Hi Everyone,we're back!


Feb 27, 2002
Hope you are all o.k. We got back latish yesterday and if I tell you we have just been to Tesco without purse in handbag you will know where my brain is!

I'll have to catch up on posts later but in the meantime:

Weather was probably the best we have ever had in Orlando!

Virgin brought back Twilight Check-in but forgot to tell anyone- DUH!

No sign yet of D.D. check-in but fingers crossed.

Parks are VERY busy-the Americans are back in force as are the South A'cans also a smattering of Europeans.

Seaworld Fun-pass bought on-line was great-no problems.

Used Nat West Ins for first time and DH was well and truly ripped off by Dollar. Filled out a complaint with Virgin but have to take it up with them now we are back.

Unfortunately had a lot of health problems so didn't get to do much but had some good times. Have come back having lost 4 lb from not eating much-poor consolation IMO after drooling over the foodie photos that Dave had posted.

catch up with you all later
Love Carol:(
Welcome home, guys. Great news about the weather, not so good to know you've been poorly :( Thanks for the potted report - look forward to hearing the full monty. Hope you've managed to get some bread and milk!
Hi Carol and welcome back.

What was the problem with the car and Nat West Insurance? Hope you get it sorted.

Off to sleep now then, is it ????

HI Carol, and welcome back. I hope that all the health problems didn't spoil the holiday too much. Get some rest and then tell us all about them. Carolyn
Gosh, that went quickly!!!!

Glad you enjoyed yourselves, sorry to hear about the problems.

We'd love to hear more once you've got back to a 'normal' routine (and put your purse back in your handbag :rolleyes: )
Welcome home :) I'm really sorry to hear you weren't well. Hope it didn't spoil things too much for you.
Welcome back!

Sorry to you were ill, I hope you still managed to have a good time :)

Look for to some details when you've recovered...

Penny :)
Hi and welcome back:)

Glad you had a lovely time:) We found out about Twilight check in after you'd gone,it would have been a help for you to know in advance though:( as apparantly its been in operation sonce March 1st.
Hi to you both - Welcome Home :)

Would love to hear more when you have time - especially about the Insurance problem?
Welcome home.
Glad to hear that you had good weather etc and sorry that you weren't feeling well.


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