Help with camcorders


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Feb 7, 2003
We are going to dw in June and want to perchase a camcorder for the trip. What brand and ect... would be good for that purpose and for someone on a tight budget? Thank You.
hi - it'll all depends on how you want to view the "video" and what you want to do with it - do you want to play it on the tv or computer - there are models that plug into the tv or computer and you play thru the video recorder but also models that you take the tape out and either put it straight into a vcr or a tape holder/player - also - do you want to use it later on or just for this trip - you can rent and take your tape/disk with you or buy and use all year round - we used and they have a really good comparision feature - we went with compact vhs because we use it for both vacations and for our kids - and we can take the tape out and let the grandparents watch - but there is also digital that we may go to - once they get a dvd player - good luck
I can tell you this from direct experience: I HATE Sony Handicams! I have owned 2 in 5 years. Despite my very careful handling of them, I have had them break, become inoperative, spontaneously not work, with both cameras. I have spent in excess of $240 in repairing them alone, only to have them not operate after I get them back from the shop!! My lates Sony is not working and you can rest assured knowing that I will never recommend them or buy them again. Cheap junk from a company that doesn't seem to have that reputation (but their camcorders sure do!).

...I checked Consumer Reports when we were purchasing a camcorder. We bought the Sony rated #1 and really love it, though I see others on this thread who've had bad luck with them. In any event, the Consumer Reports issue does a good job of laying out the features, the ratings, and (since you mentioned you're on a tight budget) the price you can expect to pay, so you can decide how much you want to go... The latest issue with Camcorders was Nov. 2002. Hope this helps!
My Magnavox had been perfect for 10 years now! However, it was virtually useless in the humidity at WDW. Check to be sure whatever model you get will work in high humidity. Mine has a sensor for "dew" that won't let you use it. Which, going from air conditioning (in the room, on the bus, inside a restaurant or a ride even) to the humid Florida air, made the camera inoperable. I know it is protecting it but I think the tech has caught up and improved by now. Just check and be sure!
Most cameras have to adjust when going from AC to warm air. Usually just opening the lense cover & turning it on will take care of that in a few minutes.

I can't suggest a specific camera, but there are always lots of good deals posted on the bargain forums. Like, fatwallet etc. I can't think of any more right now, but there are a whole bunch. I'm just very tired!
We didn't have humidity problems in December, but when we went in August we kept the camcorder in a ziploc freezer bag when we were going from one temp extreme to another. Apparently the air inside the bag helps the camera adjust to the extremes better. We didnt' have any problems with it that way.

We bought the Canon ES75 for about $185. It is a great little camera, not as fancy as some but had all of the features that we needed.

We didn't have a carry case for it so I bought a small soft sided cooler and it fits in there perfectly! We just looped the strap over our stroller and the soft sides helped protect it too.


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