how about an ongoing help the ill children group UPDATE WE CAN DO IT!!!

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I will try to re read everything in the morning. This has been just about the oposite of yesterday which was the best day in my life with DCL saying yes! Besides the hateful nonsence this morning this afternoon I had very sad news that I need to work through,
I really like your idea CRB, and anyone who had more please feel free to contact me. Sorry I am not up to speed tonight..but we will make this happen some way!
So sorry about your sad news. Try to keep smiling! You're a dear sweet lady and we all appreciate and care about you. :)

You're in my prayers.

I work at a hospital in NE Pennsylvania and with the new privacy laws (HIPPA) absolutely no information can be given out on any patient. I had to sign a form at the doctor's office that I was allowed to receive any information about my teenagers health or tests since she was a minor. We can't even verify that a person is a patient in our used to be able to call and ask if so and so was a patient at our hospital and we can't tell you. You now have to ask what room so and so is in (so they assume that you know that so and so is a patient) and then you will be told that so and so is not at our hospital. Seems like instead of decreasing our paperwork, it is increased.

Ann...kudos for the time and generosity you have put into this thread...count us in even if it is just a few dollars. You always get back twofold any charity that you give to...keep up the good work AnnMorin and don't let any bad thoughts affect your good deeds. Sorry to hear of the loss of your best friend's mother.
I still think there's a way to do this. It may take time to sort things out - but good gestures are often rewarded with good deeds. Keep the faith Ann. :)
I have been a DIS member for over 4 years and there will never be a kinder, more caring group of people than those found here. There have been occasions when someone’s personal story touched DIS members and all came together in joyful exuberance or heartfelt compassion to help one another. These were spontaneous gestures because hearts were touched. There was the Mom who was trying desperately to find a larger room so she could take her special needs child when her careprovider had to withdraw and the Mom might have to stay home, there was Nate and then April and even a couple of weddings that many became excited about. And the DIS members never asked for anything in return. What a classy group of people!!

Last night, I really read through this thread again. I have had some true misgivings about establishing a formal program or fund instead of just naturally coming together when we are touched by an individual story. Last evening, other poster’s had presented experiences and concerns which cautioned us about the idea. The posts were well-written and, I thought, most genuine with concern for the members of the DIS. When I awoke this morning, some of those posts had been deleted or edited and, while I support the poster’s decision, I felt compelled to post. I have concerns that perhaps a formal fund or program or concept is not the way to go.

The joy of watching DIS’ers come together and offer prayers, pixie dust, good wishes and old-fashioned empathy has been really incredible. In some cases, there was some financial support provided by individuals but, overall, it was the genuine outpouring of love and goodness that touched the recipients.

I love the generosity of spirit and truly admire the place from which this idea was born. It is yet again another example of the goodness of the people on the DIS and their desire to serve others. Thank you, Ann, for demonstrating such kindness and compassion - I have the utmost respect for those that give of themselves from the heart. But, with that said, I would humbly suggest that these “events” remain spontaneous vice an on-going thread or focus for the board.
Okay folks, here it goes.

Ann is not the first person who wanted to establish something like this. There's no finer or more generous group of people than what you'll find on the DIS.

It was suggested to me that this thread be closed/removed because it always ends up the same. I disagreed for two reasons. One, I sincerely hoped that this time a solution to the hurdles be found, and second, I wanted to give all of you the opportunity to come to the realization that it can't be done. It's my opinion that it's come to that juncture.

Where does this leave us? Right back where we started, but that's not necessarily bad. Ann was able to have Disney waive their minimum, and that's very good news.

You've all done so much without any formal procedures in place. Just continue to keep your hearts open, and a way will always be found. :D
Good morning, it is with a heavy heart I must announce that the ongoing thread just will not work. Unfortunately due to recent events it has become obvious that the board can not be responsible for , in my opinion criminal acts, of individuals that would seek to take advantage of the generosity of Dis members.
As I sat at the breakfast table this morning relating to my son and husband how sad this makes me my son spoke up. He said, “you did not fail mom, you got Disney to waive the minimum, that is what is important so what if it can’t be on there all the time.” I have one smart cookie for a child. He is right, we can continue as before, at least now we know if we care to donate to someone DCL will allow it in small increments. I have saved their email instructions. Shirley and Andy (and anyone else)please continue to notify me when you hear of an ill child. If one is brought to the attention of the board and people want to make donations, I will post the instructions or tell them to pm me for instructions. Sadly since there really is nothing left to discuss on the issue I am requesting the thread closed. take care. Ann
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