holding a table

In reality it probably isn't that big of a problem, maybe just a few weeks a year or an hour or two a day...all of which could be avoided by changing your timing a bit. Looking back on our various visits to WDW, the only time we felt like we would have a problem getting a table was at POP's food court. We walked in and the place was absolutely crawling with people and you couldn't even tell where the lines for the register ended. We went and looked in the gift shop for about 20 mins. and you would have thought someone pulled a fire alarm or something as the food court/seating area was almost empty! I don't know if there were a lot of people just finishing up or if others took food back to their rooms but we had no trouble finding a table the second time around.
In reality it probably isn't that big of a problem, maybe just a few weeks a year or an hour or two a day...all of which could be avoided by changing your timing a bit. Looking back on our various visits to WDW, the only time we felt like we would have a problem getting a table was at POP's food court. We walked in and the place was absolutely crawling with people and you couldn't even tell where the lines for the register ended. We went and looked in the gift shop for about 20 mins. and you would have thought someone pulled a fire alarm or something as the food court/seating area was almost empty! I don't know if there were a lot of people just finishing up or if others took food back to their rooms but we had no trouble finding a table the second time around.

I do agree with you that timing is very important. I had heard such bad things about Pops food court before we went last year but in reality dd and I never had a hard time finding a table we had so many to chose from and this was during free dining.

DD and I try to eat at off times if we are doing a CS meal. During the rush times it is near impossible for us to find a table but going a little earlier or later (30-45 minutes) can make all the difference in the world. This is just one of those things that you have to plan on happening.
]What about the mom traveling by herself with the small child? What is she supposed to do when a everyone is holding a table for people who are still in line waiting to order their food? Is it fair to make her and her child wait for a table? :confused3

I have been in this situation many times (and realize that I will be many more as a single mother who likes to travel) and I consider this rude! Not rude enough to ruin a vacation over but rude enough to cause an annoyance. Plus it is difficult to explain to my dd why we have to eat on a curb or bench or the floor when there are people sitting at tables not eating.

whether or not people "save" tables or not there are still going to be times when a table is not available so whats the difference. The way I see it much more families are less put out if tables are saved. I am however sorry that you have come across this situation before but can you honestly say that if you had other poeple traveling with you that you would make them all stand in line when there is no need for it.
whether or not people "save" tables or not there are still going to be times when a table is not available so whats the difference. The way I see it much more families are less put out if tables are saved. I am however sorry that you have come across this situation before but can you honestly say that if you had other poeple traveling with you that you would make them all stand in line when there is no need for it.

I travel alone with my dd much more than I travel with people. This summer I am traveling with my sister and her family and they do not eat at CS places, my dbil refuses to. So even though we are traveling with other people we will still run into this problem. So yes I can say even when traveling with other people we still run into this situation. My vacations with my dd are a time for her and I to bond regardless of if we travel with other people. We often go off by ourselves.

So it is okay for less families to be put out and my dd to have to eat on the floor because people are holding tables for families that are still in line waiting to order food? :confused3 I guess this is an instance where we have to agree to disagree because I do find that rude. It is not going to ruin my vacation or anything but it is inconvient (SP) not to mention upsetting to my dd.
I can't imagine this is a big deal to anyone in the large scope of things. But since it is being discussed this is the way I see it.

It is no different than a table service restaurant. I go in to eat and I sit at a table prior to getting my food. At counter service I go in and sit at a table and instead of a waiter bringing me my food, someone in my group does.

I agree with the other person that said I would much rather have people waiting at tables then have everyone lined up in the order line, making it move much slower.

Now those that sit at a table simply to rest or bring their own food, I say they need to move on.
] am traveling with my sister and her family and they do not eat at CS places, my dbil refuses to. So even though we are traveling with other people we will I travel alone with my dd much more than I travel with people. This summer Istill run into this problem. So yes I can say even when traveling with other people we still run into this situation. My vacations with my dd are a time for her and I to bond regardless of if we travel with other people. We often go off by ourselves.

So it is okay for less families to be put out and my dd to have to eat on the floor because people are holding tables for families that are still in line waiting to order food? :confused3 I guess this is an instance where we have to agree to disagree because I do find that rude. It is not going to ruin my vacation or anything but it is inconvient (SP) not to mention upsetting to my dd.

My point was that even if people stopped "saving" tables you would still encounter this problem occasionally so instead of making my little ones wait in line I will continue to have my dh and them sit down while I order. even if everyone stopped this practice of saving tables you would still not be able to find a seat sometimes . This way the line will move much faster ans we can eat and be on our way that much quicker.
My point was that even if people stopped "saving" tables you would still encounter this problem occasionally so instead of making my little ones wait in line I will continue to have my dh and them sit down while I order. even if everyone stopped this practice of saving tables you would still not be able to find a seat sometimes . This way the line will move much faster ans we can eat and be on our way that much quicker.

I am not sure why my posts on this thread have been such an issue. All I have simply tried to say that I find this rude - especially when my dd and I have no where to sit and end up eating on the floor. I do not expect this practice to end. In fact as I have said before I try to plan around having this happen.

But in all honestly would you not consider it rude if you, your dh, and kids had to eat on the floor while people at a table near by with no food sat and thier food had still not arrived by the time you got up from eating on the floor? I am sure you would.

I am not condoning anyone fom doing this, I plan on this happening and try to avoid it by eating at CS resturants at off times but I still think that it is rude and I am sure I am not the only one. Does it ruin my vacation - nope it would take a lot more than that. Am I upset in my posts - nope I am simply stating my opinion from my point of view on a discussion board.
But in all honestly would you not consider it rude if you, your dh, and kids had to eat on the floor while people at a table near by with no food sat and thier food had still not arrived by the time you got up from eating on the floor? I am sure you would.
What most are saying is that no, they don't consider it rude. It's just the luck of the draw. In the scenario you describe, there simply aren't enough tables and apparently none become available in a reasonable amount of time, so you sit on the floor. In that scencario, SOMEBODY is going to end up eating on the floor because there simply aren't enough tables to go around.

Given the size of the counter service eateries in WDW, it's rare that a table does not open up within a couple of minutes, so there is rarely a need to sit on the floor.

If you really have been in situations at WDW where 5-10 minutes go by and nobody leaves a table, that is unfortunate. But as another poster said, the real issue in that case is insufficient seating and you would certainly not be alone on the floor as there would certainly be many others unable to find a table as well.
I've done it numerous times when dh is there with us.

To the pp's who were solo adult with kid(s) - I've done that too. Good thing CS meals have so many tables! All I did in this situation is find a table (waited on the sidelines for 5 or so minutes until I saw a family finish up at one of the few particular tables I wanted) that is right near the ordering line. I put my kids (3 and 4) at that table and then was in line practically right next to them - so I could watch them and talk to them the whole time (so no one thought that they were abandoned or that I was a bad parent for leaving them alone - they weren't - I was right there). This worked great for us. Just a suggestion for you who find yourself in this situation down the road.
We eat in a very popular seafood restuarant in Orlando.

Everyone waits in line to order their food. No one is allowed to sit at a table until your order has been placed and paid.

Once the tables fill, they stop taking orders until a table opens. Only then, is another order taken.

This way no one gets their food until they have a place to sit.
We eat in a very popular seafood restuarant in Orlando.

Everyone waits in line to order their food. No one is allowed to sit at a table until your order has been placed and paid.

Once the tables fill, they stop taking orders until a table opens. Only then is another order taken.

This way no one gets their food until they have a place to sit.

See it can be done!
Sure it can be done, but it has to be a matter of policy, not politeness. I will say that I'd hate to be the guy tasked with designing and implementing such a system at a place like Cosmic Ray's or Pecos Bill's. They would be hard pressed to actually solve more problems than they create without increasing expenses. I can't even begin to imagine how you would monitor each table in a place like that and deal with the multiple register/station setup, but anything is possible.
What most are saying is that no, they don't consider it rude. It's just the luck of the draw. In the scenario you describe, there simply aren't enough tables and apparently none become available in a reasonable amount of time, so you sit on the floor. In that scencario, SOMEBODY is going to end up eating on the floor because there simply aren't enough tables to go around.

Given the size of the counter service eateries in WDW, it's rare that a table does not open up within a couple of minutes, so there is rarely a need to sit on the floor.

If you really have been in situations at WDW where 5-10 minutes go by and nobody leaves a table, that is unfortunate. But as another poster said, the real issue in that case is insufficient seating and you would certainly not be alone on the floor as there would certainly be many others unable to find a table as well.

In the scencario I described there were enough tables for the people who had ordered food - there were just people sitting there waiting for thier party to order food. That is what I consider rude. When a CS resturant is crowded yes the tables will be full and I understand that which is why I try to avoid eating at CS places at the rush times of the day. It is rude when people sit at a table for well over 20 minutes waiting for food when someone else could have used that table and been done with it long before thier food arrived.

I would never expect the people who grab tables like this to say it is rude or to even agree with me. People will very rarely admit that one of thier own behaviors is rude - goes agains human nature. Which is why most of the people here will say that no it is not rude or that it is simply the luck of the draw.
I would never expect the people who grab tables like this to say it is rude or to even agree with me. People will very rarely admit that one of thier own behaviors is rude - goes agains human nature. Which is why most of the people here will say that no it is not rude or that it is simply the luck of the draw.

Well, either that or it's not rude.

Clearly a difference of opinion on that, but reasonable people can agree to disagree.
from what I saw of this thread and I didn't read from page one ....I'll put in my 2 cents as well...I have to say saving a table is not rude i think its smart and considerate to have your family wait at a table so only one person stands in line...kids don't go into melt down with yet another line and rest time is added in for a bonus...and its easier for the family all around....as a single Mom who has done the parks I have no problem with seeing families doing it and understand it perfectly....and I'd just wait until I saw a table open up and let my child munch on a fry or 2 while waiting before I'd sit on the floor....lines and waiting are all a part of a trip to WDW
Well, either that or it's not rude.

Clearly a difference of opinion on that, but reasonable people can agree to disagree.

Which has been the point I have been trying to make. We can all have different opinions - which is what I think make these boards interesting. It is okay for people to think that this is not rude and it is okay for me to think it is rude.
Had to bring this one up again - 2 weeks ago we were in the Magic Kingdom and while I was waiting in line at Pecos Bills w/ DH and DD1, I sent DD13 off to find a table. She came back to me in tears - she found a table (she was sitting at the table and had her purse sitting on the table) when a woman came to the table and without even saying anything, she pushed DD13's purse off the table and proceded to sit down with her trays! Of course at this point, DH went with her but didn't confront the offender because I really didn't want to get kicked out of MK that day! We ended up at another table but I just wanted to put it out there of what could happen if you have one of your kids hold a table!
Had to bring this one up again - 2 weeks ago we were in the Magic Kingdom and while I was waiting in line at Pecos Bills w/ DH and DD1, I sent DD13 off to find a table. She came back to me in tears - she found a table (she was sitting at the table and had her purse sitting on the table) when a woman came to the table and without even saying anything, she pushed DD13's purse off the table and proceded to sit down with her trays! Of course at this point, DH went with her but didn't confront the offender because I really didn't want to get kicked out of MK that day! We ended up at another table but I just wanted to put it out there of what could happen if you have one of your kids hold a table!

Okay, while I have been on the "side" against table holding there is no way I can agree with that woman's behavior. :scared1: She was very rude!!! I would never go to any such lengths it is simply not necessary to behave like that. I am sorry that it happened!
Well, so far this trip we have not had to send the DD to grab a table .. seems more and more people are Disney PC this year ... or Im just lucky. Oh yeah .. Posting from BWV .. off to Ak today
I have more of a problem with people who get up and leave their garbage on the table than someone who is saving a table while one person gets the food order.


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