Hey, You Lions Can't Do That! This is Disney! A Frozen Harambe Trip Report! NEW 8/27!

Last Trip Report I did a budget post so we could see how we did in relation to how much I budgeted for our trip. We got a lot of positive feedback on it, so I am going to do the same thing this time, only a tad differently. Instead of doing a budget post at the end of each post, I am going to do one for an entire day once I am finished with it. That way, with it being in a separate post, if someone wants to read it they can, and if not they can just skip over it!

This fifth post is going to be for Sunday July 27! Our fifth day on vacation! So let the budget posting commence!

Budgeted Amounts:
None - This day was completely unplanned and extra!

Actual Spent:
Breakfast at Main Street Bakery - $9.51
Le Fou's Brew - $4.79 (Cash)
Lunch at Pizzafari - $27.33
Cotton Top Tamarin Cupcake at Kusafiri - $5.53
Bottled Water at Kusafiri - $2.50 (Cash)
Dinner at Cosmic Ray's - $26.91
Mickey Crispy at Confectionery - $14.33
Water, Coke & 2 Popcorn Buckets - $16.25

Budget Status:
$13.90 Under Budget :cheer2:
$0.00 Left in Overall Snack Budget
$50.06 in Overall Souvenir Budget

We used up the entire rest of our snack budget, and a large chunk of the remaining souvenir budget for this day, which worked out well considering it was not planned for! As of the moment we were still under budget and for our last day I had budgeted funds as well, so it looked like as of now we were going to be in the Green, as opposed to the Red!
Stephanie, I hope the kids are all liking the new school year! I always loved this time of year growing up, new school supplies and getting to meet new teachers and everything! So exciting, well it was for me anyway...:rotfl2:

I hope you guys get to go to the water parks sometime!! We always have so much fun at them!! I think since the whole surfing lesson from you guys' trip report, you should try the surfing lessons at Typhoon Lagoon, that always sounded so much fun to me!

I totally wish we would have known about the Pascal Magic Shot on my Pascal Disneybound day!! Oh well! I still love him! It was so fun to see that photo when we got home!! The Frozen Magic Shot really were "cool" ;) !!

I hope to have some more up today! I did load the video for everyone to see, I put a link to it in the first post! I hope Mr. MarbleBob has still been making pizzas for you guys!!

The kids are all falling in to the new school year pretty well, although I don't think they have quite your enthusiasm!! Princess started high school and has told me that it's way better than middle school. :)

One of Matt's skateboarding buddies learned to surf at Typhoon Lagoon, and that sounds like a great way to learn to surf. Because it's a controlled environment, I think it's supposed to be easier to get the feel for surfing there than in the ocean. Anyway, it sounds like a blast.

I just watched your video--how fun! I love the Olaf part. (I'm not sure I realized how much I like Olaf until this TR of yours.) Whoo-hoo for September!!! It's been a week or so since Matt's made pizza. I imagine he'll break out the kettle grill again over Labor Day. Yum.

I'm interested in hearing your take on Villians Unleashed. I think it's incredibly awesome that you decided to go spontaneously at the last minute, but it sounds like it was super crowded! I hope you had fun!!
Wow, wow, wow! That's amazing that you were able to use your fastpasses for Anna and Elsa.:cool1::cool1::cool1: Too bad it didn't work at 7DMT, too.

I have a love/hate relationship with Cosmic Ray's. There are some great options there for a CS, but it's inconvenient to go as a family when everyone wants to get things from the different ordering pods. Sunshine Seasons is that way, too--awesome food, but hard to navigate. The pulled pork looks like a good option, and pickles make everything better. ::yes::

Awww...very nice end to your evening at magic kingdom.:lovestruc What an amazing list of character MG's!! I think the Green Army Man was my favorite--although I couldn't see him or Jeremy because of all the foliage in the way.:hyper:
The kids are all falling in to the new school year pretty well, although I don't think they have quite your enthusiasm!! Princess started high school and has told me that it's way better than middle school. :)

One of Matt's skateboarding buddies learned to surf at Typhoon Lagoon, and that sounds like a great way to learn to surf. Because it's a controlled environment, I think it's supposed to be easier to get the feel for surfing there than in the ocean. Anyway, it sounds like a blast.

I just watched your video--how fun! I love the Olaf part. (I'm not sure I realized how much I like Olaf until this TR of yours.) Whoo-hoo for September!!! It's been a week or so since Matt's made pizza. I imagine he'll break out the kettle grill again over Labor Day. Yum.

I'm interested in hearing your take on Villians Unleashed. I think it's incredibly awesome that you decided to go spontaneously at the last minute, but it sounds like it was super crowded! I hope you had fun!!

That's great that she likes High School better than Middle so far! I know HS is not always an easy transition, hopefully she will enjoy it! I have a niece who is in 10th grade, so I know it took a while for her to really start to figure it all out!

I think if I ever chose to learn to surf, I would want to do it where there are potentially no sharks or anything that could eat me, so Typhoon Lagoon sounds pretty good to me...LOL

I am going to do a Villains Unleashed post in my PTR for September, when I do it, I will link it over here too! I am also not sure I realized how much we love Olaf until we did this event...LOL

Wow, wow, wow! That's amazing that you were able to use your fastpasses for Anna and Elsa.:cool1::cool1::cool1: Too bad it didn't work at 7DMT, too.

I have a love/hate relationship with Cosmic Ray's. There are some great options there for a CS, but it's inconvenient to go as a family when everyone wants to get things from the different ordering pods. Sunshine Seasons is that way, too--awesome food, but hard to navigate. The pulled pork looks like a good option, and pickles make everything better. ::yes::

Awww...very nice end to your evening at magic kingdom.:lovestruc What an amazing list of character MG's!! I think the Green Army Man was my favorite--although I couldn't see him or Jeremy because of all the foliage in the way.:hyper:

We were so shocked that they actually let us in with those FPs for Anna & Elsa, I would have thought the mine train would have let us in before Fairytale Hall, but hey we were very lucky, so I am happy about that!

I totally agree about those too!! We loved both Seasons and Cosmic Ray's, sometimes we just choose one and pick like that is our only choice! Jeremy loved the pulled pork, I had never had it, they also have a good chicken sandwich there that I get sometimes!
Can I just ask - how did your Victoria and Albert's meal come to over $725? I thought it was $135 per person? I was thinking of eating there next time we go but not if it is going to be over $700.

Can I just ask - how did your Victoria and Albert's meal come to over $725? I thought it was $135 per person? I was thinking of eating there next time we go but not if it is going to be over $700.


Sure Teresa! You are absolutely correct in the Main Dining Room at Victoria & Albert's the charge per person is $135.00, which includes all non-alcoholic or non-specialty beverages! So, with that in mind, for a couple. It would be something like this!

$135.00 x 2 = $270.00
$270.00 + 6.5% Tax = $287.55
$287.55 + Tip (Which is subjective) For a round number I will use 20%
$287.55 + 57.51 = $345.06 +/- depending on tip! That would be around the least amount you could possibly spend there.

I know you are like, yeah, so why was yours $725! :rotfl2: Well, this was our last trip to be able to use our 20% discount with Tables in Wonderland. Victoria & Albert's offers quite a few things that you can get as an upcharge. These things change all the time and have been different most of the times we have been. You are offered a choice of regular house water, or you can choose from a list of bottled waters, that is an upcharge, per bottle. The same with wine bottles/glasses, or the wine pairing. The regular menu is FANTASTIC!! So don't think that you need to get any of the extra items, we just happened to on this trip.So our bill worked out something like this.

We had two bottles of wine, we were there for I think 4 1/2 hours. Each bottle was $73 each. We also had 2 bottles of Hildon Still Water, which is my favorite, we get it every time we go. The Hildon water is $9 per bottle. As an upcharge option after the Amuse Bouche I chose to get the 1/2 oz. of the Galilee Osetra Caviar with traditional garnishes. It is an additional selection on the menu which you do not have to get, but can if you so choose. Another upgrade we both chose to get was the True Japanese Kobe Beef. We both opted for the tasting portion which gets you one of the main entrees with a small portion of the beef. Then you add in the $135 per person. Tipping is totally different for everyone. So I only know what we do, and why. Jeremy and I both worked in the restaurant business as servers when we were in college, so if we have exceptional service, we will always tip over 20%. If we have awful service we will still tip 15%. Servers in NC, when we served, only made $2.13 an hour, so our tips were our livelihood. At Victoria & Albert's you have 2 servers working as a team. So with all of that in mind, here is how our totals looked.

Wine Total $146.00 (2 bottles)
Hildon Water $18.00 (2 bottles)
Caviar Upgrade $105.00 (1 Caviar Plate)
True Kobe Tastings $110.00 (2 Kobe Tastings)
Regular Menu Price $270.00 (2 People @ $135.00)
TiW 20% Discount (No Longer Available) $129.80
20% Automatically Added $129.80
Tax $33.75
Additional Tip Written In $42.25
Which brings our total to: $725.00

If you have any other questions about Victoria & Albert's please let me know, I will try my best to answer based on any of the other experiences that we have had there. Don't think for a second that you won't have a great experience not getting any upgrades, we have done that too, the experience there is always fantastic. I hope you do decide to go and have a great time! It is definitely worth it for us to save for, I hope it ends up being that way for you too!! Thanks for commenting!! :thumbsup2

Went back to work two weeks ago (teacher), so that made for less trip report reading time. Boooo! All caught up now.

I love the idea of having a Character Mania Day. I'd say you did outstandingly well. Yay to the CM who let you in to see Anna and Elsa. I guess I could never be a CM, because I'd have a hard time turning anyone away. I'd be letting people in left and right.

Have you ever had the rotisserie chicken and ribs at Cosmic Ray's? It's an insane amount of food and definitely enough for two people. When on the dining plan, we always try to fit that in because it's such a great value.

I love that you share your budget! Yay for staying on budget!

I hope you two had a good time at Villians Unleashed! I'm jealous of your impromptu trip.
Thank you so much for explaining how the Victoria and Albert's costs worked out! I really appreciated that detail.

And I am really enjoying your trip report! Your Disney bounding is really cute and well done.

Went back to work two weeks ago (teacher), so that made for less trip report reading time. Boooo! All caught up now.

I love the idea of having a Character Mania Day. I'd say you did outstandingly well. Yay to the CM who let you in to see Anna and Elsa. I guess I could never be a CM, because I'd have a hard time turning anyone away. I'd be letting people in left and right.

Have you ever had the rotisserie chicken and ribs at Cosmic Ray's? It's an insane amount of food and definitely enough for two people. When on the dining plan, we always try to fit that in because it's such a great value.

I love that you share your budget! Yay for staying on budget!

I hope you two had a good time at Villians Unleashed! I'm jealous of your impromptu trip.

I hope you have a great new school year! :sad2: You have less time for TR reading, at least you were able to fit some in!! Makes me happy that mine was one you read :banana: :love:

Yeah, it was such a shock that she let us in there, I think it was because we had been told that we could use it anywhere? But then again, it didn't matter for the Mine Train, oh well at least we had ridden it already!

That Rotisserie plate always look SO good, I think the reason we have not tried it was because it looked like so much food! Maybe we should share it, that would make tons more sense! Definitely going to have to do that sometime soon!

Staying on budget is very important for us! It may seem like we spend a lot, but it is all saved in advance, so if we overspend then it would potentially hurt us in the long run! Which reminds me, I need to do my budget write up for our September PTR...lol It has been saved and written down for a long time, I just never typed it up for the PTR.

Villains Unleashed was interesting to say the least. I feel like we kind of ended up being "Poor Unfortunate Souls" I am going to do a write up about it in my September PTR today, with what photos I did get, etc. So you can look at it and see what we did if you get a chance or would like to! :thumbsup2
Thank you so much for explaining how the Victoria and Albert's costs worked out! I really appreciated that detail.

And I am really enjoying your trip report! Your Disney bounding is really cute and well done.


You are so welcome!! I hope it helps you make your decision! I think I always end up giving too much detail, oh well, I would rather everyone else be prepared than be shocked when they get somewhere! Even if it may be frowned upon to give so much info!

I am glad you are enjoying the TR!! We have so much fun Disneybounding! I am at the moment, trying to plan what we are going to be wearing for our next trip, it is getting a little difficult too! Thanks again for reading along!! :goodvibes
We have made it to Monday, and it was now time for us to get ready to start heading home! We woke up at about 7:00 and started getting ready and packing. We took everything down to the car and by about 8:30 we were driving over to Jambo House. We had a breakfast reservation at Boma!


We made it to Boma and checked in at the hostess stand by 8:45, I think our reservation was for 9:00. So we sat down and waited to be buzzed!


About as quick as we sat down, our buzzer went off and it was time for us to get in there to get our table and start filling up our plates! I really love the ambiance of this restaurant. We have not yet been here during dinner though, it is pretty much a strictly breakfast only choice for us!


We were seated at our table and we were both sad that we were leaving this morning. We knew we would be back soon, but it is always sad to leave Disney World! Especially when you have had such a great time while there!



Just a few minutes later we were much happier because we had our Jungle Juice!! I swear, BEST JUICE EVER!!!! I have seriously considered trying to concoct it at home! I don't think it would be the same as actually drinking it at Boma though!



I think I made a total of two buffet trips and Jeremy made 3! The food is really yummy! I can never decide or get everything I want in just one trip! We are always very full and content after eating breakfast here!! We finished up our breakfast, made one quick restroom stop before we left and then headed back upstairs to the lobby!

We had a little impromptu Disneybound today, it didn't really count considering we weren't going to the parks but I wanted to show you guys anyway! I did Winnie The Pooh, and Jeremy was Christopher Robin!



We made our way back outside and hopped in the car, I think we ended up stopping in St. Augustine or right outside of it anyway, to get gas! Jeremy was still putting on his sad faces!


Not sure if he was sad about leaving Disney still, or the fact that we had a 9 hour drive home...LOL :rotfl:

Don't worry though, all was right with the world when we opened up the popcorn bucket to snack while we were driving!! It made the car smell like we were walking on Main Street U.S.A!!


Well, I guess this is the final piece of this Trip Report puzzle!! I want to thank every single one of you guys that stuck with me and read along!! I really appreciated ALL of your comments! I looked forward to reading them every single day!! I am going to do one last budget post after this as a Budget wrap-up for anyone that was interested in that portion! The video is linked on the first page if you are interested in seeing that too! I am already working on the Pre-Trip Report for our September Trip, so if you want to follow along and see our plans for that then please do, here is the link for it!

Thank you again so much!! Please feel free to leave any last thoughts or comments here!! I would love to read them! If you have been lurking, feel free to say Hi! No pressure though! I appreciate all of you guys too!! If you are not into reading PTRs, look for the Trip Report for the September trip starting on September 22, 2014! We will have Memory Maker again, so we should have tons more photos, I was also able to figure out how to split the Memory Maker between the Villains Unleashed Event, September, and October Trips! I just won't be able to download the Villains pics for a few more weeks!

So, See You Real Soon!!
Last Trip Report I did a budget post so we could see how we did in relation to how much I budgeted for our trip. We got a lot of positive feedback on it, so I am going to do the same thing this time, only a tad differently. Instead of doing a budget post at the end of each post, I am going to do one for an entire day once I am finished with it. That way, with it being in a separate post, if someone wants to read it they can, and if not they can just skip over it!

This LAST post is going to be for Monday July 28! Our sixth day on vacation! Also, this will be the final Budget Post, so we will wrap it up at the end! So let the budget posting commence!

Budgeted Amounts:
Breakfast at Boma - $60
Gas #3 - $50.00
Gas #4 - $50.00
Lunch/Dinner on the Road - $20

Actual Spent:
Breakfast at Boma - $50.00
Gas #3 - $47.72
Gas #4 - $42.48

$53.70 Under Plus the remainder of the Souvenir budget of $50.06!

Grand Total we were $103.76 Under Budget :dance3: , and that was with an entire extra day without budgeting for!! Woohoo!! That $100 can be added to the September Trip funds as extra! We ended up snacking on our popcorn and Mickey Crispy on the way home, and after eating that huge breakfast at Boma, we weren't really that hungry anyway!!

I hope you all enjoyed the budget posts! If you did hop on over to the September PTR, the budget pre-post will be up there soon! You can see how we are planning our funds for that one! Thanks again for reading along!​
You guys are too cute!! Sounds like you had a great trip. Looks like we will be there around the same time next month. Woohoo! :woohoo:
I just sat and read your entire TR from beginning to end, and let me just say it was awesome! Looks like we will be making our next trips there at the same time. DW and I, as well as some friends of ours will be arriving Sept. 19th-23rd for MNSSHP, Food and Wine, and a Gifts of a Lifetime Scavenger Hunt. I absolutely cannot wait for Food and Wine this year, by far my favorite time to visit.

I also wanted to say that I grew up spending summers in the Golden Isles off the coast of Georgia, and I still love to stop every time I am through there. Visiting the pier area on St. Simons Island is a must if you have the time. Also Barbara Jean's restaurant on St Simons Island is an incredible place for lunch or dinner. They serve traditional lowlands and southern comfort cuisine with a twist of theri own. They have even been featured in Southern Living magazine. That whole area is gorgeous though, so I am sure you'll enjoy it where ever you go. Have fun!!:cool1:
Just got caught up with your final evening of MK and so cool they let you use your FP to see the Frozen Friends : ) unbelievable how many characters you had pictures with ... It has to be a record in the time frame you had. Love the darling goodnight kiss at the castle picture : )

Adding ... Just joined your pre trip report & back to this report and no images or trip tickers on the bottom of the page ugh!
Thank you for once again doing an amazing travel report I really enjoyed it greatly and of course you two are an amazing couple in countless ways : )
You guys are too cute!! Sounds like you had a great trip. Looks like we will be there around the same time next month. Woohoo! :woohoo:

Thank you so much!! We had an amazing trip! It was such a blast, we can't wait to go on the next one! Ready for some Food & Wine Festival and Mickey's Not So Scary! :goodvibes Thanks for reading!! I hope you guys have an awesome time!
I just sat and read your entire TR from beginning to end, and let me just say it was awesome! Looks like we will be making our next trips there at the same time. DW and I, as well as some friends of ours will be arriving Sept. 19th-23rd for MNSSHP, Food and Wine, and a Gifts of a Lifetime Scavenger Hunt. I absolutely cannot wait for Food and Wine this year, by far my favorite time to visit.

I also wanted to say that I grew up spending summers in the Golden Isles off the coast of Georgia, and I still love to stop every time I am through there. Visiting the pier area on St. Simons Island is a must if you have the time. Also Barbara Jean's restaurant on St Simons Island is an incredible place for lunch or dinner. They serve traditional lowlands and southern comfort cuisine with a twist of theri own. They have even been featured in Southern Living magazine. That whole area is gorgeous though, so I am sure you'll enjoy it where ever you go. Have fun!!:cool1:

Oh wow!! That's a lot of reading!! That is so great that you read it all the way through...LOL Food & Wine is definitely my favorite time to visit too!! I just love that time of year at WDW!!

That is so cool that you spent summers in the Golden Isles! We are hoping to be able to start exploring it some more on our trips! We will definitely check out Barbara Jean's in October maybe!! We already have somewhere planned in September, but it sounds really great! So visit the pier area!! Hopefully we will get there early enough in the day to go there! I will keep my fingers crossed!! Thanks for all of the suggestions!! Oh and if you see us say Hi!! I love unplanned random dismeets!! We will be the ones eating everything in sight or taking Photopass Photos...LOL!!
Just got caught up with your final evening of MK and so cool they let you use your FP to see the Frozen Friends : ) unbelievable how many characters you had pictures with ... It has to be a record in the time frame you had. Love the darling goodnight kiss at the castle picture : )

Adding ... Just joined your pre trip report & back to this report and no images or trip tickers on the bottom of the page ugh!
Thank you for once again doing an amazing travel report I really enjoyed it greatly and of course you two are an amazing couple in countless ways : )

I really like the castle kiss shot! It is nice when Photopass photographers get into having people pose and things instead of just like "Stand There, Click, its over" I enjoy they happy Photopass people!!

Saw that you joined the PTR!! You are so welcome, I really enjoy doing the Trip Reports! It makes me really happy that you follow along with me each time!! I hope that you guys have a great time on your trip! It is going to be so long and awesome! :woohoo:
I loved yout trip report, you and your husband are adorable. Thanks for sharing your vacation with all of us!
Oh Boma....:goodvibes

I have this huge inner dilemma about what is my favorite restaurant I've ever been to, and it is this incredible back and forth between Bob Chinn's outside Chicago and Boma. But I've never had Boma for breakfast, only dinner. I can't tell you how excited I am that you went their for breakfast! Thanks for taking us along with you. :hug: This is something that really has to go on my short list for our next trip to WDW.

I've really enjoyed your trip report, Andrea! Jeremy and you are so much fun, and your love of Disney magic shines through. Thanks for letting me come along for the ride, and I can't wait for your next report. Yippee! :yay::yay::yay:


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