Have you ever heard of this before?


<font color=green>Has a thing for the Swiss Family
Apr 6, 2002
Today at the grocery store, there was a woman in front of me who had every single item in her cart INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED in a plastic bag (like the kind from the produce section). The cashier had to take every item out of their bags to scan them, then put them back in. Needless to say, this took a LONG time. She even had her newspaper in a plastic bag. Everything was. When I finally got up to the register the cashier told me that this woman has been coming to the store for years and does this everytime. She said she also digs to the very back of the shelves to select an item, never from the front. She said she's a nice lady, but really weird.

Is this some sort of OCD thing? Can it be helped? I can't imagine living my life like that. I also now know not to get behind her in line. ;)
Maybe she needs the bags for something else and doesn't want to buy them.
Free Bags?
Very weird. But, why didn't the cashier just scan thru the bag? They do it all the time here. In fact, they give us plastic bags for our meat, so the juice doesn't get all over stuff.
Have to say I'm glad she's in NY and not MA!!!!!! That must have taken forever to get done.
I wondered the same thing, why the cashier removed everything. She said the woman insists upon it. It must be another part of the whole strange habit. What's funny is the woman in line before her had a screaming child, and she remarked to the cashier "I don't know how you stand those kids screaming like that" after the woman and the child left. Apparently she sees nothing unusual in her own behavior. :confused:


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