Hold On, Let Me Wipe Off My Death Star - A May 15 SWW TR UPDATE 8/27 Pg. 6!

Me: I'll have a number 3 with a plain bagel and plain cream cheese.

DD: Um, we're actually out of plain bagels.

Me: Okay, do you have blueberry? What flavors do you have?

DD: Um, we actually don't have any bagels.

Me: Seriously? Like none?

DD: We have croissants, sandwiches...

Me: Yes I'm clear on what your selections are, I'm just confused as to why at 6am on a weekday you don't have any bagels.

Maybe the people who got there before 6am ate all the bagels?
Okay, no, I think you're right, this is wrong.
(And that's why I go to a bagel store for my bagels ... they're very rarely out of bagels)

In Milwaukee that translates to 1 person being in front of you in line instead of 2. Hahaha! Actually, it also means you don't have to take your shoes off or anything, which is an added bonus.

Yeah, for me the shoes is the big deal. I don't care that much about the line, I just want to keep my shoes on!

Holy smokes, you would have thought I was a criminal. The airport employee starts freaking out on me and yelling "no no no no!" I backed away and I'm like "but it's my bag..." He told me he needed to see my ID or the ticket for the bag, which I was trying to find from my bag. He had such a look of disgust and impatience on his face, I seriously felt like a criminal.

Maybe he heard about your mom's alleged MagicBand theft and thought that crime runs in the family?

At this point, I waved Jacquie and Shan over and told them to come up to the desk. That we were having band problems. The CM goes "band corrections."

I'm sorry. "Band COR-REC-TIONS"

It's because there are no problems at Disney. Disney is a magic place where problems don't exist. If something looks like a problem, you have to call it something else.

I opted for a cupcake. Cause it's the dinner of champions.

Yes. It's also the breakfast and lunch of champions.
following along.

Seriously, it was a Chevy Spark.

Ugh. That is the smallest car ever. My sister and I rented one (unknowingly) in CA and my suitcase did not fit in it without putting down the back seats. Thankfully there were only two of us on the trip or someone would have had to stay at the rental agency...no one else could have fit!!!
Eek your DD experiences never seem to go well. Maybe it is better to skip it next time.

I've only flown with Southwest once but I fly with Air Canada all the time and I've done United a couple of times so I forget that the whole seat struggle is real sometimes. Like, seat selection is included so I never have to worry about that. However, as we were reminded yesterday even with a seat you should get on ASAP because overhead baggage space gets eaten up like woah.

Wow those security people needed to chill. Calm down, you were just grabbing your bag.

Band corrections. Got it. Bands never have problems. Just need corrections.

Sounds like you had a great first night. Also, now I want your cupcake.
I'm not as honest as you or maybe I am just cheap. When we fly Southwest I just book the preferred seating for one of us then whoever gets on first saves seats.
Magic band "corrections" what a pain! I'm still not a fan.
Glad you enjoyed your meet. Nice way to start your trip :)
Joining in! :wave: Sounds like you had a great DISmeet despite crazy airline people thinking you are stealing your own bags and Magic Band issues. Magic Band Corrections huh? :rotfl:That cupcake looks like it was delicious! Can't wait to read more!
Great start to the trip, as always. And girl after my own heart with a cupcake for breakfast and gettin' drunk on the plane ; )

What's up with the id to get your bag? Anyone and their mother could grab any suitcase they want (as is evidenced by a bag my brother had stolen), but if its not spinning you gotta show id. So random.

Can't believe your issues with the not so magical band. I loved them at first but more and more they seem to present more issues. Hope Jason shot the cast member a sling blade for the corrections comment ; )

Looks like a great meet and greet with Jacquie. But who among us would pass up an opportunity to meet the next generation of dis royalty ; )
I'm not as honest as you or maybe I am just cheap. When we fly Southwest I just book the preferred seating for one of us then whoever gets on first saves seats.
That's what I wanted to do, too, but my husband gave me "THAT LOOK", so I ended up buying it for both of us. :o
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Those of you who have read my previous trip reports know that something always seems to happen to me on departure day. Now, I'm not implying that it's anything bad by any means, but something inevitably happens. Food snafu, travel snafu, you name it, it has happened to me.

You're so right, now thinking back on all your trips.

Me: Yes I'm clear on what your selections are, I'm just confused as to why at 6am on a weekday you don't have any bagels.

Ugh. That sucks. Now if they were out of donuts, there's definitely something fishy going on!

It took about 10 minutes to find parking, because I prefer to park on the level that walks into the terminal. Yup, I'm that weird.

Weird or smart??:teacher:

I had to make the reservations separately, because my flight was booked on points and a voucher, while Jason's was out of pocket. Online doesn't allow you to book flights on points and cash, so I had to book my two flights as one ways.

I HATE THIS! I don't think i've ever had a reservation when all 3 of us are under one ressie number. It's such a pain!

I think he did a pretty good job.

Nailed it:cool:


I never would have called it when I first saw him. Never in a million years would I think he would look like this! :scared1:

"What, is he all like "my patronus is a protein shake!" now?


We're all a bunch of dorks folks, get used to it.

You're my kind of bunch!

I had drink coupons from my Southwest rewards, so I treated myself to this. I never drink on the plane. Don't ask me why, I just don't.

I don't either, but free drinks? Yes please.

And a Fat Tire?! I knew we were friends for a reason.

Holy smokes, you would have thought I was a criminal. The airport employee starts freaking out on me and yelling "no no no no!" I backed away and I'm like "but it's my bag..." He told me he needed to see my ID or the ticket for the bag, which I was trying to find from my bag. He had such a look of disgust and impatience on his face, I seriously felt like a criminal.

So bag on carousel = anyone can grab no ID checking.

Bag off carousel = treat people like criminals.

Woah that's a little crazy! On the other hand, if my bag ever gets held off to the side like that, it's nice to know that no one will come up and try to steal it.

Or 20 as it turned out.


"It's a sticker....."


At this point, I waved Jacquie and Shan over and told them to come up to the desk. That we were having band problems. The CM goes "band corrections."

I'm sorry. "Band COR-REC-TIONS"

Oh my gosh:rolleyes2

We were chatting and walked down to Beaches and Cream. It was great, until we found out that the wait was 1 hour and 45 minutes. That's insane! At 9:30pm!

Uh that's really insane! People are serious about their ice cream.

All I see is Popadon in this picture!!! :hyper:

Jason pointed out sweetly that in Chicago in one weekend alone we had like 40 shootings.

:scared1: That's bad. Worse than Compton and Inglewood ("Inglewood always up to no good"<--had to quote 2Pac for a quick sec!) :rotfl:

Love it!

When we got back to the room we unpacked quickly and our heads hit our pillows just after midnight. But the alarm was set for 4:30am.

Welcome to my latest trip report! And yes, I apparently have issues for trying to write three of them at the same time. But I'll do it! I really do need to get back to my enjoyment of writing about my trips, and let the first half of this bad year fade away behind me. So welcome aboard!

I hope your 2015 has started to pick up!


"What, is he all like "my patronus is a protein shake!" now?

:rotfl:LOVE this! Yes, it definitely is :rotfl2: my patronus charm would probably be a shower of m&m peanuts or something.. Not that I'm complaining :thumbsup2

Jason pointed out sweetly that in Chicago in one weekend alone we had like 40 shootings.

Jacquie seriously had this hysterical look on her face like we were lying! I told her no, that's what it was like, but that it's not really an unsafe place. Perspective I suppose, I don't know. Hahaha!

WHAT! Ahh, I really think / hope it's a perspective thing, especially from over here in the UK. All I ever hear about on the news is a new shooting in America :sad2: It's always portrayed as disproportionately dangerous! To the point where my mum basically orders me to not leave the Disney bubble when I'm visiting.. (again, not really complaining :laughing:)

Sounds like a fun dismeet! Excited to hear more :goodvibes
HAHAHAH to that Billy Bob impression! If I saw that face in person, I'd definitely find another seat!
:rolleyes:Hey!!! I gotta tell ya, best night of our vacation, hands down! We ended up grabbing a cab and we were back at our hotel in 7 mins ... It was perfect! Our intention was to grab a couple hours sleep before the alarm went off but that didn't happen! I hate the last night at WDW I am always so sad but not this time! Thanks so much for spending time with us and I know we will see you again very soon! Can't wait to here al about the rest of your trip!
I'm here Danielle! Great start so far. :thumbsup2
I'm also so so jealous that you got to meet up with Jacquie and Shanleigh. I would've loved to meet all of you! :goodvibes
Can't wait to hear more!
No bagels at DD? That's just weird! Glad you didn't end up landing too far off schedule. What a weird situation with your bag! Sounds like such a fun DISmeet :)

Oh boy can't wait to hear about the party.

Isn't that seriously the weirdest thing ever? Not to have bagels at DD. I mean, I suppose it would be more offensive if they didn't have donuts, but still.

It was a lot of fun I'm so glad we got to meet them!

Mmmmm, Spotted Cow beer... :drinking1

Your brother cracks me up!!! Like Father like Son!!! :rotfl2:

I know! So fortunate I live where I do.

He is like my Dad.

So weird that they didn't have bagels that morning at DD.

You do seem to have little things go wrong on your arrival days. At least this one wasn't as bad as some of the others.

Jim and I had a similar car experience in February. We got a Toyota Yaris which I think is about the same size as the Spark. We just called it our "little clown car" for the whole trip. The Yaris was so little it only had one windshield wiper.

Yay for a wonderful DIS meet!

I think I need that cupcake like this minute!

I always have things go wrong on my arrival days, right?!

It is like a little clown car. The fact that they called that a compact car is beyond me. It's an economy car at best!

That was a good cupcake. Man it was good.
:rotfl2:That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!


Clearly this was the bagel guy....:rotfl:

Nailed it! :thumbsup2

Clearly you are a family of criminals you stealing bags and your mom stealing Magic Bands! :rotfl:

But that is the strangest logic, maybe guy thought that the carousel has some kind of forcefield that means only the person who owns the bag can take it and anything outside is just a no-man's land of thieves!

Cause obviously no one has ever taken the wrong bag off the carousel :rolleyes2

Must have been a really fancy sticker :scratchin

Agreed ::yes::

Sounds like such a great DIS meet! :thumbsup2

Hahaha, OMG that gif kills me! So absolutely adorable.

We are obviously a family of criminals! Mom really passed her theft skills on to us.

Oh, my sticker was super fancy. Cause you know. I'm so fancy.

It was an amazing DISmeet! I'm so happy we saw each other.

Okay so first let me say I'm totally creeping your TR, per usual. :dancer:
Second, where the heck are you getting these rental cars for dirt cheap?? When we go in November/December it's going to be our first time renting a car and I'm kind of in sticker shock from having to pay like, $250/minimum for a week! Every time I look it makes me rage out. >:(:P

Girl creep away. I know you're watching. Always watching.

That particular rental was through Southwest. They have really good deals sometimes. I'm also anal retentive and check prices all the time! Seriously, up until right before I leave I'm checking and if I find a better price, I'll cancel and rebook.

What are your dates? Girl I got you, I'll find you something. :)

on board. as usual. bunny is funny. Did you fly out of Milwaukee? nice meet! I wish she would write a new TR...
onward witty girl....looking forward, as ever, to more.....

Hi Kim. :)

I know, I miss Jacquie! I've been pretty terrible myself as of late, but you know. Life.
It is at this point I suddenly realise that my name tag no longer says I'm from Scotland. I would spend most of the weekend on the plane.

Loving the trip so far. The location of the Beach Club is so good.

Oh the Beach Club is the best location. I love that whole area.

Neville..... :o I know the picture you are talking about!

Hmmmm, so beautiful he is.

well, I am sure you were the only person that morning interested in a bagel at dunkin doughnuts *sigh* ... plus why specify that you don't have plain bagels when you have no bagels, I mean, the obvious next question/request from the patron would involve another flavor of bagel if you specify no plain bagels.

I'm gonna guess the name of the place you ate at was Pizzeria Piccola based on the sign on your table, if that helps jog you memory

Wow, that it nuts about taking you bag and being accosted like that! Note to self on that!

Love the excuses why there were problems (sorry, CORRECTIONS) with you magic bands .... though, to be fair, they only spent like $2bn on the technology so I could see a sticker throwing the whole system into a tizzy ;)

Glad you did get to meet up with Jacquie and Shanleigh and had a lot of time to chat and connect.

Your cupcake looks super cute - and a very appropriate first meal at Disney World!

That was the weirdest part! Like, why offer a flavor, when you have NONE? Bizarro.

Hahaha, nice catch Phil! Clearly I didn't even pay enough attention to my picture. Hahaha.

Dude, the bag situation was so awkward. Like, whoa back up!

Oh totally, it was the sticker that totally messed it up.
The Milwaukee airport is generally pretty nice. Although a couple of years ago when we flew out at 11am, the security line had hundreds of people in it and took FOREVER.....that was the only real trouble we've ever had.

I've only had issues one time with security being super busy, and that was when I flew out on New Years Eve to go to Vegas. Not surprising there. Other than that, security is normally easy.

OMG you have the best DisMeets! Which doesn't really surprise me because I would like become a stalker (in a non-threatening sort of way!) if I saw any of you at WDW. We were actually there the weekend before this I think!

Thanks! Hahaha, non-threatening stalking is okay.

All of this stuff just makes me so glad that Southwest is always a lousy option for our route. It all sounds so complicated. Maybe just cause I'm not used to it. But I sure like picking my seats when I buy my tickets, then not worrying about it again. ::yes::

Sweet! We got pre-check on the way too! It's like a special treat to keep your shoes on! :thumbsup2

:rotfl2: :confused3

Man, what was up with the Beach Club that weekend? We spent the last night of our trip there and it was just one problem after another. We also never got our text and our bands didn't work either (but nobody knew that until we'd walked 47 miles to our room). :sad2:

:faint: And I think I don't get enough sleep!

As a whole, it's actually not too complicated. I really like their prices in our area and the fact that you don't pay for baggage. I also really like flying out of Milwaukee non-stop, and many of the other airlines don't offer non-stop from there.

I love pre-check! And I literally never get picked for it.

Oh no! That's no good. Other than that night, everything was pretty good for us. Our room was a good location we didn't have too far to go thankfully. But band "corrections" happened. I'm pretty open minded though, because I remind myself that tech comes with issues.
How can Dunkin' Donuts have no bagels??? That should really not happen. How cool though though that you got to meet a long time DIS'er!! I love how when you meet people in person it can seem like you have known them forever though! That cupcake looked amazing...what were the candies all over it though? Curious!! Also curious (since I'm Canadian too...) about what city she is talking about lol!! Probably mine :) Looking forward to hearing more about your trip!

I still have no idea!!!

I loved meeting Jacquie! It was such a good time. I have no idea what the candies were, they were like candy coated mini cookies or something. Not the best descriptor! LOL.

They live in Winnipeg, so let me know!

I hope the great Dis meet made up for the lack of bagels! ;)

Jill in CO

It did. The lack of bagel really set my morning off bad.

I have refused to pay extra for Early Bird check in until our February trip when we got stuck in the back of the C group on our return flight. (It is really hard to remember to check in to SWA when you are in the middle of a WDW vacation.) I've learned my lesson and now I buy it for the return flight. We've always gotten a seat in the B group on our flight from Midway to Orlando, so I am still holding out on buying that one. :)

Your Dismeet sounds like fun. It was nice that it worked out for you to meet like that. I've had a few near misses where we never did hook up. :)

I always pay the extra, because I don't want to be caught in the back! I figure $25 round trip isn't the worst. LOL. Better than paying $50+ for baggage.

I was so adamant about wanting to meet Jacquie, and she wanted to meet us too, so we made sure to get it done regardless of what happened.
OMG I can't believe they didn't have bagels at DD, that's almost as bad as them not having coffee or something! :crazy2:

Ew what was with them freaking out about your bag?

Your DIS meet sounds nice! An hour and 45 minutes for Beaches and Cream though? Are they serious??? Well you did say it was 9:30 right? I think a lot of people go there after Illuminations, but still, who would ever wait that long?

Can't wait to read more!

I know! The weirdest thing ever! Every time I pull in there now, I'm like "you better have bagels..."

It was so nice to meet Jacquie and Shanleigh! But yeah, I would have totally preferred to be at Beaches and Cream.

Seriously though, what's the deal with your arrival days? I feel like bagel guy KNEW. Maybe he reads your TRs. :lmao:

Um okay, why was the luggage the thing a big deal? Didn't you grabbing your own bag save them from having to put it on the carousel? Awkward.

Sounds like such an awesome DIS meet! :)

I don't know, I'm cursed! LOL. Maybe he IS a DISer!

I think they had removed all of the bags from the carousel, so they were all freaking out about me grabbing it. Who even knows.

I get you on departure day!!!! Why does every little thing that is a variable seem to go wrong?

Yes, Why don't they tell you? I was playing guess the bagels we have in the drive through one morning. :laughing:

The Beach Club is what started the " the no text list" for me. I finally got off it last trip. And next trip at back at Beach Club..... let's hope for the best.

What a cool meet and it looks like a wonderful evening.

Always! I'm telling you, the strangest things happen to me on departure days.

They told me that the reason I didn't get a text is because my phone wasn't listed as a mobile phone.....which is weird because that's how I recorded it, so who knows. LOL.
Following along, I can't wait to read more .

Thanks! Sorry I've been slacking lately, I'm definitely going to try to get better.

Love your trip reports. Can't wait to read about the rest of your trip.

Thanks so much!

I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that DD didn't have a staple breakfast food. The only thing crazier would be if they ran out of coffee or something. Yeesh.

Glad the flight went smoothly. I know the last few times you were delayed HOURS so 15 minutes seems okay.

I spontaneously ran into Jacquie last August (twice, actually) and she really is the sweetest person around! I'm so glad you got the chance to meet her, especially since she was one of the first reports you followed. You always feel like you're meeting a DIS veteran when that happens. Love it.

So far your trip sounds like it's off to a great start!

I know!!! I still mourn that bagel.

15 minutes was totally okay with me! Since I've had bad luck with delays lately, so I'll take it.

OMG, she really is the sweetest person! We actually had a discussion about meeting DISers and how someone totally thought she was crazy and called her out on it on her TR! Not cool man. She's the nicest person ever. And also posting on a public site can leave you vulnerable to people recognizing you, so you have to be ready for that.


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