~He didn't drink the Kool Aid.. He bathed in it!August TR~12/13 PG45 The End

Just joining in! I'm looking forward to reading about your trip! Glad your bf loved the Disney Cool Aid! I got my bf hooked too (years ago), then we had a Disney engagement and Disney wedding! :) Now he's just as obsessed as I am!
Yay! I CAN NOT WAIT to hear all about the super-duper-alleyooper-extra-magical trip!!! :woohoo:

I am so excited to write about it! I kept bugging my mom to hurry up and finish the other one so we could start on this :laughing:

woohoo :) Im so excited that its time for the August Trip Report :cool1::cool1::thumbsup2

It will be an awesome trip report!

Just joining in! I'm looking forward to reading about your trip! Glad your bf loved the Disney Cool Aid! I got my bf hooked too (years ago), then we had a Disney engagement and Disney wedding! :) Now he's just as obsessed as I am!


Aw that is so adorable! I really hope Josh gets that hooked to it :lovestruc
I've been lurking on a few of your other trip reports, but finally coming out of lurkdom for this one. Great intro! Can't wait for the rest!
Ack! You guys started the new TR! I still have to finish reading the other one, but marking my place now. I can not wait to read all about this trip! Once again, so glad we got to meet up in person! :goodvibes
Awhhhh what an adorable intro! Can't believe you gave him the wrong number! That's too funny! I'm glad it all worked out for you guys though. Really looking forward to hearing all about your trip :)
I've been lurking on a few of your other trip reports, but finally coming out of lurkdom for this one. Great intro! Can't wait for the rest!
Yay! Thank you for coming out of lurkdom! We love hearing from our readers!!

Thank you! I loved thinking up the story :laughing:

Ack! You guys started the new TR! I still have to finish reading the other one, but marking my place now. I can not wait to read all about this trip! Once again, so glad we got to meet up in person! :goodvibes

I was so anxious to start this one!

I am so glad we met too :hug: DISmeets are so fun!

Awhhhh what an adorable intro! Can't believe you gave him the wrong number! That's too funny! I'm glad it all worked out for you guys though. Really looking forward to hearing all about your trip :)
Thank you!

I have horrible handwriting! I am pretty sure I gave him the right number he just couldn't read what the last number was :laughing:

I am too :cutie:

Thank you! I am so excited to write about it!
Hi Everybody!! For those of you who are new readers let me introduce myself. I'm Dawn, Caitlin's mom and co-author. In her intro she forgot to explain that we tag team our TRs. In other words, we take turns telling about our adventures. Now that we have that out of the way, let's get this started.......

Our travel day began REALLY early on Monday,August 29th. How early? How about 4:30am? :eek: Yep, thats what time Caitlin woke up and then woke us up. The problem was that our flight wasn't for another 7 hours! So we talked about our excitement and our plans for the day. Our flight was supposed to arrive at MCO at 2pm so we figured after we picked up our rental car and stopped by Pop to checkin and get our parking pass that we could be at Hollywood Studios by 4pm. It was pm EMH at DHS so we would have 9hours of fun before the park closed at 1am. Sounds like a good plan, huh? Well as you will see our day didn't go quite as planned.

Around 7am everyone else hit the gym while I stayed home and spent time on Facebook and the Dis. Now normally we go to the gym together but really, we were ON VACATION!

When they got home we left about 9am and headed to a local diner for breakfast. (you can't travel on an empty stomach!) We left the diner at 9:55, it took a really long time for us to be served, and our car was parked and we were through security,and seated in our terminal, by 10:20. (it's convenient to live near an airport :thumbsup2)


Our plane was already there and being prepped

While we were sitting and waiting patiently, Josh looked over at Caitlin and noticed a hole in her dress. Her brand new dress. Her brand new dress that she had never worn :headache: Under closer examination we discovered it wasn't a hole. Rather, the seam had not been completely sewn and there was about a 6inch part that needed to be finished. Her dad being the ever resourceful guy he is, set off to find a sewing kit. The first 3 stores he visited told him "it's against the law" to sell needles in an airport. At the 4th store he found a sewing kit and returned to fix Caitlin's dress.

How many dad's would do this?

As Dale was finishing sewing the airline announced that the plane was going to start boarding. I took this as my cue to visit the girl's room. As I was walking back from the restroom I passed Caitlin running toward it. When I got back to our seats Josh and Dale told me that since she was seated while he was sewing, the dress had gotten all bunched up and she was going to the bathroom to change. She returned empty handed though :confused3 When asked where her dress was she said "I threw it away". She thought it was wrecked and didn't realize the stitches could be taken out and re-done. Good thing Forever 21 has cheap prices :laughing:

After the clothing fiasco we boarded the plane, eager to be Disney bound! Since Caitlin and I had booked our trip months before the boys were added on we were seated together and the fellas were several rows away from us.

At 11:17 (our flight was due to take off at 11:22) the pilot came on the loud speaker and made this announcement....."ladies and gentlemen, we have a small fuel leak from the left wing and we have to wait for maintenance to determine how long it will be before we can take off". Hmmmm....a fuel leak? My reaction was something like this :scared1: I know nothing about planes but this sounded kind of serious to me but I tried to stay calm.

Ten minutes later the pilot was back. This time he announced that the workers were still working on the plane trying to determine how much "cork" was needed to plug the hole and it could be another 20-30 minutes. CORK?!!
REALLY?!! At this point I was starting to panic.

Twenty minutes passed. This time the pilot announced that more time was still needed and anyone who wished to "de-plane" could do so as long as they were back in half an hour. Caitlin and I were among the first off the plane. We went up to the service counter and asked if we could change our flights as we were starting to think this plane was bad news. The Air Tran rep told us we could change both our flights without penalty. This was good news to us but we had to clear it with our guys. I got back on the plane to talk to them while Caitlin just observed the goings on (among the things she learned was that they were estimating at least an hour before we'd depart)

When I asked the guys they were like "we're here, we're going today" UGH MEN! :mad: Josh insisted that the issue wasn't serious and since he used to repair USAF planes we should trust him. I went back to Caitlin and told her the guys wouldn't switch so we asked if we could just delay our return flight since we were losing precious hours. They said "no" if we left on the plane they wouldn't allow any changes. GRRR! Our magical journey was not starting out on the right foot!

We re-boarded and at 1:15 (almost exactly 2 hours late) our plane took off. The flight was very turbulent and between the bumpy ride and the fuel leak, Caitlin spent most of the flight having a panic attack :sad2:

Our flight made really good time though and we landed at MCO at 3:10. When we got off the plane Dale and Josh said they were going to talk to Air Tran and see what they would do for us regarding the delay. Well our gentlemen are very charming (when they choose to be :rotfl:) and as soon as they began explaining how Josh is in the military the Air Tran Supervisor told his workers to "give them whatever they want". So we got our flight home changed from Friday to Saturday! We were getting another night in Disney World :yay: (adding an extra night wouldn't be hard, would it?)

So we left Air Tran very satisfied and headed down to the car rental area. I had gotten a great deal online (68$ for M-F) but when we got to the check-in area the line was huge! Like big enough to make me consider skipping the car! Then we noticed there was a maching where you could check-in that everyone seemed to be overlooking. We used the machine and within minutes had added an extra day to the rental (20$ more) and we were headed to the parking garage. By 4pm we were in our car, a cute little red HHR, and headed toward Disney!! It was raining out but we were in Disney so there was no way a little rain was going to dampen our spirits!

We decided that since we now had an extra day but only 4 day tickets (that weren't able to be upgraded) we would skip going to a park that day and instead we headed to Downtown Disney. We were all starving so dinner and shopping sounded like a great idea!

Before long we saw this beautiful sight

Then we passed this familiar sight

And before long we saw this

And this

At 4:26 we parked the car and headed to our first meal of our fabulous vacation....but I'll save that for Caitlin to tell you about, next time :goodvibes

This is great, but it's making me crazy!!! Maybe we call all call you and you can TELL us about your trip???!!!:rotfl2:
This is great, but it's making me crazy!!! Maybe we call all call you and you can TELL us about your trip???!!!:rotfl2:

Patience :) We are up to 4:30 on Monday and the post you're probably eager to hear about is first thing Tuesday morning so not much longer ;)
Oh man I'm with you - I would be very reluctant to fly on an airplane being patched up with cork! :faint:

Glad you made it and got an extra night out of it!
Oh man I'm with you - I would be very reluctant to fly on an airplane being patched up with cork! :faint:

Glad you made it and got an extra night out of it!

Yeah the whole cork thing really freaked us out :laughing:
Thanks, we were really glad we got that extra time :)



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