Holiday "W.I.S.H."es - December 2021 thread

Yesterday was dry but with high winds so we didn't do much. Today is pouring and looks like it's going to stay that way for several days!

Had a nice weigh in yesterday. I didn't help it by eating a couple cookies a friend dropped by! Normally we do the exchange on Wednesday so I was surprised to see her yesterday.

Have a breakfast with a group (in a garage with the doors open!) Monday morning and then the Wednesday breakfast/gift exchange at a restaurant. Can't say I really want to do that one after listening to the news!

Mudwork is drying in the room so hoping tomorrow they can apply texture and we can move on to next steps!
Thanks for all the love everyone. :grouphug:

The best gift I have ever given has to be the Christmas we brought DD to WDW. She was 11, and by some miracle, she still believed in Santa Claus. DH and I worked very hard at preserving her childhood as long as possible. Anyway, we drove from CT to Orlando, and hidden way in the back of our trunk were her Christmas gifts wrapped in the Santa paper I always used for her gifts from Santa Claus. We arrived on Christmas Eve, and the Big guy was in the hotel lobby waiting for us. She was beyond excited and I just cried during the entire checking in process. After she fell asleep, DH retrieved her gifts and left them at the foot of her bed. She woke up to discover that Santa found her in Disney World. Her face was in shock. I can still see the look on her face holding the American Girl doll and Nutcracker on top of her bed in our hotel room. The week was completely magical…beyond words.
So. I am still feeling very lethargic and short of breath if I do anything remotely physical. Our PCR’s came back negative. I spoke with the doctor because it doesn’t make sense. Why do I feel like this? She said that the vaccine is working, and apparently fully vaccinated and boosted people should not get tested until 5 days after symptoms begin or you will get a false negative result. So we’re going back to retest on Tuesday. It’s highly unlikely that I will escape getting COVID because my DD has it, and we’re very close. She has probably had it for a while and we’re together all the time.

I shared all of this information with my principal who is being fine, but I can tell that she just wants a definitive answer (me too) and a copy of a positive test or a negative test and me back at work. If I were to return tomorrow, I don’t even know if I could make it to my classroom without collapsing, much less teach and discipline my rowdy bunch. I would end up sitting at my desk showing videos all day while the inmates take over the asylum and probably exposing everyone to COVID.

My attendance is stellar, and she should know me well enough that I am not trying to get away with anything. My focus is on taking care of my sick kid and myself.
Summer, my daughter is going through the exact same scenario. Got her booster Thursday and had been experiencing the same symptoms you describe. She was going to try to get tested today but from what you say the results wouldn’t be accurate.
We’re getting ready to cancel my sister’s visit because her husband has an extremely compromised immune system.
Summer, my daughter is going through the exact same scenario. Got her booster Thursday and had been experiencing the same symptoms you describe. She was going to try to get tested today but from what you say the results wouldn’t be accurate.
We’re getting ready to cancel my sister’s visit because her husband has an extremely compromised immune system.
Prayers that she is experiencing the side effects of the booster, and not COVID itself. This is so stressful for everyone. I am sorry that your family is going through this.
I woke up with a scratchy throat and stuffy nose which cleared up with my morning coffee. I had a little more energy this morning, so I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. My stomach, however, has taken a turn for the worst today.🤢

I feel sad not being in school for Grinchmas. I planned on reading the book and had a cute lesson to go with it followed by a Grinch ornament craft. In the afternoon, we were going to watch the original cartoon from my childhood which I have on DVD. Hopefully the sub will at least show the DVD, but I will be surprised if she/he actually does the craft. They tend to just want to give the kids worksheets from the sub folder.🙄

Tomorrow I go for my next COVID test. If it comes back negative, I will need advice from the doctor since I am still symptomatic. I can be out for 3 days without a note, but if I am supposedly negative but have symptoms, I don't feel like it is fair for me to risk exposing anyone to whatever I have wrong with me. I will need some sort of documentation from them if they want me to continue to quarantine without a positive result. I guess I should stop obsessing about it and see what happens tomorrow. Meanwhile, DD who is most definitely positive is being harassed by her boss, but corporate told her that she couldn't return to work until the 28th. When people are ill, they shouldn't have to deal with this kind of nonsense and be able to focus on healing.

On the positive side of things, DH is at work, and DD and I can relax without him bugging us which he does so well.
That's so frustrating @Summer2018! If it's not covid it's clearly something in the flu family, can your dr write a note?

Best gift I ever gave on Christmas was the announcement DS9 was coming, we told the grandparents on Christmas. Through tears my mother in law suggested I return the shirt she bought me ha!

This weekend was busy with baking and a quick visit from one of my friends. It was not a good weekend for healthy eating...opps.

Yesterday was all about lights. We went to a drive through attraction about 20 mins away. Then went to the electricians' union headquarters, they set up a light/music display. Then it was a trip to the mayor's house (yes you read that right) he has done a display for YEARS. It's not as large now that he is mayor but it's still impressive. He raises money for the tomorrow fund. A few years ago he made a mobile display and parks outside the local children's hospital a couple times a year, other companies follow his lead and participate in "good night lights" there as well. Last year during covid and before the election the mobile lights criss crossed the city to bring some fun mid-spring.
Sorry the pick is sideways, it's a truck with a tree.


I'm going to work at holding 'joy, love and peace' my heart, because really I woke up this morning with a big 'ugh'. I had been having stomach aches and wondered if it was the green drink I was trying, so stopped and sure enough they cleared up. Last night I tried a bottle of Iconic protein drink, which I didn't think I'd had problem with before, and woke up this morning with my wet lectin cough and a tummy ache. I really feel like a supplemental drink or pill is the way for me to go to make sure I'm getting everything I need, so the search is on. Spirulina does not have lectin, so that is what I'm going to try next.

On a brighter note, I've decided to add Wednesday as a day off this week, and had already put in for Thursday (and forgotten about it, so Merry Christmas to me), so this is going to be a very short work week. Now I really need to think about what I want to do each day. Tomorrow is the Solstice, so it will be all about light, I'm even thinking of putting luminaries out.

Wow, wow, wow... when I went out to Starbucks this morning the rain sounded different, it was kind of strange. Then on the car radio they said the temp was 37 degrees and I thought yikes, that's in the snow range, and sure enough a few minutes ago some really big wet flakes have started to come down. It was so pretty.
We waited for nearly 3 hours to get retested. Another negative on the rapid. I described my symptoms and the doctor said that I needed to continue to isolate until I get a negative PCR. So she wrote me a note to send to HR.

If this isn’t covid, I am dying to know what I have. I now have canker sores and a flushed face in addition to everything else. This is getting ridiculous.

DD is beginning to have breathing issues, but her asthma inhaler helps thank God.

I’m very happy that winter☃is here…only six months until summer.
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We waited for nearly 3 hours to get retested. Another negative on the rapid. I described my symptoms and the doctor said that I needed to continue to isolate until I get a negative PCR. So she wrote me a note to send to HR.

If this isn’t covid, I am dying to know what I have. I now have canker sores and a flushed face in addition to everything else. This is getting ridiculous.

DD is beginning to have breathing issues, but her asthma inhaler helps thank God.

I’m very happy that winter☃is here…only six months until summer.

I am so sorry you guys are still not feeling good. I hope you start to turn the corner. :hug:
I have been super busy the last few days. Cookies are made. The sugar cookies need to be iced but DH and her friend are going to do that tomorrow. All the wrapping is done and all the grocery shopping is done. My feet have been hurting the last few days. Tonight is our first party. I am a bit nervous with covid but I am holding it together. I hope everyone else is having a great week.
We’re still waiting for my daughter’s test results. Postponed our visit with my sister and her husband because he is very immune compromised. If we have to have Christmas Sunday or Monday I am ok with that. I just want her to feel better. She is very fatigued but it could be much worse.
I will listen to Christmas music and bake cookies tomorrow.
@Summer2018 sounds like maybe a random viral infection. I got one as a kid that sounds a lot like yours...ended up losing all my remaining baby teeth during it!

Got a call DD got exposed to covid on the bus. So no school tomorrow. Was panicking! Follow up email reveals her exposure was over a week ago, PCR test on the bus mate took 6 days! So her quarantine ends the day after it starts. We were with legit the entire family over the weekend so...yeah. Way to go department of health!

Finished wrapping today, mixed up skinny buckeyes and will dip those tomorrow. Going to make gingerbread tomorrow so the kids can decorate that on Thursday. Also have a chocolate chip gingerbread house they can decorate too. Have to run to the market tomorrow and then to a co-workers house to pick up the cutest Disney princess inspired sweatshirt she made for my niece. I love having artistic friends!

Oh and in an early woowhoo I got a promotion! Merry Christmas to me!


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