Have you ever gone on a trip you knew you couldn't afford?

Apr 10, 2017
How did it affect you? Why did you make the decision to go, as opposed to saving the money for other things?

*This post is not meant to bash, just a question.
Once, when I was in college. I booked a Disney trip and came home paying off the credit card debt. Never again! Trips are paid for/cash saved before we leave home. That includes anticipated tips and shopping. Anything that is charged is paid off when we get home (that goes for any credit card charge)
I took a lot of trips to Vegas when I was younger. I don't remember coming home from any vacations with significant credit card debt, but I certainly blew through a lot of money that would have been better spent on something more responsible.

And I did go into debt for a semester abroad while in college. It took a while to pay it off, and I wouldn't try to justify the math--but I never regretted it because it was such an important experience for me.

These days, we save up and take the trip after we have the money. I think that will be a common theme here on the budget board, but my anecdotal evidence is that it's not unusual for people I know to take trips and worry about the debt afterwards.
Only if you count driving to Gulf Shores for a weekend as a 20yo. Had a car, gas money, food money, and a weekend off work, what could possibly go wrong? Oh right the friends who invited me down to stay decided to take their own trip and I didn't have a cell phone back then to tell me after I started driving so nowhere to sleep.
I have to admit when I joined the DIS in 2003 and frequented the Cruise Line Forum i was surprised at how many people were leaving on cruises with the trip not paid for and multiple credit cards maxed out. One little incident like a missed flight, they could be sunk.
But my parents lived through the Great Depression. They passed on the belief that money going into savings was a priority over money spent for pleasure. That way when there was an unexpected expense, you weren't caught short.
No because I would be stressed out and constantly thinking of how much I'm in the hole then enjoying my vacation. Also, like the PP, my parents are immigrants and worked hard to achieve the American Dream. They instilled in my brother and me that you save for what you want and you don't go into debt just for wants.
No. The only way I could justify this would be if we had an emergency, like a funeral to attend or a close relative in the hospital. We plan for our yearly vacation well ahead of time, and and know how much we feel comfortable spending. But, for us you could replace the phrase "gone on a trip", with "bought a car" or "purchased new furniture". Same answer.
I did a few times and the experiences I got from the trip far outweighed the fact that I was then in a small amount of debt for a few months.
Really the only time I was actually struggling was when I went on my trip to Hawaii and it was with my niece's dance group and everything had to be paid in cash and during the time of paying that my cat passed away so I had vet bills from that and I got a new kitten so I had vet bills from that.
Normally though as far as Disney trips go I know how much I'm spending well ahead of time and can plan out ok maybe don't eat out quite a smuch or don't buy quite as many new clothes and then that money can add up for more easily paying off the Disney trip.
OP sounds like you are seriously stressed about going on a vacation that you cannot afford right now.
Maybe what you need to do is hold off until it is affordable for you. Save the money up and then go so you don't have to worry about bills racking up later.
Any financial advisor will tell you there’s good debt and bad debt.

They usually mean it in a strict way - good debt is leverage for more wealth (like a mortgage for an real estate investment).

While I do think getting into debt for a vacation is usually a bad decision financially -

I do think there are exceptions. If you’re burned out, a vacation could be an investment in yourself.

You have to be smart about it though:

1. Have a plan:

calculate exactly how much debt you’re gonna be in when you’re back, and make sure you know how you plan to pay it back, and how long will it take.

2. Consider the unexpected:

Like someone said, miss one flight and it’s game over. So budget for the unexpected (at least 10%)

3. Make sure it’s worth it:

Consider the stress during the vacation. It might cause you to miss the whole point of a vacation where you want to recharge, etc. Steps 1-2 should help with that.

Hope this helps.

P.S. - this might be relevant - look up a post of mine about depression after a holiday, which is more likely if you get back to a reality of debt which will no doubt create a ton of guilt feelings.
NO. I tend the other way, don't go on trips I know I CAN afford. I grew up very frugally, had to pay my own way through college, money was tight. Now we have enough money but spending on things like vacations is hard for me to feel comfortable with. I'm getting better at it, but still always looking for deals, rarely stay in deluxe accommodations.
How did it affect you? Why did you make the decision to go, as opposed to saving the money for other things?

*This post is not meant to bash, just a question.

No. I have traveled while paying off debt, but the travel came out of the budget, knowing the debt was getting paid off monthly and wouldn't be affected. (AKA - The joy of paying off 3 years of post-graduate school loans of $93K for the spouse in 5 years - which we accomplished, but which left money very, very tight the 1st 5 years of our marriage)...

I couldn't have enjoyed myself if I knew I was gonna just stress every waking moment about every dollar I put out on the trip - which I would do if I knew I couldn't afford it. Instead, I've planned super-affordable vacations with most desired items paid upfront at those times of being tight, so I knew I could relax, enjoy what I paid for, and then be satisfied with that.
NO. I tend the other way, don't go on trips I know I CAN afford. I grew up very frugally, had to pay my own way through college, money was tight. Now we have enough money but spending on things like vacations is hard for me to feel comfortable with. I'm getting better at it, but still always looking for deals, rarely stay in deluxe accommodations.
Do you spend that same money in other ways like brand name clothes, electronics, vehicles? If so then it's really just a matter of what you feel is more important.
I dont have all the latest and greatest because I rather put my money into experiences.
If you are just saving the money for later in life it's a bit different and probably the more practical thing but I couldn't do it lol.
Even though we use credit cards for everything, in 20 years, I've never carried a balance or paid a cent of interest.

I don't think I'd have fun on a trip if I was worried about how to pay for it. I won't even buy a car I can't pay for. I carry a small mortgage, but that's it.


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