How do u pronounce your name

Your english teacher is incorrect. And Pete is reported!!!

Like most said. Like Ang-gus.


Gee shawn? rofl.. oh i know i know gas.

And cyre I was going to say kire but only after seeing you assumed nobody would get it right. Otherwise I would have guessed sire also ROFL.

We have a winner!

Mines not how you guess :)

Would the g be silent?
I am never silent.:lmao:

Put up hand oh oh the G is the first letter of you Given name so the g does not count boy am I good.:cool1: Yup even know your first name no I am not a stalker I found it on introduce yourself here on Dis.
That is correct

Uh... Sponge - Blair? XD

I always think of Twinkie, would that be why you are titled yellow in the game?
Spongeblair is it pronounced like this?

Sponge - Bliy-are?

Mine's too easy to guess LOL

Anyone wanna give it a shot?
So he really is a god!!!

Now instead of OMG we shall say OMA

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif]the name of a Celtic god. [/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif]Óengus, Áengus, Aengus[/FONT]

Not just any god. The god of glove :rotfl:

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeello Lily :goodvibes
I pronounce Aengus's name like McDonald's commercials pronounce angus burger ;)

I pronounce my name REN-pen-er
Although other peeps have pronounced it REN-pen-ear or REN-pen-ay (as if it was French, lol)

How about my name? It's actually harder than it looks.

At least that's how So. Cal peeps say it... ;)


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