Headphones for Children?


DIS veteran
Aug 29, 1999
I am driving to Orlando from Wisconsin in about 10 days by way of Syracuse, NY with a 2 year old. Ok, I know I'm nuts! That wasn't the question ;). We'll be taking a portable CD player for my DD so she can listen to her music CDs while we listen to other things. Does anyone know if there are headphones designed for children? Her head is pretty little and I think a regular set of headphones will just fall off!
I'm not much help as I am not sure where to get these but I bet that somewhere like toysR us would have them. My addition is to try to find a pair that also lets you control the volume. Headphones turned too loud can do some real damange to little ones. When my DS was little he had a fisher price tape player that let the adult control the volume in a lock out area. Ours did not have ear phones (That would have been heaven) but it road MANY miles and kept toddler DS entertained better that any toy. Hope that trip goes great!

Jordan's mom
I don't know if Toys R Us sells them seperately, but I know I've seen child size headphones attached to a tape player there. I would try an electronics store that would have a large selection like Best Buy or something.
BTW, great idea! I've been flying alone with my daughter since she was 1 and we always bring our CD player and all her Disney soundtracks!
I can't believe that this questions was posted today. I was just asking this exact question to my friends at work! We have a TV/VCR combo for the car; and when my 3 yo DD watches it for long trips, she uses headphones. But they are too big and she ends up holding them onto her ears all the time. Someone suggested Radio Shack; or a specialty toy store (we have a chain called Zainy-Brainy). I'll be out looking tomorrow - I'll let you know if I have any success!
Instead of the typical style headphones with the band that goes across the top of the head, consider trying the "ear bud" style. It is just the part that goes into the ear attached to the flexible wire of the headphones. They are usually covered with a foam type material. Before anyone gets too excited, they are not small enough to enter the ear canal. We also have some which just sort of hook over the ear only, but these may also be too large for kids. Good luck in finding something suitable. They sure can make a trip more bearable for everyone!
Well ... I still have not found what I'm looking for. My DD is too little for the ear buds I think. I guess I'll just pick up a cheap-o pair somewhere. I tried Toys-R-Us, Radio Shack, KB Toys & Best Buy.

I just went to www.fisher-price.com and found "Travel Jammin Draw". It's a dry erase board that comes w/3 dry erase markers and headphones that play Latin & Country music for ages 3 and up. It's $21.00 and if you punch in your zip, it'll tell you the nearest place to buy it. Even if your DD is too little to "draw", this might keep her busy just the same.....there's a picture of it on the website...How about a tape recorder for her age? They are there to view too... that would be great too...hope this helps. Have a great trip!

Thanks Lori! I think that dry-erase markers would be a bad idea! LOL! I have a color-magic pad and markers (they only work on the special paper) and a travel magna-doodle. I also bought a Taby Tray which is designed to attach to her car seat so she can draw and play on the trip. I'm going to pack small cars and other small toys and snacks in holiday paper bags (8 for a $1 at Walgreen's!) and let her pick one out every couple of hours. Yes, I have stooped to bribery!
HELLO fellow Wisconsinite!!

I have had this same problem! After buying six sets of headsets i have found ones that "sort of " work.

We use the Maxelll HP-700. They were $20.00 at target . They fit the best so far. To really make them fit I put on her Pooh hat and then put the headphones on. That works the best I have found. There are ones that "hang" on the ears but I didn't think it would last long on her head.

I have heard of many "routes" to WDW but yours is the most round about I have seen, LOL. Isn't it 20 hrs to 20 and 20 more to wdw from there? You are a lot braver then I am doing that with a 2yo..

Good luck, I wish you good weather! I will be driving down for the first time in Jan. I would love to hear how it goes!
Thanks for the Maxell and hat hint! I'll pick one of those up today.

Yes, my route is about 20 hours to SYR, then 20 hours to MCO and then 20 hours back to MSN. We plan to stop overnight on each leg of the trip, so we're probably in the car for "only" 10 hours each day. My DH has lots of left over vacation that he has to "use or loose" and his parents will really love to see their granddaughter.

My guess is that we will fly from now on!
I will look for the headline in the Capitol Times: "Madison family disowns each other on marathon trip to WDW"

Just kidding! you are braver then I am.
Ok, if any of you are flying on Continental. Use their new headsets/earphones. They are great. They are $2.00 each and you can take them with you and use them on any future trips with Continental. The piece that you hear from is the same size as always but instead of them going over your head and attached to the other side. They have a plastic piece that 'hooks over your ears'. They are great for the kids. The old ones they had they would always have to hold but with these they don't and they fit on adults and kids perfectly.
We have two cassette players we got at target and they have the child size headphones. They were with the Target brand toys "Kool Toyz" - do you know that aisle?? I think they were very inexpensive but came together with the casette player - I haven't seen them sold separately.


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