how about an ongoing help the ill children group UPDATE WE CAN DO IT!!!

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Is that post above for real :rolleyes:
What a senseless thing to post on this forum. If you have something to say about someone, then say it to them, what do we care...
Obviously this person had nothing better to do...this is shameful.

OK Andy, thanks alot! I knew I did something wrong, I just didn't know what... :p

Chris that would be great if you could speak directly to your contact and ask for suggestions. I think Kathy may have a thought though, if the wish participant called first to the organization and said that I was going to call to just verify the child is a participant-no deals like prognosis, home address, phone etc I would think they would be ok with a simple yes or no?
Hmmm maybe we could assist someone in writing their child's profile? I too would hate to have someone left out, that would hurt greatly.I do think though if they are at the point to want the wish and are hoping for extra donations they would be ready to talk about it? Not sure as I have only "been there" with my sister and heck I was only ten. Thanks for the thoughts and it would be great if you could call her, maybe she could give me some suggestions.
I emailed Webmaster Pete this morning, hopefully he will approve the idea.

I'm glad to see that you are finding your way with this great group of folks - and hope that you don't let those unfortunate comments jade you. MOST folks here are of the same spirit..

BTW - check your PMs shortly...

It's wonderful to help these children. I pray that ChattyKathy's family has the most magical and unforgettable time on their cruise.
Hey Gang...:pinkbounc:
Kevin~Nahhh!! Not me, No one can jade me into beleiving anyone elses negative and unfortunate thoughts and let it effect my opinion... I have my own ears and eyes, I can see people for what they are myself. I deal with the public every day of my life and it is perty easy for me to read thru them. At least I would like to think so.
I think everyone in here has been perfectly warm and friendly, I came in a complete stranger with questions and answers like the rest and here I am still lurking around! :hyper:
And, thanks alot stormi, your too sweet...

Each and every organization is different and I think that is a great idea if Chris could ask about suggestions... But I certainly wouldnt think a simple yes or no would hurt any soul, especially if they're child would benefit from it in the longrun.

Does anyone 'honestly' think that someone would post in here and no one would donate or respond to it? Correct me if I'm wrong... but; you guys have been just great and I just couldn't see it happening.

I don't have a problem talking about Alyssa being ill... as Chris said she and her hubby dont either talking about Nate.. You have to face the music sooner or later, and it might as well be you can deal with it. This isn't a perfect some people think it is...

Oh well, let me know if you need anything on this end too Ann...Keep in touch everyone.....:)

Kathy :grouphug:
I think this a great idea. I know how magical and wonderful Disney cruises are to me. I can't even imagine what it means to a sick child and his or her family.

Thanks Ann!
I've been communicating behind the scenes with Ann since this began. I've chosen to stay silent as I don't want to take any of the credit away from the OP for this idea.

I've been the go between and Pete is involved. We're all working on the best way to get this in place.

Pagehouse, your firsthand advice is invaluable. You've brought up some hurdles that must be considered in getting this to work.

It's very unfortunate that this thread was temporarily hijacked. Let's keep the focus where it belongs.

Do let me know how I can help. Ann you are one of the many wonderful people on this board.

Have a wonderful day :sunny:
I am so glad that this is taking shape. Please let me know what I can do.
HI everyone,
MAW's VP of Program Services just called me. She received a phone call 'from someone thru the grapevine' about her office misleading/misinforming me about the 7 day cruise. She asked for the whole story...

Well, I think Chris was exactly right....While I had MAW on the phone, I went ahead and asked about this donation thing going on in here. I asked MAW who I could use as a contact person/rep from they're office for verification that Alyssa is a WishChild.... I explained that I would give MY permission (Alyssa's mom) to give a yes/no answer to someone that I would give a name to. Well, she told me they cannot in any way, shape or form do that. She told me things have gotten so bad out there, that they can't even talk to Alyssa's/or anyother childs drs about her/whomever.....even though the dr is signing, basically admitting she is eligible for the program. I even offered to do a 3 way phone call with them and she told me no.:mad:

Back to square one Ann....

The only other alternative is to mail or fax this ton of paperwork I have here from MAW ...walking me thru this procedure...I can fax or smail mail copies to Ann, and there would be the verification.
Unless, we try to do what I had suggested before, and that is to use the verification they have at DCL when they get the cruise requests... MAW directly sends that to DCL, and if thats not verification enough, well....

Any other thoughts Girls and Boys...

Kathy :grouphug:
I did get a great suggestion about contacting MAW and donating directly to that child's account. I do wonder though if it would be spent on little "extras" or maintaning the huge expense of these trips.
So I guess for me anyhow it will come down to a leap of faith. I didn't know Nate or April, don't know Alyssa, have no "medical proof" on anyone. I do have a gut feeling about people though and I am going to take advantage of DCL's waiver for the ill children. If someone rips me off, so be it- it is a sad individual that would make up a story about an ill child to just get my five dollars, and if they need it that bad they can have it. At least I know by putting it on a DCL shipboard account it has to be spent on the ship, will some mom's and dad's take it and waste my generosity on drinks for themselves? Probably some, I can only hope they then spend that same amount on something for their child. I am still waiting to hear if Pete will allow a thread, if not I will keep reading and when I hear of an ill child I will post that I do know how donations can be made. If anyone has any suggesstions etc feel free to pm me. For now I guess that is it until I hear from Mr. Werner or Regina.

ANN Im not sure what to think.........................

I know that Nate was helped and alot of people took
great pleasure in doing it....

It was the first time that I can remember that something like that had happened on this forum as far back as I can remember...

So it will always be special to us..............

As far as getting something set up .... U will have a lot of Hurrdles to over come.......

JUST dont know what to say........................:(
I hope that something can be worked out that is safe, secure and benefits a wonderful child.

I know that the privacy laws these days are impossible to break through :(. I couldn't even get information from a lab about my daughters bills. They had to get permission from my doctor, essentially protecting me from myself :rolleyes:

Maybe there is a way for these boards to have contacts within different MAW organizations, where there wouldn't have to be any release of information...maybe a code number or something, that Pete had access to, in order to confirm any requests with legitimate MAW groups.
That didn't sound too clear.

To clarify:

What if a person with a sick child with a wish, had a code number on file with MAW. They post their story on a thread on the cruise board. They give their code number to Pete and the legitimate MAW organization they are dealing with and Pete confirms this code number with the MAW. Then donations to that account can be made directly to MAW??
Ann is to be commended for her generosity and enthusiasm. This is one of the nicest bulletin boards on the net, filled with some of the best people on the globe.
I know this is the first time I posted to this thread, but please know that I am behind all of you 100% and hope we can contribute even in a small way to a 'fund' of some sort.

Just so you all know, my sister works for our MAW foundation in my area (Northeastern PA) and if there are any questions you need answered, I'm sure she'd be happy to provide info.
This is just a thought, but:

Can't we set up (with the permission of Pete) a scholarship-style fund that we can all donate to that would in turn be handed over annually or bi-annually to DCL? DCL would then take the funds and equally dispurse it to all Wish-style cruisers? It would take our faith and trust in DCL (which I'm sure many of us have) to do this, but then we wouldn't have to get involved in knowing exactly who the $ is going to and verifying actual illness or anything? Maybe anyone who posts on the Boards with a wish can then be directed towards a DIS Wish Board of Directors or something and then forwarded to DCL?

Does this make sense?
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