Have Toilets, Will Travel


<font color=navy>Not afraid of canned biscuits<br>
Aug 18, 1999
Church Gives New Meaning To Pay Toilets
Have Toilets, Will Travel
Posted: 2:36 p.m. EDT July 26, 2002

MANLY, Iowa -- An Iowa church has been flush with cash since it launched its "Have Toilets, Will Travel" campaign.

Parishioners at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Manly -- population 1,300 -- pay $10 to have one of three brightly-painted portable toilets placed in someone's front yard.

The porta-potty, in neon yellow, pink or orange, remains until the recipient pays $10 to have it taken away. For another $10, they can make sure it doesn't come back.

The Rev. Daniel Kucera, who moonlights as minister of potty placement, says he's raised $1,700 so far -- including $80 from folks who said, "Don't give it to me."

Copyright 2002 by The Associated Press.

Now wouldn't this be an awesome fundraiser? Here's $100, Don't bring it to my yard!
:rolleyes: :p
I'd be very embarrassed when the other board members in our Homeowners Association tried to take on the local church. :D Since we're not allowed to have swings that you can see from the street, I don't think they'd stand for potties.
LOL, Kermit, I wonder how much they'd pay to keep the toilets out of the area. :D

ahh this is hilarious!! im with Amy though.. is this legal?? I know i would NOT want a port-o-potty sitting in my yard!
Heh. That reminds me of a joke I used to tell:
I used to say that I used to work as a stripper. The person would be shocked, knowing my beliefs or simply that I didn't have the physique for that sort of work. I would add that I made a ton of cash & the management loved me. I would explain that right before I went on they would lock the exits. I come out & start stripping & people would have to pay to leave! ;)


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