HDDR Info to share...


DIS VET / DVC member
Jul 12, 2002
Just called WDW DINE to change our HDDR ressie. We needed to go from 5 people to 8 + baby. Well, when I made the first ressie, the girl (who seemed to be eating something really good, based on her distraction level and long pauses, and chewing noises) took my credit card #, made the ressie, couldn't tell me what the seating policy was (first come first served, or based on ressie date, etc.) Not much help.

THis time, the guy who first helped me (by canceling old ressie) then informed me that he would have to switch me over to "group seating" (because it's a party of 8 or more). They told me that HDDR and the Spirit of aloha (or something like that?) are the only two shows wherein 8 is the large group point -- all the others are parties of 13 or more.

Anyhooo, the girl (wish I could recall her name, she was really good at this) said that we were first on the list (geez, I'd think so... I'm calling 1 yr out!) She also said seating assignment is based on WHEN YOU RESERVE. She added that typically, parties of 4 or more are seated on the main lower level -- small parties are placed in the upper or on the edges. Also -- for a party of 8 or more, you have to pay it up 30 days BEFOREHAND! So by July, I need to call back in and pay off this HDDR (and hope no one in my party gets ill or backs out!) It makes me feel like I should have a second ressie for a party of 6 or 7... that one only requires a credit card to hold it. THen, if at 1 or 2 mos before our trip, anyone has to back out, I still have a high-priority ressie I can use!

She said I'll get a confirmation letter (again b/c it's a "group" thing) and it will have all the details. She reiterated that our seats would NOT be dependent upon how early we picked up our tickets -- only on when we made our ressie, so there was no reason to race over to Pioneer Hall days beforehand in order to get our tickets in hope of a "better seat".

Hope this clarifies some of the HDDR questions lately!
I am a little confused. Are you saying that ALL seating is based on the time of booking, or just for large parties? Also, are you saying that no matter what, parties of four or less are seated on the upper deck? If so, this is a change.

Thanx for the info... :cool:
I am responding to questions specific to HDDR -- not other places / restaurants. There had been questions earlier regarding what sets the decision for being seated on the floor near the stage versus in the upper deck. This particular dining CM indicated that none of the "large parties" would be in the upper deck -- that may be in contrast to what some have experienced in the past, so I'm not sure if that's a new rule or not. She did indicate that it didn't mean a small party would never get to sit near the stage -- only that they were more scattered / evenly distributed throughout, main floor and ALSO the upper level. HTH.

I was just thankful that not all the restaurants have adopted the 8-means-large-party rule... I didn't want to have to make ALL our ressies for next summer's trip through group services!

I suppose I could make it easier by splitting our ressies into two tables of 5 and 4... but then my kids always fight over who sits with what cousin ,etc. It just gets so messy... and hey, it's my vacation too! :)
This sounds right to me. I've been to the HDDR twice in the last 3 years, once as a party of 12, once as a party of 15. Both times, we were seated on the floor very close to the stage and both times the reservations were made over a year in advance.
Interesting, CK1. Thanx for the update. We have seen Hoop about four times, and we have booked almost a year in advance each time. Each time we have gotten the front & center table on the lower level. We vae had parties between two and four people.
This tells me there may have been some changes.

Thanx again for the report! :cool:
I just barely got off the phone with the WDW-DINE cast member, and I was so confused and MAD!! He told me that it doesnt matter when you reservations are made, it depends on who is there first to be seated that performance, making it seem like the later you are to performance time, the more remote your table will be. Kinda like a first come, first served.
I asked him if he was certain, because I had seen many who had said and posted, and a few cast members themselves that had said that it is totally on the order of booking that your table is assigned.
I don't understand that if they are working at WDW DINE, why they dont know the general policies and procedures for the things that they are booking. Someone could be SOOOO mad if they would have shown up 2 or 3 hours to wait for a best table and then not gotten it because of order of reservation. That to me is just WRONG...It is my first trip to WDW, never been there, and from the research I have done, I know more than some of the people working there...that's not right, and not fair to those who have no clue on what to expect. I am also so tired of hearing different things from different cast members depending on who you talk to. I guess I will just have to depend on those of you who REALLY know...that is so sad that it is their job, and some have NO clue, and cause so much of a waste for people who dont know any better.
Please reconfirm for me that the tables are based on booking and not sitting and waiting before the show, OR when you tickets are picked up, that wouldn't be right either. Sorry for ranting, but I can't believe they dont have their acts together???
WDW-DINE has never admitted the seating assignment to me in the past, BUT... I have seen Hoop about four times, and the Poly Review about four. I have booked each 8 - 12 months in advance, and always showed up at the last minute. EVERY TIME my table has been waiting for me... front & center. Coincidence? I think not. Could things have changed in the last year or two? Possibly. :cool:
I went to the HDD earlier this month, booking it back in Feb and we got the front and center table. I know this must have been b/c we booked 6 months out. We actually did not pick up our tickets at Pioneer Hall, they were at guest services after we checked in. There is no way the seats could be based on when you pick them up since we did not go and pick them up. Also the tickets had our table printed on them. When you get to the show you can check in and get your picture taken about a half hour prior to the show. They have a list with everyone's names and table assignments on it. There is no way that it was made up when the people picked up their tickets especially since I think it is now common practice to have the tickets sent to guest services if you are staying on site.
They will send them to guest services/your resort unless... you are in that "party of 8 or more" category.

When I had made the original ressie (for 5), the CM did say the tickets would be at the resort. But when I cancelled that ressie for this new one for 9 folks, the CM was quite clear that (a) we needed to pay 30 days BEFORE the date and (b) the tickets would be picked up at P Hall, and that this is all because the HDDR considers 8 or more to be in the "large group category". Most of the other restaurants around WDW use the 13 or more rule for large groups... for which I'm thankful, b/c I really cringed at the thought of going through the group seating process for every one of our ressies for 9 days!!


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