Holiday "W.I.S.H."es - December 2021 thread

Oh. My. God.

I am officially in survival mode. I left the house in a great mood all set to bring more Christmas spirit to my students. My para called out. The backup emergency para is recovering from an operation. So, no help. Then the principal called. Another positive case. More quarantines. I may lose half of my class until January...maybe more. They are dropping like flies. Then someone dropped a pencil, my foot found it, and I ended up on the floor. Ouch! Bruises, definitely sore, but I don't think anything serious. Then I found out that some consultants are coming tomorrow to perform a demo lesson for the kindergarten team, and lots of demands are being made for supplies that I just don't have.

At that point, I got a lump in my throat and had to hold back the tears.

I just can't right now.
Oh. My. God.

I am officially in survival mode. I left the house in a great mood all set to bring more Christmas spirit to my students. My para called out. The backup emergency para is recovering from an operation. So, no help. Then the principal called. Another positive case. More quarantines. I may lose half of my class until January...maybe more. They are dropping like flies. Then someone dropped a pencil, my foot found it, and I ended up on the floor. Ouch! Bruises, definitely sore, but I don't think anything serious. Then I found out that some consultants are coming tomorrow to perform a demo lesson for the kindergarten team, and lots of demands are being made for supplies that I just don't have.

At that point, I got a lump in my throat and had to hold back the tears.

I just can't right now.
:hug: You can do this!

We had a quiet weekend. DH was very surprised to not feel so great on Saturday after getting his covid booster Friday. :sad2: He was happy on Sunday, "It's so nice not to feel my body!"

Had a big windstorm Friday night and Saturday. No damage here but lots of branches down around town.

My motivation this week is to see if I can make another pair of pants just too big to wear anymore!
Oh. My. God.

I am officially in survival mode. I left the house in a great mood all set to bring more Christmas spirit to my students. My para called out. The backup emergency para is recovering from an operation. So, no help. Then the principal called. Another positive case. More quarantines. I may lose half of my class until January...maybe more. They are dropping like flies. Then someone dropped a pencil, my foot found it, and I ended up on the floor. Ouch! Bruises, definitely sore, but I don't think anything serious. Then I found out that some consultants are coming tomorrow to perform a demo lesson for the kindergarten team, and lots of demands are being made for supplies that I just don't have.

At that point, I got a lump in my throat and had to hold back the tears.

I just can't right now.
Sending a hug your way.
This time of year many of the magazines and tv shows feature health tips on how to get through the holidays. Well, we’re a pretty smart group and could probably write those articles ourselves. I’m thinking we all have a good idea to share-something that works for our mental and/or physical well being.

Here’s mine-when I am planning on being out for a while running errands or shopping, I pack a half a peanut butter sandwich, an apple or banana and a bottle of water so I don’t eat from a food court at the mall or a fast food place.

For my mental health, I have learned to give my husband a list of things to do by a certain date. He is always willing to help but unless I ask he assumes I’m good. So that took nearly 40 years of marriage, but knowing he’s in charge of some of the chores is a big stress reliever.
My tip is to talk to your family (or even do an anonymous paper survey) to find out which traditions are actually important to them and which they're just going along with because they think someone else wants to. It can really reduce the amount of stuff you think you "have" to do!
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Oh. My. God.

I am officially in survival mode. I left the house in a great mood all set to bring more Christmas spirit to my students. My para called out. The backup emergency para is recovering from an operation. So, no help. Then the principal called. Another positive case. More quarantines. I may lose half of my class until January...maybe more. They are dropping like flies. Then someone dropped a pencil, my foot found it, and I ended up on the floor. Ouch! Bruises, definitely sore, but I don't think anything serious. Then I found out that some consultants are coming tomorrow to perform a demo lesson for the kindergarten team, and lots of demands are being made for supplies that I just don't have.

At that point, I got a lump in my throat and had to hold back the tears.

I just can't right now.

Hang in there. Break is almost here.

This time of year many of the magazines and tv shows feature health tips on how to get through the holidays. Well, we’re a pretty smart group and could probably write those articles ourselves. I’m thinking we all have a good idea to share-something that works for our mental and/or physical well being.

I always take the 2 weeks at Christmas off. I did this mainly when the kids were little so I could be home with them and we did lots of cleaning in there rooms. Now it is just a nice break. We do have tons of parties but I am good with them as I get to see family. We cook for 2 of them. I was always a mess these days. So DH started putting a time table in Excel for us to follow. This included cleaning and cooking. Everything had a time that it would get done. This more helped with getting food done on time but a reminder of other stuff that needed to get done. The other thing that happened is I had to tell DH to tell his step dad to stay out of the kitchen. As soon as he would get to our house he would start to take over. It would make me so made. So know he is not allowed in the kitchen unless he asks me what he can do to help.

But really my best advise is to take time for yourself. Relax some, watch some Christmas movies and listen to some Christmas music.
This being the first Christmas knowing I'm ADHD I have been thinking a lot about how I 'do' the holidays... which is to over-think, over-plan and over-spend and to stress out. If I'm hosting it is a two month ramp up, partly to get things done that I've been ignoring... my lack of housekeeping skills comes into play here big time. For many years every Christmas was the same, weeks of prep, family comes over we play a game, eat, open presents and then they leave, two or three hours max. And every year I'd be left flat thinking I need to get a new family.

My SIL passed away Christmas of 2016, and for 2017 my Niece invited my Sister to celebrate with her and her husband up at the cabin they had rented, thinking doing something totally different would be good for her, and I went along. It was rough, as my Sister was still in a pretty angry place, but it also opened up for me how Christmas could be done differently. 2018 my Sister hosted at her new place on the coast and I remember sitting there observing that this was probably as good as Christmas can get, everyone was in a jolly good mood, getting along, happy about their gifts. Little did I know it would be the last Christmas together as my Brother passed before Thanksgiving 2019: that Christmas was not a happy affair. Last year there wasn't a large gathering, but I really enjoyed driving around to the different households dropping off presents, it made Christmas more than just one event.

As I've mentioned, this year I was going to host then my SIL wanted to, so I'm doing lunch for my Sister and her Girlfriend then we'll go over to SIL's for dinner and presents, and we'll do Christmas with my Niece and her Husband at New Years. Again, more than just one event, so I think it'll be good. Altho, even with just having two people over I've been prepping for a couple months and am currently over-planning the food, but I am editing myself along the way and not as stressed. But I still want a new family.
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Unless you have a special family recipe embrace the pre-cooked food!
Wait what? No Shanny say it isnt so!
But it is my friends, it is.
I am hosting Christmas dinner this year. It will be small as my parents are in the nursing home and DH's family goes all out for Christmas eve...but that's part of the reason this works! For our dinner my MIL and I decided to let the restuarant my FIL works at do some of the heavy lifting. We are ordering a roast from them (arrives seasoned and with glaze) mashed potatoes and an appetizer. I'll be making a macaroni dish (make ahead) and veggies because we all enjoy them and I can prepare them ahead or toss them in the crockpot. Dessert will be care of the company that provides our milk delivery :)
Christmas day for us will be largely mellow as we are doing all of our visiting Christmas eve. First stop my parents, next stop DH's grandmother then the big gathering at DH's cousin's house. Christmas day the kids can open gifts, hang out and play, likely go to church.
I will be making and freezing cookie dough next week for baking in small doses as we need it. And making meatpies for us and my inlaws probably over the weekend.
This being the first Christmas knowing I'm ADHD I have been thinking a lot about how I 'do' the holidays... which is to over-think, over-plan and over-spend and to stress out. If I'm hosting it is a two month ramp up, partly to get things done that I've been ignoring... my lack of housekeeping skills comes into play here big time. For many years every Christmas was the same, weeks of prep, family comes over we play a game, eat, open presents and then they leave, two or three hours max. And every year I'd be left flat thinking I need to get a new family.

My SIL passed away Christmas of 2016, and for 2017 my Niece invited my Sister to celebrate with her and her husband up at the cabin they had rented, thinking doing something totally different would be good for her, and I went along. It was rough, as my Sister was still in a pretty angry place, but it also opened up for me how Christmas could be done differently. 2018 my Sister hosted at her new place on the coast and I remember sitting there observing that this was probably as good as Christmas can get, everyone was in a jolly good mood, getting along, happy about their gifts. Little did I know it would be the last Christmas together as my Brother passed before Thanksgiving 2019: that Christmas was not a happy affair. Last year there wasn't a large gathering, but I really enjoyed driving around to the different households dropping off presents, it made Christmas more than just one event.

As I've mentioned, this year I was going to host then my SIL wanted to, so I'm doing lunch for my Sister and her Girlfriend then we'll go over to SIL's for dinner and presents, and we'll do Christmas with my Niece and her Husband at New Years. Again, more than just one event, so I think it'll be good. Altho, even with just having two people over I've been prepping for a couple months and am currently over-planning the food, but I am editing myself along the way and not as stressed. But I still want a new family.
I hope you get to host next year! Maybe you should stake your claim this year!
I completely get what you say about over preparing, overthinking. I need to remember when we’re all sitting around, tree lights on and drinking a glass of wine that everything is good-no one is judging my decorating, cleaning or cooking. But it’s hard!
Unless you have a special family recipe embrace the pre-cooked food!
Wait what? No Shanny say it isnt so!
But it is my friends, it is.
I am hosting Christmas dinner this year. It will be small as my parents are in the nursing home and DH's family goes all out for Christmas eve...but that's part of the reason this works! For our dinner my MIL and I decided to let the restuarant my FIL works at do some of the heavy lifting. We are ordering a roast from them (arrives seasoned and with glaze) mashed potatoes and an appetizer. I'll be making a macaroni dish (make ahead) and veggies because we all enjoy them and I can prepare them ahead or toss them in the crockpot. Dessert will be care of the company that provides our milk delivery :)
Christmas day for us will be largely mellow as we are doing all of our visiting Christmas eve. First stop my parents, next stop DH's grandmother then the big gathering at DH's cousin's house. Christmas day the kids can open gifts, hang out and play, likely go to church.
I will be making and freezing cookie dough next week for baking in small doses as we need it. And making meatpies for us and my inlaws probably over the weekend.
Shanny, I wish I had figured that out years ago. It’s only the last couple years I have embraced letting go of doing all the cooking and baking. I have a couple places now that do great appetizers, desserts and Costco mashed potatoes are a life saver -I doctor them up a little and put them in a nice casserole dish and done. No more peeling 5lbs of potatoes for me.
Thank you everyone for your support. It is so nice to know that we can all count on each other. Today had its challenges, but never to the point of me dissolving into tears.

My tip is to "work smart, not hard." In my 20's & 30's, I strived to be the next Martha Stewart and I just overdid everything. I insisted on baking multiple kinds of cookies from scratch and giving a tin of them to all of my friends, family, and coworkers. I went overboard with gifts and wrapping, making my own bows, etc. I really stressed myself out trying to be perfect. Now I only make sugar cookies out of store bought dough and put my energy into decorating them because that is the fun part for me. We bring them to family for Christmas, but that's it. I have gotten more control over gift-giving, no longer going nuts, and I give more to charity now.

As far as diet, I am eating everything in moderation. I always have a protein bar and water with me when I am out so that I don't get dizzy if I forget to eat.
I saw something to the effect that the first Christmas was very simple, yours can be too. Pretty good advice.

I always have a granola bar in the car so I'm not tempted to eat junk food while out and about.

Only Christmas morning happening at our house--and a friend's husband will make the cinnamon rolls! Love that he does that for us every year. All I need to do is probably cook bacon and the kids will be fine.

Today was DS2's birthday and tomorrow is my dad's so now I can decorate! My entire life we've never decorated for the holidays before those. Except Thursday the work starts on our family room so I'm not really sure how that's going to look. It'll be interesting!
I am not too woohooey today. I woke up not feeling great. I will be fine by midday. This happens when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I am also worried about the kids, well mainly DD. Today starts their finals at school, though the semester doesn't end until mid-January. DD does not do well with these big tests and her anxiety goes over board. In the past it was complete melt downs the night before and the the morning of. Like I mean full out melt downs. Crying because she is not going to get enough sleep. Crying because we did have the breakfast she felt that morning that she should have. It took us a bit to realize what was going on and that it was all anxiety. Last night she was a bit of a wreck but handling it well. She now tends to sit with us more and talk non stop. She is really worked up with her English exam as that one they have been able to work on. It is an essay but it has some funky grading thing. It tells her things to fix and she is trying to get 3 bars on 3 different things. She tried to fix it 75 times last night and has 2 bard on two sections and 3 bars on the other. She is talking to the teacher this morning because it is not giving her any suggestions any more. I know they will both do fine but it is still just makes me nervous for them.

I am woohooing though that I am have 3 days left of work, counting today, before I am off for 2 weeks. It will be a good 2 weeks off as I will get a lot done. But I will also be to help our friends that are having the twins. She is not due until Feb 9th but as they put it the babies are not playing nice with each other and they can have the babies at any time but no later them Jan 9th. I don't understand completely what is going on but it has something to do with blood between the 2 and maybe one getting more then the other. But having the time off lets me be able to stop over if they need anything or help getting everything organized and ready for the babies.
I’m waiting on two gifts from Amazon but other than that I am finished shopping and everything is wrapped!
I am downloading a gift certificate to the Spy Museum in Washington DC for my husband today and then I’m done. Woohoo!

Woohoo-having lunch and a day out with good friends Friday.
Woohoo... the new front bay window did actually come yesterday, half an hour for them to pop the old one out and put the new in. It is so nice to actually be able to see out it now, every time I walk thru the living room I think "Wow, I can actually see!".

Woohoo... I'm getting braces. That is woohoo-y, right? He agreed about fixing my overbite and thinks we can make it 50% better, the only surprise is how long it will take. I was thinking it was a minor adjustment, but it is estimated to take 18 months. Like in so many areas the technology has changed so much. They scanned my mouth and created a photo image and he'll manipulate the teeth to where he wants them to go, and the Invisalign trays will be created to get them there. They should be ready by end of January.

Woohoo... the house is almost to sparkle-level, and I did it all myself because I've not gotten myself together to get a cleaning service going. Just a few more things to do here and there, but mostly next week will just be enjoying it all.

Woohoo... Friday this week will be a half day and Friday of next week is Christmas Eve, which we get off because the holiday falls on the weekend, so two short work weeks. And in between we have the Winter Solstice and start getting day light time back - 2 minutes per day! I'm thinking of some sort of ritual to do to celebrate it.


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