Hope the coyotes don't gobble me up


Babcia Extraordinaire/B-Elder YaYa
Sep 5, 2001
Going out to walk around a bit. Neighbors have said the coyotes have been getting bolder about coming out from around the river to the yards to catch rabbits to eat.

Hope I don't look like a rabbit (LOL)

If I do not check in by tomorrow morning, contact DH and tell him I am being held captive or been eaten by a coyote :(
Have a nice walk. Make sure you check in when you get back. You have me worried.
My dog go crazy because sometimes coyotes come out outta the canyon behind out house, and walk along the fence! Be careful!
Hi. I'm back. :bounce:

It's creepy out there tonite. NOT ONE other person out tonite. No kids playing, no adults out for any reason.

Didn't feel comfortable walking around since DH is asleep.

(Click ruby slippers together, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home" :Pinkbounc
Glad you are back safe and sound. Now I can get some sleep. Good Night.
Thanks for "watching out for me" bfeller. :D (and all the rest of you who were worried about me)

Have a good nites sleep.
Groosch newmousecateer !!

I've had teu dew battle with 'em sneeky devil's here on ter ferm!!

I think I've found ter solution....PM me burfore yer next walk...
....and I'll dew a flanking maneuver...
..If they git ter close...I'll lay down sum cover fer yer!

Speaking of coyotes...does anyone know what kind of noise they make. For the past several weeks (when it's dark) we are hearing a terrible "screeching" sound in the neighborhood. We have never heard anything like it before. We know that we have coyotes in the area. It has everyone in the neighborhood baffled because it is such an unusual sound.
hmmmm I don't think they screech, but they do bark/yip/howl.....could the screeching be owls?
Ummm.. And I thought I had it rough with the foxes up to the lake.. At least they run AWAY from people!!

Be careful on those walks.. You might want to carry a big stick or something..
A coyote howl sounds like this sound

<embed src="http://www.ngpc.state.ne.us/sounds/coyote.au" hidden=true autostart=true>

There's a sound clip on this site that is kind of freaky, give it a listen and see if that's the sound you've been hearing <b>INFO ABOUT COYOTES</b>
Thanks nativetxn..... that's definitely not the sound we've been hearing. Someone told me that it may be a heron but I didn't think a heron would be out at night. We do have lots of woods around us and a small pond not too far away but the sound is not coming from the pond! It is weird.......I've lived in this house for 25 years and have NEVER heard this before.


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