Hey! July 30th, 2005 cruise to Mexico DISfriends!

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Ooooh, I need to join WW with you!!!!! I wish you lots and lots of encouragement and luck...losing weight is so hard (why does it come on so easy?) but you do have the reward of a wonderful cruise at the end of it all!!!!!! And lots of sunny weather to wear all your cruise clothes!!!!

I wish the countdown was at the 100 mark!

Hey Lucy!!

I'm on WW too! I hope to lose about 20 by next summer!!!!!

I'm trying to decide about where we will stay also. We will arrive on Wed. GC sounds good to us, we have DVC points so I have to see if I have enough.

Best wishes on WW, I understand about stress, me too!! I'm not giving up though!!!!!!!!

Check out the WISH site on these boards. There is an excellent support group there.

Hey Lisa, I'm with you! Our countdown is way too long!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not on ww but i'm going to try and lose some lbs too i lost 42 before our cruise last xmas unfortunately I've put about 30 back on:( But we have an important wedding to go to on the 1st of Feb then the cruise in August so I'm going to try again. It will be nice to be able to support each other.
Hey Lynn, I hear you!!!

Let's work together for next summer's cruise!!!!!!!!!
I'm hungry, girls.....(WW)
I'm sitting at WW the other night, we have a good leader, and
she is telling us that we don't lose weight for an event, we
lose weight for life (ah.........I'm sitting there quietly thinking....
not in my case!)...until I meet these DISers, I've got to be
30 lbs. lighter...and that wouldn't be goal...just 'get back in
all my clothing weight'
I'm really struggling right now, but at least I'm not gaining, I want to lose 20 by next summer and I won't be at goal either!!

It's getting slightly closer............
I also feel it is forever until we sail next year but I'm trying
to ease the pain by reading the Disneyland Boards. Also,
I'm so anxious for the information to come out on how we
get from the airport to the hotel, the hotel (GC) to the pier,
and the pier to the airport (LAX). I'm also anxious to read
about the tours for next year. Now that we are definitely
going, I'm trying to make a plan (eating plan, of course) for
our days at Disnelyland. Oh, by the way, my WW week
wasn't not great, first week and only lost ONE lb. I'm
I totally understand about the WW issue! I'm totally struggling too! I think it's the time of year to pack up for the winter which is totally the opposite of trying to lose weight. Hang in there, you are not alone!!!!!!
Ok, I lost 1.75 so far on WW...only 18.25 to go!!

I started a few port threads on the DCL forum to find out which excursions we should check out.

We're coming too! Myself, DH,DD 15 and DD 12, and maybe DS 18, also my mom and my husbands parents.
This will be are fifth cruise! We need infor. We also want to go to disneyland before hand. Can you fly to long branch? Jet blue flies direct there from boston. is it close enough? or should we go to LAX?
Thanks! Wendilyn
Jo: Congratulations on your almost 2 lb loss! That's awesome.

Wendilyn: Yes, Long Beach is close enough to San Pedro. Closer than LAX AND...you won't have to deal with LAX and the nightmare that lies within...lol.

....the nightmare that lies within?.......you are scaring me.....
We already have our tickets......:(
What time is the earliest you think we can book our return flight from LA port out of Long Beach CA?
The thing with LAX is traffic. Not at LAX per sey, but once you get onto the freeway. If you have DCL transfers, there's no worries, other than the possibility of sitting in traffic, but you're not driving so who cares! If you're arriving in the middle of the day and renting a car, traffic won't be an issue. But if you're arriving any time after 3 or 4 pm (during the week), there's HUGE potential to be stuck in traffic. This is because many people commute to LA from the south and between 3-7 the majority of those commuters are heading home (which would be the same direction you're going). That's what I was referring to.

I'm not sure if DCL is offering transfers from Long Beach airport...I would think they would but I haven't heard.

I wish DCL would release some more info soon!! I'm just curious about excursions and if they're planning on doing anything special on board to celebrates Dland's 50th!
a question for Lisa, the Californian:smooth:

as I am putting away all my summer clothing today (and
hoping I can wear everything next year) - exactly how hot
is hot in California in July. Is it better than Flordia, with
the humidity? We always go to Florida in the summertime
(because of school schedules) and some days, it is HOT.
Do you have the humidity in California? I'm just thinking
about the park days before the cruise - I can survive any
kind of heat on the cruise ship. We just booked the GC
last night and paying an awful price, but it is our one trip
to California and we are going to do it right!

As I said, it is starting to get very cool here, day and night so
away go the summer clothing. I HATE winter, but I must say
the leaves are looking beautiful right now. Time to get
the snowblower repaired:mad:
Hi guys
It's feeling quite wintery here too Lucy.. so to cheer myself up I've begun to look into excursions. Have any of thr rest of you started. I quite fancy the rainforest zip lines in Puerto Vallarta. A riding tour on Stone island in Mazatlan and an ATV tour in Cabo.
In fact the riding tour sounded so good on all the cruise boards that i e mailed the lady and have booked my hubby and I onto it!!!
Anyone else booked ahead or are you waiting for the Disney excursions?
I've also booked all of our accommodation for our week before and week after the cruise. I'll post it in case any of you West coast people have an opinion on my choice
23th/24th July Shangri la Suites Santa Monica
25/26 July Hollywood Hills Hotel Hollywood
27th/28th/29th July Candy Cane Inn Anaheim
6th Aug Santa Barbara Hotel Santa Barbara
7th Aug Olallieberry Inn Cambria
8th Aug The Captains Inn Moss Landing
9th Aug Seal Rock Inn San Francisco
10th/11th Aug Golden Gate Hotel San Francisco
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