Ho Ho Hum - Gifters and Re-Gifters unite

Wow good job! I wrap my pressies as I get them. I think it's so exciting to have pressies under the tree in the lead up to Christmas! :goodvibes

I'm still waiting for my MIL to give me suggestions for her and her husband. Seriously, what do you buy a 60 year old farmer!?! :rotfl: Or his 90 year old father for that matter??
I think I am done! Presents wrapped under the tree- although I am trying to convince myself that a couple of presents is enough for the kids - I am used to buying a bunch of junk for them.

DD -counted the presents and is upset there was only two for her (I am sure there is three, one is a reasonably expensive sewing machine, the other is a carry on bag, and the other some pyjamas)
Pretty sure she counts her brothers as one person - so if there is six between them, she would expect to get six for herself. princess:

Going to order some Yen and give it to them in a Xmas card. I think they will get a thrill out of receiving 10,000 yen! (Hopefully it wont get lost between now and April)

As for the inlaws - last year she gave our present to the next door neighhbour - so I am not bothering this year! DH can worry about them!
I have to finish up wrapping my last two or three presents and I'm truly done but for food.

It's definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
I caved today and bought 3 gift cards for DH's brothers and step dad. I'm not a fan of gift vouchers, but no one was giving me any input, so gift vouchers all around! :rotfl:

Still to buy for is a 2 month old nephew, who will be easy, but I had something in mind for him, which I can't find anywhere, so some generic toy for a 2 month old will do. DH's mum - no idea. My sister - medium sized suitcase. My BIL - he wants a trampoline, so I'm going in with my family. Oh and my secret santa - box of chocolates - I could have bought this this morning, but forgot... What a bum...

Oh crap, I better find out who's going to be there for Christmas, I don't know if I need to be buying for DH's grandparents or aunties and uncles... I don't enjoy Christmas with DH's family as much as with my family. My family is so much more relaxed about everything...
I think that's it, but I'm still getting over a cold, so I could be forgetting a heap of people... :rolleyes:
If you do forget people, just blame it on the cold.

Better yet....you could always give them the cold. :thumbsup2
I got a gift from the Avon lady when she delivered the Mickey jewellery :) I put it under the tree and can't wait to open it on Christmas Day :)
I spent two hours wrapping today and I'm still not done :(. I must have wrapped over 50 pressies and I did it upstairs a mums. No air con 35 degree day. NOW it feels like Christmas! :)
I have shopped and wrapped and now we wait.....total budget this year came to just under 1k, which is awesome compared to previous years which were more in the 3-4k mark (crazy!!!) that's a return airfare for 2 to LAX....

so the family may be disappointed that they only get one or 2 gifts rather than 10..but life is full of disappointments :rotfl2:

hope you all have a great day......:wave2:
I've managed to stick to my budget of about $30 per person. The only exceptions are my parents, DH, DS and, of course, myself.

Definitely a case of less is more this year.
I tried to do less. Really I did, but they are still getting quite a few pressies each. Quite a few little pressies though like bubbles, matchbox cars and the like. A lot of clothes too since all of them are growing like weeds.

No presents under our tree, they are all still at mums. If they were under the tree they would be opened by a certain DS3. Our tree looks very bare and lonely. No decos and no pressies :( Can't wait til DS3 is older!
I tried to do less. Really I did, but they are still getting quite a few pressies each. Quite a few little pressies though like bubbles, matchbox cars and the like. A lot of clothes too since all of them are growing like weeds.

No presents under our tree, they are all still at mums. If they were under the tree they would be opened by a certain DS3. Our tree looks very bare and lonely. No decos and no pressies :( Can't wait til DS3 is older!

It will be Christmas soon. It's all about being with the family and creating that happy family Christmas feeling, rather than the tree and the pressies. :goodvibes

(The petty family squabbles usually start after lunch).
Usually I go all out, because I love Christmas, and I love giving gifts!

This year however I got started late, and we have some big expenditures coming up next year, so I've curtailed it somewhat.

DH I've spent a couple of hundred dollars on. I spent about $135 on my mum, $100 on my dad, $75 on my brother, I'm hoping to get away with something similar for my sister. I bought the male members of DH's family $50 gift vouchers, spent about $20 each on his nieces, haven't bought anything for his mum yet, about $25 on his SIL.

We're getting booze for grandfathers, and nice smelling things for grandmothers.
Usually I go all out, because I love Christmas, and I love giving gifts!

This year however I got started late, and we have some big expenditures coming up next year, so I've curtailed it somewhat.

DH I've spent a couple of hundred dollars on. I spent about $135 on my mum, $100 on my dad, $75 on my brother, I'm hoping to get away with something similar for my sister. I bought the male members of DH's family $50 gift vouchers, spent about $20 each on his nieces, haven't bought anything for his mum yet, about $25 on his SIL.

We're getting booze for grandfathers, and nice smelling things for grandmothers.

You have a bigger budget than me! But then, we've long made the family decision to stop presents for the adults; kids only.
Oh my God I hate that rule! :scared: Who said Christmas is just for kids???


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