Hey Beauty, speaking of wrestling?


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May 30, 2002
Have you seen Vengence on pay-per-view? Don't get mad, but I never knew who this Kurt guy you are so crazy about was till I saw that he was going to be on that show. I didn't watch it, just saw the preview. It was about $30 I think to order (I could be confusing it with something else). I know they said it would be on again in some replay so others could catch it. Just thought I would let you know. Don't know if it is already been played.
Yes I did see Vengence!! I'm lucky enough to have a husband who is the technician for our local cable company so we get a ;) very good deal on pay per views. It wouldn't matter...lol...I would order them anyway. Yes sadly Kurt is bald not although he doesn't look bad bald I do like him with his hair! But I am still loyal...lol. Vengence clips are played during Raw and Smackdown....it was actually a pretty good pay per view. Thanks for thinking about me....so did you think my Kurt was a cutie?
Hehe, he isn't exactly my type! I don't watch wrestling either, but saw that clip on the preview. We get a good price on the pay-per-view too ;) (hehe). It is sad though when you have watched all of them and have to wait weeks for something good to come out again.
I watch WWE all the time..LOL...Raw on Monday night and then Smackdown on Thursday plus all the little shows in between. You know its funny I never thought I would watch wrestling....actually thought it was really red neckish until I started watching...now I'm hooked. I swear its just another big old soap opera with really good looking men......and I have always been addicted to my soaps:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
I guess it can be addicting. I have never been a soap opera fan...wait I did like Sisters a lot, but is that considered a soap it was an evening show. I think it was....oh well. I never watched daytime soaps. I have a few addictions when it comes to TV but I try to restrain myself. I love Trading Spaces, but don't ever seem to be home on Saturday to watch the new episode, sometimes I watch the weekly reruns. I used to be the biggest fan in the whole wide world for the X-Files, but I got over that really quick when it went so far down hill. I am a proponent of leaving on a highnote, not dragging your bum through the dirt and dissassociating all your favorite fans. Now the only show I care about being home on time for is the Mole. I have also been suckered into watching Houston Medical because it comes on after the Mole and we just sit there mesmerized and decide not to change the channel! ;)
LOL! I totally LOVE TRADING SPACES! I watch it daily...it comes on at 3 although they are early reruns I still haven't seen them all. These are the ones with Alex instead of Paige. I could watch that show all day. John (my DH) rolls his eyes every time we are switching through and its on cause he knows thats it...I'm watching it.

Oh I have always watched soaps...night and day. I started watching As the World Turns and Guiding Light when I was a toddler....my grandmother watched and I have watched ever since.

One of my favorite shows ever was Beverly Hills 90210...I loved Knots Landing, Party of Five and can even remember back to Heart to Heart. So I guess wrestling fit right on in. Its actually the only night time show I watch with the exception of Big Brother 3...oh and I loved the Amazing Race when it was on...but wrestling is the only thing I HAVE to be home for.


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