Help! Can TAs use discount codes?


Jul 20, 2002
I wish I had read DIS before I booked but here's the situation:

My TA booked Disney cruise and 3 days at CBR with DCL. CBR was a little less through DCL than through WDW at the time. My final payment (in full) is due 11/8, 60 days before trip.

I've now learned so much from this great website and know that discount codes for CBR will be coming out soon (probably) for January. I asked her if I can cancel the resort portion of the ressie and book myself, to get the discount. She evaded the question and says she can change the ressie from DCL to WDW, which is a little higher initially.

I don't begrudge her the commission and she's been very helpful. I estimate the savings for me (I'm taking my family for a special occasion) to be about $600 when, if, the discount codes come out. So my question is, when (if) the discount codes come out and if she changes the ressies to WDW, can she use the codes? From what I've read here DU does it.

It's getting close to the 60 day mark so I need to know soon.
Thanks Aahmom1. How sure are you? At this point I can still cancel the resort portion of the ressie and do it myself.
I own an agency, and we do it all of the time. Call her back and have her check for you. Just be aware that you may need to be flexible with which resort you choose because it may not be available @ CBR.
Demosthenes, What shall I have her check? She said she asked both DCL and WDW if they know of any future discounts and they both said no.

Are the discount codes specific to certain resorts? I had the impression that they were for deluxe and/or moderate and/or value resorts. Thanks for your help, Linda
Unfortunately, TAs do not get advance notice of codes. What you can do is ask to have your final payment date extended if you want to wait a little longer. Of course, they will only extend the date about 1 week, and then you will be faced with a decision: either cancel your ressie, and wait for a code, hoping to get a discount for the resort you want, or stick with the rate you have.
Demosthenes, in any case it sounds like I should ask her to change the ressies from DCL to WDW so that she can apply the codes when/if they come out before my 60 day final payment, right? The only disadvantage I can see to that is if DCL comes out with a special, like they have in 2002, with Dolphin for $99. Whew, this is driving me crazy! Linda
There is one other possible problem. Are you booked with a land & sea package? Or is the cruise resevation totally separate from the hotel?

If you have a land/sea and want to rebook the hotel only part you will (I think) also have to rebook your cruise. It is possible that the cruise only rate could now be higher. It still might work out to be less if you save on the hotel, but it's possible the cruise is a lot more.

I hope it works out!
This is just my thought, Go with what you have now,if you start changing things now, it will start costing you much more[change fees and such] and you will lose the savings you got Originally!!

You already SAVED $600. that huge for Disney!

Use the Knowledge you have gained for your next Trip to WDW!!
Then you be able to book everything yourself and save on that trip!!
tink2dw, I haven't saved the $600 yet. I'm hoping to save it when the discount codes come out for January. I want to make sure they're available to me, through my TA.
Do you have to pay the hotel part 60 days out in addition to the cruise?

I see how the cruise needs to be paid in full, but the hotel???

When you make a Disney hotel reservation with CRO, it can be canceled 5 days prior to arrival date with only 1 night's rate as a deposit.

I would look to see if you can cancel the reservation with the TA and book it with CRO 1-407-934-3463. Then when the codes come out you can apply itself yourself and have the extra money in your pocket for 60 days.

I am new at this, but I think I am correct, to any DIS vets, is my logic flawed?
Princessmomma, You're right, I've learned enough on DIS to know you're right. But I've booked with her and she's earned her comission. I don't want to change but I definately want the discount if it comes available. If she can get the discount codes then I'll be happy.


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