Have You Ever Had To Confront Another Guest's Poor Behavior?

don't be too hard on the parents with crying kids in line. My oldest had anxiety and even though he'd never been forced to ride, and we'd explain we would never ever force him, he would still occasionally cry while in line for a ride his younger sibling wanted to do. He was old enough to sit by himself while the rest of us rode and was always perfectly happy when we were done. We just needed him to stand in line with us.
[QUOTE="DisneyAuntie12, post: 63249356, member: 58066]Another time I guess I was technically in the wrong but I had a woman kinda freak out on me when she thought I was "cutting" in line for the bathroom at Bay Lake Towers. There was a restroom sign so I assumed it was a big bathroom, I went to walk inside. A woman standing outside snapped "I'm in line!". I responded with something like "Oh, ok, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize there was only one toilet." and got back in line behind her. Then I'm standing there and she goes on a mini-tirade, like "I was standing there in line! And you just got in front of me!". I walked away - assume she'd been line-cut at the parks and I was getting some of her residual anger and disbelief about line cutting at Disney. Or maybe one too many poolside drinks, ha ha, always a possibility.

We just stayed at Bay Lake Tower and can't understand why they only have a single bathroom in the lobby. I used the men's room because the Ladies bathroom was occupied for over 5 minutes.
I usually do nothing but I make an exception for cigarette smokers. I've been in outdoor queues where someone is smoking and I've nicely asked them to stop and pointed out that although smoking in the parks is prohibited, there are areas just outside the park where they can smoke.

Since my approach rarely works, I can't recommend it, but I will continue saying something anyway.

Smokers, please be aware that cupping a lit cigarette in your hand and holding it behind your back or by your side is not the equivalent of not smoking.
We were at SSR earlier this week, and when my daughters and I went out to look at the balcony, we were greeted by a huge cloud from the couple smoking a joint on the next balcony over. I made sure to explain to my kids very loudly that they were engaging in inappropriate and illegal behavior. (I have zero problem with weed but that was not the time or place!) We later ended up calling in a complaint when their family (kids and all) was all screaming at each other around midnight.
We were at SSR earlier this week, and when my daughters and I went out to look at the balcony, we were greeted by a huge cloud from the couple smoking a joint on the next balcony over. I made sure to explain to my kids very loudly that they were engaging in inappropriate and illegal behavior. (I have zero problem with weed but that was not the time or place!) We later ended up calling in a complaint when their family (kids and all) was all screaming at each other around midnight.

Sounds like they probably needed to smoke again. :rotfl:
I have a couple of times when people try to crowd into my space for parades. Also got onto some bigger kids rough housing in the Mickey pool on the Dream
I generally never get into confrontations but I did call out someone who cut the line on MMRR on our last trip.

It was a long line with a snaking queue. We were in the outside portion and it was pretty warm out. I was in an ECV (my first time having to use one). I am able to stand and walk for short periods and it's helpful to get up sometimes and stand or walk. So, while in the line, I would occasionally stand up and let one of my teenage daughters drive it for me. We were in one of the switchback areas and changing over in our scooter so a gap appeared in front of us (there were still socially distanced markers in use) and a young couple who had been maybe 6 groups or so behind us, slid from their spot on the other side of the switchback into the temporary gap. In the past, I would have just let it go, but it really hit me the wrong way. I made some remarks to them about cutting in line and why did they feel they were entitled to do so. They ignored me but I continued to make remarks for several minutes. The girl was clearly uncomfortable and the boyfriend was trying to comfort her a bit, but I frankly didn't care. The ridiculous part is that they likely only gained about 1 minute in wait time. We ended up in the dance section with Daisy at the same time as them and my daughters told me the girl kept looking over at us looking concerned, so I imagine her enjoyment of the ride was lessened a bit. After they told me that, I felt kinda bad for making a bit of a fuss, but it was just so unnecessary and I felt like it was taking advantage of my being in a scooter and thus allowing a gap to form. So for those of you who get angry at those in scooters for potentially taking advantage (and some do) also know that sometimes being in a scooter means others feel they can also take advantage of you. Bad behavior related to scooters goes both ways unfortunately.
Neither were things I complained about to a CM, but strongly considered:

- Space Mountain: my family of 3 was in the back half of the car, and just as we get through the entrance 'launch tube' of the ride, a woman in the front half of the car pulls up her phone, turns on the light, and films the whole ride. She illuminated the whole ride during the entire duration. We tried yelling at her to put her phone down to no avail. Basically, she ruined the ride for one of our fast pass attractions, and it really pissed me off at the time. I thought about reporting her when we exited, but the exit situation on Space Mountain is really long, and by the time we got to the entrance she was long gone and we left it alone.

- DCL (Cruise) Stage Show: I don't recall which show it was on our cruise in the main theater, but I recall one of the attendees sitting a few rows in front of us pulling up the camera, taking a picture of the stage, putting the camera down... repeat for EVERY SINGLE STAGE CHARACTER/SHOW CHANGE. It was a constant, pull up phone-take pick-put phone down-pick phone up-put phone down, over and over. Having a bright camera screen in a dimmed theater audience, but they had a constantly bring it up and put it away throughout the show which was really really distracting.
Just once when we were sitting in Mickey's Philharmagic. There was a group of 3 preteen or very early teen girls sitting behind us. They were screaming at the top of their lungs every time it looked like something was coming at us/them. After a few minutes I had had enough. My ears were ringing and my head starting to pound. I used to be a teacher and put on my most stern teacher voice, turned around and said "Girls! Stop!" They were shocked and then annoyed but they shut up the rest of the movie. What surprised me the most was when we were walking out I noticed they actually had a set of parents with them. Why was *I* the one to tell them to stop?? Maybe the parents thought it was "cute"? :rolleyes:
I’ve seen a few people say this, just wanted to agree - I’ve had far more lovely than poor interactions at Disney:). Probably the reason I remember the truly bad ones so well!! I also agree that some people are total nutjobs…and there is a potential danger factor. But I haven’t seen anyone interact poorly with an animal, and I would stick my neck out for that (I’m a veterinarian).
One thing that’s worked for me during my two ‘Rona visits - if people were too close behind me, I’d turn to them and ask nicely if they wouldn’t mind giving me just a little more space, saying that I’m a little paranoid about the virus. Should I have to do this? No. But it worked every time, and people were always kind in return. Of course, all bets are off now!!!!
don't be too hard on the parents with crying kids in line. My oldest had anxiety and even though he'd never been forced to ride, and we'd explain we would never ever force him, he would still occasionally cry while in line for a ride his younger sibling wanted to do. He was old enough to sit by himself while the rest of us rode and was always perfectly happy when we were done. We just needed him to stand in line with us.

I was that crying kid in every line, on my one and only trip to Disneyland at age 8. Only the adult I was with at the time (my older sister's friend's awful husband) didn't care that I was terrified, I was tall and he wanted to go on every coaster. I was so traumatized I didn't ride any coaster until I was about 15 and RNRC is still the only upside down one I'll do.
Guy at HEA last night was in front of a viewing section along with his several Mickey balloons flashing away behind him: it was pretty annoying so when I heard others around us openly grumbling about the distraction, I reached forward and turned off the balloon lights. Not all heroes wear capes.
Props for touching a Guest.

In their infinite wisdom, Disney sold quick-flashing ears (maybe a hat) for Fantasmic a few years ago.

I had the displeasure of sitting behind a person who would not listen to reason about how annoying these flashing lights were to all the people sitting in the rows immediately behind.

The reaction was simply, "Disney sold me this product, so I'm gonna' wear it!"

Disney replaced the flashing ears with slow-glowing ones for Happily Ever After.
yeah I do not understand the taping of rides, shows, fireworks, when you can see millions of versions on youtube already. Just look at it in real time! Enjoy! :smickey:

And these types of videos, frequently made by professionals, already exist on YouTube.
One really hot late August (is there any other kind in FL?)..... we went into the movie in France pavilion. Now my DD and really love that movie, dated and all. One of the things we like is the lovely, soothing music in parts of it. Well, one row behind us was a group of about 4 young women. It was during F&W and they clearly didn't care one bit about the movie, just came in to sit down, drinks in hand, to enjoy the a/c. By the way they were carrying on it was clear the drinks were "adult" beverages. They proceeded to act like they were in a night club all during the movie. Laughing, talking loudly (like people do when they've had more than they can handle) and passing each other's drinks around to have a taste. Now, I'm a mom to 4 young adults. My "Mom-look" has had much practice. I turned around, locked eyes with one of the group and gave her "the look". Repeated this several times. I considered this a silent version of asking nicely, several times. Nothing about their behavior changed. Finally I had had enough! This wasn't an accident or something that I was misinterpreting. I turned fully in my seat this time and said, "For God's sake, would you all shut up!" They were quiet after that.
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DH had to yell at a woman that hit him twice with an empty stroller. There was plenty of room for her to go around!
I was in line for Soarin' and a women in back of me was too close and kept touching my backside. I told her to back off and when we got to the CM he let us go and kept her back.
We try not to get into a confrontation, but sometimes an evil look is all it takes.
I've seen people use their strollers like battering rams to get through crowds, and usually with an angry look on their faces. We dont have kids, so mobility in the parks isn't nearly as difficult for us comparatively speaking. I always imagined what it must be like with hungry, tired kids in tow while trying to weave through the crowds with a big ol stroller. When confronted with a battering ram person, it makes it easy to smile, step aside, allowing them through, all the while thinking...there but for the grace of God go I....lol
I've seen people use their strollers like battering rams to get through crowds, and usually with an angry look on their faces. We dont have kids, so mobility in the parks isn't nearly as difficult for us comparatively speaking. I always imagined what it must be like with hungry, tired kids in tow while trying to weave through the crowds with a big ol stroller. When confronted with a battering ram person, it makes it easy to smile, step aside, allowing them through, all the while thinking...there but for the grace of God go I....lol
In this case we were in an open area and she was running with the empty stroller. As an after thought we think she may have taken it and was in a hurry to get away.


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