Hi to all the podcast listeners from Bob

P.S No idea what you are talking about - Dole Whips?
Like I said, I only listened to 2 episodes so I look forward to hearing the rest....
Chalk me up as a "Bawb-Y" (Send Bob to the Parks Groupie)

The empty dole whips were hysterical but my absolute favorite was when Bob doesn't pronounce the words correctly and tries to...I laughed so hard I cried!

Keep'on Scootin'!!!

ITA I thought I was going to pee my pants when you did the segment on the Three Caballeros.:banana: :banana: :banana:

I love "Send Bob to the Parks":moped:
BOB!!!!! i think you need to go go on the round the world segway tour in epcot... but i know you have your scooter (your one winged plane...lol) so if you cant i understand.
So who is going to be the first to come up with an I Heart Bob t-shirt?
I just want to throw out a HUGE thank you to you all!

I'm playing my first podcast right now and really enjoying it!
It seems like I've got new Disney friends giving me great info, tips and laughs!

Thank's again!
Here is a secret, don't tell Pete but I have a huge plan to get the Dole whip floats to a future podcast intact without drinking them on the way. :drinking1

Brings props to a radio show and tells "secrets" on the busiest Disney discussion board on the 'net. Now you know why we love him :)

So who is going to be the first to come up with an I Heart Bob t-shirt?


Ta-Da, Do I win sumpin'?!
Hey Bob groupies!! Here's a picture of Bob on his way to the Piston Cup Championship ;)

I have been listening to the podcast since the beginning and it is the very first podcast I listen to as I do my bi-weekly drive to our head office in Toronto from my home in Ottawa.

Thanks to Bawb, I now have my entire family of Disney nuts calling Innoventions by its correct name of Interventions.

Thanks for hitting the right combination of information and entertainment!

BTW - I agree with the comment being made on another of the threads that there should be a group photo posted so we can put faces to voices.

... Mike (the Ottawacruiser)
Y'all have to do this with the right accent.

It's "Send Bawb to the Pocks" on his scootah! :lmao:


What accent? Bob is the only one of the group that doesn't have an accent.;)

Actually Bob, when I hear you I think of Eddie Andleman's voice.:wave2:


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