Have you gotten sick on (or after) a ride?


cranking out magic and assembly line whimsy
May 16, 2017
If you did - which one? Are you prone to motion sickness? What happened?

I will most likely be avoiding tea cups because I'm not a fan of the dizzy spins. Although I'm not usually prone to motion sickness, I want to be prepared for any "popular" rides that can cause sickness. FWIW I had no problem with all manner of roller coasters, spinny rides etc. as recently as 2006, but just haven't been on any since.

I am not a roller coaster person, and when my husband tricked me into taking our son onto Primeval Whirl in AK, I was angry. That was the only thing that helped me somewhat focus my fear. I can do spinning, I love the teacups, and you can control how fast you spin, and I don't usually get sick feeling on a ride, but coasters terrify me, and for some reason, our last trip, the later in the day it got, the harder Star Tours was for me. I got really dizzy the times I rode it in the afternoon, yet was fine in the morning. Dumbo went a little too fast for me, yet, the flying dinos in AK were just fine. go figure!
I've felt ill after Mission Space and Teacups. Won't ride them again- just too much spinning. Have no problem with Primeval Whirl, though. My son and I really like it. It doesn't spin you in circles the way that the Teacups do.
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Mission space.

I've never thrown up or gotten ill after any ride, but mission space did make my stomach hurt a little afterwards and head dizzy. I've done orange side twice and felt the same after both, and said never again.

I'm not claustrophobic, and I love all thrill rides except for that one. I've done all the coasters at WDW, Busch Gardens Tampa, Sea World, Six Flags New Orleans (R.I.P.) The Hulk, Dueling Dragons, Mummy....and I'd personally rank mission space more intense than any of them.
Love rollercoasters. Can't get enough of them!

First Disney ride to make me feel queasy was Star Tours. I had to close my eyes. I exited, got a pretzel, and stood in line to meet Buzz and Woody.

Second ride, MISSION SPACE. Based on my previous Star Tours attempt, I figured let me this with dramamine. I listened to the prompts and did not move my eyes to prevent "disorienting" myself more. I was the pilot, and I would have been USELESS on a real mission. I did not touch that light-up button once! I felt my stomach churning the whole time. IDC how good the refurbishment is thats going on, I will never be riding again!
I am not a roller coaster person, and when my husband tricked me into taking our son onto Primeval Whirl in AK, I was angry. That was the only thing that helped me somewhat focus my fear. I can do spinning, I love the teacups, and you can control how fast you spin, and I don't usually get sick feeling on a ride, but coasters terrify me, and for some reason, our last trip, the later in the day it got, the harder Star Tours was for me. I got really dizzy the times I rode it in the afternoon, yet was fine in the morning. Dumbo went a little too fast for me, yet, the flying dinos in AK were just fine. go figure!
Haha! I've heard those two are basically the same ride, go figure indeed! Star Tours was not on my radar as a potential issue but now it is :eek:

I've felt ill after Mission Space and Teacups. Won't ride them again- just too much spinning. Have no problem with Primeval Whirl, though. My son and I really like it.
Mission space.

I've never thrown up or gotten ill after any ride, but mission space did make my stomach hurt a little afterwards and head dizzy. I've done orange side twice and felt the same after both, and said never again.

I'm not claustrophobic, and I love all thrill rides except for that one. I've done all the coasters at WDW, Busch Gardens Tampa, Sea World, Six Flags New Orleans (R.I.P.) The Hulk, Dueling Dragons, Mummy....and I'd personally rank mission space more intense than any of them.
Love rollercoasters. Can't get enough of them!

First Disney ride to make me feel queasy was Star Tours. I had to close my eyes. I exited, got a pretzel, and stood in line to meet Buzz and Woody.

Second ride, MISSION SPACE. Based on my previous Star Tours attempt, I figured let me this with dramamine. I listened to the prompts and did not move my eyes to prevent "disorienting" myself more. I was the pilot, and I would have been USELESS on a real mission. I did not touch that light-up button once! I felt my stomach churning the whole time. IDC how good the refurbishment is thats going on, I will never be riding again!

Okay, Mission Space was definitely one I felt nervous about! Thanks everyone. I'm heeding these warnings :laughing: I've thought about trying dramamine/bonine too (still going to bring some just in case), so this is extra helpful.

Might work my way "up" to Star Tours but I'll just place it on standby for now :bitelip:
Haha! I've heard those two are basically the same ride, go figure indeed! Star Tours was not on my radar as a potential issue but now it is :eek:

Okay, Mission Space was definitely one I felt nervous about! Thanks everyone. I'm heeding these warnings :laughing: I've thought about trying dramamine/bonine too (still going to bring some just in case), so this is extra helpful.

Might work my way "up" to Star Tours but I'll just place it on standby for now :bitelip:
There are multiple scenes for Star Tours. Maybe mine was a little bumpier than others? I am not sure tho since I only rode it once :D
There are multiple scenes for Star Tours. Maybe mine was a little bumpier than others? I am not sure tho since I only rode it once :D
I did more (mostly spoiler-free) research -- I think I rode this when I was a kid!!

The funny thing is I never experienced dizziness or motion sickness back then, but I got food poisoning every single time we went to Disney. So many unhappy memories of throwing up in the parks, on the monorail, in the hotel. Now my stomach is way more resilient and I'm not worried about food illness, yet I can get nauseous if a car takes a sharp turn and my head moves too fast :faint:
Star Tours.... the year 2000. My first trip. My entire family rode... we obviously had no clue. 2 minutes in I'm thinking "ohhhhh nooooo." My poor little sister, age 13 at the time, goes "Sissy, it's making me sick, what do I do????" Meanwhile my dad and I are trying not to vomit. All I could tell her was "CLOSE YOUR EYES AND BREATHE." These German guys were behind us just screaming- LOUD. It was misery. We finally get off the ride, and my mother says "LET'S DO IT AGAIN! THAT WAS AMAZING."

My poor sister got completely sick, a sweet cast member brought her a sprite and a pretzel.

I also felt ill one night after riding ToT and Rockin Rollercoaster over and over. Apparently I can handle ToT then RR, but I can't do ToT, RR, and then back to ToT.
My entire family of 8 got sick back in the day on Body Wars in Epcot. For those that don't remember it, it was similar to Star Tours but the motion and the movie were slightly off so it made everyone sick.
More recently I got sick on Space Mountain. It was a very strange feeling and lasted for days. Almost like my brain rattled around too much.
Haha! I've heard those two are basically the same ride, go figure indeed! Star Tours was not on my radar as a potential issue but now it is :eek:

Okay, Mission Space was definitely one I felt nervous about! Thanks everyone. I'm heeding these warnings :laughing: I've thought about trying dramamine/bonine too (still going to bring some just in case), so this is extra helpful.

Might work my way "up" to Star Tours but I'll just place it on standby for now :bitelip:

If you're at all prone to motion sickness, mission space orange will make you sick sick sick. I have no idea if they still do an orange and a green version... haven't ridden it in several years, but orange is a killer!
My entire family of 8 got sick back in the day on Body Wars in Epcot. For those that don't remember it, it was similar to Star Tours but the motion and the movie were slightly off so it made everyone sick.
More recently I got sick on Space Mountain. It was a very strange feeling and lasted for days. Almost like my brain rattled around too much.

Space Mountain bothers me too... it didn't used to. I think it gets worse as I get older. EE bothers me too, but I still ride.
Star Tours.... the year 2000. My first trip. My entire family rode... we obviously had no clue. 2 minutes in I'm thinking "ohhhhh nooooo." My poor little sister, age 13 at the time, goes "Sissy, it's making me sick, what do I do????" Meanwhile my dad and I are trying not to vomit. All I could tell her was "CLOSE YOUR EYES AND BREATHE." These German guys were behind us just screaming- LOUD. It was misery. We finally get off the ride, and my mother says "LET'S DO IT AGAIN! THAT WAS AMAZING."

My poor sister got completely sick, a sweet cast member brought her a sprite and a pretzel.

I also felt ill one night after riding ToT and Rockin Rollercoaster over and over. Apparently I can handle ToT then RR, but I can't do ToT, RR, and then back to ToT.

Oh god, that sounds just awful. That is truly my fear. I have enough memories throwing up at Disney, I want this trip to be vomit-free.

But I admit... your entire first paragraph had me burst out laughing :rotfl2:Your mom's excitement is the cherry on top of this story!
My entire family of 8 got sick back in the day on Body Wars in Epcot. For those that don't remember it, it was similar to Star Tours but the motion and the movie were slightly off so it made everyone sick.
More recently I got sick on Space Mountain. It was a very strange feeling and lasted for days. Almost like my brain rattled around too much.

I remember Body Wars!! (Ever since joining these forums it's like slowly recovering from Disney amnesia :laughing:)

I'm familiar with the brain rattling around feeling... blegh. That's something I'm hoping to avoid, will probably send my partner onto Space Mountain first as a test subject :thumbsup2
Not at Disney but forbidden journey at universal makes me feel queasy and I'm generally good with everything. I tried it again last year and had to shut my eyes on any part with a screen, I'm fine on the other bits but I don't know if the screens are too close for my brain to cope with :rotfl:
Mission Space (orange) was as close to sick that I've ever gotten. My husband and I felt a little nauseous afterwards. He's a HUGE roller coaster fan and I am not, but I can handle nearly anything. Mission Space is definitely something else, but as odd as it sounds, my husband and I enjoyed the ride!
I don't get "motion sick", but I've found I can have problems with motion "simulators". Teacups? Fine. Star Tours? Eh, I'll feel a little queasy. Those dang VR things at Disneyquest? Ick! I grew up on boats so motion is something I get, I think it's just that my mind can't be fooled into linking fake motion with a movie screen. I'm seriously worried about how I'll take Flight of Passage.
I don't get "motion sick", but I've found I can have problems with motion "simulators". Teacups? Fine. Star Tours? Eh, I'll feel a little queasy. Those dang VR things at Disneyquest? Ick! I grew up on boats so motion is something I get, I think it's just that my mind can't be fooled into linking fake motion with a movie screen. I'm seriously worried about how I'll take Flight of Passage.

I think I may have to skip Flight of Passage. Soarin doesn't bother me, but ST, ughhhhhh.
Not sick, but my 6 year got a bloody nose right as the doors closed at tower of terror. I didn't have anything to stop it. When the ride ended he was covered in blood. His face neck hands arms shirt shorts legs. No one noticed except for the people next to us. We were in the back. That guy got him out of his seat belt since both us had bloody hands. I always wondered what that ride photo looked like! As we walked off the ride, I told a stunned ride attendant that he would need to clean up the blood in the back row. I kept walking trying to get him to a bathroom to clean up. Another slightly hysterical ride attendant stopped us before we headed down the hall to the photo screens. She said, "Please! You have to stop and let me help you." I don't know what I was thinking other than just getting him cleaned up. If we had made it out into a public area it would have caused such a scene. She led us into an employee area and next thing I knew we were surrounded by bosses and EMTs. I had to sign refusing an ambulance trip to the hospital. They asked both of us to explain what happened - which was nothing, over and over. (It really was just an awful bloody nose at a really bad time. He has since had surgery to stop them) The bosses sent someone out into the park to buy him an entire new outfit, they gave him fast passes for 2 rides and coupons for Mickey ice cream bars. They were really good to both of us especially considering this was in no way their fault.
I used to love roller coasters as a kid but cannot handle the motion now. I have gotten sick on EE (big time!), Mission Space (the original version), RR coaster, Space Mt. and the teacups. Have not ridden any of these in at least 7 years. I can handle TOT without a problem though!


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