Help Proposing at Blue Bayou

I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I think there are a couple of drawbacks to doing a proposal in Blue Bayou. First, some tables are very dark so your GF may not be able to see what you are doing if you kneel, or see the ring. Secondly, be sure your table has room around it so your moment is not spacially compromised. No matter how it goes, I wish you many happy years together.
I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I think there are a couple of drawbacks to doing a proposal in Blue Bayou. First, some tables are very dark so your GF may not be able to see what you are doing if you kneel, or see the ring. Secondly, be sure your table has room around it so your moment is not spacially compromised. No matter how it goes, I wish you many happy years together.
I dont think this is a debbie downer comment, I would love to hear other suggestions, is there any other places I could do it? Funny thing is she might expect it at dinner so I HAVE considered pump faking a few times and doing it when she would least expect it, but currently BB is still the planned site to do it unless I can come up with something super cute
If you are planning on getting down on one knee, etc., you might want to enlist your server's help with clearing the area around your table beforehand. Maybe arrange a signal between you and a general time frame (e.g. right before dessert or something like that) so that your server can clear the area and keep it clear for you? You wouldn't want buspersons and other guests tripping over you as they try to move around between tables -- as other posters have noted, BB is rather dark inside and not particularly spacious.
Ive been at the Blue Bayou Fantasmic dining package area where I’ve witnessed a proposal right before the show started (5-10 minutes) and then they couple watched the show together and I could tell it was even more special. Just another idea !
This is such an exciting thread to follow! We loved Blue Bayou when we were there a couple weeks ago. Melissa, our server, was awesome! We got to BB about 25 minutes before our reservation time, and we were seated at a waterside table a few minutes before our regular reservation time. It was magical to be close to the water.

I've always thought a Disney proposal would be so incredibly special! Regardless of where you propose at DL, promise us that you'll report out and tell us what you did. I'm sure everything will be incredibly magical!! pixiedust:
When my husband proposed it was in a dark place. He had the ring in a special ring box with an LED light inside. It was very dramatic and I had no trouble seeing the ring! They sell these all over now... Amazon and other places.

I think Blue Bayou would be very romantic but I’m sure there are lots of great places to propose in DL if you want something more surprising. A character meet comes to mind or maybe over by Snow White’s wishing well? Someplace with a photographer would be nice!
If I do this idea, do I need to book the time an hour before the show starts? Or the same time the show starts?
Is belle terrace just better to book the fantasmic show at since its already outside?
Does this cost to reserve?

As stated above do the package and just line up for your section. If you do the first show you can stay for the fireworks. They will do the projections on the water. There is a thread on the seated dinner package so you can see for yourself but it’s not the best view. The view is definitely better by the water and I would think more romantic too.

I have to say my first thought was the BB could be too dark for a proposal but I also didn’t want to be negative. My husband proposed to me in a pretty dark place and I wish there had been more light. My first thought when I read your post was to suggest you do it during fireworks. If you do the Fantasmic package you can cuddle up and enjoy the show. After that everyone will stand. A surprising amount of people left after that before the fireworks started. For that reason you will have a lot of space to get down on one knee. You could do it as the fireworks go off.

Of course if you plan to say something and just enjoy the moment it could be too dark and loud outside too. There’s something to be said for doing it where you can really look into each other’s faces. It’s the moment that neither of you will forget. Obviously we don’t know either of you so do what feels right or you’d think she’d like. A moment in the middle of the day by the castle could also be great. If you want a restaurant proposal you could do it in one of the nicer restaurants. What about the PTN package with the chairs? Does she have a favorite ride that would work? I’m sure you could find You Tube videos of any place you might consider to see if it’s what you want. What about hiring a photographer to capture the moment?
Oh this sounds so great!
Another option for a proposal would be snow whites wishing well as mentioned above... it is a little less crowded there and if you call guest service you might be able to get a photo pass photographer close by...

One addition to the BB idea... I really love this idea, but I would add that you maybe ride pirates not exactly before it... as you might get wet (especially the front rows) and when I was there dining I was happy to be dry because I felt already a bit cold...

But regardless how you do it I am sure it will a magical moment!


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