huge Disney fan and my kids and I love the ride, but the movie was very bad! I can't believe that some people actually liked "the story", which was disjointed and ridiculous. I took my kids and nephews and niece all under the age of ten and they were all disappointed. The effects were good, but as usual with Disney lately, it was just a lame attempt at a fast buck.
We saw the movie Sunday night and loved it! My favorite part was at the very beginning when they say "WELCOME FOOLISH MORTALS". We were just at WDW last week and it made me miss the ride already!!!


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