Healthy Living from the INSIDE OUT - May 2016 WISH Challenge

I can't believe we've reached our last substantive question of the month!!! For the weekend and our final Monday, let's talk about Fear. What role does fear play in your life and in your weight loss journey? Let's dish!

Final check-ins! You can post your results anytime between now (or yesterday for the early birds) and Tuesday night. I'll post our final results on Wednesday.

Ah like so many of you fear is a big part of my life. I remember being anxious as a child going to school - I always hated that first day of school. Felt shy of big social situations. Fast forward to motherhood and fear slammed me - leaving me with Panic Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder. Like others I have learnt to mostly overcome it but it does sneak up and slap me when I least expect it. For as much as I fear though I have survived some of the things I feared and whilst I don't always think so I am assured by others of how strong I actually am. As for my weight loss the anxiety played a role in my gaining - eating to feel better - but fear plays a role in losing or not losing it - I find it difficult to get my heart rate up and be comfortable in pushing my body in that uncomfortable hot phase of exercising as a big factor in my anxiety is something going wrong internally that will result in death e.g. blood clot, stroke, etc etc you get the idea. So this makes it hard for me to hit the level of activity I need to lose weight. I also feel like I have in part gained weight to shield myself from the world. I fear I will never become the new me that I picture in my head and that I will continue to pile on the weight!

Fear is definitely my leading emotion. I'm a worrier and I've spent a lot of my life NOT doing thinks because of fear of failure or death. Trying to get over that since I have a 100% success rate at both bouncing back from failures (usually learning something valuable in the process) and not dying. I think fear is a huge part of my problem when it comes to my weight loss goals. I eat when I'm afraid, I'm afraid of what might happen if I lose the invisibility cloak of fat, and I'm afraid of sweating. Plus I could fail! Sigh. Just don't know what to do.....

Maggie - this is another area where you and I seem so similar .... its nice to know I'm not alone in these feelings.

first of all - and this is huge - I reached Onederland this month! First time in 13 years!

:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: Congratulations!

(1) I am really, really close to leaving "obese" behind and being "overweight" on the BMI chart (BMI 30.6)
(2) I am really, really close to being down 100 lbs (only 3.5lbs to go)

More :cheer2::cheer2: for you these are huge milestones - so happy for you.

Few months ago I looked myself in the mirror and felt like crying. The year we dealt with my husbands cancer, the fear of what may happen have taken over me. I was constantly sad, wore baggy clothes, gained weight, didn't look after myself at all. I felt so .. old and lost. I lost my mum, my uncle, my granddad all under age of 35 all same type of cancer. Dealing with my DH diagnosis and treatment was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and the fear of what could go wrong hard to describe

I took a decision that I won't spend my life in fear. It was 16th of April last month when I said this needs to change. I need to move on. That I will focus on what could go right. I will start dreaming of future and having goals again. That regardless what I do, fear or not it won't make a difference to some things that may or not may happen but I won't spend my life in fear, I won't be paralysed to make decision, to peruse dreams, to be happy.

:hug: family loss is hard. We are going through that phase of losing and getting closer to the possibility of losing a generation in our family. I have already lost 2 aunts and an uncle. The most recent Aunt's funeral was another wake up of how small our family is getting - I can remember my Grandmother's and Great Aunt's funerals and family came from everywhere and made the time to get there and they were quite large events. But at the recent one many of the older relatives and getting too old to travel too far themselves or younger family members live further away and could not make it - it was a small gathering which in its own way seemed so sad for this wonderful person we had lost. My Dad also starts radiation treatment for prostate cancer tomorrow. Mum is grieving her sister and now facing this with Dad. So this is another fear factor at the moment - fear of losing family.

Well I have an anxiety disorder so fear unfortunately leads the pack OFTEN. I've learned to tame her though.

Well done :D I understand how hard that taming is.
Quote I really like

"Best weight” is a non-statistical goal that is easy to set and easy to explain to patients. Patients can diet themselves down to any weight they put their minds to, but to maintain that weight, they need to actually enjoy the lifestyle that got them there.

A patient’s best weight is therefore whatever weight they achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle they can truly enjoy. There comes a point when a person cannot eat less or exercise more and still like their life. The weight they attain while still liking their life is thus their “best” weight, as without the addition of pharmacotherapy or a surgical intervention, no further weight loss will be possible.

We need to remember that in modern society, eating is not simply about survival. We use food for comfort and for celebration and, with the exception of religious prohibitions, there should be no forbidden foods. If your patient cannot use food to comfort or celebrate, or if they consider certain foods “forbidden,” then they are likely on a diet, and unfortunately diets are known to fail over 95% of the time. For sustainable weight management, a patient should be consuming the smallest number of calories that still allows them to enjoy each day. Some days will simply warrant more calories, such as birthdays, anniversaries, religious holidays, and days when injuries, illness or fights with loved ones occur. Simply put, ice-cream and cookies and their cultural and ethnic equivalents are vital parts of a rich life experience.

With exercise, a patient should be encouraged to be as physically active as possible and include as much additional exercise as they can enjoy each day. Some days obviously will allow for more activity than others, but there is a maximum, above which the patient would run out of time or energy, hurt themselves or come to hate exercise. That is when they quit. Eating less and exercising more within the context of a life the patient does not enjoy is the very definition of a diet, which is why diets almost always fail over the long-term. If a patient does not enjoy the way they are living while they are losing weight, they will almost certainly revert to “normal” practices and gain the weight back.
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SarahDisney - I guess I was thinking about my exercise habits and that in the past it was never a goal to actively search things I like to do. I always went after what I felt it will give me best results. Very often I pushed myself to the gym being drained from the previous workouts this week, beyond what I enjoy as the program states 3 workouts a week is best. Obviously, it didn't last.

Giving myself more flexibility is what I plan to do. I have membership of gym in work, but that doesn't have swimming pool. I will join the best gym around that have many classes I can try, plus nice spa area with sauna, steam room, big pool - if I don't fancy doing a bodypump class it can be relaxing alternative still healthier then take away pizza! I also given myself a lot more flexibility in my own thoughts and enjoyability as priority , in a similar way as my diet or the way I eat. I set up a goal to keep active and do some strength training few times weekly but if I can't get to the gym, or I don't feel like it I can do TRX class, go for a walk, dance around and if I only get to the gym twice and I opt to go for a walk with friend that's fine too. In the past I viewed it as a program, something I am looking to provide benefit by x day or completion. Now I view it as I live like an active person, I give myself rest as I need it and there isn't a program I follow

This is me on my exercise plan.
With that I mind I need to take few months off the weight loss forums and focus on enjoying healthier lifestyle and let the chips fall where they may in terms of weight

My best weight is therefore whatever weight I can achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle I can truly enjoy

Many thanks to DisPup75 and Pjlla for facilitating the last two month challenges. The time an effort is much appreciated. If someone told me last month that I will feel so good about myself, and feel myself again in only couple of months I wouldn't believe it! Your effort really made difference to me, thank you

To all other participants - thank you for providing support and inspiration I so badly needed. Good luck with your goals

I won't read the weight loss forum daily but please feel free to pm me & stay in touch.
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Quote I really like

"Best weight” is a non-statistical goal that is easy to set and easy to explain to patients. Patients can diet themselves down to any weight they put their minds to, but to maintain that weight, they need to actually enjoy the lifestyle that got them there.

A patient’s best weight is therefore whatever weight they achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle they can truly enjoy. There comes a point when a person cannot eat less or exercise more and still like their life. The weight they attain while still liking their life is thus their “best” weight, as without the addition of pharmacotherapy or a surgical intervention, no further weight loss will be possible.

We need to remember that in modern society, eating is not simply about survival. We use food for comfort and for celebration and, with the exception of religious prohibitions, there should be no forbidden foods. If your patient cannot use food to comfort or celebrate, or if they consider certain foods “forbidden,” then they are likely on a diet, and unfortunately diets are known to fail over 95% of the time. For sustainable weight management, a patient should be consuming the smallest number of calories that still allows them to enjoy each day. Some days will simply warrant more calories, such as birthdays, anniversaries, religious holidays, and days when injuries, illness or fights with loved ones occur. Simply put, ice-cream and cookies and their cultural and ethnic equivalents are vital parts of a rich life experience.

With exercise, a patient should be encouraged to be as physically active as possible and include as much additional exercise as they can enjoy each day. Some days obviously will allow for more activity than others, but there is a maximum, above which the patient would run out of time or energy, hurt themselves or come to hate exercise. That is when they quit. Eating less and exercising more within the context of a life the patient does not enjoy is the very definition of a diet, which is why diets almost always fail over the long-term. If a patient does not enjoy the way they are living while they are losing weight, they will almost certainly revert to “normal” practices and gain the weight back.

Thank you for this..... I so needed to hear it! I KNOW that I was maintaining my "perfect" weight better when I was running, but I DON'T LIKE RUNNING! And I've felt like such a failure for giving it up.... but this article is such a great reminder that I need to ENJOY my healthy life... not be a slave to it!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! You're timing couldn't be more perfect!

With that I mind I need to take few months off the weight loss forums and focus on enjoying healthier lifestyle and let the chips fall where they may in terms of weight

My best weight is therefore whatever weight I can achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle I can truly enjoy

Many thanks to DisPup75 and Pjlla for facilitating the last two month challenges. The time an effort is much appreciated. If someone told me last month that I will feel so good about myself, and feel myself again in only couple of months I wouldn't believe it! Your effort really made difference to me, thank you

To all other participants - thank you for providing support and inspiration I so badly needed. Good luck with your goals

I won't read the weight loss forum daily but please feel fee to pm me & stay in touch.

I"m so sorry that you will be stepping away for a while.... but I understand. Please don't be a stranger!!!


Good morning friends! Wow.... what a difference a day makes! Yesterday it was in the mid-80's by this time... and today it is cloudy, grey, and in the 60's. PERFECT for yard work.... but we are still recovering from yesterday! :rolleyes: Yard work is HARD.... working in the hot sun is HARD.... but combine the two and YIKES!

Okay.... in an effort of full disclosure, I did NOT sit down and make my exercise plan yesterday. I was truly right out straight working outside, doing laundry, and of course, breakfast, lunch, and dinner still needed to be prepared and eaten and cleaned up! That being said, yesterday's exercise was cutting brush (chainsaw and clippers), as well as two full car loads of trash, junk, lumber to the dump ( loading it + unloading it = weight training + carrying it to the car = cardio)..... I killed my step goal.

But I'm sitting down this morning to plan out the next 2 weeks worth of meals and exercise and I'll share when I am done.

Off to drink coffee and proof read a research paper!.............P
Weekly Check-in:

I'll check in again on Tuesday, but I always check in with my Sunday morning weight so I wanted to keep that the same.

Started the month at 259 and the goal was to lose 14 lbs. I'm currently at 242.5 lbs which is 118% of my goal! This week I went from 249.5 to 242.5 - crazy!

Mind blowing week and I'm not sure why. I took it easy Wed, Thur, and Fri and didn't exercise because of my race on Saturday. I was totally expecting to have a down week as far as the scale goes, but it was a great week. Maybe it was because I'm back on a normal routine? Maybe it's the longer runs with more rest days? Maybe it's because last week I only lost 1.5 lbs (my lowest since I started)? Not sure. Hoping to replicate it next week, but understand things have a way of balancing out and it could be a slow week. Just embracing the process!!!
Ah like so many of you fear is a big part of my life. I remember being anxious as a child going to school - I always hated that first day of school. Felt shy of big social situations. Fast forward to motherhood and fear slammed me - leaving me with Panic Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder. Like others I have learnt to mostly overcome it but it does sneak up and slap me when I least expect it. For as much as I fear though I have survived some of the things I feared and whilst I don't always think so I am assured by others of how strong I actually am. As for my weight loss the anxiety played a role in my gaining - eating to feel better - but fear plays a role in losing or not losing it - I find it difficult to get my heart rate up and be comfortable in pushing my body in that uncomfortable hot phase of exercising as a big factor in my anxiety is something going wrong internally that will result in death e.g. blood clot, stroke, etc etc you get the idea. So this makes it hard for me to hit the level of activity I need to lose weight. I also feel like I have in part gained weight to shield myself from the world. I fear I will never become the new me that I picture in my head and that I will continue to pile on the weight!

I am so sorry to read of all the participants here who have so many issues with fear. I am in that corner a little bit myself, but to a far lesser degree. Your comments really struck me because you said how others say how strong you are, and really, this is the person that we got to know through these threads: a very sensible, strong and determined woman, who works very hard for what is important for her. I hope you will learn better how to see yourself in this light as well!!

Quote I really like

"Best weight” is a non-statistical goal that is easy to set and easy to explain to patients. Patients can diet themselves down to any weight they put their minds to, but to maintain that weight, they need to actually enjoy the lifestyle that got them there.

A patient’s best weight is therefore whatever weight they achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle they can truly enjoy. There comes a point when a person cannot eat less or exercise more and still like their life. The weight they attain while still liking their life is thus their “best” weight, as without the addition of pharmacotherapy or a surgical intervention, no further weight loss will be possible.

We need to remember that in modern society, eating is not simply about survival. We use food for comfort and for celebration and, with the exception of religious prohibitions, there should be no forbidden foods. If your patient cannot use food to comfort or celebrate, or if they consider certain foods “forbidden,” then they are likely on a diet, and unfortunately diets are known to fail over 95% of the time. For sustainable weight management, a patient should be consuming the smallest number of calories that still allows them to enjoy each day. Some days will simply warrant more calories, such as birthdays, anniversaries, religious holidays, and days when injuries, illness or fights with loved ones occur. Simply put, ice-cream and cookies and their cultural and ethnic equivalents are vital parts of a rich life experience.

With exercise, a patient should be encouraged to be as physically active as possible and include as much additional exercise as they can enjoy each day. Some days obviously will allow for more activity than others, but there is a maximum, above which the patient would run out of time or energy, hurt themselves or come to hate exercise. That is when they quit. Eating less and exercising more within the context of a life the patient does not enjoy is the very definition of a diet, which is why diets almost always fail over the long-term. If a patient does not enjoy the way they are living while they are losing weight, they will almost certainly revert to “normal” practices and gain the weight back.

Yes, I read that, too. And it really really meant so much for me. It helps me so much, when the scale is not moving as I want it to. Over the last two months I have learned to ask myself: Am I doing as much as I can do and still stay happy - if yes, then I just accept what is happening, if no, I make changes towards a more healthy lifestyle.

With that I mind I need to take few months off the weight loss forums and focus on enjoying healthier lifestyle and let the chips fall where they may in terms of weight

If this is what you need, then I wish you all the best in finding out how to listen to yourself to be happy with what you are doing!! We will miss you, have brought so much to this thread in insight and motivating us! But you need to do what is right for you - and we would love to see you back here again in the future!!

Good morning friends! Wow.... what a difference a day makes! Yesterday it was in the mid-80's by this time... and today it is cloudy, grey, and in the 60's. PERFECT for yard work.... but we are still recovering from yesterday! :rolleyes: Yard work is HARD.... working in the hot sun is HARD.... but combine the two and YIKES!

Sounds like you got a great workout yesterday!!

But I'm sitting down this morning to plan out the next 2 weeks worth of meals and exercise and I'll share when I am done.

Looking forward to seeing your plan!!

Thank you for this..... I so needed to hear it! I KNOW that I was maintaining my "perfect" weight better when I was running, but I DON'T LIKE RUNNING! And I've felt like such a failure for giving it up.... but this article is such a great reminder that I need to ENJOY my healthy life... not be a slave to it!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! You're timing couldn't be more perfect!

Pam, you are such a great example of living a healthy lifestyle! If running does not make you happy, then don't do it! Find something else to do!! Have you thought about how your life will change once DS moves out? That should free up some time, is there anything you and your DH would enjoy doing together during those evenings that used to be filled with robotics? Like the yard work, there might be other things the two of you could enjoy together that are physical activities?

Weekly Check-in:

I'll check in again on Tuesday, but I always check in with my Sunday morning weight so I wanted to keep that the same.

Started the month at 259 and the goal was to lose 14 lbs. I'm currently at 242.5 lbs which is 118% of my goal! This week I went from 249.5 to 242.5 - crazy!

Mind blowing week and I'm not sure why. I took it easy Wed, Thur, and Fri and didn't exercise because of my race on Saturday. I was totally expecting to have a down week as far as the scale goes, but it was a great week. Maybe it was because I'm back on a normal routine? Maybe it's the longer runs with more rest days? Maybe it's because last week I only lost 1.5 lbs (my lowest since I started)? Not sure. Hoping to replicate it next week, but understand things have a way of balancing out and it could be a slow week. Just embracing the process!!!

Well done!! I find that sometimes my body needs some rest to let go of the weight. If the body is under a lot of stress, it is determined to hang on to its supplies for bad times (i.e. our fat). So, I think taking it easy might have been just the right thing!
QOTW - May 28/29/30

I can't believe we've reached our last substantive question of the month!!! For the weekend and our final Monday, let's talk about Fear. What role does fear play in your life and in your weight loss journey? Let's dish!

Fear seemed to play such a great role in my live for a long long time. I never had real panic attacks or anything like this, but if there was something to be afraid of, I was afraid of it: bees, darkness, rollercoasters, height, traffic, calling people who I did not know on the telephone, people laughing about me, people thinking I am stupid...

I spent half a year in London just before my 30th birthday as part of a professional exchange program. I ended up sharing an apartment with 3 guys, all working in London as well, all of them a few years older than me. It was really a fun group of people. And I remember how one evening I was talking about how much I dreaded turning 30 and becoming "old" (now I am 15 years older than 15 and laugh at this!) and they kept telling me that turning 30 was great because it meant that one could leave so many of those insecurities behind. And they were so right, for me that time was definitely a turning point where I stopped thinking so much about what could happen and began to shape my life the way I wanted it to happen. I kind of felt like I had finally arrived and fear became just one of the voices in my head and stopped being the loudest one. Interestingly, this also coincided with a time when I was able to actually maintain my first big weight loss for quite some time. As I started to become comfortable with how I looked, I also became comfortable with who I am. But, the good thing is that even when I put on weight again and were no longer comfortable with how I looked, I stayed comfortable with who I am and I feel that this has helped me a lot over the years when I wanted to loose weight again.
Hey guys! I've been a little focused on other things lately, so I haven't been paying much attention to this thread ... but thankfully, I have been doing okay (but not great) paying attention to my eating and exercise, which is a good thing.

@HappyGrape - I'm sorry to hear that you'll be leaving the group, but I think it's awesome that you're focusing on what works best for you. Sometimes we want to focus on hitting a number on the scale, but being able to maintain a healthly lifestyle is what matters most!

@Dr Gunnie - Awesome job making it past your goal! I hope things continue to go well!

In terms of fear ... it's hard. I don't like to think of myself as someone who is ruled by fear, but sometimes I think I am. I have been making an effort to overcome some of my fears, and I think that has made a difference in my life.
One of my big fears when I first started running was distance - I had a goal distance in mind (half marathon), and I never thought I'd make it there. But I slowly increased my distance, didn't set any goals I couldn't reach, and while I haven't reached my goal distance yet, I'm in a position right now where I know I can do it, and if I was asked to go out and run a half marathon next week, I could do it - it might be hard, and it might be slower than I usually run, but I know I can do it. That's a pretty cool feeling.
Another fear I have is interacting with people. I'm afraid to go up to new people, I'm afraid to call people, and I know that it holds me back. So I'm really making an effort to put myself out there more (and the DISboards actually helps a lot with that because I am interacting with people in a way that's easier for me), and I'm trying to get into a job where I'll be interacting with people and really have the opportunity to become super comfortable in social situations.
I'm also really afraid of never reaching my weight loss goals - but I think that if I focus on being healthy rather than reaching that magic number, it'll be easier for me to get over that fear.
There are some fears I'll probably never overcome - like my fear of heights or my fear of ghosts - but I can "suspend" them long enough to enjoy certain things (like roller coasters).


Not much going on here today. I had the choice this morning between running 10 miles on my regular path and doing a local 5K race ... I chose the 10 miles. Mostly because I was awake 4 hours before the race started and I didn't want to wait that long to run. The good news is, I was done with my run before the weather became unbearable. The bad news is, I missed out on free ice cream (and free ice cream has no calories, right??). We're doing dinner with my Aunt, Uncle, and Grandpa later today (plus, my grandpa spent some time with us earlier this weekend, so it's extra exciting), but no other big plans. I will probably spend the day alternating between Harry Potter movies, Disney Channel original movies, and binge-watching Arrow on Netflix (I just started watching the DC Comics TV shows a few weeks ago and I'm hooked).

Have a great weekend everyone! My thoughts and prayers go out to those of you remembering loved ones who lost their lives serving our country.
We are back from a great week at Disney - the new area at Disney Springs is phenomenal and we loved it so much that we went back twice! :)

I'm waiting to do my final check in - but I'm sure I'll be at 100% for the end of the month. We made sure to walk a lot at the airport during our long delay and layover in Houston. suffice to say, I have a love/hate affair with United. :rotfl:

In summary: Trip was great! We enjoyed eating at Nine Dragons and Le Cellier (good recommendation from a few of you on here - it had a no business being as good as it was because it rivals Steakhouse 55 at disneyland for best steak ever eaten). The cuts from Shanghai were a bit more noticed at WDW than Disneyland - so it'll be interesting to see how this plays out into our December trip.
this is the person that we got to know through these threads: a very sensible, strong and determined woman, who works very hard for what is important for her. I hope you will learn better how to see yourself in this light as well!!

Thank you that means a lot to me :hug: ... I am trying really hard to change my thinking about myself - everyone on here is really helping me this year :-)

Another fear I have is interacting with people. I'm afraid to go up to new people, I'm afraid to call people, and I know that it holds me back. So I'm really making an effort to put myself out there more (and the DISboards actually helps a lot with that because I am interacting with people in a way that's easier for me), and I'm trying to get into a job where I'll be interacting with people and really have the opportunity to become super comfortable in social situations.

Sarah I get this - I am actually ok at work with interacting and funnily enough my communication skills at work are my strength. This took years to develop believe me. But I still struggle in many social situations - I have gotten better but going to a party where I hardly know anyone is still really hard - not that I go to many parties anymore haha. I hope you get a job you enjoy and that will help you develop those skills :thumbsup2

Sorry I haven't been very active this month.

Didn't lose any weight this month (0/4). Try again next month.

I'm with you in that boat PoohBelle - no weight lost here either and am at 0% for my goal but like you I will be back to try again.
Sorry I have been MIA lately. We have been so busy with end of the school year and several parties this weekend. Tomorrow will start my very stressful week of training people at work and packing for disney. I feel like I am not going to get it all done.

I will weight on tomorrow morning. I have fallen of the wagon lately but will get back to working out and tracking my food as soon as I get back.

For the question of the day. Fear is up there with joy. Growing up in also had a fear that my mom would die,and I would have to live with my dad. Something I never wanted to do. As I got old that fear changed to the,fear of just losing my mom and not being able to talk to her everyday. I also have fear of something happening to my kids or husband. Since my accident last year I have a fear of getting hit again and have issues driving on the highway if there is a car on each side of me. My biggest fear though is snakes. It is to the point that I am paralyzed with fear if I see one. As a kid the fear was that snakes were under my bed and I couldn't hang a limb off the side.

As for weight loss and fear I don't really have any. I am more angry for letting it happen.
Hi friends! I'm so excited for a new thread next month! This month was rough. I did manage to lose 3 pounds for the month (although I made such bad decisions this weekend that I know I'm up. But whatever).

I've slipped back into my old habit of treating the weekend like a free for all and that's not going to help me get to my goal. So that's what I'm going to focus on next month! Im only 8 pounds away from my initial goal weight!!

I also bought size 10 shorts yesterday! Last summer I was squeezing myself into size 14s and really should have been a 16. So that was an exciting victory.

As an update to what's been going on personally, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going through a divorce. I'm glad that I've been able to maintain my healthy lifestyle for the most part and not let it completely derail me.
As an update to what's been going on personally, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going through a divorce. I'm glad that I've been able to maintain my healthy lifestyle for the most part and not let it completely derail me.

Oh Wow! I'm so sorry about your divorce. Great job continuing on the path of a healthy lifestyle - that takes a lot of strength, especially since many of us turn to food for comfort in tough times.
Good morning all! WOW.... the LAST day of May!! Life is just rushing by faster and faster lately! It's almost scary!

Anyhooo.... I have NOT written up my entire 2 week exercise plan, but I am making strides. Yesterday morning I was going to do a WATP video, but couldn't get the DVD player to work, so despite the rain I got outside for a 2 mile walk with some run intervals. I didn't love it but it didn't kill me and I felt MUCH better sitting in the car for 3 hours that morning, knowing I had gotten my steps in when I could! Today is my double job day (so I'm generally out of the house 7:30 am - 8 pm) so this is my "off" day, but my sneakers are in the car and I plan to walk for at least part of my lunch time... even if it is just 10 minutes!

My final progress report for May is pathetic.... I hit just 10% of my pathetically low goal. Fingers crossed for better stats in June!

As usual, I'm running behind and must dash, but I didn't want May to end without a final check-in!! ........................P
I also bought size 10 shorts yesterday! Last summer I was squeezing myself into size 14s and really should have been a 16. So that was an exciting victory.

As an update to what's been going on personally, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going through a divorce. I'm glad that I've been able to maintain my healthy lifestyle for the most part and not let it completely derail me.

Wow congratulations on dropping those dress sizes in a year :banana:and :hug: sorry to hear you are going through a tough time personally. Divorce sucks even when it may be for the best - prayers for you.
Hello Everyone!!

The June thread will be posted in a few hours! I already have it all written, but the file is on my computer at home. I hope you will all like our new theme! I will post the link once it is up.

If I look at today's weight, I am at -35%! Arg!! I know that this is not the true reflection of how my month went, it is that stupid water weight. Maybe I get lucky and starting out June with all the water weight might mean that I finally get my 100% next month. One can hope...

Otherwise I am feeling great and happy with my exercise level and my eating. And even though today I jumped into overweight, over the last two weeks I spent 12 days weighing in below a BMI of 25. To me that counts for something. I am afraid that I will not get to my intermediate goal that I had set for July 7th (the day my DBF arrives in Germany), which would have been to be below 70kg (154.3 pounds). I so so much want to see a 6 as the first digit on the scale - haven't seen that this century. But I am confident that if it does not happen before July 7th, it will happen during July or August for sure. I am getting cose!

My foot is starting to feel better. I got my inserts yesterday and they still feel very uncomfortable. Tomorrow I have my first PT session. To some extent, the injury was actually good for me as it forced me to get away from relying only on walking and running for my exercise. Today I biked to work, I have been to the pool, I have done multiple workouts with my DVDs. And in some regards I feel like this gave me a lot of energy! But I miss running and I think I will try a short run tomorrow evening and see what my foot thinks about it!

So, even if the goal I set was a wash, it was a successful month for me!


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