how about an ongoing help the ill children group UPDATE WE CAN DO IT!!!

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Here is Jennifer's reply (what a great lady!!)

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Andy I would be willing to make verification calls, I think that is a great idea asking for a contact with the organization just to verify.
I can't tell you how happy this has made me! I called DH at work to tell him that they said yes and he thinks I am a bit nutty to be so excited.. but then he always said I would have every stray animal in town if Mike wasn't allergic.....oh boy think of how happy we can make some children.. Boy this is almost as good as champagne!
Great job Ann....thanx!!
I am glad Disney came through for you/us!! It is so nice of you to take this time and effort to set up some type of fund. I know there are many of us who will be willing to donate knowing it may help brighten a child's day.
Once again your generosity and kind spirit comes out!!! You are truly a wonderful person and everyone who comes into contact with you knows that!!!!! I am excited about this! We have a fund of just a few dollars here and there that we use to give to a local charity here but I would rather send it to a child to use on a cruise! I dont know what happens to it when we give it to a local charity but at least that way the family could use it to have fun however they see fit!!

Awesome...keep us informed please! You are truly a kind hearted person!!!!

I love that this is something that my twin DDs can help with. We have been looking for something like this that they can help with, and what a perfect opportunity! My DDs have spent their last 4 birthdays on the cruise and we are booked for their birthday next year. It is a VERY special thing for them. NOW they can help another child in need enjoy the vacation they love the most.

I already talked with my daughters about it and they both loved the idea of using some of their money in this way (and mom can help out too---I give them jobs to earn the money and I get my house cleaned ;) ).

So please let us know when this is ready to go. This is going to be my DD's project for giving this year!

Ann - your prayers were answered! This is perfect - as Hydster says, donating to various charities is a good thing, but one feels so removed from what your donations actually do -- This is much more satisfying - to be able to do this and know that it is being put towards the enjoyment of a child who deserves!!

Tell DHJ that I said he should be very proud of you indeed --

Congratulations Ann - I knew if anyone could pull this off it would be you! You are a special lady who will be repaid with blessings many times over!
how to proceed. In my enthusiasm I hope I did not overstep any bounds. Does anyone know how I could contact Mr. Werner himself to see if it is ok to have a permant thread?
Tonight has been such a special night. At dinner I went on and on to Jay and Michael how happy I was that I could help get this going. After supper Mike went up to his room and came down with his entire wallet - twenty dollars he has been saving for a new gamecube game. He said, "now that you can do it , give my money to four kids, - heck Grammy will buy me the game for Christmas if I ask." Boy do I have a great kid or what? I did take his money but plan on getting him the game myself right before we leave for our trip as a surprise.
You are truly an awesome person, for thinking of this whole idea.... let me know if there's anything you need help with.
Ann, can you say "I am a good Role Model for my son" about three times fast???

You deserve something too -- Where might the TAG FAIRY be this evening???

Not only have you started something to help many, many children, look what you have going at home!! Awesome young man!!



Mr. Werner if you are out there, let us know if you mind if we do this.

Ann...I'm so excited. Expect a PM in about 5 minutes

here is a sample of what I am having her run by Mr. Werner.. Now everyone keep in mind he is not running a charity and has to be careful about what he allows to be posted. I am willing to run interferance and do all the verifying of charities....... I hope so much this can come together, this is such a great day!!
Anyhow here is what I suggested to regina, if anyone has other ideas feel free to help me word it better.

Make an ill child's wish even better thread....
If you have a terminally ill child who is a benificiary of an established "wish foundation" who has choosen Disney Cruise Line as their perfect "once in a lifetime wish" we would like to enchance that experience. Please post a small biography of your child and their illness and why they picked a Disney cruise. You will be contacted privately and a request for a contact number for the sponcering organization to verify if they are indeed a wish child will be made. If all is verified than Ann will post your child'''s sail date on the thread and anyone wishing to make contributions will do so via fax or telephone directly to DCL. The contibutions will be credited to the onboard account of the family to inhance their Disney experience.
Wonderfully said. I can't think of anything else, but then I'm flying high as I just read that DCL is fine with it.

Please count our family in too! What a wonderful idea!
Hope everyone has a great night!
Count me in! ::yes::

I know I had a great time on our 10/9 DCL cruise. We're empty nesters so, I was trying to figure out how I could share the fun with a child.

Here's a way!
I thought I would add my name to list of Disers who are thrilled this is all working out. Will the Mods be more apt to allow the new thread if we all let them know how important it is to us and how many of us believe in this idea?

Please understand I ambehind this idea 100%.

Thanks for all your hard work AnnMorin. You made my day brighter knowing we all can help a child!:D
I do understand if the owner of the board wants to digest it. I am more than willing to handle all verifications and postings, If there are modifications you wish please let me know Mr. Werner. Unfortuneatly I don't know how to reach you directly.
This idea is wonderful! Ann you are a special lady indeed! Some people think it is easier to give their money, but you are willing to donate your time as well. That is really generous!
I hope it's all right if I add some things that I thought of today.
One is that you may not get far by calling to verify with the wish granting organization. I know I was told that someone called our wish granter and wanted to give them money specific for Nate to use on his trip and Robin had to call me about it. She said they couldn’t under any circumstances give out any information about the children. Not names, not addresses, not telephone numbers not even that they have a child with his name getting a wish. She told this person that she could give me their information and I would have to contact them myself. I mean they can take a donation in a child’s name. But they cannot say anything about a specific child getting a wish because of privacy and protection for the family. (Yes believe it or not we get sales calls for things that deal with having an ill child! Funeral homes, estate planners and so forth.) There are also some safety reasons that I would never have even thought of.
It's a shame it should even have to be an issue. I think it's deplorable that someone would lie about having a sick child. I'm sure it's because I have a sick child, but I feel very protective of the organizations and people that try to bring some happiness to these kids. You all have been to good to us; it would make me furious if someone was trying to take advantage of you all, or Disney. Unfortunately, it probably will happen and in fact I know it has already. (cannot explain).
Another thing is, Eric and I are very positive about our situation. We have no problems talking about Nate, same as people with healthy children like to talk about their kids. However, my hospice nurse tells me that not all families are that way. Some people don't want to talk about it at all because they are still so hurt by it all. They have not gotten to the place where they can be positive yet. So, keep in mind it might be hard for someone to post a bio about their child or situation. Although I fully agree that something needs to be said about their reason for the wish.
One last thing, and I pray this wouldn’t happen, but what if there was a really sick kid going on a wish trip and they posted their story and everything, but for whatever reason, no one contributed to them. Do you all think that would really be hurtful to the family?
Again, I think it is all a wonderful idea and Ann is so intelligent that I know she will hammer out the details. I just was thinking about these points as someone who has been in the situation that you are all doing this for. Let me know if I can help at all. I could even call Robin at the Wishing Well and ask her advice.
Hello gang! :Pinkbounc

Good thoughts on the subject Chris, However I think that whomever is posting on here about their child should willingly be able to give to Ann ( because she said she would do verifications ) a contact person that the family is dealing with at the organization working with them. IE: I have one particular lady that I can call and talk you had mentioned yours was Robin.
The family posting about their child will just have to tell the contact person at they're particular agency that there will/could be a phone call coming in from a lady named Ann Morin and they have permission to say if your child is/isnt affiliated or not. All Ann wants to hear is a yes or no, am I correct Ann??

And, another thing mentioned was there could be a posting about a child and no one donating. My personal opinion on this matter is I can't see that ever happening, not in this day and age...and further more..Not in this forum. (But, I guess anything is possible.)

I dont care where you are, who you are, or what you are trying to do~rich or poor~cute or ugly~ but my beleif is also that you are going to find one bad apple in everycrowd; in this world any more.. I can't see why someone/anyone would say they have a sick kid if they dont. But we see on the news every day of our lives that there certainly are idiots out there trying to take... OR I should say steal ....IE: On the news here, they showed two women, one in Ohio, and I beleive the other was in Tx that said they had a sick kid and set out money jars!! Hope they get life for acting like that!

And one more thought is there has to be a way out there in this high tech world that we live in today that these wish-granting organizations can contact one another with whom a wish has been granted to and whom not... I had to sign off on that when Alyssa's wishgranter came here.

But anyway, Just a few suggestions from my end too here ladies and gents, hope this helps out as well....

I sent you a "book" Chris, LOL, Check your pms!! :wave2:

Hugs to ALL of youns!! :grouphug:


I sent you an e-mail letting you know how to get Alyssa's photo in your signature, there was one step you missed, I hope you can work it out.
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