Having a GRAND time - the NEW Official GF Chat Thread PART 4

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Hey All! :goodvibes

Lazy day....Just what I needed! :thumbsup2 I cant wait to go to bed! :rotfl: It doesnt feel like a Saturday to me either!

I got a lovely package in the mail today! Thank you Secret Santa! :rolleyes1 :hug:

I am thinking of doing a New Years card because I never got a Christmas Card out! Whatcha think???

Mike...I LOVE Narcoossee! Now I think we are the only ones....I think it is the pear salad that gets everyone sick??? I never have that because the caesar salad is so good! Love that Filet, too! We tried Cali Grill for the first time and it was great as well! The view is just amazing!

We are staying in the city (Boston) this year for New Years Eve! I am soooo excited! I cant wait to see the ice sculptors! All my kids will want to do is swim in the pool...cant say I blame them!

Siobhan :sick:
Hi! OK...I just got back from the movies...double feature, LOL...Lucy and I (OK I can tell YOU GUYS - but I wouldn't post it anywhere else,:rotfl: ) Lucy and I snuck into "The Tale of Despereax"...after "Bedtime Stories"....haven't done that since I was a teenager...Chan (chit chat chan is back.:rotfl: )

Rebel!!! ::cop:
I am still working on the computer. The printer drivers are taking FOREVER to download!!!!!!

I also had a bad experience at Narcoosees several years ago, but it was one of our favs this trip!!! Ditto for Cali Grille (although DS got sick after that one) We will definitely be back to both next year!!! In fact, I might book DS and I at Narcoosees in June too!!! He loves shrimp and there are so few places to get it. :confused3 I order it as my appetizer and he eats it. And then I get to eat the little kid salad as mine! :rotfl: My only complaint for Narcoosees was the people who go outside to watch Wishes and block the view of those inside :rolleyes1 And the view from Cali is SPECTACULAR!!! Next year I will time it with Wishes:cloud9:

Chan- I AM TELLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmao: DH was a movie theater usher in HS and he took his job WAY too seriously! I would like to go see Bedtime Stories when DS feels better. He and DH have been building LEGOS all day. Santa brought 14 sets:rolleyes1 Everytime DH complains I remind him that he could be in here fixing the computer virus he got....Oh that's right, Mr. Engineer doesn't know how!!! ;)
Hey Chan....we used to do this when DD was little...she would get freaked out and I would tell her I would go out and pay. She caught on real quick:rotfl: :rotfl:
Rebel? Me?:rotfl: I am having a midlife crisis!!! That must be it!:rotfl: I am sick of being a goody two shoes!!!:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: I've been playing by the rules for 40+ (choke) years!!!! BUT I HATE RULES!!! I told LUcy...what's the worst they can do? Ask us to leave or pay....I can do either. What EVAH. She is a neurotic rule follower like I am ....so this was good for both of us.:rotfl:

Siobhan, I hope you're feeling better. Good thing you got those meds. Sounds lke you have a fun NYE planned!!:thumbsup2

OMG...Kristin that is funny about your DH usher...the kids that work in our theater here are clueless...they probably do it themselves on their off hours. I liked it....I might do it again.:rotfl: :rotfl: Just kidding....it was just so spur of the moment....we were all leaving after "Bedtime Stories"....and then walked by the last theater on the end to the side doors....and the movie was starting in 10 minutes....and I was like.."Hmmmm"...and WTH?! :rolleyes1

The funny thing was that he only did it to see movies for free!!! When we used to go we even brought our own brown bag to put popcorn in (since popcorn is counted by the buckets/bags they use).

But he was a real jerk if he caught someone else breaking the rules!!:rotfl:
Hey Chan....we used to do this when DD was little...she would get freaked out and I would tell her I would go out and pay. She caught on real quick:rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: I usually can't stand to sit thru two movies in a row....but the timing was right adn I had nothing better to do.:rotfl: Kinda sad.:rotfl2:

The funny thing was that he only did it to see movies for free!!! When we used to go we even brought our own brown bag to put popcorn in (since popcorn is counted by the buckets/bags they use).

But he was a real jerk if he caught someone else breaking the rules!!:rotfl:

:eek: :eek: :eek: He would have been LUcy's worst nightmare.:rotfl:

I forgot to tell ya...we do DDR here too!!:cool1: It's fun and good exercise.....on one of our trips we bought the Disney version in *gag* the Poly gift shop. The girls don't like it though because it's "faux" stars singing the songs.....We haven't done it in a while....we should break it out again although Jojo is the only one that knows how to hook it up.:rotfl:
Wendy......Thanks for the recipe......it sounds delicious......I'll have to give it a try :goodvibes.

Chan.....You are too funny about the movies :rotfl: :rotfl:. Glad you enjoyed Bedtime Stories :) (as well as the "free" one :rotfl2:).

Dawn......I hope you feel better soon :hug:.

Siobhan......Sometimes we just need a day to do nothing and veg out ;). I hope you start to feel better too :flower3:. Sounds like you're going to have a fun New Years Eve :yay:. We usually stay home on New Years Eve because DH and I can hardly stay up past 9:00 pm......we're a sorry couple :rotfl: :rotfl:.

Deb :rolleyes1
I cant stay up either!!! :rotfl: That is why I am dreading Feb! They are gonna make me stay up.....WAHHH!!!! I told everyone I am not pretty when I am over tired! :rotfl:
You guys are going to have so much fun in Feb that you won't even notice the time going by :rotfl: :rotfl:.
Mare - I have to thank you again for the risotto recipe. I made it tonight and it was a huge hit. DH kept asking if there was anymore left. I will be making it again real soon.

Marvel - I'm glad that you are having a good time and that you are getting around all of the crowds.

Wendy - Thank you for the recipe, it sounds yummy - I will be trying that one out also.

Channing - you are so funny. I can't remember the last time I went to the movies. My DH is a germ freak and thinks he may catch something by sitting in a chair that someone else just got out of. He just bought a new tv and a blu-ray dvd player a few weeks ago, all he wants to do now is watch all the movies that he got for Christmas.

I ended up taking down/putting away all of our Christmas things today. I was only going to work in my back bedroom where all the wrapping paper and boxes were, but somehow I ended up in the living room and kitchen also. After dinner I remembered that I'm supposed to bring breakfast items tomorrow for my Sunday School class. I ran to the store and bought a bunch of those muffin packages that you bake. Anyone want a muffin - I made 42 of them. I think DH and I are going to watch Cars now, hope everyone has a nice evening - Lisa.
Hi everyone! Hope everybody had a nice Christmas! I got some nice things. DF gave me a Lenox figurine (Mickey and Minnie in a teacup) which I love! I have wanted to start collecting them, so now I have an excuse :rolleyes1 He dosen't know what he has done...

We went to DF's Mom's house for Christmas day. We stayed at a hotel Christmas night and were planning on heading home the night of the 26th, but such bad fog came through (she is from central IL) that we stayed at his brother's house last night before heading home. You could only see about 10 feet in front of you!

That turned out okay, though. We stopped at an antique store on the way home, which we wouldn't have been able to do last night, and I found a pink star sapphire ring in one of the cases. My mom used to have a good one, and lost the stone about 15-20 years ago, and hasn't found a comprable one since, despite looking everywhere she could think of. She has a blue one my dad gave her, but has always been on the lookout for another pink one! This one was great color and had an excellent star and was priced well. I bought it for her and am going to have it resized to give to her as her gift from me on my wedding day :thumbsup2

We saw only one movie ;) :rotfl: on Christmas night, the Curious Case of Banjamin Button. It was really good, and DF enjoyed it. The last movie we saw before that was Bolt, which I liked, but DF not so much.

I am so glad to be back home so I can sleep in my own bed, and glad I don't have to work tomorrow (except for homework :sad2: ). We travel a lot for DF's business, but I still don't sleep very well away from home (except for at WDW :laughing: ). We got a 750 thread count sheet set from my parents for Christmas, so I may have to put that on the bed tonight before setting in!

Deb, I usually go to bed at about 9:30 every night to read and am sound asleep by 10:30. If I am up out of bed past 10:30 DF asks me what is wrong :rotfl:

Kelly and Channing: Loved your Christmas pictures!

Have a great night everyone!
Hey Amy.........Glad you had a nice Christmas :goodvibes. We had bad fog here in NW Indiana too.....we couldn't even see across the street :scared1:. Good thing you were able to stay at DF's brother's for the night ;). WTG on the ring you found for your mom :thumbsup2. And such a nice gift for you to give her on your wedding day :bride:. Speaking of......it's not much longer and you will be a married woman :woohoo: :woohoo:.

I better get going here as DS's laptop is about to lose power :eek:.

Deb :upsidedow
Lisa I'd love a muffin! :rotfl: Well....the theater here is all newly redone...it feels clean. :thumbsup2 :rotfl: Vegging at home and watching movies sounds so nice to me. Enjoy! I don't normally do that either! But when my family is all around me I need an escape.:rotfl:

Amy, that is so sweet about the ring and your mom and on your wedding day. It was meant to be.:goodvibes I love antique stores!! And I LOVE antique jewelry. :goodvibes I bet the ring is beautiful. They don't make jewelry like that anymore. Wow!! OMG...and yes...you will be getting married SOON! :cool1: New sheets and new pjs....that sounds heavenly...I would definitely put on the new sheets and get a good night's sleep. We had that fog on Xmas too...we have it again NOW. It's creepy and thick. Glad you had a nice Christmas. It feels like you've been gone a long time.:confused3 Those Lenox Disney things are cute.:goodvibes For sure a good collection idea. :thumbsup2

OK...I am going to TRY and start a new book...."The Treasure" by Iris Johanson. I usually love her books so I am looking forward to this one.:thumbsup2

I am sure I'll be back to chat later.:goodvibes

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